Chapter 135 - Ortega's Rhapsody


With a scream, a girl in pajamas rushed out from her room, the girl's mother and aunt were chatting in the living room, the girl's sudden scream startled them both.

The girl's mother immediately stood up and was about to go upstairs to check, but collided with her daughter at the stairway. The girl threw her arms around her mother's neck and kissed her excitedly on the cheek. Seeing such a situation, the girl's mother finally let go of her worries, although she didn't know what had made her daughter so excited, it shouldn't be anything bad.

The mother dotingly rubbed the girl's head, kissed her forehead, and finally hugged her face, ''Say, baby, what made you excited like this. It just so happens that your aunt is here, so let her hear your happy story too?"

"Will you guys take a guess?" Seeing her aunt sitting right there in the living room, the girl obediently got out of her mother's arms and bounced up to her aunt, hugging and kissing each other on the cheek.

The girl's aunt has a big sexy mouth, if there are reporters present, they will be surprised, because the "aunt" who is kneading the girl's cheeks, is the most influential female movie star in Hollywood, Julia Roberts.

This has been named the most powerful figure in Hollywood, in the "Forbes" magazine's "100 Power List" in the 12th place, Hollywood's highest-paid actress, at this time on the face is a loving smile.

In front of this and his own similar experience of the niece, Julia has always favored. She often took the girl with her when she was filming, and the filming location became the girl's favorite playground, and when she was filming "Never Compromise" she refused to leave until the girl's mother came and dragged her home.

"Let me guess which movie our little Emma was cast in?"

Julia's reward for a correct answer was a kiss on the cheek from the girl, who carried her hands in triumph, "My aunt still knows me!"

The girl's name was Emma Roberts, her mother had separated from her father when she was seven months old, and when the two sides were fighting over Emma's custody, Julia Roberts didn't take her brother's side, but in turn helped Emma's mother win custody. This was because at the time Julia found out that her brother was addicted to drugs, and Julia had deep preconceived notions about him, believing that her brother was incapable of raising his young niece.

It wasn't until Julia Roberts gave birth to her twin children this year and her brother came to visit that their relationship was repaired. However, Julia Roberts and her niece Emma have always been very close, and as a child, Emma even called her husband "Daddy".

Seeing the lovely expression on the girl's face, Julia pulled her to her side and sat down, "Your mom was just complaining to me that you've been running around like crazy this whole time, you've been sneaking off to auditions, right?"

Under the influence of her aunt Julia Roberts, Emma couldn't wait to get into acting, but her mother was more interested in letting her live the life of a normal kid, and it wasn't until she was 9 years old that she finally couldn't argue with her agonizing and let her go to the audition.

Roberts' last name really does have a unique on-screen appeal, and Emma managed to get the chance to play Johnny Depp's daughter in American Vice. However, this reproduction of real drug dealers life of the movie is obviously beyond Emma's comprehension, coupled with the male and female star Penelope Cruz and Depp's radiance far from completely overshadowed her, so much so that every time you mention this matter, Emma's side of the friends are all screaming at her: "That's a very good-looking movie, I really didn't expect you to be in it too! "

In an effort to prove herself, Emma continued to audition for various roles, and after a few small cameos in a few movies, it was the Nickelodeon Children's Channel's children's sitcom, "Priggish", that really made Emma's mark. If nothing else, this movie could help her make the transition from teenage child star to teen idol.

But just at this time, Disney had launched a huge casting call in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom for several new roles to be added to Follies 3. Thousands of young people had participated in the auditions, and Emma had signed up for the event with the intention of giving it a try. Just now in her room, she received a call from the cast of Follies 3 that she had been selected. Excited, she screamed and rushed out of her room, and then the scene just now happened.

After Julia Roberts learned the news, she was also secretly surprised, because in the United States, "Cabaret Youth" carries countless dazzling halos, and is called "HSM" by young people, which has become a kind of pop culture symbol. According to statistics, the first two episodes of the movie have been watched by 450 million people around the world, which means that one in fifteen people around the world have seen one of the episodes of the movie. This can be considered a miracle for a teen movie, and only a Disney Channel TV movie at that.

There has been a lot of media hype about this movie in the meantime, but Julia Roberts is more concerned about what kind of role her niece got in this movie.

"I play a high school student who transfers from England and becomes Pessa's assistant in the movie!" Emma was so excited that she clasped her hands and pressed them tightly against her chest, "Auntie, you know that my favorite TV show is The Boys of Orange County, and I love love love the novels are Twilight, and I'm going to be working with my favorite idol, Felix Lim, soon, and he's also the author of both The Boys of Orange County and Twilight, and I'm so excited right now that I'm about to lose my mind! "

"I'm getting a little jealous of Felix Lim, when did he take my place in your heart?" Julia Roberts reached over and hung Emma's nose, snickering, "Our Emma is finally growing up!"

"Auntie!" Emma hid in Julia Roberts' arms as if she was pampered, her cheeks as shy as a ripe apple.


Disney put the movie's budget at an unprecedented $20 million, which is a sky-high price for a cabaret. However, Song and Dance has made several of the lead actors popular, and their paychecks have risen, especially Lin Mingyang, for whom 5 million dollars is already his minimum paycheck.

Because the shooting time was only five weeks, and there were a lot of song and dance scenes, it was only possible to rehearse once or twice before having to officially shoot, but also try not to make mistakes, every staff member was under a lot of pressure. A few of the main actors are early in the set, Lin Mingyang and Megan meet, naturally inevitable a "cozy", the joy of meeting more or less diluted the hard work of training.

After the rehearsal, director Kenny Ortega called Lin Mingyang to the side and said something. When Lin Mingyang came back, he had a sad look on his face, which made Megan very curious.

"Did Mr. Ortega tell you some bad news?" Megan couldn't guess the answer even as she thought about it in her head, but Lin Ming Yang was rarely so distressed over a matter, which made her a little worried.

Lin Ming Yang smiled bitterly, "Things aren't as bad as you think, Mr. Ortega merely invited me to go to the movies with him!"

Megan pretended to be angry and pushed Lin Ming Yang, "Then you still have this look on your face, would Mr. Ortega still eat you up?"

Lin Ming Yang did not say anything, Megan's beautiful eyes were streaming with light, the quirky she immediately thought of a possibility, although she immediately overthrew her assumption, she still found it hilarious: "I've heard that there's a guy in your dormitory who's gay, you wouldn't have ... that one with him as well, would you? "

Lin Ming Yang was defeated by Megan's powerful imagination, he reached out and flicked his hand on Megan's head, "It seems like I really shouldn't have let you off so easily last night!"

Megan made a face at him as she deliberately struck a provocative pose, her eyes dripping with the slightest hint of seduction.

"So we'll continue tonight?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she was slapped hard on her arse by Lin Mingyang. Megan was just about to protest, but realized that the depression in Lin Ming Yang's expression did not dissipate with his "gag". Temporarily suppressing the doubts in her heart, Megan felt that this matter is not as simple as she thought.

There was only her and Lin Ming Yang in the room, so Megan could hold Lin Ming Yang's arm without fear, "Since it's a movie, can you bring me along?"

Her gentle offense was actually rejected by Lin Ming Yang very directly.

"Mr. Ortega just gave me a movie ticket, and I'm sure this kind of subject matter is something you definitely won't like!"

The more he said this the more he aroused Megan's curiosity, "Could it be a very boring documentary?"

"I think it's even worse than that!" Lin Ming Yang painfully pulled out the movie ticket and handed it to her.

Megan took it and looked at it, it wasn't a movie ticket, it was clearly a ticket for admission to a science and technology museum, it clearly read:

"Science Education Movie: Exploring Life on Saturn."


Lin Mingyang himself had a perverted brain, plus Megan who was full of strange and bizarre ideas, they discussed for half a day and still didn't figure out Kenny Ortega's intention for doing this. With a stomach full of doubts, Lin Ming Yang arrived at the agreed upon Science and Technology Museum.

Kenny Ortega waited there early, after Lin Mingyang came he didn't explain too much, when entering the venue, the staff checking the tickets at the entrance gave each of them a pair of special glasses.

For this thing, Lin Mingyang is not a stranger, let him really feel curious is that a science education movie actually shot into the IMAX-3D format, and then look at the science and technology museum of the oversized IMAX-3D screen, Lin Mingyang heart and then a little bit of understanding, science and technology museum belongs to the public welfare industry, by the government to invest. The development and promotion of IMAX technology has been inseparable from large-scale exhibitions, science and technology museums and other public welfare activities and venues, a popular science movie shot into such a format, in the emphasis on science education in the United States, is not a luxury.

This is called the "exploration of life on Saturn" science education movie length of half an hour, the content and Lin Mingyang imagined the general boring, but the picture is shocking enough, the astronauts in the space station surface for spacewalking scene, the whole person called out, that kind of real three-dimensional feeling is unparalleled.

Until the end of the movie, Lin Mingyang did not find an answer that could unlock the doubts in his mind, and when they walked out of the Science and Technology Museum together, Kenny Ortega finally opened his mouth.

"How does this movie feel?"

"What impressed me the most is still the application of IMAX-3D technology, and it's only in public service venues like the Science and Technology Museum that you can enjoy this kind of shocking picture for free." Lin Mingyang said with emotion.

"IMAX-3D can already be maturely used in the movie, the huge screen, explosive sound effects, and the reverberating soundtrack music, all of these can only be felt in the IMAX movie always." Kenny Ortega's face naturally showed a very yearning look, "Remember The Polar Express that was released this year?"

Lin Ming Yang nodded, that movie impressed him not only because Tom Hanks played five roles, but also because it was a masterpiece created entirely by computerized CGI animation technology.

For the past 10 years, the computer graphics industry has focused on how to produce realistic effects like smoke, water, and fire. Now the industry is in a period of metamorphosis and is instead seeking to create realistic effects of human facial expressions, hair and the sense of movement in clothing. The ultimate in this field of art is to create realistic human beings, and perhaps one day digital technology can replace actors. From this perspective, the creation of The Polar Express is certainly a landmark.

"That movie was shown on 2,000 regular 2D screens and only 75 IMAX-3D screens. Yet it was those 75 IMAX-3D screens that garnered thirty percent of the total box office for the entire movie. You can imagine what huge commercial potential the 'super combination' of 3D + IMAX has."

Kenny Ortega casually reported a string of figures, as if he had studied the matter well.

"I heard that the reason why that 'New Spider-Man' starring you was delayed in release was that it was busy converting to the IMAX format, and Sony Pictures Vice Chairman Black even claimed that when you have a movie like 'New Spider-Man' in hand, if you don't convert it to this unparalleled IMAX format for the viewers to enjoy, it's simply an amazing waste!"

Lin Mingyang knew what Sony was planning to do, but as an actor he didn't pay special attention to this matter because it didn't have much to do with him. Instead, it was Kenny Ortega's sudden mention of this matter now that made him suddenly think of a possibility.

"I've been thinking about turning Follies 3 into a 3D movie before, and it's a pity that my proposal didn't receive an enthusiastic response." Kenny Ortega sighed without regret.

Not realizing the idea of a 3D movie, Lin Ming Yang knew at a guess that it was because of the cost, to make a song and dance drama into a 3D movie, no matter who it was, would feel that it was a very extravagant idea, but Kenny Ortega actually proposed it, which made Lin Ming Yang have to admire his boldness.