Chapter 160 - An Unwelcome Request

Aaron stood in front of the office, that peaceful and calm demeanor he had before suddenly becoming tense. As if he was a fugitive being arrested, he glanced to the left and then to the right before tentatively raising his hand, hesitating before knocking on the door, and finally putting it down helplessly. He stood in the corridor, neither walking nor staying, as if he no longer had the strength to lift his feet, and stared fearfully at the door of the office, wondering what should be the proper thing to do.

Just when Ah Lun was at a loss for words, the door to the office suddenly opened, and Lin Ming Yang walked out of it with a relaxed face. Ah Lun hurriedly greeted him, "Mr. Felix, how are things being handled?"

"You mean?" Lin Ming Yang was confused by his headless question.

Aaron had an eager face, "It's that thing about Christine's leading lady, did Mr. Bolton agree to it?"

Lin Ming Yang shook his head, "It's not that easy to convince him!"

Aaron's face swished in color, "So Mr. Bolton is angry?"

"Angry?" Lin Ming Yang realized that Aaron was acting strangely today, "Why would he be angry?"

"Why?" Aaron covered his face in pain, "We rejected all the other auditioners, I heard that Disney's executives are very unhappy about this, if that Christian can't satisfy Mr. Bolton, then I'll definitely be fired by him."

"But I didn't say that Mr. Bolton didn't agree either!" Lin Ming Yang realized that Aaron was a bit of a worrywart, he patted the other man on the shoulder, "Don't worry, Director Burton agreed to meet with Kristen, that girl shouldn't let me down!"


Aaron wanted to say something else, but at this time Lin Ming Yang's cell phone suddenly rang. Lin Ming Yang smiled at him apologetically and pulled out his cell phone to see that the caller was displaying a long lost name.

"Mr. Sam?"

Sam Remy's bright laughter came from the other end of the phone, "Felix, didn't expect it to be me, did you?"

"A little surprised indeed."

Sam Raimi didn't sell anything, and directly told Lin Mingyang the news: The New Spider-Man was coming to theaters!

Although the news of the film's upcoming release had been rumored in the media at the beginning of the year, the release date had been repeatedly delayed due to the fact that post-production had not been able to be completed on schedule. The film had the longest production cycle of any of the films Lin Ming Yang has starred in, with special effects shots alone taking up three-quarters of the length of the movie, and the final investment totaling close to $200 million.

Sony Pictures has high hopes for this film, there will be a grand premiere in Los Angeles, all the actors and actresses involved in the filming must attend, in addition to informing the film's release, Sam Raimi called Lin Ming Yang's second purpose is to notify him to come on time to participate in this event.

Commercial movies in Hollywood often have a movie premiere before the movie is shown, which is also part of the movie's publicity. During the premiere, the main actors of the movie would usually be present and would interact with the audience. During this time, journalists can interview the stars up close and personal.

After the ceremony, the movie is usually shown, but this does not mean that the movie will be released right away, because those who can see the movie at the premiere are after all a minority, and often need to have connections in order to get admission tickets. Additionally, the same movie will often have separate premieres in multiple countries, and a movie like The New Spider-Man will often have many premieres in different regions, and even though these premieres are not held at the same time, it is not possible for the cast to transform the globe in two or three days, and so there are often supporting cast members who travel to non-mainstream countries.

Since entering Harvard as a student, Lin Mingyang had become much more low-key, and he was no longer keen on attending the kind of events that threw him in front of the media. However, this time it was to coincide with the movie promotion of The New Spider-Man, so naturally he couldn't excuse himself as the movie's star.


Sony Pictures, in order to show the importance of the release of "The New Spider-Man", deliberately chose the premiere venue at the Chinese Theater on the Avenue of Stars in Los Angeles. Before the completion of the Kodak Theatre, the Chinese Theatre had been the most favored venue of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, where the Academy Awards had been presented since the sixteenth edition, and where Chaplin and many other masters of the art had performed.

Although the Oscars have been presented at the Kodak Theatre since 2001, the Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard remains one of the most famous theaters in the United States. In the 1920s and 1930s, Grauman, known as "Mr. Hollywood," was a well-known figure in the American film industry. At that time, Grauman invested and operated a number of theaters in Hollywood and other places, but he has always felt that these theaters are not too ideal, Grauman to build in Hollywood to match its financial strength and fame, first-class theater with oriental architectural style.

It just so happened that Grauman had a close friend named Kaye Luke. Luke was also a very accomplished actor, and his training and interest in China and Oriental culture had a great influence on Grauman, who supported him in building the Chinese Theater. Some of the most striking murals in the Chinese Theater are Luke's work.

The concrete floor of the courtyard in front of the Chinese Theater is covered with the handprints and footprints of 238 famous movie actors and actresses of different eras and styles, from Marilyn Monroe to Sylvester Stallone. The first actor to leave her own footprints here was Norma? Talmadge, who wrote a blessing to others below her footprints, "My wish is for your success."

The quote was pressed under the red carpet at the Oscars and has inspired many actors who have walked down it, and the producers were more or less trying to dip their toes in the water this time around when they chose this location for the premiere of "The New Spider-Man".

The Chinese Theater has a capacity of 2,100 people, and the press room behind the stage alone can accommodate up to 500 journalists. On the day of the premiere, Lin Mingyang's attire was as low-key as usual, but when he arrived at the scene, a large group of reporters had already gathered outside the Chinese Theater.

Lin Mingyang's luck was good, because Jessica Alba arrived before him, and the reporters' attention was attracted by the new Hollywood chocolate beauty, so no one noticed him at first.

He was about to fish in troubled waters and sneak around the group of reporters to feel his way in, when whoever in the crowd recognized Lin Ming Yang. Someone screamed, and a large number of fans and reporters swarmed towards Lin Ming Yang, luckily, the bodyguards beside him were smart, and the four of them quickly formed an encirclement, blocking the swarming crowd outside.

Even so, there are still countless cameras and microphones around the bodyguards built "human wall", handed to Lin Mingyang in front of the scene for a time some time, fortunately, the organizers arranged enough security personnel at the scene, they quickly flew away from the crowd, and succeeded in "rescuing" Lin Mingyang out of the crowd. The organizer arranged enough security personnel at the scene, they quickly flew away from the crowd and successfully "rescued" Lin Ming Yang out.

After entering the theater, Lin Mingyang did not go directly to the venue, but from the staff channel to the backstage, the main creators of the cast and crew have to gather here.

In the doorway, Lin Mingyang met an old acquaintance, Jessica Alba today's beautiful dress is undoubtedly, yellow gold embroidered Versace dress with fluffy elegant high bun, so that every inch of her tends to be perfect.

"Hi, Felix!" Alba smiled sweetly at Lin Ming Yang, and this gesture of smiling back made all the men present feel that the lights on the scene brightened up all of a sudden, but soon their dreams were mercilessly shattered, because Alba came forward to hold Lin Ming Yang's arm intimately, and under the crowd's dumbfounded gaze, the two of them walked into the show together. Under the gaze of the stunned crowd, the two of them walked into the backstage dressing room together.

To be honest, Lin Ming Yang was also startled by Alba's action, although the two had contact from time to time, but not to such a degree of intimacy, he always felt that there was a problem. As expected, the door to the dressing room had just been closed, Alba immediately pulled back her hand that was holding Lin Ming Yang's arm, she didn't dare to look directly at Lin Ming Yang's gaze, so she had to lower her head, biting her lip, with a very difficult expression on her face.

Taking advantage of the time when Alba lowered her head in melancholy, Lin Ming Yang's gaze recklessly began to measure up the beauty that he hadn't seen for a long time, which made him discover a small detail, on the back of Alba's neck, there was actually a ladybug tattoo.

This new discovery became a breakthrough for Lin Ming Yang to break his embarrassment, he tsked and praised, "This tattoo is beautiful!"

"Is it?" Alba raised her head, but there was still a bit of a dodge in her gaze, "I got this tattoo with my mom, aunt and my cousin!"

Lin Ming Yang nodded, then his words changed, "I have a hunch that you have something you want to say to me today."

"I... "Alba looked like she was about to speak, as if it was a difficult topic for her to want to open her mouth. Lin Ming Yang didn't rush to ask, he gave Alba plenty of time, and finally the other party courageously raised her head, "Can you do me a favor?"

"With pleasure!" Lin Ming Yang agreed without even thinking.

"You should actually think about it!" Alba looked at him seriously, "In case my request makes it difficult for you, will you still accept it?"

Alba's attitude made Lin Ming Yang realize that this was going to be a very serious topic, he rubbed his nose, a habitual action when he was thinking, "Can I know what you need help with first?"

"I need you to be my boyfriend!" Alba spoke out of turn, Lin Ming Yang instantly froze on the spot, he stammered, "Be... be your boyfriend?"

"Don't get me wrong, what I mean is that I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend, just make an illusion so that others will mistakenly think that we have that kind of relationship." Alba hurriedly explained, "As long as we act a little closer, the media will naturally think that way, so my purpose will be achieved."

"You always need a reason for doing that, right?" From the beginning when he heard that sentence, Lin Ming Yang knew that Alba wouldn't take it seriously, but when it really came out of her mouth, there was still some small loss in his heart.

Alba looked at Lin Ming Yang with some embarrassment, "It's the only way to make that guy know what to do!"

"That guy?" Lin Ming Yang froze, "Is he your suitor?"

Seeing a very curious expression on his face, Alba had to explain the whole thing. Some time ago, Alba's agency was preparing to take a set of photo shoots for her, and the company brought in a photographer from New York, and this guy became enamored with Alba during the photo shoot, and then launched a crazy attack on her.

Alba refused many times and the guy remained undaunted, insisting that Alba was the favorite of his heart. He changed the way, constantly showing love to Alba, general women encountered such an obsessive man, the heart may be touched by him, but Alba is now not overjoyed, because the guy's appearance often disrupt her work, the only way to make the other party to give up is to find a good "boyfriend".

The photographer who pursued Alba in the New York fashion industry is also well-known, Alba can not appear out of thin air a boyfriend, in order to do enough drama, she must work with their own actors to find a person, so that the causes and consequences to be able to justify. When Alba thought about it, only Lin Mingyang best met this standard.

What is meant by gap, the gap is that while others are in high school, he at the same age has become a household name Hollywood movie star; the gap is that while others can't change the title of child star even after a hundred transformations, he at the same age has easily become a movie director, leaving others behind; the gap is that while others madly adore the actress, she always surrounds him, and he is Lin Mingyang, the maker of all these gaps.

With such a big-name boyfriend, it is expected that most men in the United States who regard Alba as a goddess will feel a lot of pressure. In all kinds of halo shrouded Lin Ming Yang, itself is the representative of Hollywood dream legend, as an industry insider's evaluation said, Lin Ming Yang with 3 years of time, walked through the others may have to go 10 years of journey, and reached a height that many people can hardly reach, the key is that Lin Ming Yang has a youthful and invincible 19 years old, no one will doubt his potential to rise in Hollywood.

"Are you sure this method will work?" Lin Ming Yang considered for a moment, if it was just a matter of performing in front of the media, spreading a rumor or something, this would be a piece of cake for him. It didn't even need to go for a deliberate performance, as long as the relationship between Lin Ming Yang and the woman beside him was a little bit so close, the entertainment reporters in Hollywood would magnify this little bit of subtle relationship infinitely, and that's how Lin Ming Yang's scandals in Hollywood were produced.

In general, Lin Mingyang on this kind of lace news are too lazy to explain, the public is also slowly accustomed to his "philandering", whenever you see in the newspaper similar to the news of catching the wind and shadow, we will only be a moment as the after-dinner talk of a laugh over. And this kind of habitual "inertia" also helped Lin Mingyang not a small favor, now whether it is an entertainment reporter or the public, are completely unable to distinguish between him in the end and which women have a relationship.

In the past, "girlfriend-to-be" Megan will also complain for these gossip, smart as Kate also had a small temper, and some things even became Angelina "difficult" Lin Mingyang material, but in the end, even a few of them have figured out that this is Hollywood, who does not have a little gossip. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty.

"Now I can only ask you to help!" It was obvious that Alba had taken a lot of courage to make this decision.

The other party had already opened their mouths to plead, Lin Ming Yang's side naturally had no reason to refuse, but since it was an "act", it would definitely involve a matter of scale. Looking at the beauty in front of him, Lin Mingyang couldn't help but have a crooked idea in his heart.

A sudden knock on the door interrupted Lin Ming Yang's bad taste fantasies, followed by an elegant and magnetic male voice came in: "Jessica, are you in there?"

Hearing this voice Alba tensed up, she pressed her chest tightly, her eyes projecting an emotion of panic and helplessness. It didn't take much guessing to realize that the infatuated suitor outside the door.

The happiest thing in life is when someone sends a pillow when you're dozing off, just at the moment the other person pushed open the door to the room, a bold idea suddenly popped up in Lin Ming Yang's heart, this was a performance that was too late to rehearse, the idea in his head was the most direct script. Without discussing with Alba, Lin Mingyang hugged her tightly, just like ivy sticking to a stone wall.

The most tragic thing in life is to see your beloved girl flying towards you, thinking that you are opening your arms, but the girl embraces someone else. Edmund pushed open the door full of joy, he prepared a large bouquet of roses, ready to give to Alba before the premiere, but the scene he saw when he pushed to look at the door of the room made the roses in his hand slip helplessly and fell heavily on the ground.

As a professional actor, Lin Mingyang is really very "professional", he can not remember how he and Alba's lips met, but only remembered that moment of feeling really wonderful.

As if "cheating" was broken by someone after the anger, Lin Mingyang's eyes suddenly became cold, if the Oscars judges saw his acting at this time, probably will not hesitate to put the crown of the movie star on his head.

"Who are you?"

"Felix, he's my friend Edmund, a photographer!" Alba was also a good actress, and the two were a perfect match.

Lin Ming Yang's eyes turned puzzled, "A friend?"

Edmund walked out of the room without looking back, Alba chased after him, the other person's sad expression made her feel guilty.

"Edmund, things aren't as you think..."

"You don't have to say it!" Edmund didn't even give her room to explain, "Since that was your choice, I'm out!"

Alba stared blankly at his distant figure, Lin Ming Yang sighed softly as he stood behind her.

"Have we gone too far?" Alba murmured and asked.

"He should be very sad right now, but behind the pain is not a relief."