Chapter 159 - Little K makes an appearance

Sam was a diehard fan of Lin Ming Yang's novels, and ever since he had learned that Disney had acquired the movie rights to Twilight, he had been following the recent developments regarding the filming of Twilight on the internet. Disney has opened a special Twilight homepage on the company's website, which contains the latest news about the film's preparations, as well as polls such as "My Favorite Character Actor" and "My Favorite Character in the Novel". The official page is updated slowly, but the number of hits and comments is still on the rise.

Sam opened the page as usual, he wanted to see the latest results of the online poll. Which celebrities are up again and which guys are definitely out of the running are the latest social topics of conversation among Sam's buddies.

The results of the poll hadn't changed much, but on the news section of the official homepage, a headline in bold colors followed by a clickable "New" caught Sam's attention, and with a flick of his mouse, he clicked on the news link.

"For a long time, the film 'Twilight' director selection has been a topic of concern, the evening of September 16th (today), Disney and Tim Burton director to attend the press conference, the two sides to determine the relationship between the two sides, Tim Burton officially became the director of the film 'Twilight'. It is reported that before this, Tim Burton had secret contact with the original author of "Twilight" Felix Lin, both sides reached a consensus on the script adaptation. Felix Lin has long been Dinesh's internal choice for the leading role.Felix Lin himself did not attend the conference, but Tim Burton confirmed this in an interview with the reporter."

Sam was not the first netizen to click on this news, he looked at the view count below the news title, there were already more than 2,000 people in front of him who had read this news, the latest messages on the website were almost all the netizens' various reactions to this news, all kinds of comments poured out at once, some people rejoiced and encouraged, naturally some people cursed bitterly.

The media's reaction speed was just a beat slower than that of the Internet, and on the next day, comments on the news were published on the pages of all major newspapers.

"Twilight" is full of love-hate tension, but elegant and refined like "Jane Eyre", reaching a kind of ultimate in romantic fiction. Add to that the melancholy warmth that characterizes Tim Burton's films, and you have one of the most anticipated commercial masterpieces of the year." --The New York Times

"Hailed as Hollywood's ghost director, Tim Burton, whose pale, brooding Gothic faces can often be seen in his films, has shaped a cinematic world full of darkly humorous warmth and melancholy, self-absorbed and tense, with an interplay of cold and warmth that is gorgeous in its eeriness, brutal in its warmth, and cozy in its darkness. Disney has finally found a director who carries a lot of weight for "Twilight," but Tim Burton has been down on his luck lately; can this movie turn his luck around?" --Los Angeles Express

"Another beautiful story is tragically marred by the fact that Tim Burton is sure to add his head full of dark, brooding, creepy, surreal ideas to this movie, and viewers will just have to watch as a heartwarming romantic love story degenerates into a boring thriller!" --Washington Post


Neither praise nor cynicism can change the fact that the director and the male lead are confirmed, and the only suspense about the movie "Twilight" is that the female lead has not yet been revealed. Speculation is rife, with one of the most outrageous claims being that Tim Burton is set to cast his wife as Bella, the heroine of the novel.

Such speculations are not empty, as there is a precedent for the matter. Tim Burton and his wife Helena met during the filming of Planet of the Apes, and the gothic lass has invariably appeared in all of Burton's subsequent films, arguably making her Tim Burton's second royalty besides Johnny Depp.

On the forums of the official Disney homepage for the film Twilight, netizens protested by brushing up on spam posts, and the Disney Company had to temporarily shut down the forums. In the face of media and public inquiries, Disney finally clarified the rumor and declared that the casting of the female lead, Bella, would be done through a casting call.

Auditioning for the lead role in a movie is the usual publicity ploy used by Disney, and those who are selected without actual acting experience are invariably eliminated before the audition. Behind every powerful audition is a kind of invisible publicity, using the public's enthusiasm to attract more people's attention. Those who are really selected are actors who have acted in some movies before but have not yet made any name for themselves.

For ordinary people, the "Twilight" audition for the female lead is just a process that emphasizes participation, while for those actors who are not as well-mixed as they would like to be, this is a final shortcut to fame. Because the number of applicants is too large, Disney had to make restrictions on the age of applicants, 15 years old and above, under 20 years old casting range will be a lot of people blocked out the door, but meet the qualification is still not a few.

Emma Roberts could not enroll because of scheduling problems, the little girl cried on the phone for more than an hour, Lin Mingyang used all kinds of means, and it was not easy to appease the little baby of the Roberts family. Has not yet subsided for two days, Tim Burton a phone call called him to Los Angeles.

"Felix, you've come at the right time, the crew is butting heads!" Tim Burton's office was piled high with all sorts of drawings, these messy sketches were all ideas he had in his head about the filming of this movie. Seeing Lin Ming Yang walk in, Tim Burton put down the paintbrush in his hand and rubbed his hands together, "I happen to have a very important matter at hand, I don't feel comfortable giving it to anyone else to do, only you are the best person to do it now!"

Lin Ming Yang asked a little hesitantly, "You mean..."

"Great!" Tim Burton walked around the office excitedly, "I knew you'd say yes, you're the screenwriter of the movie and the original author of the novel, I'm too busy to take time off right now, so you're the most suitable to go!"

The smile on Lin Ming Yang's face froze there, it was as if he hadn't agreed to anything yet, Tim Burton waved his hand and the chore of casting fell on his head. Nominally getting the false title of an assistant director, but taking on a chore, Lin Ming Yang felt that he had really lost a lot of money this time when he came to Los Angeles.

"You know my movie style, so you must also know exactly what kind of female lead this movie needs!" Uncle Tee patted Lin Ming Yang's shoulder, "I know you know quite a few beautiful women, Kate Beckinsale is good, but unfortunately she's suitable for more mature roles. Don't look for that kind of blonde, blue-eyed sexy woman, good looks are secondary, what I need is temperament, temperament that matches the style of my movie."


Although he was mentally prepared for the hard work, Lin Mingyang was still shocked when he got the list of people who entered the auditioning session from the person in charge, the list catalog alone took two pages, which meant that he probably had to audition more than 100 people. This number alone gave Lin Ming Yang a headache, he knew very well in his heart what type of actress Uncle Tee wanted, and from the time he took over this job, he already had a suitable candidate in mind.

Uncle Tee had a little bit of human kindness in him, and he "lent" his director's assistant, Aaron, to Lin Mingyang to help him organize the information of the auditioned actors. Aaron was a fresh graduate from the theater school, only a few years older than Lin Mingyang, with a few freckles on his face.

He carried all of the two large thick stacks of information to Lin Ming Yang's makeshift desk, but Lin Ming Yang wasn't going to actually audition that many actors, he spent two hours going through all of the actors and strangely didn't find anyone he wanted. This made Lin Ming Yang feel puzzled, was there something wrong with his memory? He shook his head and pushed the thought out of his mind, something should have gone wrong at some point.

"Aaron, are you sure that all the information of the actors who auditioned is here?"

"The information of all 103 actors is in your hands!"

Lin Ming Yang threw the information in his hand towards the side, "But there's no one I want in here!"

"But..." said Ah Lun, frozen in place.

"No buts!" Lin Ming Yang's attitude was resolute, "Go and check for me if there's an actress called Kristen Stewart who has signed up for the audition. If she's already been eliminated, see if there's any information left behind, and it's best to find her contact information."

"Is she a friend you know?" Aaron asked a little hesitantly, suddenly feeling a little talkative again, as this was not something he should be concerned about.

"I don't know the girl, but I've seen her in a movie and I was very impressed." Aaron's "reminder" made Lin Ming Yang realize that he had been a little too hasty, "Have you seen 'Battlespace' directed by David Fincher?"

"That's that horror movie starring Jodie Foster?" Aaron nodded, "I've seen that movie, but I prefer Fincher's Fight Club, and I feel that there's still a considerable gap between these two movies."

"That movie did disappoint those who had high hopes for David Fincher a bit, but the standard wasn't outrageous, and it was a hit at the box office, getting over $30 million in its first week." Lin Mingyang had looked up the information beforehand, which is why he was able to say it as if he had it at his fingertips, "In addition to Judy, there was another important character in that movie!"

"You're talking about that little girl?" Aaron had a look of sudden realization, "She is Kristen Stewart?"

"I've looked her up, she was only twelve years old when that movie was made, the little girl's acting was good, and it seems that she was later nominated for a Teen Artist Award for it."

"Now she should be just the right age!" Ah Lun nodded, he had basically figured out Lin Ming Yang's idea.

"What impressed me the most was one of her later works called 'No More Silence', she played a high school girl who had a rape experience and became reluctant to talk to people, she was only thirteen years old at the time, but she had to portray the inner world of a sensitive and complex high school girl, the matter itself was a bit difficult, the most testing of the acting skills was the fact that the character's lines were There were very few, and she did a great job acting." Lin Mingyang quickly pulled up a still of Kristen Stewart from his own computer and turned the screen towards Aaron's side.

"Pay attention to her face, this girl has kind of a clear and charming air about her, the key is that she has a gothic style face, fair skin, dark eyes, this is director Tim's best!"


The evidence that Lin Ming Yang took out was very convincing, and Aaron, whose suspicions were allayed, began to busily look up Kristen's information, and at this time, the girl they were looking for was in a hotel room a block away from the crew's office, and her agent was throwing a tantrum, as he denounced the shady nature of the auditions while feeling unusually upset over Kristen Stewart's loss.

"Mr. Hughes, now that the loss has become a fact, you should stop complaining!" Kristen on the sofa hugged a cushion, her ears had endured her agent's incessant complaining for half an hour, and she just couldn't listen anymore.

"Christine, you don't know what kind of opportunity you're missing out on, right now you're just a little known actress, and that movie could have totally put you in the ranks of Hollywood's top tier stars!" The more Hughes thought about it, the angrier he got, his right hand was crossed at his waist, his left hand was clenched into a fist, his eyes were full of red light, flashing around as if he wanted to find something to bite.

With Christian's qualifications, he was completely able to enter the audition session, but the final round of screening was all but eliminated by accident, which was something Hughes couldn't accept in any way. Kristen pouted and covered her ears in anger.

At this time, Hughes' cell phone rang, it was an unfamiliar number, the fire in his heart has not been eliminated, extremely impatient to connect the phone, the tone of voice naturally is not good.

"What!" Hughes exclaimed after hearing clearly who was on the other side, Christine made an effort to plug her ears, but she still heard her agent's shriek, she looked up with a face full of doubt.

The rich change of expression on Hughes' face made Kristin smack her lips. Just a moment ago, he was still looking furious, and after yelling, how did he suddenly become pleasant and red-faced?

"You're the assistant director of the Twilight cast, yes, yes, I'm Kristen Stewart's said that the director wanted to meet her, so I told you that Mr. Tim Burton wouldn't look the other way...what, it's not Mr. Tim Burton, it's the assistant director of the cast who wants to meet with us ...Who did you say the assistant director was, Felix Lim, isn't he the male lead of the movie...and now he's in charge of casting?"

From Hughes' broken conversation, Christine had already heard a generalization of what was going on. The situation was understood, but the questions in her heart were growing, and with Hughes still talking on the phone over there, she could only wait quietly on the sidelines.

"Since Mr. Felix is in charge of casting, is Kristen able to get an audition?" Hughes became in a good mood, and even his waist was straightened, but he was still happy for a few minutes before his face suddenly changed to another expression.

"What do you mean, no audition?" Hughes yelled loudly into the phone, Christine's heart sank, she had just ignited hope and it was just extinguished, her heart was really mixed at this time.

"I misheard you!" Hughes this shock made Christine a little confused, in fact, Hughes himself was also confused by the other party's odd request, but looking at his expression, things should not be as bad as he imagined, Christine can only comfort herself this way.

"As long as the recent life photos...Mr. Felix is prepared to recommend it directly to Director Tim Burton, that's great, I'll pass over the required information right away!" Hughes' face almost collapsed in a smile when he hung up the phone, and he could tell that the final result made him very satisfied.

Looking at the expectant Christian, he loudly announced, "You've been directly selected, now don't ask me why, because I don't know why this is, Felix Lin named your information, he will directly recommend you to Tim Burton!"


"I heard you eliminated all the actors who made it to the audition?" Tim Burton felt that he was already non-mainstream enough, but Lin Ming Yang did even more than him, the relevant person in charge of the Disney Company directly called the phone to Tim Burton, and Uncle Ti had no choice but to do so, which is why Lin Ming Yang looked for him.

"Do you think that even if I am lazy and save time, at least do something, do not make it so direct?" Lin Ming Yang saw through Tim Burton's mind at a glance, "You'll take a look at the candidates I've found first, and then make an evaluation?"

He flipped open his laptop and pulled out all the materials he had prepared earlier. As soon as he saw Christine's picture, the little bit of complaining in Uncle Ti's heart was all thrown out of the sky, he was so excited that his eyes widened in excitement, causing Lin Ming Yang to keep enlarging the picture of the girl on the screen, and finally fixing it on that pair of eyes.

"A tired look and a soulful aura, this is the feeling I've been looking for!" Tim Burton stared at Christine's eyes for half a day, and finally tsked his mouth, "There's one beautiful drawback, this girl seems to be overgrown!"

"This is considered a drawback?" At this moment Lin Ming Yang was speechless.

"As you can see from your query, you're not fundamentally different from those vulgar guys who only look at appearances!" Tim Burton said very nonchalantly, "A beautiful woman often means a lack of substance, behind beauty is an empty heart!"

"But this conclusion is not absolute!" Lin Mingyang shook his head

A glint of essence skimmed across Tim Burton's eyes, "You think she'll be an exception?"

"You will have an accurate judgment when you see her in person!"

Tim Burton smiled wistfully, "You'd better pray that she can satisfy me, or it'll be up to you to explain to those idiots at Disney!"