Chapter 142 - Thrilling Stunts

Before the filming of "The Baby Project", "Cabaret 3" was officially released, "3D + Big Finish" has an unusual attraction, Lin Mingyang had a hard time getting two tickets for the premiere day of the movie, and it was a couple's seat. Lin Mingyang was ready to invite Kate to go see it together, but Kate's expression when she saw him take out the movie tickets was strange, not the surprise Lin Mingyang imagined, but rather a faint displeasure.

"You're asking me to accompany you and then go watch you make out with other girls in the movie?"

Kate's eyes misted over with a look of being greatly aggrieved. Seeing her react like this, Lin Ming Yang realized that he had just made a very serious mistake, he tore the two movie tickets in half in front of Kate and threw them into the trash.

"What did you do?" Kate looked at Lin Mingyang in surprise, she had a little bit of a little woman's temper in her once in a while, but she wasn't the kind of woman who didn't know better. The fact that Lin Ming Yang did this made her elated and feel guilty at the same time. "I just don't want to go myself, I didn't say I wouldn't let you go?"

Lin Ming Yang took Kate into his arms and gently kissed her forehead, "I don't have the habit of sitting in a movie theater and enjoying myself by myself, going to the movies just means I want to stay with you. This time it was my negligence to not consider your feelings, so I willingly accepted the punishment!"

With her four eyes facing each other and her eyebrows against each other, Kate also wrapped her arms around Lin Ming Yang's neck, her eyes playfully blinking, her beautiful eyelashes having a chic beauty that gave people an impulse to resist the urge to kiss them. And her voice, with an ethereal flirtation, tickled Lin Ming Yang's heartstrings.

"Really promise everything?"

Lin Mingyang nodded very seriously. Fate had not only allowed him to inexplicably cross over to this time and space, but also sent a different Kate to him, so there was no reason for Lin Ming Yang not to cherish it.

"Then promise me that you won't try those dangerous maneuvers in future shootings ... I was really worried when I watched you guys train from the side these days!"

Lin Ming Yang's heart surged with a warm feeling of emotion, as long as it was a request made by Kate, he wouldn't refuse it.


Lin Ming Yang didn't end up going to see the premiere of Song and Dance Youth 3, and naturally, he didn't see the bustling scene in front of the movie theater. Song and Dance Youth 3 on the first day of release has set a new record for the highest box office in North America, more than 1,000 theaters in North America have reached more than 95% of the attendance rate of the first show, it can be said that the popularity of the popularity, and 80 million U.S. dollars in box office revenue in addition to all the people are jaw-dropping, and the rest is only sigh of relief.

In terms of scale of release and number of moviegoers, Follies 3 wasn't really the highest, but the box office receipts from over 200 IMAX theaters contributed greatly to the record-breaking box office performance. This true-to-life 3D movie had audiences screaming for more after they put down their glasses. Originally, according to Disney's estimation, the popularity of "Follies 3" would quickly fall back after breaking through a peak, after all, the movie's audience is only positioned at teenagers, with a limited ability to generate box office.

But in the end, they still underestimated the charm of 3D movies, and teenagers are particularly susceptible to curiosity, as long as there is someone around who has seen "Song and Dance 3" released in IMAX theaters, and after listening to his experience, other people, even if they have already watched the normal version once, will hold a strong curiosity to see the 3D version once again. This gave rise to the fact that a week after the release of "Song and Dance Youth 3", the movie-going crowd in the regular theaters dropped significantly, but the IMAX theaters ushered in a new round of movie-watching frenzy.

Although he missed the premiere, Lin Mingyang later paid out of his own pocket and invited Jackie Chan and all the members of the Jackie Chan family to watch the film in a group at a local IMAX theater. The movie's light-hearted plot kept the youngsters in the Jackie Chan family watching, but at Jackie Chan's age, he didn't have much interest in this kind of youthful comedy, and it was the 3D filming that aroused his considerable interest.

However, he also knows that with the current technical level of Hong Kong's film and the scale of investment, to shoot such a film is very difficult, for the real 3D movie, the current Hong Kong film are still only envious of the part. However, this viewing has planted a 3D movie seed in Jackie Chan's heart, once the time is ripe, the mature and realistic technology of 3D movie coupled with his thrilling action performances will surely be able to bring a different visual shock to the audience.


Although he has never touched an action movie, Brian Levant is an experienced director in comedy. The shooting of the movie basically did not involve action performances at the beginning of the movie, but some light-hearted and funny passages, Brian Levent's mastery of this aspect can be said to be familiar.

The first action scene of the movie takes place in the melee between the police, the criminal gangs and the three forces of Jackie Chan and Lam Ming Yeung, who are fighting for the baby. The scene is split into two sequences, with Jackie dealing with the criminals, and Lin Mingyang fighting the police, who have been summoned by Kate.

Jackie's home in the film is an apartment house in a high-rise building with two elevators going up and down. The criminal gang preparing to snatch the baby from Jackie determines Jackie's daily travel habits by following him. As usual, Jackie takes the baby out to learn about baby care, while Lin Mingyang takes Kate to Jackie's house for a "date".

After Jackie leaves the house with the baby, the police, instructed by Kate, ambush him in front of his house, while the criminals lay an ambush outside the building. The elevator going up and down allows Lin Ming Yang and Jackie Chan to rub shoulders. Upstairs, Lin Mingyang had just opened the door to his room when he was backhandedly handcuffed to the door by Kate. The police lurking around swarmed the room, but there was no sign of the child in the room.

Meanwhile, Jackie Chan is besieged by a criminal gang as he walks out of the building. He makes his way to a supermarket with the baby, but the supermarket is then surrounded by armed criminal gangs. At this critical moment, Jackie calls Lin Mingyang for help. He himself uses the containers in the supermarket to fight with the criminals.

When he received the call from Jackie Chan, Lin Mingyang was already under police control, and with more than ten guns pointed at his head, Lin Mingyang had to answer the phone. The police are informed of the location of Jackie Chan and the child, and then immediately set out, Lin Ming Yang was also brought along by Kate to arrest Jackie Chan.

After arriving at the scene, Kate locked Lin Ming Yang on the steering wheel of the police car, while she herself joined in the fierce battle with the gunmen outside the supermarket. The thugs who entered the supermarket to search for the baby did not dare to shoot at random for fear of accidentally injuring the baby, Jackie Chan used his quick wits to engage in a tussle with them and finally took advantage of the chaos of the police storming the supermarket and escaped by crashing through the window panes.

And was locked in the police car Lin Mingyang was originally a flying car thief, he easily for his own handcuffs, and then in the case of no start key to start the police car, in some rampant tail drift to break the police surrounded by Jackie Chan. Jackie, on the other hand, took the opportunity to jump into the police car, and with the sirens blaring, the two drove off in the police car.

The two "hijacked" a baby carriage on the road, and then made a couple look like a couple, easily evaded the police, but was followed by the criminal gang found again, the baby carriage was stuck in the rear guardrail of a car during the chase, the baby together with the baby carriage was taken on the highway.

Lin Mingyang with his athletic and agile body, inserted a shortcut from a pedestrian traffic bridge jumped to the roof of the car, and successfully rescued the baby. Jackie Chan drove his car to meet him, but was obstructed by the thugs who also followed him. After a thrilling chase and collision, Lin Mingyang smoothly took the baby to the car. He switches places with Jackie Chan and then loses the group of criminals with his superior car skills.

For this scene, Brian Levant completely ceded the director's position to the more experienced Jackie Chan, and the most dangerous action in the entire shot was Lin Ming Yang jumping from a traffic bridge onto the roof of a speeding car. Lin Mingyang wanted to complete this set of shots on his own, because before this, he showed the agility of his hands even Jackie Chan also marveled at, that is, the action doubles in the Jackie Chan class, but also not as flexible and skillful as him.

Even though he had previously promised Kate not to take any risks during the shoot, Lin Mingyang was very sure of completing the action, and this, coupled with the stupid adventurous talent in his bones, still made Lin Mingyang a little pressed.

But when shooting this scene, Kate whenever she has time, will be on the scene to watch, do not know people think she is interested in this, in fact, she is in the "supervision" Lin Mingyang.

It was hard to see an opportunity, Kate was not on the set, Lin Mingyang to Jackie Chan put forward his bold idea.

But what he got in return was not support from Jackie Chan, who rejected Lin Ming Yang's request on the grounds that it was dangerous.

"Felix, I know that your stance is the result of hard work, but kung fu is not the same as stunt work, there are a lot of know-how and self-protection methods involved. Stunt doubles are specially trained, and it would be less risky for them to perform."

"But I ... "Lin Mingyang was just about to retort when the words reached his mouth, but then suddenly stopped. This was because he saw Kate and her assistant carrying a large bag of drinks, which they were distributing to the other members of the Jackie Chan class while walking towards the place where Jackie Chan and Lin Ming Yang were talking.

Jackie Chan lightly punched Lin Ming Yang towards his chest mouth, "Even though you're still young, you're different from me, a stand-in actor can do a good job, you don't need to take that risk at all!"

As soon as his words fell, Kate had playfully stood in front of the two, a smile on her face as she handed over two bottles of drinks, "What interesting things are you discussing?"

"Big Brother Jackie Chan and I are discussing some things on filming!" Fearing that Jackie Chan would slip up, Lin Ming Yang hurriedly took him by the shoulders and said before him.

Reacting, Jackie Chan hastily nodded his head and helped Lin Ming Yang round up the conversation. "Right, right...we're discussing the plot."

But after all, he had spoken in a panic, the expression on Jackie Chan's face looked a bit unnatural, while Lin Ming Yang's eyes were even more flickering.

Kate could see something fishy, but didn't point it out to her face, "I heard that one of the most dangerous shots in this movie is getting ready to be shot soon, so I came over to take a look, I wonder if I've already missed it?"

Jackie's smiled awkwardly, "That shot...we're just about to shoot it!"

"Looks like I've come at the right time!" As Kate said this, her eyes glanced towards Lin Ming Yang's side intentionally or unintentionally, the two of them met each other's eyes, and Lin Ming Yang moved his eyes away somewhat sheepishly.

"Then you guys go ahead and chat, I won't bother you anymore!" Having already guessed a generalization in her heart, a bitter disappointment flashed in Kate's eyes, and her expression as she turned around deeply pierced Lin Ming Yang's heart.

In the end Kate wasn't able to leave, because a hand firmly pulled her back.

The people around them were dumbfounded, even the dumbest of people, seeing this situation in front of them, could knowingly guess the relationship between Lin Ming Yang and Kate. The first to react was Jackie Chan, who coughed heavily and then waved his hand, and the surrounding staff of the Cheng family class immediately all consciously avoided far away.

Lin Ming Yang was still pulling Kate's hand tightly and not letting go, Jackie Chan laughed at the situation, both of them were already so direct, it was impossible for him to continue to stay here as a light bulb, before he left he served Kate's last words back word for word.

"Then you guys go ahead and chat, I'll leave you alone!"

Jackie even helped clear the scene for the two of them before he left, and just as he left, Kate's pretty face was immediately enveloped in a layer of cold ice.

"You want to try that move yourself?"

Lin Mingyang nodded indifferently, there was no need to hide it at this time.

"Do you know how dangerous it is to jump from a 3 meter high bridge railing to land accurately on a moving car?"

Lin Ming Yang nodded, still not opening his mouth to explain, looking at Kate's sad expression, a strong pang of guilt welled up in his heart.

"You promised me." A line of tears slid quietly down Kate's poignant face.

Lin Mingyang raised his hand and hesitated in front of Kate before finally gently brushing her face and helping her wipe away the tear tracks.

Kate really felt like throwing her hands up and leaving at this time, but that last gentle gesture from Lin Ming Yang made all the ruthlessness she had managed to accumulate before come to nothing. Like a moth fighting a flame, Kate, at this moment, threw herself into Lin Ming Yang's arms without a second thought and hugged him tightly.

In Lin Ming Yang's arms, Kate softly choked and said, "Promise me, don't easily renege on your promise!"

Lin Ming Yang also hugged Kate tightly, and he secretly swore in his heart that he would never let the person in his arms shed tears for him again.