Chapter 150: Returning Home Fully Loaded

Laughing with tears, this is the highest realm of comedy movies, from the era of Chaplin, the film began to look for a playful way to refer to reality, often in the most unintentional way to move the crowd, the audience dare not say that the Three Idiots is a classic comedy film, but in the popularity of spoofing the trend, the Three Idiots, such a film can also be unique is really rare.

Three Idiots" is about the friendship between three friends, this friendship nourished and germinated in the ivory tower, centered on Rancho's trio, in the university through the process of obedience, rebellion and then to the process of self-liberation and cognition, through these episodes, the film explores a series of issues such as the shortcomings of the contemporary American university education, the survival of marginalized populations, as well as the gap between the rich and the poor.

The reason why the movie resonates so strongly with the audience is that the reality implied in the movie is too similar to the actual situation, so even though the movie is full of comedic exaggerations, in some connotations, the audience is able to understand the same thing.

With a cost of less than half a million dollars, Lin Mingyang has made a movie that is enough to put most Hollywood comedy directors to shame. Anyone who had seen the movie had reason to believe that Three Idiots would be the biggest winner of the festival. After the screening of the movie, many people came over to shake hands with the creators of the movie before they left the theater, and Lin Ming Yang's side was even surrounded by people, congratulations were endless.

There were also some people who didn't have a reporter exit, nor did they come over to get close to the crew, but instead took out their cell phones and each occupied a quiet corner. They were all representatives sent over by various movie studios, and it was obvious that they were deeply interested in the movie Three Idiots, and at this time they were all liaising with the company, and after they came down they would definitely try to make contact with Lin Ming Yang.

After Lin Ming Yang had finished dealing with the people around him, he realized that the venue was pretty much gone, and over there Blake Fleury was being interviewed by BBC TV, and since he had arranged to have lunch together, Lin Ming Yang found a secluded spot in the venue to sit down, and he was going to wait for the interview over there to finish and go with Blake Fleury.

The interview over there had just started, and as Lin Ming Yang waited patiently, an uninvited guest appeared. The other party didn't ask Lin Ming Yang's opinion and sat beside him on his own.

"This movie has brought surprises beyond my imagination!"

"Mr. Gusta?" Lin Mingyang didn't recognize this person, but guessed the other party's identity by intuition.

The other party's silence was a tacit acknowledgement, Lin Mingyang knew that he would come sooner or later, but he didn't expect him to show up so soon.

"Lionsgate has always been the commercial sponsor of this film festival group, but I'm here specifically for you this time." Gusta was a very sophisticated and steady person, or more or less a bit of a Sven, which should have a lot to do with his banker background.

His words were unhurried, as if he were rhythmically expressing his thoughts with the accuracy and precision of a weaving shuttle.

"To be able to witness the birth of an excellent work, I feel that I have not come in vain!" Gusta's breezy expression, glittering eyes and rigid brow all exuded a resolute and confident heroism, "If you're willing to cooperate with us, Lionsgate's agency to distribute this movie will only take 20% of the proceeds, and the rest will all go to you!"

Looking at the right hand handed over by Gusta, Lin Ming Yang raised his hand with a hesitant expression. This is not a simple handshake, behind the scenes means the conclusion of cooperation, the other party gave too generous conditions, which in turn made Lin Ming Yang hesitant.

"Unwilling?" Seeing Lin Ming Yang's delayed response, Gusto's tone could not help but be a little disappointed.

"The world doesn't have unearned lunches, so ..."

"So you suspect us of having ulterior motives?" Gusta smiled brightly, "The truth is that we do have a purpose for doing this, Lionsgate would be more useful than acquiring a movie company if they could have one more partner like you."

Holding Gusta's hand, Lin Ming Yang did not hesitate this time.

"Happy cooperation!"


Because of her wonderful appearance on the red carpet of the opening ceremony, Blair Fleury became the center of attention captured by the cameras of the film festival for a while. And the organizers also seized this opportunity and kept inviting her to attend various promotional activities of the festival. Unique dress taste makes Blake Flatley able to attract other people's eyes wherever she goes, which makes her quickly become the queen of street photography in this film festival.

"Blake Flatley, the star of Felix Lin's new film, wore a lambswool lapel coat to the NextFrame International Student Film Festival event...The mix of a big sweater coat, pink pencil pants and high-heeled tube boots made her figure look even more slender." --The New York Times

"Blake Flatley became a special ambassador for the NextFrame International Student Film Festival...A black super-short dress with black stockings made a youthful appearance at the day's event." --Washington Post

Blake Flatley has been in the media spotlight for a while now, and of the stars attending the NextFrame International College Film Festival, no one has been able to overpower her in the limelight. Of course there are bad things about being in the limelight, Blake Flatley is now a hotel, behind her will be followed by a bunch of reporters, her and Lin Mingyang date shopping plan to the closing of the film festival has not been able to realize.

Lin Mingyang this period of time is not idle, the opening day, Eckles cell phone rings without stopping, including several major Hollywood giants, including various film companies have called, to varying degrees to express the desire to buy the film "Three Fools" of the copyright purchase or agent distribution.

After the opening ceremony, Lin Mingyang and Gustav has reached a verbal agreement, but after all, the two sides have not formally signed the contract, Eckes all the generous offer of the company to Lin Mingyang, but no one to give the conditions can be higher than the Lionsgate company, the second day of the festival, Lin Mingyang was very quick and Lionsgate signed the contract.

The Three Stooges became the earliest film to get signed for distribution at the festival. All the other studios were still waiting for Lin Ming Yang to raise the price, and when the news came out, everyone was dumbfounded. Lionsgate announced immediately after acquiring the distribution rights that the film would be released in the United States after the closing of the NextFrame International Student Film Festival, and the first promotional video for The Three Stooges was released on YouTube on the next day, and the overwhelming publicity accompanied by the news of the NextFrame International Student Film Festival was enough to arouse the interest of most movie fans. The combined publicity was enough to pique the interest of most movie fans.

The 8-day NextFrame International Student Film Festival held its closing ceremony and award presentation on the evening of June 23rd, and there was no longer any doubt that Three Idiots would win the award as the most popular film of the festival.

NextFrame International Student Film Festival has eight awards: Best Feature Film, Best Director, Best Visual Effects, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best New Director, Special Drama Award and Best Short Film. Michael Newman was recognized by the jury for his outstanding performance in The Three Stooges, and he was overwhelmed with excitement to hold the Best Actor trophy.

"Standing here, I really don't know what to say!" Don't look at Michael Newman who can perform in front of the camera with ease and comfort, at that time, standing on the stage and facing so many audiences under the stage, he was so nervous that his fingers were slightly trembling.

"I feel like I'm dreaming, two months ago, I was sitting in a college classroom, and today I'm standing here, and I'm incredibly lucky to have won an award for my first performance. But the movie 'Three Stooges' is not, it's a very good movie, and even without me, its excellence wouldn't have changed in the slightest. What I want to thank most of all is Felix, and the entire cast and crew, for giving me this opportunity!"

Michael Newman said a whole bunch of thanks behind him, and until he ran out of time, he hadn't finished thanking the people he wanted to thank, and like a warrior welcoming a triumphant soldier, Lin Mingyang gave him a long hug on stage. In fact Three Idiots had allowed Newman to reap more than just a Best Actor trophy, and he had already been approached by acting companies during the festival, but he had also decided to finish his studies first at Lin Ming Yang's suggestion, before considering whether or not to take up acting as his bellicose career.

The next award for Best Visual Effects was picked up by an animated film from France, and when the chairman of the jury for the main competition section of the festival announced that Lin Mingyang had been awarded Best Director, the audience then erupted in applause.

Lin Mingyang walked onto the stage calmly and received the trophy from 69-year-old movie star Dennis Hopper, who held up the microphone before speaking because it was positioned a little low, "I don't know if you remember an episode of The Three Stooges, where the dean asks his students who was the first to land on the moon, and right away someone gives the answer, and when he asks who was the second, the answer is No one knows. It's always only the first that will be remembered, and I satirize that dogma in the film, but that's for groups."

"In reality I still have to admit that 'first' has a special meaning for each individual. This is the first award I've gotten in the directing category, and maybe in the future my house will be filled with all sorts of trophies, but this one I'll always keep at the forefront of my mind."

There was another round of applause, and Lin Ming Yang was about to leave, when the guest of honor in charge of presenting the festival's highest award, the Best Feature Film, Woody Allen came out from the backstage ahead of time, and he called out to Lin Ming Yang before explaining the reason with an apologetic face towards the audience on stage.

"Just now I didn't restrain my curiosity later on and opened the envelope in advance, in order not to let Felix make another trip, I took the liberty of leaving him ..." Woody Allen said this, and the audience under the stage immediately reacted, with a mountain of Applause like a tidal wave flooded the venue, this result is not out of people's expectations, but Woody Allen unexpected award, but greatly out of people's expectations.

Waiting for the applause to gradually subside, Woody Allen was able to continue his speech that was just interrupted: "The fact that as the president of the special jury, I already know the result in advance, I believe that everyone just so warm applause, certainly not for me, so the award results I will not repeat the announcement, save everyone still have to applaud again. "

Many people on the stage were amused by his humorous speech, some people began to applaud for this Hollywood long-established director, the sparse applause finally turned into a chorus, Woody Allen's speech was once again interrupted by the warm applause, but this time, the audience's applause was for him.

"Despite the applause, I can't hand over this trophy to Felix just yet, because I want to say a couple more things." Woody Allen once again used his humorous and witty style of language, "The name of the film is Three Stooges, and the first thing that strikes me about that name is that the person who gave it that name must be a fool."

The audience finally couldn't help but laugh, but Woody Allen certainly wasn't trying to be sarcastic when he said that, "But it's such a movie that I think the person who named it is a fool, but it made me watch it three times over and over again. Every time I watch it, I feel differently."

No one on stage was laughing anymore at this point, everyone was quietly waiting for Woody Allen's next words.

"The first time I watched it, what I regret most is that those once proud years of youth and golden years are almost completely fallacious, almost everywhere kidnapped, in fact, the film's protagonist Rancho said that everyone understands the truth, but just may never be as the film in the form of an allegorical statement of impressive and emotional."

"The words of the authorities, the definitions of the textbooks, have always been the things we adhere to, and for a long time we have never questioned and never dared to doubt, and so we have become the puppets of the worldly interests in between the rules and regulations. The Three Stooges is a story that makes sense everywhere, and its greatest beauty lies in the fact that underneath the surface of comedy, there is Zen everywhere, and in the midst of the delightful scenes, it is the paradox of reality that makes people hate reality more and more, and what kind of a world are we living in? What kind of world are we living in? After the second viewing, I hated my damn life!"

"When watching it for the third time, I realized that it is a good movie that defies authority and challenges dogma, and it tells us, or rather awakens our innermost nature, and tells us what we should pursue. Especially if you are still relatively young, and especially if you still have the time and the strength to defy, then try to defy."

"The most regrettable thing is that there were no movies like Three Stooges when I was younger. By the time I understood something, the best years of my life were gone. So here I am recommending this movie to all young people in America today, and if you missed it, you'll rediscover it later in some dusty corner and watch it only to be left with the same regrets as I was."