Chapter 141: A Different 'Baby Plan'

Following Brian Levant's advice, Lin Mingyang completed his revisions to the script. Apart from the main line that vaguely resembled the Hong Kong version of The Baby Project, the plot had completely changed. Jackie Chan is a mechanic who modifies sports cars, while Lin Ming Yang is a master of underground racing.

Jackie Chan's father is seriously ill and desperately needs a sum of money to pay for the astronomical medical expenses; while Lam Ming Yeung is being asked to claim compensation for crashing an expensive sports car that the proprietor had spent a lot of money on modifying while gambling on the underground, and also losing the race.

The city's mob bosses issue a bounty mission targeting the hijacking of a Hollywood celebrity couple's just-full-month-old baby, which Lin Mingyang learns about from a hidden source, and then drags the honest Jackie Chan into the picture as well.

Taking advantage of the other side of the nanny with the little baby out for a walk, Jackie Chan distracted the attention of the surrounding bodyguards, while Lin Mingyang took the opportunity to approach the nanny and then under the eyes of the other side of the smooth baby in the stroller replaced by a toy doll.

Lin Ming Yang and Jackie Chan's side of the operation went smoothly, but the contact between them and the gangsters had a little problem. He was arrested and detained by the police for taking drugs in a bar. Unable to contact the gangster organization, they couldn't get the money. With Lin Ming Yang having no place to stay, the child has to be placed at Jackie's house and the two take turns to take care of it.

Jackie carries the baby to a baby care course, where he makes a lot of jokes and develops a crush on the gentle and kind trainer, Ms. Jenny.

Meanwhile, a local criminal gang has also taken up a task issued by the gangsters. Although they were pre-empted by Lin Mingyang and Jackie Chan, the deal could not go through because the contact person on Lin Mingyang's end was arrested. The criminal gang learns of the baby's whereabouts through various means and then plots to take the baby away from Lin Ming Yang and Jackie Chan.

On the other hand, Kate Beckinsale, a female detective who was commissioned by the child's parents to secretly investigate the matter, also pinpointed the clues to the baby's disappearance on Lin Ming Yang through the nanny's description. She uses her beauty to get close to Lin Ming Yang and follows him to find the whereabouts of the baby.

Kate immediately notifies the police, and that criminal gang also chooses to rob hard at this time. The three forces stir together and have a melee, and in the end, Lin Ming Yang and Jackie Chan take advantage of the chaos to get away while holding the baby. The baby's stroller accidentally gets hung up on the back end of a car, and after a series of thrilling chases, the baby is safely rescued.

At this time the contact is released from prison, and under the lure of money, Lin Mingyang and Jackie Chan hand over the baby. Kate arrives too late with the ransom money and the baby has already been taken away by the gangsters. She played the video of the child's parents in tears to both Lin Ming Yang and Jackie Chan, who were doubly tormented by their inner conscience. When they learn that the gangster organization is not at all trying to blackmail the child's parents for a high ransom, but is directly preparing to use the baby with a special physique for a horrible biological experiment, they decide to join forces with Kate to start a plan to rescue the baby.

The trio bravely broke into the headquarters of the gangsters, and after a battle of wits and bravery, they smashed the plot of the gangster organization, rescued the baby from the test bench, and finally sent back to the hands of the child's parents.


A pair of jade shoots like tender white, reed-like slender slender catkin gently closed the script, Kate Beckinsale beautiful eyes flowed with mesmerizing grace, lips tightly closed but did not speak.

Lin Mingyang's gaze from the beginning has not left Kate's stunningly beautiful and moving face, at first Kate was reading the script, there is no feeling, but after closing the script, Lin Mingyang is still staring at her like this, which makes Kate can not help but be a little annoyed, she glared at him angrily, Lin Mingyang only then a little blushing scratch his head, and reluctantly move his eyes away.

"How is it, this script isn't bad, right?"

"Although it's a somewhat clichéd story of a cop catching a thief, but as a comedy movie, to be able to have such a rich plot, I personally think it's already pretty good!" Director Brian Levant, who was sitting next to Lin Ming Yang, had also just finished reading the script at this time, so he didn't notice Lin Ming Yang and Kate's previous small movements, "A shrewd and capable female detective, this role has quite a lot of similarities to the vampire warrior woman you played in Legend of the Night, Ms. Kate, and I'm sure you'll have no problems in performing it. "

"Not bad, I shouldn't have any problems!" Kate nodded, not paying attention to the strange smile at the corner of Lin Ming Yang's mouth.

The collaboration was something that had already been established before, and Brian Levant was only symbolically asking about it now, mainly to see if Kate herself had any special needs for the scripted role.

Jenny, the baby caregiver in the play who has a secret love affair with Jackie Chan, has a beautiful model from Hollywood as her role, and after Kate nodded her head, all of the film's leading actors had been finalized, but Brian Levant still had a look of bitter sadness on his face.

"I'm really not an expert in action scenes, so when it comes to shooting action scenes, I'm definitely at my wits' end." Don't look at Brian Levent in his forties, but in front of people, he still had a naive demeanor, and he spoke without a word, saying whatever came to his mind.

Lin Mingyang smiled in the sun, the new script involved a large number of action scenes, so it turned out that Brian Levant was worried about this.

"Mr. Jackie Chan has a very professional team of martial arts directors and action designers, they should be solely responsible for the design of the fight scenes and action sequences throughout the film. When they're done rehearsing, all you need to do is walk up to the monitor and watch them perform, then record it."

"Really?" Brian Levant was so excited that he danced around, living up to the expression of a big kid, "Watching Jackie Chan fight is really a very enjoyable thing, I've only seen him fight against other people in the movies before, but now I finally have the chance to actually watch it, those moves he does in the movie are incredible."

Lin Ming Yang looked at Kate rather helplessly, in each other's eyes they both saw the same expression. Lin Mingyang knew that Jackie Chan had a large warehouse of his own in Hong Kong, which was full of all kinds of equipment and props of all sizes, and it was here that the Sung Family Class explored and practiced on weekdays for the purpose of creating ideal actions. Plan A", "Police Story" series of works in many amazing scenes are in this action laboratory in the wrestling among the prototype. It was Jackie Chan's "dream factory", but Brian Levant, a foreigner, didn't know that, and he was very surprised by everything about Jackie Chan and Kung Fu.

Kate had already been exposed to Chinese kung fu during the filming of Legend of the Dark, she didn't act as exaggerated as Bryan Levent, but she was actually a little bit curious about Jackie Chan, the international kung fu superstar. All those moves that Jackie Chan accomplished on the screen were very incredible in Kate's opinion.

Figuring out a girl's mind had always been Lin Ming Yang's forte, so he set aside Brian Levant and asked Kate out of the room alone on the pretext of familiarizing herself with the crew. Seeing that there was no one else in the corridor, Lin Ming Yang immediately cupped Kate's jade hand heartily.

Even though she was already used to such intimate contact from Lin Ming Yang in private, Kate was still like a girl who had just fallen in love for the first time, her heart pounding like a deer, and although she didn't blush, she didn't let Lin Ming Yang fool around this time, and hastily pulled her hand out.

"Come on, where are we going?" Kate feigned anger and glared at Lin Ming Yang, that shy look was like a budding rose.

Lin Ming Yang said with a bad smile on his face, "Give me a kiss, then I'll tell you!"

Kate was so angry that she stomped her foot and twisted around, ready to go back, then Lin Ming Yang hurriedly pulled her back, "Alright, I'll take you to meet someone."


Looking at Jackie Chan who walked out from the dressing room, Lin Ming Yang and Kate both froze at the same time, the simplest jacket, ordinary slacks, and a pair of wide, black framed glasses. Such a combination of clothing made Jackie Chan look no different from an ordinary plumbing repairman.

Jackie Chan was satisfied with this original design by the makeup artist, and he spun around in front of Lin Ming Yang in this outfit, "How is it, this new look of mine isn't bad, right?"

Lin Ming Yang nodded, after being used to seeing the agile Jackie Chan, stumbling upon such a guy with glasses was indeed quite surprising. At first, Lin Ming Yang thought that it was director Brian Levant's idea for Jackie Chan to dress like this, but Jackie Chan said that it was his own idea.

He walked up and patted Lin Ming Yang on the shoulder, "I don't want to be a canned thing produced on a Hollywood assembly line anymore, I'm happy to be myself in this movie. I'm past the age of wearing a suit and tie to make girls scream, those things should be left to young people like you."

At the end, Jackie Chan sidled up and whispered in Lin Ming Yang's ear, "The girl beside you is nice!"

Not only did he know that the one standing beside Lin Ming Yang was Kate Beckinsale, but he also knew about all the scandals between Lin Ming Yang and this great beauty, and with Jackie Chan's old-fashioned experience, the relationship between Lin Ming Yang and Kate Beckinsale should be very uncomplicated.

Lin Ming Yang smiled heatedly, Jackie Chan nodded heartily and then greeted him warmly, this time he used English.

"Felix, shouldn't you introduce me to the beautiful woman beside you?"

Lin Mingyang introduced them both, and while shaking hands, Kate noticed that the thumb of Jackie's right hand was a little red and swollen. Although Jackie Chan had been wearing a cordial smile on his face, when Kate's hand touched that thumb, the smile on his face looked like it had been torn and became a little stiff.

Feeling the difference in the other party's expression, Kate could not help but ask, "Mr. Jackie Chan, is your hand injured?"

When they met just now, Jackie Chan's surprising costume had attracted most of Lin Ming Yang's attention, and it was only after Kate said this that he noticed Jackie Chan's hand.

It had all been pointed out by Kate, Jackie Chan wasn't hiding it, he raised his hand, "It's just from being rubbed by the props during training, use ice to stop the pain, it's not a big problem."

"Don't you have your own action crew?" Kate's charming eyes blinked vigorously, a puzzled look appeared in her gaze, "Could it be that you also have to go on the field yourself during training?"

Jackie Chan, who was already in his early fifties, was still the same desperate man who did everything himself without using a stunt double, and he was still as dedicated and serious as ever on the movie set. During this time, they were rehearsing the scene in the script where the three forces were fighting for the baby, for which Jackie Chan and his Cheng Jia Ban had been preparing for a long time.

"I'm doing what an actor is supposed to do, I need to play a role well, and that definitely requires me to take care of every detail myself. It's normal for an action actor like me to get injured, and if you don't, it only means you haven't worked hard enough."

Kate looked at Lin Ming Yang, also acting in action movies, she hadn't seen Lin Ming Yang work so hard. Seeing her inquisitive gaze, Lin Ming Yang smiled helplessly, this problem is really a bit difficult to explain.

Lin Mingyang body has martial arts background, before shooting are the kind of hard action movie. And Jackie Chan, who came from a stand-in background, was more adept at adding some thrilling action to his fights, so the danger was much greater. In the film "Plan A", Jackie Chan fell from the top of the clock tower body through the two awnings and then thumped to the ground, this shot can definitely be a history books, so give up their lives and forget about death, blood fight, including the cool virtual reality Hollywood stunt people, including the world's cinema colleagues also have to sigh in admiration of their own.

Lin Mingyang's action style tends to be like Jet Li's kind of martial arts athletes from the real fight, while Jackie Chan is known for thrilling stunts, although there is no high-tech background armed, but with bamboo ladders, ropes, chandeliers, staircases as props he can show superhuman action skills. He starred in the Police Story series in Hong Kong, and although it was a fashion police movie, he still insisted on retaining his own characteristics.

Jackie Chan plays a policeman but rarely uses robbery. He hangs from a bus with an umbrella, fights off dozens of bandits with his bare hands, crashes through a huge billboard with his brain, and slides down a big chandelier in a department store at great speed. In these films, Jackie Chan uses Chinese kung fu almost insanely to create action spectacles, and the audience is only left with a series of astonishment and exhilaration. Behind the excitement is the price of blood and sweat of the Jackie Chan family and Jackie Chan.

After listening to Lin Mingyang's explanation, Kate also admired Jackie Chan for this kind of dedication, but her deep-rooted inner view had always believed that acting was a profession. The act of risking one's life for a movie was incomprehensible to her. By Jackie Chan's injury, Kate naturally associated it with Lin Mingyang, who also performed in action scenes in this movie, which clouded her heart with worry.

During this meeting, every time Lin Ming Yang rehearsed with Jackie Chan, Kate would find all sorts of excuses to watch nervously from the sidelines. Even Jackie Chan was envious that Lin Ming Yang could get such "treatment" with the help of a beautiful woman at his side.