Chapter 155 - Very Cute and Loving

Justin Bieber has become his "little brother", Lin Mingyang naturally have to take care of more "care". Little Jia in the music talent over the people, compared to his talent in the performance on the general, but Lin Mingyang want is Justin Bieber now this kind of boy next door feeling, he can even imagine in the Emma Roberts this "little witch" under the destruction of the little Jia will be how a look of bad luck.

Emma Roberts and Justin Bieber played the male and female protagonists of the middle school stage, and before them, there is also a section about the childhood of the male and female protagonists of the filming, the crew according to their appearance, looking for two seven-year-old children. But to make these two young actors just understand the shooting is not an easy thing, at first Lin Mingyang did not realize this problem, until after the film started shooting, he realized that the "kindergarten head" is not so good.

In the first scene of the film, Julie, the seven-year-old heroine, sits on the side of the road and sees that a new neighbor has moved in across the street. After sitting on the ground for a while, she runs over and offers to help. Lin Mingyang, through the mother of the young actress, told him his intention to shoot in a way that the little girl could understand and comprehend, but something went wrong during the shooting.

At first, the little girl sat on the side of the road very cooperatively, with her chin propped up on her little hand with interest, looking at the neighbors who had just arrived and were preparing to move. Lin Ming Yang, who was staring at the screen of the filming monitor, realized that the filming seemed to be going surprisingly well, and just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, an accident happened!

A beautiful flower butterfly flew past the little girl, and her eyes were completely drawn to it. She turned her head in the direction of the butterfly and the shot that was about to be completed was scrapped, leaving Lin Ming Yang in tears.

During the re-shooting, there were no damn butterflies that came over to disturb her, but according to the plot, after sitting on the side of the road for a while, she had to run towards the camera. As soon as she received Lin Ming Yang's cue, the girl's mother would stand behind the camera and wave to her. Under normal circumstances, the girl would happily run over towards her mother, and this had always worked well during private rehearsals, but as soon as the camera was on, the girl just sat on the side of the road and refused to get up, and Lin Ming Yang and the cameraman had no choice but to stay with her because they didn't know when the girl would change her mind about getting up.

The girl's mother waved at her vigorously, lollipops and stuffed animals took turns, and finally the girl herself got tired of sitting on the ground, and she finally responded to her mother's call, and ran towards this side.

Lin Ming Yang wiped his sweat with a tissue and turned his head to the assistant director beside him, "Let everyone take a break, we'll shoot the next set of shots in ten minutes."

The second set of shots took place in the van's compartment, where Little Julie wanted to help the Bryce family move their things, but was refused by Bryce's father.

Because of the lines involved, the later shots would be more difficult, Lin Ming Yang stared nervously at the monitor, afraid of another accident. The little girl excitedly ran into the van compartment and took the initiative to move the boxes was completed smoothly, but as soon as she said her lines, she excepted the problem.

Probably because the actor playing Bryce's face is a bit fierce, and the tone of voice is a bit heavy, the little girl said, "Can I help you?" The camera image of her kind of weak eyes in front of the monitor Lin Mingyang had a bad feeling, the next moment, the little girl mouth crooked, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.

"CUT!" another shot smashed, Lin Ming Yang painfully covered his head. The little girl's mom hurriedly went up and stopped her daughter in her arms, whispering comfort.

The two photographers came over helplessly, one of them couldn't help but complain, "Felix, isn't it a good idea to consider changing the little actor, this child has too little experience in acting, this is a waste of time."

"I also want to find an experienced actor, but I have to respect the original novel, long chestnut hair, big lake green eyes, a smile like melting ice cream in the summer, of all the young actors who came to the audition, she's the only one who looks the closest to the novel's heroine, so you all might want to have some more patience!" Having pacified the photographer, Lin Mingyang found the girl's mother.

"Mrs. Julia..."

"It's Judy!" Lin Mingyang made a mistake as soon as he opened his mouth, and the girl's mother had to correct him.

"Well, Mrs. Judy, I was wondering if the little one is okay?"

Mrs. Judy said apologetically, "This child doesn't know too much yet, I'm sorry for filling you with so much trouble."

In regards to the girl's behavior, Lin Ming Yang expressed his understanding, "Can I talk to her then?"

"Of course!" Mrs. Judy coaxed her daughter, who had been hugging her calf, out and pushed her in front of Lin Ming Yang.

Lin Ming Yang squatted down and smiled at the little girl, "Want to see a magic trick?"

The girl's eyes opened wide and she nodded vigorously.

Lin Ming Yang stretched out his hands and shook them in front of the girl, "There's nothing in my hands!" Saying this, he closed his ten fingers and spared a circle, when he spread his hands again, there was already an extra lollipop in his hand.

The little girl's eyes were filled with surprise, Lin Ming Yang smiled, "Like it?"

Staring at the lollipop, the little girl nodded without hesitation.

"Then I'll give you this lollipop!" Lin Ming Yang pulled over the little girl's hand and put the lollipop into her little hand, "But you have to tell me, why did you cry just now, was it because of those uncles in the compartment pointing a black lens at you?"

The little girl shook her head, "It's because that uncle was too aggressive when he spoke..." as she said this, the teardrops in her eyes began to roll again again, and her little mouth muttered. Lin Mingyang suddenly realized that he might have encountered a small "bag of tears", he quickly clapped his hands, and immediately made a funny face, which immediately made the little girl break into tears and laugh.

"If you can bravely look at that uncle and not cry no matter what he says, I'll give you a stuffed animal!" Lin Mingyang felt like he wanted to be like the Big Bad Wolf, who was coaxing the ignorant Little Red Riding Hood.

"Really?" The girl's eyes immediately flashed with excitement, "I want the little dolphin!"

"No problem at all, then let's make a deal, if you cry again, the little dolphin plush toy will be gone!" Lin Ming Yang wasn't sure if this trick was effective, anyway, this was the only thing he could think of right now.

When the shooting resumed, it went quite well, probably because Lin Ming Yang's "lure" had some effect, the little girl's performance although NG many times, but finally did not happen with "tears" strike farce.

In contrast, probably due to the slightly older age, the little boy who played the childhood Bryce in front of the camera appeared to be a lot more skillful, whether it is and his father's tacit eye contact, or that kind of understanding of his father's hints after the sudden realization of the expression, the little boy did it all very well.

In any case, Lin Ming Yang still honored his promise, he bought a plush dolphin that was taller than the little girl and gave it to her as a gift. Of course he didn't favor one over the other either, the little male received a pair of baseball gloves for his outstanding performance.

The next day the crew filmed the hero and heroine tugging on the lawn, with the girl tugging on the boy's hand until the boy's mother appeared and he broke away from the girl's hand and hid behind her.

Before filming Lin Mingyang gathered the two young actors together, and only now did he figure out the names of the two, the little girl's name was Molly and the little boy's name was Rona.

"Alright, Moli, after I say start later, you two run towards me, just like you and your little friend usually do when you play games, you have to grab Rona; and Rona, you don't want to be with Moli at this time, so you to want to get rid of him, and when she grabs you, you have to fight back and make that reluctant look."

Little Rona nodded before Moli followed his example and nodded as well. Lin Ming Yang was no longer counting much on Moli, he put more hope on Rona: "Rona, your performance is very crucial, I know that Moli definitely can't grab you, so you have to purposely let her grab you, and also make that helpless look, and wait until your 'mother' appears in the play before you can break free from Molly's hand and hide behind your mother."

With the baseball bat and baseball cap that Lin Ming Yang hadn't yet given away in his mind, Rona naturally worked extra hard during the performance. But although he had been very careful, Moli was after all a girl, the strength in her hands was too small, Rona casually flung his hands twice and could easily break free from her hands.

NG three times, Lin Mingyang realized that it was his own shooting ideas that were wrong, Rona's performance was good, but the key to shooting was still on Moli.

"Mollie, Rona snatched your favorite Barbie doll, now you have to snatch him back!" Lin Ming Yang started his best scenario setting again, but little Mollie didn't seem to eat his words.

"But my favorite is Teletubbies, not Barbie!"

Lin Ming Yang froze in place, cold sweat running down his back, "Okay, so your Teletubby was snatched away from him, you have to take it back from him!"

Perhaps his guidance played a role, the subsequent shooting, Molly tightly pulled Rona's hand, Lin Mingyang made an OK gesture towards the assistant director, followed by the appearance of Rona's "mother" in the drama.

This was followed by a line from the play: "Oh, I think you and my son already know each other?"

Everyone held their breath at this moment, as long as little Molly could successfully recite the next line, the scene would be over. Everyone's hands were pinched with sweat, and everyone's heart was silently shouting toward Molly, "Say it!"

Moli's little mouth turned up, an expression that she usually often had when she told her little friend's mother, "He stole my Teletubbies!"

Three black lines hung on the faces of everyone on the shooting set, Lin Ming Yang was even sitting in front of the monitor with a helpless face, he was just letting Mo Li imagine, he didn't expect the little girl to actually take it seriously.

Or the assistant director beside him gently pushed him, "Is this set of shots to be reshot?"

"All the previous ones can still be used, just the part where Moli says her lines, just have the two children hold their poses and have Moli smile and go through that shot again!" Lin Ming Yang waved his hand, he was considered completely convinced by that little guy.

Being caused such a headache by just two small children, the next part of filming the school Lin Ming Yang simply couldn't dare to imagine, but the situation was out of his expectation, with the assistance of the school teacher, the latter filming went surprisingly smoothly. Probably because of staying with people of the same age, both Mo Li and the group of elementary school students who assisted in filming were not particularly nervous about facing the camera, and the episode only took one day to complete all the filming.

The movie's childhood ended here, adding up to less than three minutes of footage, but the shooting took three full days. After experiencing Little Molly, and then seeing Emma Roberts, Lin Mingyang suddenly felt that this somewhat sticky little loli, the image became glorious all of a sudden.

Before the official start of shooting, according to the usual practice, the director would call the main actors for a meeting. At the agreed time and place, Justin Bieber came early, while Lin Ming Yang was used to stepping on the spot, but when he arrived, Emma hadn't shown up yet.

Lin Ming Yang looked at the time, it was already on the dot. He turned his solicitous gaze to Justin Bieber, "Hey Bieber, have you seen your partner?"

Ja shook his head with a serious face, clasping his hands in a bit of a cool pose, "So far, I've only seen her on TV!"

"Do you have any special ideas for this collaboration?" Lin Mingyang saw that he had been leaning against the corner, so he greeted him and came over to sit down.

"I've heard that she's been filming since she was a child, and her aunt is Julia Roberts, so I think she must have a lot of acting experience... "Justin Bieber hesitated, "If I don't act well, will she laugh at me?"

"Being chased backwards by a pretty girl and then having to act like you're in a difficult situation, it does seem a bit difficult for you." Lin Ming Yang said this with a large element of jest, because he was eager to see how the innocent young lady blushed.

"I'm sorry I'm late!" The door to the conference room was hastily pushed open, and Emma appeared in the doorway with an apologetic face. This little girl had changed from her previous pure and lovely image to an elegant and mature route, and today she purposely wore an opinionated light blue little dress, the iconic tweed cloth embellished with tassels and feather decorations, refreshingly ethereal. Wearing a pair of silver high heels, lined with a pair of long and thin legs, really is a youthful invincible.

"Our little princess is beautifully dressed today!" After a brief moment of stupefaction, Lin Mingyang was the first to react, and he coughed twice in mock seriousness, "But a princess can't just be late!"

Because of the compliment in front of her, a layer of blush rose on Emma's pretty face, while the painless criticism behind her, she just playfully spat out her tongue. After coming in, Emma very consciously found a seat right next to Lin Ming Yang and sat down.

Justin Bieber, who was on the opposite side, also took the initiative to move a seat towards Lin Ming Yang's side, and smiled at Emma in a youthful manner, "Hello, I'm Justin Bieber!"

"You're the talented music boy?" Emma playfully blinked her big eyes, and with her staring at him so curiously, Justin Bieber felt his ears burning. "I've heard so much about you, it's hard to believe that you're two years younger than me and you're actually signed to the same agency as Felix."

At Emma's envious look, Justin Bieber sat there very shyly, lowered his head and whispered, "It's nothing really."

"But it's something I've dreamed of..." said Emma, turning her pleading gaze to Lin Ming Yang, "I want to talk to Mr. Axe, and I want to sign with you at the same agency as well."

"Ecks is a weird uncle, he's not as competent as your mom!" Lin Ming Yang took out the tactics of coaxing a little girl, only the stuffed animal was replaced with flowery words, "And since you're in the same agency as your own aunt, she can take care of you at any time!"

"I admit I'm really lucky, but I don't really spend much time with my aunt, and I rely on the posters hanging at home to see her." With an aunt who is the "first sister of Hollywood", it is almost destiny to be compared to her, and in front of the media Emma Roberts has only emphasized over and over again that she doesn't live under the shadow of her aunt's success, that she doesn't want to be Julia Roberts, that she just wants to be herself, to do whatever she wants to do, and to have fun with it.

"Then why do you want to be in the same company as me, I guess most of the time you won't even see me on the posters!" Lin Ming Yang made a very graphic comparison.

"But I just want to be in the same company as you!" Emma shook Lin Ming Yang's hand, pouting, with a pouty look on her face, a scene that dazzled Justin Bieber, who was sitting across the table. At this moment, a very strong desire suddenly rose up in Xiao Jia's heart, if he were to sit in Lin Ming Yang's place, and be embraced by a beautiful girl holding her arm like this and begging bitterly, it was estimated that he would pass out from happiness.

Lin Ming Yang didn't know that Xiao Jia would actually have such thoughts at this time, he was also mesmerized by Xiao Zhengtai's innocent appearance, but at this time he didn't have the leisure time to care about what Xiao Jia was thinking, he needed to know why Emma suddenly sprang up with a desire to be in a brokerage firm herself.

"Because if I'm in an agency with you, I'll be able to co-star with you more often, that's my greatest wish!" Emma looked at Lin Ming Yang with a face of adoration, her eyes just short of little stars.

"Who told you all this?" Lin Ming Yang was defeated by her odd conclusions.

"I analyzed it myself!" Emma wiggled her fingers and said with a flourish, "I researched all of your movies, and the actresses you've worked with the most times are Megan Fox and Kate Beckinsale, and Follies is a series of movies, and you and Kate have worked together in three different movies, and you're under the same agent, so unless you've got a crush on each other, it must be because you're in the same agency!"