Chapter 193 Oprah's Special Interview (Next)

After the opening credits of Oprah's talk show Lin Ming Yang's special, Oprah in the TV screen appeared in the living room of Lin Ming Yang's home, and for the first time, the media walked so close into Lin Ming Yang's private space. Not only the audience in front of the TV set, but also Oprah in front of the camera was surprised. Lin Mingyang's private life has always been the focus of public attention, but the arrangement of furnishings in the living room in front of me, and the ordinary American middle class is no different, neither rich and luxurious, nor the kind of luxury and extravagance that everyone imagines.

Oprah stood behind the sofa in the living room and began her program, "Felix Lin's home is very different from what we imagined, in the eyes of many people, there is nothing special here, but this is where Felix Lin lives and breathes, well, the star's life is actually not as complicated as everyone imagines. But let's not jump to conclusions just yet, this is just the beginning of our tour."

The camera followed Oprah even more as she walked down the stairwell into the underground parking garage, an enclosure made of special glass separated the bulkhead at the entrance to the stairwell from the entire underground parking garage, and a coded security door kept both Oprah and the camera out.

Although the lights were on in the partition, the underground parking lot was pitch black, and the camera panned around towards the glass wall, before finally returning to Oprah's side.

"The entire underground garage has a very high end security system and this security gate generates a new code every day, Felix gave me today's code for our visit. But it's only the first precaution, I can't even open the outer doors of the garage without pupil recognition, so I couldn't drive any of the cars in it even if I got inside."

Oprah explained as she entered the password on the touch screen on the side of the door, and after clicking OK, the heavy metal door in front of her slowly opened, the overhead lights of the underground parking garage automatically lit up, and six high-class sports cars of various shapes and colors appeared on the screen.

"It's hard to imagine an assortment of sports cars totaling over 30 million dollars parked underneath such an ordinary living room." Oprah marveled, "It is said that the sports cars that can be parked here are not only expensive, but each of them has a special meaning for Felix, just like this one we see here, the Bugatti Veyron 16.4, which is the highest valued and one of the most famous cars in the whole garage. Maybe you remember the movie 'Back to 17', that will definitely remember this car."

Oprah told the audience about the luxury sports cars in turn, and soon the camera locked on a red sports car. Oprah's fingers gently brushed over the car's body, "You must be wondering why there is a civilian sports car like the Dodge Viper in the midst of so many high-end cars, but if you pay attention, you'll surely be reminded of a certain familiar movie scene by this car."

"Wanted" was definitely the most talked about movie last year, and it's not one of them. Those who have seen that movie will definitely not forget the exciting chase scene where Angelina Jolie goes crazy with the car. Dodge produced a total of two of these concept sports cars, one of which was completely scrapped during filming, and the other, which everyone has now seen!"


Returning to the living room from the underground parking lot, Oprah stood in front of the camera with a smile, "Coming back here again, I don't think anyone is thinking that this is an ordinary home anymore, and apart from the collection of prestigious cars in the underground garage, there are more surprises waiting for us in Felix's home, such as his bedroom."

The live feed followed Oprah's slightly obese body as she scuffed up the stairs, the surprises she was talking about didn't show up as Lin Ming Yang's bedroom was furnished in the same way as the living room, the camera panned around the room, the only thing that could be called peculiar was the Bruce Lee poster on the wall.

"I don't think Felix likes Chinese Kung Fu for no reason, as evidenced by the picture of his idol hanging on the wall." Oprah explained with some regret, before the TV shifted and she was back in her previous living room.

"After the tour of Felix Lim's residence, it seems appropriate that we cut to the chase, well, welcome Felix Lim!" After Oprah finished her segment, the camera panned and Lin Ming Yang walked into the living room from whichever direction the camera was pointed at.

Since he was being interviewed in his own home, Lin Ming Yang dressed casually, and he and Oprah gave a courtesy hug and shook hands as they met.

"Do you feel nervous about being interviewed in your home?" Oprah asked immediately after the two sat down face to face on the sofa.

Lin Ming Yang shrugged, "Not nervous at all, I'm never nervous."

"Really, you're not nervous even for your first global live interview?" Oprah added a question.

"When you say it like that, it seems like there really is a little bit."

"Just kidding, I know you're not nervous at all right now. Before the official interview begins, I want you to know that we have a deal. The realization of today's questions is not negotiated, and you promised me that you would answer all questions truthfully, is that correct?"

"You also promised me that this only interview is mainly centered around the content of the film 'District 9', and regarding this, I will definitely tell you everything I know without reservation." Lin Ming Yang's answer came with a premise, although what everyone was most interested in was his private life, but that was obviously that wasn't within the subject matter of this interview.

Oprah's question at the beginning did stick close to District 9: "In this movie, what is the mothership, a prisoner ship or a slave ship?"

"The mothership is a long-range mining ship."

"And why is it docked in Johnsburg, is it because it's out of energy?"

"No, the mothership had fuel. But the commander who was controlling the mothership died, and the mothership locked onto the nearest home planet based on an automated program, and ended up on Earth by looking for the wrong one."


"What fell off when the mothership first reached Earth?"

"It was the command module."

"Why did the command module fall."

"This human isn't sure, anyway, after the commander died, the mothership's navigation system found Earth and threw that command module out for the purpose of protecting information and resources, or to prevent the spread of the virus."

"Why didn't the scientists dismantle the mothership? Do what they did to the prawns in the med bay."

"The scientists were afraid it would lead to the destruction of the city or even South Africa."


After asking a few questions related to the plot, Oprah began to dig deeper into the movie.

"According to normal scientific logic, the aliens that visit Earth should all have a higher level of technology than humans. If their technology is no match for humans, it should have been humans who explored their planet first, but why did you put the aliens in a very vulnerable position when you made District 9?"

"District 9 is an alternative sci-fi movie - I would even go so far as to say that it's not actually sci-fi, because the logic and the rules in the movie are not at all removed from the basic framework of human society, where survival is the survival of the weak and the strong. And I just want to use this movie to remind everyone of those facts in life that are habitually ignored." Lin Mingyang replied bluntly.

"Is it racist?"

"This movie does insinuate racism, but deeper down I wanted to show the human attitude towards the alien. The hero of the movie, Wikus, is infected by alien energy and alienates a little bit into an alien. This plot point is of course a key part of District 9, and the second half of the movie basically revolves around it. The consequences of Wikus' alienation lead to a more blatant expression of the nature of some of humanity's evils than the first half of the movie's portrayal of the relationship between humans and aliens."

"On the subject of metamorphosis, I drew on Kafka's Metamorphosis, where both Wikus and Samsa are changed in appearance while remaining human on the inside. But the disgusting shapes are enough to make humans loathe these two former compatriots to the core. In The Metamorphosis, Samsha is loathed and abandoned by his loved ones. Wikus, on the other hand, was hunted and ridiculed by his fellow humans, a news blooper that everyone loved to watch and an experiment in the eyes of the MNU. Where does the duo end, with Samsa dying like a true bug and Wikus escaping into District 9 as a physical alien."

"The key point is that Wikus's mutation gave him a sense of how humans really treat their aliens, and he experienced how horrible the role he once played was. This ground contributes to a gradual shift in his stance; at first he's hell-bent on fighting alongside Christopher in order to turn back into a human being, and in the end he's willing to sacrifice himself to buy time for Christopher's father and son to escape the planet."

"Humanity's callous treatment of fellow mutants eventually leads him to reflect and side with the original dissident force. It's really kind of a metaphor for the fact that mankind's treatment of the alien is its treatment of itself, and it will eventually come back to haunt it. In the movie, it's the treatment of another species, and in reality, that's how humans treat different groups of people - they can all be Earthlings."

"You don't think you're taking a somewhat pessimistic view?" Oprah tried to ask.

Lin Mingyang bristled, a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Maybe it's a bit pessimistic to think that way, but that's the reality. If you don't believe me, just turn on the TV every night and take a serious look at the international news."

"Some people think that the clip of you dissecting aliens in this movie is a satire on live experiments?"

"There is indeed a clip of dissecting aliens in the movie, I just think that when those researchers in biochemical protective suits use electric drills to do experiments on flesh, they are devoid of any humanity. It may be hard for many people to accept this, so let me put it another way, such researchers have no respect for life. Life has no dignity in the lab, all the pain and brutality are just dry physiological reactions and data, they don't care what kind of creature you are or what kind of alienated fellow human being you are, they will just split you like firewood for the sake of 'sacred' research."

In the face of Lin Mingyang's sharp and pointed views, Oprah completely turned into a listener, but she still forgot her duty: "But movies are different from reality after all."

"MNU's researchers are going to dissect Wikus alive, don't think that things like this only happen in movies, if someone is really so mutated, our scientists will definitely do it."

"But if the sacrifice of a few can be exchanged for the greater good of mankind, isn't this behavior excusable?"

"That's exactly what I'm most worried about, if the interests of the few can be sacrificed when the interests of the majority are guaranteed?"

Oprah nodded contentedly, "I'm done with my questions about District 9, can we talk about something else next?"

"Of course, but I don't guarantee that I'll answer all of your questions." Lin Ming Yang smiled "slyly".

"Earlier there were rumors that you had once invested in Facebook and YouTube during your college days, and now the story has turned out to be that you are the majority shareholder of these two companies, what do you think about this?"

"Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg is also a Harvard student, he lived in a dormitory with me before he dropped out, and I did invest in Facebook, and in possession of part of the equity; as for YouTube, the company's president Reed was my best friend in high school, I should be considered as one of the founders of the site, the original idea was to give those who love to shoot amateur photography the opportunity to share their knowledge with the public. is to provide a platform for those amateur people who love to shoot to show their works, but now the scale is getting bigger and bigger, which I didn't expect before."

"The market capitalization of these two companies together is now at least like 20 billion dollars, which means you are now worth at least 5 billion dollars?" Oprah further speculated.

"The amount of a company's market capitalization doesn't mean that the shareholders have that much money in their hands!" Although Lin Mingyang was correcting the other party's statement, he was also sort of acquiescing to this fact.

"But you won't be short of money in your hands either, I can assume so, right?"

Lin Ming Yang could get tens of millions of dollars for any random movie in Hollywood, and he also owned the rights to the series of novels called Twilight, his exact worth was unknown to anyone, but he definitely belonged to that category of very rich stars, which was why Oprah asked that.

"There shouldn't be any shortage, right?" Because he didn't know exactly what the other party wanted to ask, Lin Ming Yang could only nod his head.

"Then why are you still willing to live with your own parents until now, instead of choosing to move out and buy a luxurious villa to live by yourself. I mean, all the other stars in Hollywood seem to like to do that, you don't seem to be quite the same as the others?"

"I think you actually want to ask, if I'm so rich, why don't I enjoy a luxurious life?" Lin Ming Yang smiled, "Do you still have Mark that I mentioned just now? He's the founder of Facebook, but he's still living in the apartment he shares with his girlfriend. I think when it comes to life choices, it doesn't matter how much wealth you possess, but what kind of attitude towards life you adhere to."