Chapter 156: Misunderstanding

"I know you've been working hard, but right now when people mention you, they always like to say 'she's Julia Roberts' niece', I hope that one day, when people mention Julia Roberts, they'll say 'she's Emma Roberts' aunt ', and as long as you become a big dazzling star, we will naturally have more opportunities to work together in the future." It was a very unrealistic idea to poach Emma Roberts from her current agency to Eckles' name, so in order not to make the little girl sad, Lin Ming Yang could only "comfort" her with a bright future.

"For me, but it's really hard to surpass my aunt!" The goal was tantalizing, but Emma didn't have a bottom in her own heart. Her success was largely due to the cultivation of her aunt Julia Roberts.

As early as 9 years old, Emma made a cameo appearance in her aunt's movie "America's Sweethearts", and later worked with Johnny Depp under her introduction, and got a signed photo from Depp, which reads "For Emma - one of the most beautiful beauties I've ever seen", which is something that How many girls can only dream of this?

After this, Julia also paved the way for Emma in "Mermaid", "Nancy" and many other movies. All the signs indicate that since childhood, "superstar surrounded" Emma is to enter the show business was born, Julia how much care about Emma? It is said that once a reporter interviewed her, in the middle of a sentence, she suddenly took out her cell phone and sent a message to Emma, and the content of the message was just an unimportant warmth. Having such a successful aunt is both a blessing and a strain.

"That's why you need to work even harder!" Lin Ming Yang clasped his hands and smiled, "You're still young now, there's still a lot of room to rise in the future, believe in yourself!"

"Seems like you're only 5 years older than me too eh!" Emma tilted her head and propped herself up on the table with one hand, she had intentionally changed into a mature dress today, but Lin Ming Yang still treated her as a child, which made her heart feel a little twisted.

Lin Ming Yang smiled, how could he possibly fathom the mind of a little girl. He flipped the script, "We'll discuss this topic later, now let's start the plot discussion. I'm sure you've all read the script, talk about what you think of the characters!"

Eyes wavered between Justin Bieber and Emma Roberts, neither of them rushed to speak, in the end it was Little Jah who pulled on his collar and sat up straight, Lin Ming Yang thought he was ready to speak, but he didn't expect him to come up with the pretense of a deep voice: "Ladies first!"

Emma originally still a little happy, but Justin Bieber this little kid this time and she played "gentlemanly", if not Lin Mingyang presence, Emma to maintain their own image of a lady, Jiaojia is expected to be her ruthless "repair" a meal.

She glared at Justin Bieber, the other lowered his head, pretending not to see. Realizing that Lin Ming Yang had been looking at her, Emma could only rush her duck and stammered, "I think when Julie observes Bryce from a different perspective, there's a huge cognitive shift..."

"Can you talk more specifically about that?"

"Because she loved him so much and Bryce failed to show any love for her, she thought he would help her but sadly he didn't. It was this loneliness, in my opinion, that gave rise to the episode's impressive image of Julie clinging to that tree because that's what she'd grown to depend on."

Emma gradually makes sense of the narrative: "After the sycamore tree in reality is cut down, Julie's love for Bryce becomes the tree in her spirit, but what Bryce eventually does breaks her heart and her spiritual reliance collapses, and it's only after she learns to be brave that she slowly realizes that she can look at Bryce in a different light altogether. She loses herself in love and finds herself in lost love."

Lin Ming Yang agreed with Emma's point of view, he nodded, "Only when you find yourself can you find true love!"

"Some people are shallow, some people are golden, but one day, you'll meet a gorgeous person who makes you feel that all you've met before are floating clouds." As she said this, Emma stared at Lin Ming Yang without blinking and said quietly, "This is my favorite line!"

Nowadays, post-90s girls, they matured a little too quickly, Lin Ming Yang pretended to be calm and laughed, and when Emma finished speaking, he hurriedly turned his gaze to Justin Bieber, the meaning of which was obvious, it's your boy's turn to speak.

But Justin Bieber just raised his head, met with Emma's "unkind" gaze, scared him hastily lowered his head again, with the help of the thick hair on his forehead, to cover his embarrassed expression.

"Hey, little gentleman, it's your turn!" Lin Mingyang reminded.

Xiao Jia wheedled and raised his head, "I don't know how to speak... but I know how to act!"

Emma, who had been waiting to see the joke, let out a giggle, and only when Lin Mingyang glared at her did she playfully spit out her tongue, stopping her mocking laughter.

"Alright then!" Lin Ming Yang closed the script that was placed in front of him, "I won't deliberately tell you how to act, but I'll give you more space to act. It's not enough to perform what's on the script in its entirety, I need you guys to add your self-understanding to your character's performance. Only then will the character become unique because of your performance."

"Emma, for the character of Julie, she is a precocious girl, so she is also the first to feel the change of growing up, she expects a response from Bryce, but always needs to continue to wait for loneliness. When you're figuring out your character's performance, read more of that original novel I sent you, there are a lot of subtle psychological moments depicted in it, it'll help you!"

"As for you Bieber!" Lin Ming Yang looked at Xiao Jia who still didn't dare to look squarely at Emma beside him, "I don't know if you're at a loss like Bryce right now. When you're at a stage like 12 to 13 years old, you're confused about a lot of things. You don't know who you are, you don't know what to do next. I need you to show that uncertainty in your performance, not by making a helpless expression on your face, but more from the heart."

"In the novel, Bryce is lucky to have a grandfather in his life telling him who he is and what he should be. 'When you liked me, I didn't like you; when you fell in love with me, I fell in love with you; when you left me, I fell in love with you; did you go too fast, or could I not keep up with you.' This is Bryce's inner monologue in the novel, and you need to take this quote to heart."

Justin Bieber was silent, he was chewing on every sentence Lin Ming Yang said carefully. During the entire discussion of the plot, Little Ja spoke the least but gained the most, and at the end of the discussion, Lin Ming Yang gave him a surprise.

"Bieber, have you heard EverlyBrothers' song?"

Xiao Jia shook his head, like his peers, he paid more attention to current pop music, "Is that a group?"

"The EverlyBrothers were a hit in the middle of the last century, they became famous in 1957 when rock and roll was emerging, and once signed the first ever million dollar record deal with Warner Brothers Records."

"I guess they could be our grandfathers now!" Emma interjected as Lin Ming Yang introduced EverlyBrothers.

"Aside from their age, the EverlyBrothers' musical accomplishments are just as notable.The EverlyBrothers' earliest two-piece choir band, their music is a blend of country, rock, rhythm and blues styles, along with extremely distinctive harmonies, and many musical groups like the famous Beetlejuice, Simon and Garfunkel were heavily influenced by them. influence."

Emma can not only act in movies, but also sing, she is preparing her debut album this year, she is not unfamiliar with European and American pop English, but the group EverlyBrothers is really new to her, "They are so good?"

"The era they became famous is half a century away from us, it's normal for the 90s of you two not to be familiar with this band."

It had been Emma who had grabbed the opportunity to interject before, and Jae had managed to catch a chance to speak, "Do they have anything to do with this movie?"

"I'm guessing one of them will star as Bieber's grandfather?" Emma pressed one finger to her lips and began a wild guess.

Lin Ming Yang shook his head, "The ending song of this movie is going to be an old classic song of theirs called 'Let-it-be-me', Bieber, you're the cover of this song."


Being designated as the singer for the end credits of 'Thumping Heart', Justin Bieber had one more task than others in addition to his daily filming, and that was to go to the recording studio to cooperate with the recording of the end credits, and despite the increased workload, he himself was excited because music was the field where his dreams spread their wings and flew.

Knowing that this opportunity was not easy to come by, Jia worked extra hard on his own. During breaks on set, his ears were always plugged with headphones, and with various versions of "Let-it-be-me" collected in his MP3, he practiced it late into the night behind Lin Mingyang's back.

Justin Bieber had a very fast relationship with the make-up artist on the set, so although he often appeared with a dark circle under his eye, with the help of the make-up artist, his lack of sleep due to practicing the song wasn't discovered by Lin Ming Yang, but later on, this matter still revealed itself.

"CUT!" since the movie started shooting, Lin Ming Yang for the first time in the crew lost his temper, the reason is that Justin Bieber has not been able to raise his spirits during the performance, originally a very simple shot, NG 5 times and still did not get through, anyone in the position of the director will have to be angry.

Emma was originally complaining about her partner during the performance, but when she saw Lin Ming Yang's angry face, she couldn't help but sympathize a little with Justin Bieber. People who rarely got angry usually had serious consequences if they lost their temper.

"Bieber, what's wrong with you lately? The performance is getting worse and worse, you're wasting everyone's time, do you understand?" Lin Ming Yang's words weren't hard to hear, but his tone was very harsh, and with the rare somber expression on his face, those present were able to feel his anger.

"I'm sorry..." the Bieber lowered his head and stood there like a child who had done something wrong.

"Reflect on yourself." Lin Ming Yang's heart had softened, but his attitude on the surface remained stern.

Before reshooting Lin Ming Yang announced a break of half an hour, and in the dressing room, Bieber's make-up artist, Bang Rui, was still distraught over what had just happened. While touching up Justin Bieber's makeup, he said worriedly, "Bieber, I think you should tell Mr. Felix about this, or you should take an early night off."

"Bunray, today was just an accident, I'll be very careful in the future."

"An accident?" Bang Rui stopped working, "Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, but this is already a lot of times, sooner or later this matter will wear out, it's fine for you to be scolded, but I'm just a small make-up artist, the director can kick me out of the crew at any time as long as he's not happy!"

"I know Felix, he's not like that!" Justin Bieber said confidently, "If that kind of thing really happens, I'll plead for you too."

"But I always have a bad feeling, Mr. Felix seems to have sensed this."


Although they were co-stars, Emma seldom interacted with Justin Bieber off-set, and when she did have time, she liked to "pester" Lin Mingyang, and didn't pay any attention to Little Jia, the "little kid" in her eyes. But today see him on the set by Lin Mingyang scolded so bad, Emma can not help but move compassion, she wanted to talk to Justin Bieber for the first time in private, but in the dressing room door, she overheard each other inside, and ultimately ready to knock on the door of the hand ultimately also shrink back.

"Are you saying that Bieber doesn't sleep on time every day in order to practice his songs?" Hearing Emma's 'confession', Lin Ming Yang's eyebrows twisted into a Sichuan character.

"Just now in the dressing room, they were talking about this matter, and it just so happened that I heard it." Emma was too embarrassed to say that she had gone to eavesdrop, so she made up a random excuse.

Lin Ming Yang didn't have the time to delve into these side issues at this moment, if it was really like what Emma said, then he had gone a little too far in scolding Justin Bieber just now. If he really wanted to be held accountable, Lin Ming Yang himself could not absolve himself of the blame.

In order to verify this news, he asked the assistant director to get the make-up artist, Bang Rui, over. From the moment he entered, Lin Ming Yang realized that this Bang Rui was a bit off, he didn't dare to look directly at Lin Ming Yang's gaze, and there was some flickering in his eyes.

"Bang Rui, you're the one in charge of doing Bieber's makeup on the crew?" Lin Ming Yang asked without moving.

"Yes...yes!" Bang Rui had a ghost in his heart, and his voice inevitably trembled as he answered.

"Then you should be the person on the crew who spends the most time with him every day, has he shown any unusual behavior recently?"

"No!" Thinking of the agreement with Justin Bieber, Bang Rui still gritted his teeth and denied.

"Really no?" Lin Mingyang's tone carried a slight chill, and Bang Rui couldn't help but shiver.

Seemingly realizing that his tone was too harsh, Lin Ming Yang adjusted and said in a more calm tone, "As the director of the film, I have to make sure that the film is completed on time and in good quality, but Bieber's state worries me, and I think you know the reason for this. You can choose to hide it, but Bieber's state will get worse and worse; you can also choose to tell me the truth, and we'll figure out how to solve this problem together."

After hesitating for a while, Bang Rui finally chose to tell the truth: "Director...I think you might have misunderstood Bieber, his distraction actually has something to do with you!"

"Related to me?"

Bang Rui nodded, "Bieber is still practicing his songs every night when everyone is asleep in order to have a good performance for the recording, he sleeps less than 5 hours a day, and he has to act and take part in the audition, I think that's really too much for a 12 year old kid."

Lin Ming Yang was silent for a moment and sighed softly, although he didn't say anything on the surface, in his heart, he was still impressed by this kind of hard work from Xiao Jia. A person's talent was an important condition for success, but hard work was also an indispensable factor. Justin Bieber had shown such a strong and persistent interest in music at such a young age, it was no surprise that he would be able to achieve that kind of success in his future.

"You should have told me all this earlier..." looking at Bang Rui's embarrassed face, Lin Mingyang shook his head.

"It was Bieber who begged you to keep his secret, right? Go get him, I want to have a talk with him."

"But... "Bang Rui was a little hesitant, he was worried that Lin Ming Yang would find Justin Bieber and scold him again.

"Don't worry, I'll apologize to him this time!"


"I'm so sorry!" Justin Bieber had been informed of everything from Bunny and had kept his head down from the moment he entered the room.

"That should have been my line!" Lin Ming Yang's tone was casual, he didn't want to put more pressure on Little Jia.

Justin Bieber jerked his head up, "But this is all my fault!"

"Then what do you think is your fault?"

Jae self-examined, "I shouldn't have delayed filming because I was practicing my songs and ended up wasting everyone's time!"

"I've talked to you from the beginning that acting is not your future path. You were asked to act in this movie because the role really suits you, and also to help you become famous. It's not wrong for you to secretly practice your songs while you sleep, what's wrong is that you shouldn't hide it from everyone on this matter."

Justin Bieber heard a strong concern in Lin Ming Yang's words, which made him feel more and more guilty in his heart.

"Want to hear my advice?"

Justin Bieber nodded his head vigorously.

"You must get eight hours of sleep every day, and I'll ask Ecks to find you a few professional music tutors so that they can come to the set to guide you in your practicing, which I'm sure is much more efficient than practicing secretly on your own!"

Lin Ming Yang's suggestion made Xiao Jia overjoyed, "Is that really possible?"

"It has to work even if it doesn't work!" Lin Ming Yang laughed, "From today onwards, you must go to bed at 10 o'clock every night, that's an order you have to follow, or else everything is canceled, including your qualification to sing in the end credits!"