Chapter 149 At the Opening Ceremony

Moore this restroom to go to the time is not short, after he came back to his attitude has changed significantly, he did not mention the matter of cooperation, as much as picking some easy to chat about the topic, this meeting ultimately did not make substantial progress. This result made Eckles a little discouraged, but Lin Mingyang's face from the beginning to the end was a look of indifference.

Lionsgate's temptation was not enough to arouse Lin Ming Yang's interest, and this meeting with Moore was just a minor incident that occurred during the filming of the movie. Lin Ming Yang knew that Lionsgate would not give up on this, and that the next time they met, they would encounter someone higher up in the hierarchy than Moore.

After the shooting on the campus, the movie was shot on the highway. Lin Mingyang created two clues for the movie, one is searching and the other is reminiscing, in the interweaving, what is presented to the audience is a picture of the trio's life in two time periods from the past to the present, using this kind of cross-cutting, it's hard to make the audience feel boring, jumping from one clue to the other, the conversion is time, and a certain shift in the genre of the movie.

In the shooting of the line of reminiscence, the film becomes a typical youth film, love and friendship academic work, with the playful humor, carrying the youthful memories of how many people when they were young. The other line of search, and become a road movie mode, three people driving along the way to find Rancho, although not the traditional growth of road movie issues, but along the way the American landscape is really beautiful.

The United States is known as the "country on wheels", and Americans' affection for cars is as deep as that of Chinese people for bicycles. Movies come from life, and the winding highways, dotted motels, and all kinds of people running on the highway have naturally become the stage for American movies to interpret their stories.

The filming of this road trip lasted for more than a month. In addition to the beautiful scenery, Lin Mingyang also deliberately added some American highway films often appear in dilapidated gas stations, crooked signs, roadside supermarkets and other landscape elements that can evoke nostalgia for a generation. The movie finished shooting at the end of May, and Lin Mingyang took less than a week to complete the post-production editing.

Three Idiots was submitted as an entry to the festival, and with a unanimous vote from the jury, it became the opening film of this year's NextFrame International Student Film Festival.

Because of this, all the creators of the film received invitations to the opening ceremony of the festival, and the organizers even booked rooms for them in Boston. This news made Billy Olsen ecstatic, but after checking into the hotel he was a little disappointed. Because the room arrangement is also divided into levels, the organizers gave Lin Mingyang to Lin Mingyang is a luxury single suite, while Billy Olsen can only live with Green Nutt a double suite.

Dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction, the morning of the opening ceremony, Billy Olsen at 7 o'clock in the morning climbed up, wearing a dress in front of the mirror in front of the photo and photo, a moment to pull the lapel, a moment to fiddle with the bow tie, tossing a good half a day. By the time Green Nutt walked into the restroom yawning, he had already been at it for more than an hour.

Billy Olsen, while raising his chin to check if there was any unshaven stubble on his bare chin, expressed his dissatisfaction with Green Nutter's dilly-dallying movements, ''Hey Nutter, why haven't you put on your tuxedo by now...Oh shit, you haven't even put on a tie yet...Geez, look at the time! , it's after eight o'clock now."

Glyn Nutter brushes his own teeth, not even trying to pay attention to the peacock man, but Billy Olsen chatters on, "This is the first time I've ever attended such a grand ceremony... Imagine how many viewers will see me on TV today, and how many people will be there to cheer at me... Do you think I'll have to Don't bring a signature pen, in case someone wants me to give him an autograph how about it?"

"Then you'd better sign your name in the bottom right corner, and not too big!" Glyn Nutter stammered as he brushed his teeth.

Billy Olsen put on an air of being open-minded and winked, "Is there anything more to it?"

Glyn Nutter spat out the mouthwash, wiped the foam from the sides of his mouth with a towel, grinned and looked at his teeth in the mirror, then smiled, "Because that way, your autograph paper can at least be used for drafts. If you sign the whole sheet, do you expect people to wipe their asses with it?"

"You!" Billy Olsen was so exasperated that he pointed his razor at Nat, "Just you wait, when I'm famous later, you won't get a single autograph from me!"

"You don't seem to have shaved the right side of your beard!" Grimm Nutter "kindly" reminded a sentence, while Billy Olsen turned his head to look in the mirror, he directly walked out of the restroom.

When Billy Olsen realized that he had been deceived, and rushed out in anger, ready to discuss with him, Nat was lying on the bed in the room watching TV, and the dress he was going to wear in today's Opening Ceremony was casually thrown to the side.

"Why are you still lying here, get up and get dressed...where's the shirt? Where's the tie?" Billy Olsen tossed the tuxedo to Nat before grabbing the remote control from him and turning off the TV, "It's almost time for the opening ceremony and you're still dawdling around, God knows the organizing committee itself would have put me with you and I don't want to be late because of you!"

"The opening ceremony doesn't start until ten-thirty, and that's still over two hours away!" Green Nutter looked at Billy Olsen with wide eyes, that expression was like seeing a mentally deranged patient.

"But the red carpet walk starts at nine-forty, we only have a little over an hour to get ready!" Billy Olsen said eagerly.

"The red carpet walk?" Glynn Nutter froze, "Who said we're walking the red carpet?"

"We're invited guests to the opening ceremony, and we're the creators of the movie, if we don't walk the red carpet, who will?" Billy Olsen was just about to laugh at Nat's ignorance when the other man's words made him fall like a stone.

"Have you seriously read the invitation, we are just guests, not judges!" Grimm Nath shook his head helplessly, his eyes full of pity: "I really don't know if you're naive or stupid, do you think the organizers will get a special red carpet show for those actors and directors with no fame? Don't dream, at this level of movie festival, the red carpet is reserved for those big name celebrity judges, so don't be delusional!"

Despite the pained expression that surfaced on Billy Olsen's face, he was still unwilling to accept this reality, "But Felix also walks the red carpet...he told me himself."

"Felix is a specially invited guest by the organizers, and considering that we are the creators of the opening film, the organizers have also reserved a spot, which means that when walking the red carpet, Felix can bring one more person with him."

Hearing Nat's explanation, Billy Olsen, whose mood had originally hit rock bottom, had a red glow on his gray face again, "So I still have a chance?"

Glyn Nutter grunted in amusement, "You think Felix would invite you?"

"That's right, it's not like he's a Gay!" nodded Billy Olsen woodenly before suddenly reacting to the fact that he seemed to have been fooled by Grimm Nath from start to finish, "You fucking guy, I'm going to choke you!"


It wasn't that Lin Ming Yang was a bigot, but he really didn't have the habit of dragging a man around to woo him, so the opportunity for this was naturally left to Blake Flatley, who took out the slot she had originally used to arrange commercial activities, and acted in the movie almost for free. Blake herself felt that this was nothing, but Lin Ming Yang was still a little touched in his heart.

Knowing that she could walk the red carpet with Lin Ming Yang, Blake Lively's excitement wasn't at all inferior to Billy Olsen's. Today she deliberately wore a floor-length tender pink low-cut dress with a red belt, sweet and invincible, the whole person is like a taller version of tender pink Barbie. For the first time on the red carpet, Blake Flatley was full of excitement, accompanied by her sweet and lazy smile, and once she appeared, she murdered the reporters' countless phylacteries.

The influence of NextFrame International University Student Film Festival is not very big, so there are not a lot of celebrity judges invited, and the combination of Lin Mingyang and Blake Lively, the "Golden Girls", naturally became the highlight of the whole scene. And in the past on the red carpet in a hurry is different, this time Lin Mingyang appeared particularly patient, he intentionally slowed down his pace, but also from time to time with Blake Lively let reporters take pictures, and even stopped in the middle of the red carpet to accept the New York Times interview.

"Felix, with your current ability, you could have participated in a higher level movie competition, why did you choose NextFrame International Student Film Festival?" Many of the reporters who contributed to a big and influential newspaper like the New York Times were specially invited by the organizing committee for food and accommodation, but their questions were asked without any consideration for the feelings of the organizers.

"Because I'm making a movie related to college students, I hope more people will pay attention to young directors and actors, not just focus on those already famous seniors."

"Is the newcomer you're referring to the pretty lady next to you?"

"Looks like you're definitely not my hardcore movie fan!" Lin Mingyang shrugged with a feigned regret, "Flatley was the female lead in my last movie, 'Admission Notice', and anyone who has seen that movie should be well aware of that."

"Also as the female lead, will we be able to see more of Ms. Flatley's performance in your new film?" A different reporter asked the question, and his question was clearly much more intelligent than the previous one.

The fact that Blake Flatley didn't have much eye-catching performance in "Admission Notice" except for her pretty appearance that impressed the audience had something to do with her character's drama. This reporter's question was a double entendre, what he actually wanted to ask was whether Blake Flatley's character would remain a pretty vase in Lin Ming Yang's new movie.

"Love and friendship are both points of interest in this movie, and I think this time around, everyone can see more of Fleury's performance, and the improvement in her acting skills is a surprise for everyone in this movie."

While Lin Ming Yang was taking questions from the reporters, Blake Flatley also had a microphone crowded in front of her, and the reporters were asking much the same questions, asking either about her and the movie, or her relationship with Lin Ming Yang and so on. The reporters were ready to ask more questions, but the staff on the red carpet helped them to block the microphones of these reporters, and the two of them then proceeded to walk forward.

For the second half of the red carpet, both of them didn't accept any more interviews from the reporters, but occasionally they would still stop and cooperate with the reporters taking pictures. Walking and stopping like this, for a hundred meters of red carpet, the two walked on it for more than 20 minutes.

They met the members of the Three Stooges cast outside the venue, Billy Olsen was surrounded by two female reporters, the guy was excitedly being interviewed by the reporters. Lin Ming Yang lowered a wink towards the others, and himself and Blake Flatley went around the side, avoiding the reporters' interviews and walking straight into the venue.

The opening ceremony had just a few items on the agenda, and immediately after it ended, the opening movie of the festival was broadcast. When the chalk characters simulated with computer effects on the big screen crookedly scratched out the title of Three Idiots, Lin Mingyang paid attention to observe the expressions of the people around him, many people took this movie as a light comedy, and a few serious old schoolers even frowned.

The plot of the movie slowly unfolded, dappled light and shadow reflected from the screen on the faces of the people watching the movie offstage, varying in brightness and darkness, those who initially wrinkled their brows first wrinkled their brows deeper, and then slowly soothed them until they disappeared. And more people, as the plot advances or happy or sad, not to mention whether the movie meets the appetite of the judges on stage, but it has firmly grasped the majority of people's eyeballs.

When the rain poured down, flooding the roads, the dean's daughter is about to give birth but can not be sent to the hospital, all the people's hearts were clenched, the use of Internet video chat to remotely guide the delivery of the creative way to make all the people breathed a sigh of relief, but the subsequent blackout and let everyone just let go of the heart has hung up.

At the critical moment, the generator that Rancho had built earlier came into play, helping to restore the power supply, and the baby was born successfully. Seeing this scene, Lin Mingyang even heard someone softly say "Thank God!" Words. But just at this time, the screen suspense again, the delivery of the child has not responded, and when finally Rancho "everything is fine" shouts to wake up the baby, everyone is relieved, this twist and turn of suspense set, let the viewers a lot of fun.

The movie ends with Farhan and Razu finally finding their best friend after a long journey. It turns out that Rancho participated in a top-secret scientific research program led by the U.S. government after his graduation from college, and the results of the research were finally transferred to civilian use. Rancho owns the patent for this technology and has become a talent that major companies compete for. This ending implies a sentence that Rancho said before: "Pursue excellence, success will not wear pants chasing you!"