Chapter 165: The Untold Story of Klim and the Mummy

In order to realize Tim Burton's pie-in-the-sky romantic conception, the special effects team of the cast and crew had gone to great lengths to find a suitable cliff in the middle of the west side of the forest, with a long rock broken away from the main body, like a sword plunging straight into the clouds. Behind it, a pine tree had fallen, making just the right foil. The terrain here is elevated, and standing at the top of the cliff you can look out over the distant sea of forests, with patches and patches of lush, thick trees, like a turquoise velvet blanket, covering the earth. The distant view of the woodland is reckless, stretching all the way to the sky. Gusts of wind blowing through, green waves rolling, forest waves sound, doubly feel strange and magnificent.

The left side is a high cliff, but the right side of the terrain is very slow up, very conducive to the development of the crew equipment, which also provides a guarantee for the safety measures during the shooting. Before the official start of shooting, the staff was carefully checking whether the steel cables on Lin Ming Yang and Christine were secure.

Lin Ming Yang was no stranger to this equipment, as it wasn't the first time he had been suspended in the air by steel cables and then flown around in front of the camera. However, Christine was trying this kind of performance for the first time, and her apprehensive mood at this time could be seen from her tightly pursed lips.

Her entire gaze was focused on the steel cables bound to her body at this point, and to distract her, Lin Ming Yang opened his mouth and asked, "Have you ever stood on top of a tall building before?"

Christine shook her head, her eyes slightly averting from the steel cables in the staff's hands for a moment as she covered her chest with both hands, "I know you're trying to tell me that it's actually quite simple, but my heart is still beating so hard!"

"That's normal!" Lin Ming Yang raised his hand for the staff to fasten the hooks on his body while nodding his head, "I was nervous the first time I dropped my wigwam as well, but once you get used to it, you'll realize that it's not as scary as you think."

"I hope so!" Kristin forced a small smile at the corner of her mouth, but she was still nervous as hell inside.

Seeing that his consolation had little effect, Lin Ming Yang's heart inevitably felt a little bit frustrated, "You really don't need to worry, this time we won't be dropped in mid-air, these steel cables are only used to ensure our safety and to provide us with some balance support when necessary."

Just as they were talking, the staff had already completed the final security check, and the irrelevant people around them quickly withdrew, the cameraman behind the camera made an OK gesture towards Lin Ming Yang, who gently picked up Christine, and because of her restrained nervousness, the girl tightly wrapped her arms around his neck. The faint scent that spread across Christine's hair drilled into Lin Ming Yang's nostrils, and he greedily took a big breath.

The two of them were already in mid-air, Christine closed her eyes in fear, although they were close by, Lin Ming Yang's small movements were not noticed by her. They soon landed on top of the large tree that had been secured, the camera hanging from a long pole was already in place, the lens was directly in front of the two.

Lin Mingyang had one hand on the tree and one hand half-wrapped around Christine as he whispered in the girl's ear, "We can start now!"

Christine tried to open her eyes, then curiously glanced at the endless sea of forest below the cliff, she realized that standing high in the sky overlooking and just now standing at the top of the cliff looking out were two completely different feelings, her mouth subconsciously said, "It's so beautiful!"

"This wasn't a line written in the script, but Lin Mingyang skillfully transformed the original dialog to pick up on Christine's heartfelt exclamation. He brought his head to Christine's ear, and Christine actually blushed for a moment, then she quickly snapped out of it, putting away the slightest hint of a subtle feeling in her heart, and immediately got into the act.

There were no reshoots, the set was perfect and passed in one take, even a director as picky as Tim Burton didn't pick any faults. The crew had spent two full days of work to build this set. The final shot took less than half an hour, and everyone was relieved to see Uncle Ti's face ripe with a satisfied smile.


The shooting of "Twilight" was just finished before Christmas, the post-production of special effects and editing will take a long time, and the official release of the movie will have to wait until next year. After a small gathering with his family on Christmas Day, Lin Ming Yang hurried back to school, usually missing classes often is not even a problem, if he misses the final exam of the course, then he does not want to get the credits successfully.

Twilight 2: New Moon still occupies a high position on the New York Times bestseller list, but the peak of the novel's sales has passed, and the overall trend has been a flat decline. The rebound in sales in recent times has only been due to the continued media attention to the filming of the Twilight movie, which has inadvertently driven sales of the novel. But as the filming of Twilight ended, the novel's hot sales have cooled down along with it, and the publisher has already reached its predetermined sales target in North America, and now they are busy preparing for the novel's release overseas.

With the decrease in attention on the topic, coupled with the fact that Lin Ming Yang had deliberately kept a low profile in school, the news related to him in the newspapers in the week after Christmas instantly decreased a lot. Without the interference of the outside world, Lin Ming Yang happened to concentrate on his studies, and in recent times he had been running to the library every day, in addition to checking out books related to his specialty, he could also make use of Harvard's vast collection of books to enrich his knowledge.

Harvard University had nearly a hundred libraries of all sizes and divisions. Each library has its own irreplaceable characteristics, fully demonstrating Harvard's decentralized system. Different libraries have different collections, cater to different scholars, focus on different areas, and are funded from different sources. In many libraries, reading rooms are equipped with comfortable sofas and so on. When readers are tired, they can lean on the sofa for a while, and then continue to study, and students often forget about the time when they skip their sleep and study. If you stay in an inconspicuous corner of the library, it is not uncommon for you to be locked in there after the library closes.

Lin Mingyang most often went to the Widener Library, and he liked it because the main entrance of the library had a row of Romanesque columns, and in front of the door were more than twenty steps. Every time before entering the library, it was like performing a spiritual climbing ritual.

This day after lunch time, Lin Mingyang just walked out of the library, hungry, he hurriedly rushed to go to eat, just walk the steps in front of the library, in front of a guy as anxious as he was rushing down the steps when he slipped, holding a stack of books scattered, one of them just fell at Lin Mingyang's feet.

Lin Mingyang kindly helped the man to pick up the book, when he patted the dust on the book, his eyes were attracted by the title of the book stamped in gold on the cover: "Early human civilization "mummy" - Ancient Egyptian culture truth-seeking", look at the name, eighty percent of the book and the Egyptian mummies related books. Egyptian mummies related books.

Without thinking about it, Lin Mingyang quickly stepped forward, ready to return the book to the boy. He patted each other's shoulders from behind, not expecting to turn around a familiar face.

"Klin?" Lin Mingyang called out in some surprise, "Why is it you?"

"Felix? "Klin's reaction was much more exaggerated than Lin Ming Yang's, not only was his voice loud, but his mouth grew large. He shouted so loudly that he immediately attracted the eyes of the surrounding pedestrians in staring. Lin Mingyang was worried that he would do something even more out of the ordinary, so he hurriedly pulled him aside.

"I didn't expect to meet you here!" Klin was so excited that he was a bit incoherent, and if it wasn't for the fact that he was still holding a large stack of books in his hands, he would probably be dancing around at this moment.

"Cline, we sleep in the same bedroom every night, do you need to be so excited to see me?" Lin Mingyang was a little unimpressed by his reaction.

"It's different, my classmates are all asking me about you..." grinned Klin, then he noticed the book Lin Mingyang was holding, followed by another exaggerated exclamation.

"Oh my god, you actually borrowed the same book as me, you like mummies too?"

Klin's string of firing questions made Lin Ming Yang laugh bitterly, and only after the other party had finished did he explain, "This is the book you borrowed, just now I just picked it up for you!"

"That's right!" Klin's expression was awkward as he smiled at him with a blush.

Looking at the huge pile of books that Klin was holding in his hands, an odd thought suddenly popped into Lin Ming Yang's head, and he opened his mouth a little hesitantly to ask, "These books you borrowed... they wouldn't all be related to mummies, would they?"

Cline's eyes widened in surprise, his expression already confirming Lin Mingyang's judgment. "How did you know?"

"A random guess!" Lin Mingyang replied decisively.

He had no interest in mummies, but on the way to the restaurant together, Klin still spoke with great interest from the legends of the Egyptian pharaohs to the classification of mummies, and even the sumptuous lunch that Lin Mingyang had treated him to free of charge hadn't been able to stop him from gushing about what he knew about mummies.

"They first apply melted turpentine to the face of the deceased to protect the facial image and prevent it from drying out too quickly." A boy at the table next to him was spreading butter on his slice of bread, and when he heard Cline's description, he dropped his handful of food in disgust, glared evilly this way, and huffed as he carried his dinner plate to find a seat away from this side of the table.

Krin was completely engrossed in what he was saying, not caring in the least about the feelings of those around him, "In the second step they process the brain. The artisan shoves a chisel through the left nostril, mashes the sieve bone, turns a tool in the skull to destroy the medulla oblongata, reaches into the brain through the nostril with a very small, long-handled spoon to scoop out the brain matter, and finally shoves some medicines and spices into the empty skull. The brain matter is not usually preserved."

As he spoke, a girl who was spooning tomato sauce out of a jar left with another dinner plate, and Lin Mingyang stared daggers at Kling, but he didn't even notice the problem.

"Step three, take out the internal organs. The stomach, intestines, liver, and lungs were removed from the incision on the left side of the belly. Afterward, brown oil was used as a cleaning solution to wash the chest and abdominal cavities. The above organs were sometimes neatly wrapped in turpentine dough and placed into the mummy's abdomen, and sometimes divided into small covered jars, which were then released into the abdomen."

One of the last boys left around their table who was cutting up the steak's couldn't sit still after hearing Cline's description and took his plate to the other end of the dining room. Fortunately, it was already past lunch time at this time, there weren't many people in the restaurant, and the people sitting around Lin Mingyang and Klin had all run out, so the two of them didn't look overly abrupt sitting there.

"The fourth step... "Klin was still ready to continue, Lin Mingyang angrily put down his cutlery and said to him very seriously, "Klin, this is a restaurant, not a library, you shouldn't always talk about topics related to mummies, it will very much affect people's appetites! "

It was Lin Mingyang's reminder that made Klin snap out of it, he covered his mouth apologetically and then looked around. He realized that those sitting at a distance were staring at him with a hostile gaze. Klin scrunched his neck in fear and deliberately pretended not to see it as he lowered his head and started eating his lunch.

Stopping Klin's croaking, Lin Mingyang finally finished his lunch quietly. Having already held a stomachful of words in the cafeteria, just after walking out Clin had an uncontrollable readiness to pull Lin Ming Yang to continue discussing the topic of mummies.

"Klin, why do you like mummies so much?" The overwhelmed Lin Ming Yang interrupted Klin's long-winded discussion, "Don't you think that thing is disgusting or scary?"

"Actually, I didn't really like mummies in the beginning, but ever since I watched that movie The Mummy: Tomb Raider Mystery when I was thirteen years old, I've been crazily obsessed with mummies." Cline gave Lin Mingyang a somewhat embarrassed look, then stammered, "I lied to you at the fact, my favorite Hollywood actor is actually the male lead in The Mummy, Brendan Fraser!"

Looking at Klin's embarrassed expression, Lin Mingyang suddenly laughed, "If you like mummies so much, why don't you go study archaeology?"

"That's what I wanted to do, but my dad didn't agree, he insisted that I study finance, and later on, this major can make a lot of money later on!" Cline helplessly explained, "Actually, I don't like finance at all, because my math grades are terrible!"

Klin's face of frustration made Lin Ming Yang put away the joking expression on his face, he looked at Klin sincerely, "I suggest you recommend the movie 'Three Idiots' to your father to take a look at it, the French letter in the movie, that is, the character played by Billy Olsen, I believe it should be able to give your father some insight. You should stick to your hobbies, and if you give in at this time, you won't feel happy later on even if you become a Wall Street elite and make a lot of money!"