Chapter 164 - One Dollar

Because of his own "negligence" caused Christine to suffer from an undeserved disaster, Lin Mingyang has always felt guilty, so in the filming of the crew, he has always taken good care of Christine. However, these concerns are not traceable, only he and Christian know, other people do not see the existence of any special intimate relationship between the two.

This day the crew was filming the scene where Christian fell on the frozen road, this set of camera shots did not involve Lin Ming Yang, but he still appeared on the set as usual, under the pretense of coming to ask Uncle Tee for directing tips, but in reality he was worried that Christian's performance was going wrong, and was not at ease so he came over to take a look.

"Felix, go see if Kristen is ready?" When working on set, Uncle Ti didn't care what kind of person you were, if he caught you, you had to go to work without any room for negotiation. When Uncle Tee saw Lin Ming Yang "hanging around" on the set, he waved and called him over.

Lin Mingyang this time very quickly accepted the task he assigned to him, which made Uncle Tee feel a little puzzled, this kid usually do everything always like to bargain with himself, today why suddenly changed his nature?

He didn't know that Lin Ming Yang was lacking an honorable excuse to visit Christine in the dressing room at this time, and Uncle Tee's request was just what he wanted.

Uncle Tee was eccentric and always had a stern face on the set, so everyone was afraid of him. Lin Mingyang, on the other hand, because of his easy-going personality, usually didn't put on any star's airs and graces, so he had always been well liked in the crew. Along the way, there were constantly people greeting him, and he responded with a smile. There were a lot of dressing rooms on the set, and Lin Ming Yang wasn't sure exactly which room Christian was in, but he easily got the information he needed from a certain staff member.

The door to the dressing room was not well soundproofed, standing outside the door he was able to hear the voices of the people inside talking, there should be two people in the room at this time, one of them was Kristen, the other by the sound of her voice seemed to be one of the supporting actresses in the movie, Taylor Lautner. Although very curious about the content of the two girls hiding inside whispering, but in the aisle where people come and go, lying on the door to eavesdrop on this kind of thing Lin Mingyang certainly can not do.

Resisting his curiosity, Lin Ming Yang gently knocked on the door. The conversation in the dressing room came to a screeching halt, after a burst of footsteps, Taylor Lotner opened the door to the room, she obviously did not expect that the one knocking on the door would be Lin Ming Yang, and covered her mouth in surprise: "Mr. Felix, what is it that you have to do?"

"Director Burton asked me to come over and ask if Christine, she's ready, because filming is going to start soon!" With Taylor Lautner as an "outsider" present, Lin Ming Yang replied in a serious manner.

Nominally, Lin Mingyang still held the title of assistant director, although after casting this title has become virtually non-existent, but Lin Mingyang often like to go to see Tim Burton how to direct the shooting, so he said these words, and did not cause Taylor Lautner's suspicion.

"I suddenly remembered that I left my bag in the car, my cell phone is still inside, you guys chat first, I'll go get my bag!" Taylor Lottner wasn't quite a confused person, she didn't continue to stay as a light bulb, but instead made a random excuse and hurriedly left.

Christine leaned against the vanity table, propping herself up backwards with both hands, raising her head to reveal her delicate white neck. Through these days, she and Lin Ming Yang were already familiar with each other, so her tone was relaxed when talking, "You're going to be Mr. Tim's deputy again today?"

Lin Ming Yang nodded, "Observing how a director directs a movie up close will be very helpful for me to be a director myself in the future."

"But aren't you already a director yourself?" Christine cocked her head, a charming smile appearing at the corner of her mouth.

"Every director has their own strengths, and these are the things I should go and keep learning!" Lin Ming Yang smiled and shrugged his shoulders, "The scene you're going to shoot today isn't too difficult, so be prepared for your butt to get dropped and hurt!"

Thinking of all the "protective equipment" she had added to her jeans, Kristen immediately blushed, "How did you know..."

"Why did you forget, I'm the screenwriter of the movie, in the entire crew, no one knows the plot line of the entire story better than me." Lin Ming Yang chuckled.

Christine clasped her hands together with her fingers clasped in front of her chest, "Hopefully, I'll be able to pass it in one go!"


God didn't seem to hear Kristen's devout prayers in the dressing room, the first time this shot was taken, she literally smashed her ass on the ground, but she herself wasn't very happy with the shot after seeing it on the monitor, Uncle Tee was still thinking about it, when Kristen took the initiative to shoot it again.

"Are you sure?" Tim Burton's face didn't have the slightest surprise because of Kristen's seriousness, what he was considering in his mind was actually a different issue. Kristen was now less than 16 years old, and according to the law on child protection, minors could only shoot for a maximum of five hours a day, and had to ensure that they attended at least three hours of cultural classes every day, this shooting plan added a lot of pressure.

Kristen nodded stubbornly, "I think I can act better!"

"Fine!" Uncle Tee finally couldn't argue with her and could only agree to another shoot.

While Christine was getting ready, Tim Burton twisted his head and made a bet with Lin Ming Yang, who was sitting next to him, "I'm certain that she definitely hasn't acted as spot on this time as she did last time!"

Lin Mingyang didn't believe it at first, but the actual situation was not far from what Uncle Ti expected, probably because of the pain from the last fall, Christine was always a bit squirmy and couldn't let go of her hands and feet during the second shooting, and the final shot came out looking like a fake fall of a player on a soccer field.

Despite the lackluster performance, Kristin's butt was literally on the ground, and after falling a bit seven times, she had to say after confirming the effect of the shot, "I really can't do it again, that's it!"

Uncle Tee nodded with satisfaction, although Christine had botched the second shoot, he had won the bet between him and Lin Ming Yang. He looked elated, but confused the unaware Christian.

Although this ghost director was known for his strange temper, Christine still had a whole lot of questions in her heart, she didn't dare to ask them face to face, so she had to ask Lin Ming Yang about it from the side.

"Actually, you did a great job on your first shoot!" After listening to Christine's doubts, Lin Ming Yang comforted her and said.

"But I messed up the shoot the second time, so why did Mr. Bolton not only look like he wasn't angry, but also like he was happy." Christine pouted, "Is it because my second performance was hilarious?"

"You really think too much!" Lin Ming Yang shook his head, "Before your performance, Mr. Bolton and I made a bet, he thought that your second performance, the effect would definitely not be as good as the first, I didn't believe it, then I made a bet with him, and in the end, he won!"

"I'm so sorry!" Christine lowered her head sadly, because of her mistakes and stubbornness, not only did she mess up her shooting, but she also made Lin Ming Yang lose the bet, something that made her especially overly upset.

"Don't take it too personally, I actually only lost one dollar!"

"One dollar?" Christine's eyes widened in surprise, "That's your bet?"

"Of course!" Lin Mingyang nodded seriously, he didn't lie about this issue, except that he was hiding a very important prerequisite.

It was true that Uncle Tee only won one dollar, but according to the agreement between him and Lin Ming Yang, one dollar meant an unconditional cooperation agreement, although Lin Ming Yang was still just a budding director, but don't forget that he had multiple identities at the same time, in the field of actors and screenwriters, he had already stood at the forefront of the frontline position, whether it's his scripts or himself, for a director like Uncle Tee who pursued Both his script and he himself are a bonus for a director like Uncle Tee who is striving for perfection.


Forks's changeable weather has become the biggest enemy of the crew's shooting. Yesterday, the sky was just overcast, but today it was engulfed by gray clouds, big, dark clouds that pressed the sky very, very low, like a broken wall about to collapse, and it has been brewing up since the morning as a kind of weather that wants to be snowy before it's ready to be snowed in.

Today the crew was filming a shot of Kristen and Taylor Lautner both treading the waves for a walk on the beach, a scene that was supposed to be filmed on a balmy day, but ended up like this: accompanied by freshly melted snow and freezing frost, a bitterly cold sea breeze rolled in with knee-high waves, posing a very serious challenge to the two actors' performances.

To protect themselves, Kristen and Taylor Lautner wore several pairs of socks and even fuzzy house socks, which they stuffed in all the gaps and even wrapped in a waterproof plastic wrap, but that still didn't stop the biting cold.

Before the official start of filming, Uncle Tee clapped his hands and called the two actors to himself, "Girls, I know the weather is terrible today, but we can't postpone our filming, the producer is pushing me to speed up the filming schedule every day, so today you need to get over the inconvenience caused by the weather, and let's try not to reshoot!"

If it wasn't for the fact that today's weather was indeed a bit too cold, and the two actors had to soak their feet in the waves, or else such comforting and encouraging words would never have been heard from Uncle Tee's mouth. He was usually always unsmiling when he worked, and it was already a very rare thing for him to grin today.

The cold wind was blowing, tearing people's clothes and sweeping their frozen purple faces. Don't look at the rare smile that Uncle Tee had just revealed, but in fact, his mood at this moment was just as dark as the gloomy sky. Under the continuous high intensity work and changing weather, the cameraman in the crew had been sick one after another, and this set of shots had to be shot from multiple angles at the same time, so the manpower at hand seemed to be a bit overstretched.

In such bad weather, Lin Ming Yang did not honestly stay in the hotel, he quietly mixed on the crew's location car, and at this time is in the temporary windbreak tent to Christine warm. Uncle Ti lifted the curtain door of the tent and walked in, then realized that Lin Ming Yang was also there. His eyes lit up, he was lacking a photographer, and this guy, Lin Ming Yang, wasn't he a ready-made candidate?

Uncle Ti laughed, and laughed a little wistfully, which made Christian and Taylor Lautner a little nervous, but Lin Ming Yang knew that 80% of the bad luck was his own. Because every time he saw Uncle Ti with an expression like this, he didn't encounter anything good next.

As expected, as soon as Uncle Tee opened his mouth, he talked to him about the difficulties encountered by the crew, and under the watchful eyes of the two beauties, Lin Mingyang, the cameraman, had to be the cameraman even if he didn't want to be, because he couldn't put his face on the ground, ah, in his heart, although it was very unwilling, Lin Mingyang helplessly accepted the fact that he was being captured by Tim Burton.

Uncle Tee is still kind of generous, Lin Mingyang is responsible for only the side of the supplementary shooting, he does not have to be like the number one position of the photographer, legs also have to be immersed in the cold and bone-chilling waves. But even so, the cold wind was still scraping his face like sharp stones, and it was not a pleasant experience.

Lin Mingyang is not bad, he was blown by the wind is difficult, can still grin, stomping feet, but this will suffer the two in front of the camera, they face the bone-chilling wind, feet step on the cold sea water, the face also make a breezy expression. This is not only the test of acting skills, or their endurance.

Lin Mingyang's camera could clearly see the side faces of the two actors, and was even able to capture their subtle frowns or the unnatural twitching of the corners of their mouths. At this time he suddenly had some admiration for these two resilient girls, as not everyone was able to do this. At the same time he started cursing the damn weather in his heart.

Although the shooting environment is harsh, but Uncle Tee because of this and reduce their own requirements, he also hoped that this set of shots once through, but the actual situation is not optimistic, this set of shots back and forth for 3 times before barely through. When he called "OK" for the last time, Kristen and Taylor Lautner half-kneeled on the beach and cried tears of joy.


Tim Burton has faithfully reproduced the original story, but he has also added and modified some of the original story to suit the characteristics of the movie. There was no scene in Lin Ming Yang's original novel where the hero climbed to the top of a tree, but Uncle Tee came up with this chic idea. Lin Ming Yang was skeptical that Uncle Tee's inspiration came from the battle at the top of the bamboo in Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

In order to complete the shooting of this scene, the crew took the scene in 7 different places. For the distant shots, stuntmen replaced the two main actors for the performance, especially for the scene where the two climbed up the trunk of a tree, which was filmed by helicopter. As for the close-up scenes, the crew sawed off the top of a tree and planted it on the edge of a cliff so that they could create a romantic scene with the two of them standing on top of the tree, but for safety reasons, Lin Mingyang and Christine had steel cables attached to them.