Chapter 136 - The Birth of the 3D Version of Follies 3

Kenny Ortega's desire to make Song and Dance Youth 3 a 3D movie was so strong that he wasted more than half an hour to ask Lin Mingyang to watch an IMAX-3D version of the movie, just to pull Lin Mingyang into his camp as well.

After coming out of the Science and Technology Museum, Kenny Ortega invited Lin Mingyang to have coffee, and before the coffee was even served, he impatiently made his thoughts known.

Lin Mingyang stirred a small spoon, the aroma of the coffee in the cup accompanied by the rising white vapor, just like his contradictory and complex heart at this time. Emotionally, he was willing to support Kenny Ortega; but reason told him that it would cost a huge amount to make a true 3D movie. The Follies series had made a lot of money for the Disney Corporation, but it wasn't easy to really convince them to fork over the cash.

"The Disney Company has already made a fortune on the first two films, and the sales of the extended merchandise driven by the films have been even more phenomenal, with more than 15 million DVD releases, 13 million releases of the movie's soundtrack, and $10 million in box office receipts from the themed concerts, and that's all just from the first two films. " Kenny Ortega indignantly accuses Disney of "greed".

"Now that Follies is no longer just the name of a movie series, but has become a prestigious brand that generates great revenue every year for the Disney Company, Disney can well afford to put more money into the final installment of the film at this time!"

The sugar cubes in the cup had already melted, and Lin Ming Yang stopped stirring the coffee, his eyes looking straight into Kenny Ortega's eyes, "I want to know, do you want to make a real 3D movie, or do you just want to convert the movie you made into 3D format?"

According to Lin Mingyang's understanding, a real 3D movie is actually a method of observing scenes with the human eye, using two side-by-side movie cameras, respectively representing the left and right eyes of a person, to synchronously shoot two slightly horizontal parallaxed movie images, and when projected, special polarized glasses can iterate the left and right "double shadows" on the retina, and the brain nerves produce a three-dimensional stereoscopic vision. The brain nerve produces three-dimensional visual effects, thus showing a coherent three-dimensional picture, allowing the audience to feel the magical illusion of "being there".

However, as we all know, making 3D movies is a "money-burning" job. In order to win high box office while maximizing cost savings, Hollywood studios began to their own movies on the crazy sticker 3D label, but also invented a "pseudo-3D technology.

This is a kind of time-saving and money-saving lazy behavior, it is by the ordinary camera to shoot a flat image, and then on the computer through the software to make a few layers and slightly staggered. Because the staggered distance is based on the distance between the front and back of the camera shot with a formula deduced, some of the orientation of the computer can not change the dead center, which makes the whole image lack of depth, so some viewers tease the "pseudo 3D" movie "only the subtitles are three-dimensional! This is why some viewers tease "pseudo-3D" movies that "only the subtitles are three-dimensional".

In Hollywood, the real 3D film technology has become mature, but many companies are not willing to spend a lot of money to invest in technology, but only rely on computer post-synthesis, this practice in Lin Mingyang view is actually going backward, simple conversion will eventually make the 3D movie to lose the audience, and ultimately bring about their own demise.

If Kenny Ortega just hold the idea of making a "pseudo-3D" movie, then Lin Mingyang then support him is a kind of stupidity, but Kenny Ortega really want to make a real sense of the 3D movie, Lin Mingyang is very happy to stand on the same front with him.

A 3D version of a song and dance movie, when you think about it, it's a really good idea.


Kenny Ortega of course wants to make a real 3D movie, get Lin Mingyang's support, he did not even have time to eat dinner, he ran to discuss this matter with Disney's director of production Orson Ivey, but the reply was the other side could not stop shaking his head, Orson Ivey thought that this idea was too "naive", and did not want to discuss with Kenny Ortega, but he did not want to talk to him about it. He didn't want to talk to Kenny Ortega at all.

The way of direct negotiation was blocked, Kenny Ortega had to think of ways from other aspects, look at the way he did not think in the theater, Lin Mingyang heart soft, and finally gave him an idea.

When Kenny Ortega went to see Orson Ivey again, he was unsurprisingly met with a "closed door".

"Miss Lisa, I know that Mr. Orson is in his office, I have to see him today, and this is the last time!"

Lisa, Orson Ivey's assistant, smiled professionally, "Mr. Orson is really not in his office, he has something to do today."

"Then call him now and tell him I want to see him immediately!" Kenny Ott added fire at that.

"But this time of day...Mr. Olsen is probably on his lunch break." That Miss Lisa blushed.

"I'm the director that Disney hired to shoot the movie, not an employee of Dinesh, I don't care if this is working time, you call him to me, if he doesn't want to solve this today, then I'll just go directly to your president!" The clay Bodhisattva also has three points of fire, Kenny Ortega is full of expectations to make this movie well, but the other party's reaction is so cold, anyone who encounters such a thing will inevitably be angry.

Kenny Ortega's cold expression is definitely not joking, Ms. Lisa hastily dialed a phone, after connecting to the microphone whispered a few words, and then a "got it", and then hung up the phone.

Orson Ivey wasn't even on his lunch break, he was playing golf when he answered the phone. Kenny Ortega's stubbornness gave him a bit of a headache, so he had no choice but to ask Lisa to invite Kenny Ortega over. Orson Ivey was going to play golf while enlightening the stubborn director.

Although he threw a tantrum outside the office door, on the way to the golf course, Kenny Ortega himself calmed down. When he met Orson Ivey, he didn't refuse the clubs handed to him.

Orson Ivey took a swing, but it was so hard that the ball was drawn away from him. Kenny Ortega had been quietly watching from the side, and from the way he swung the club, he could conclude that Orson Ivey was a veteran, so Orson Ivey would only have one purpose for doing this, he was deliberately doing it to Kenny Ortega.

As expected, Orson Ivey shook his head, handed the club to the caddie behind him, and said, seemingly casually, "Sure was a little hasty!" He was ostensibly talking about himself, but was actually alluding to Kenny Ortega.

Orson Ivey in front of Kenny Ortega, the director of the "drama", is simply a class act. Kenny Ortega was very direct and pierced him: "Your skills are not that bad, so what are you trying to tell me?"

"I'm trying to talk you out of that crazy idea, even though I'm supporting you, do you promise you can convince the other board members?" Orson Ivey got right to the point.

"In your eyes, maybe my idea is crazy, but great ideas are born from whimsy, I need a chance!" Kenny Ortega took a deep breath and stabilized his emotions.

Orson Ivey stared at Kenny Ortega with a deadly gaze, "You don't have enough leverage on you, on what basis can you make us trust you?"

"What about adding the movie rights of the Twilight series of novels?" Kenny Ortega said lightly, but Orson Ivey immediately froze. Twilight had only come out with the first installment so far, but it had already sold more than 35 million copies worldwide, and with the success of Harry Potter in front of them, no one could doubt that it would be an excellent material for a movie adaptation. The major studios have been eyeing the movie adaptation rights of Twilight. This time, in order to help Kenny Ortega, Lin Mingyang had actually thrown out such an offer that was hard to refuse.

If they were able to take the movie rights of Twilight, even if Kenny Ortega ended up messing up the 3D version of Song and Dance 3, Disney would still make a solid profit. Orson Ivey's mind was rapidly calculating the pros and cons, and he quickly made up his mind.

"You and I will go with Mr. Wallace, the president, to see him!"


At the beginning of the 2005 New Year, Disney officially announced that the filming budget of Cabaret 3 was raised to $50 million, which was already a top-notch investment record for a youthful cabaret movie without any special effects. Kenny Ortega in the subsequent face of the press interview high-profile announced his plan to make "Cabaret 3" into a 3D movie, attracting a media outcry.

For a time, Hollywood surging, and the much talked about "Twilight" series of novels of the movie rights to the final 15 million U.S. dollars in transfer fees "spent" Disney, the film after the release of Lin Mingyang will also get 20% of the proceeds of the dividends.

In addition to the floating risk of profit sharing, Disney's opening price is not high, but the two sides from the contact to reach an agreement, before and after only used a week's time, the other film companies have not had time to react to this sought-after "steamed bun" has been Disney in a speedy manner a bite to swallow, in addition to the other companies! In addition to the silly eyes, there is only a part of gluttony.

With plenty of money, Kenny Ortega hired professional 3D movie shooting technicians. Emma Roberts and the other two new actors who were lucky enough to be selected arrived at the set one after another. The first thing this small but delightful little girl did when she arrived at the set was not to greet director Kenny Ortega, but to run to ask Lin Ming Yang for an autograph.

Kenny Ortega even joked that Lin Mingyang would have another "little tail" by his side. His joke unfortunately came true, after the initial sense of strangeness disappeared, Emma Roberts' adhesive skills gradually showed up, and she came to Lin Ming Yang's side when she was not doing anything, under the guise of asking for advice, constantly getting close to Lin Ming Yang. This seemingly innocent little loli also always had an innocent smile on her face, making Lin Ming Yang unable to resist every time.