Chapter 194 - The Spider-Man Who Fell to Earth

"This Prada handbag is the latest work of the famous Italian fashion designer Ldiass, look at its color and texture..." in a Prada boutique in a fashionable neighborhood in Los Angeles, the beautiful shopping guide lady was recommending a newly arrived handbag to Jessica Alba. . Just at this time, her cell phone suddenly rang.

Alba smiled apologetically at the other party, walked to the side, and picked up the phone, "Why did you guys suddenly remember to call me?"

"It seems like we haven't contacted each other for a while, recently I have more time, if you need a 'rent-a-boyfriend', maybe I can come and make a friendly cameo." Lin Ming Yang on the other end of the phone laughed, "That photographer hasn't been pestering you anymore lately, right?"

"You suddenly called me just to talk about this?" At the mention of that embarrassing incident, Alba's originally good mood immediately became a little worse.

"Okay, just kidding!" Lin Ming Yang heard the coldness in Alba's tone and wisely changed the topic, "It's a nice day today, why don't we find a place to sit?"

Alba asked with some surprise, "You've arrived in Los Angeles!"

"Where are you, I'll drive over to pick you up!"

Alba covered her mouth and laughed lightly, "As if I haven't promised you to go or not, what are you in such a hurry for?"

"I miss you, that's a good enough reason!" Lin Ming Yang joked recklessly on the other end of the phone.

Alba nuzzled, "I don't accept this reason!"

"Sony is preparing to film a sequel to The New Spider-Man, and Mr. Sam Raimi wants me to talk to you!" After going around in a big circle, Lin Ming Yang finally told the truth.

Alba considered for a moment, then said a cafe address over the phone. Lin Ming Yang once again offered to drive over to pick her up, but Alba shook her head and politely declined Lin Ming Yang's kind offer.

Ever since Lin Mingyang had been interviewed by Oprah, his habit of collecting sports cars as a hobby had become common knowledge. A handsome and handsome man, driving a luxury sports car with a high price appeared in front of the eyes, and then even came to open the door for his female companion, such a scene should be a scene that many girls have fantasized about.

But driving a sports car is not necessarily a prince, it can also be a big trouble. Alba to Lin Mingyang's understanding, this guy may be driving a "eye-catching" expensive sports car today, if the paparazzi secretly photographed two people riding in the same car photos, causing misunderstandings, Alba and then want to explain can not be so easy thing.

After hanging up the phone, Alba swiped her credit card to buy the bag and went out to stop a taxi. Alba originally thought that Lin Mingyang would arrive before her, but she waited in the cafe for more than half an hour and didn't even see the other person.

Downtown Los Angeles was vast and spread out, the entire city was based on millions of small, one-family homes. Green, lined with courtyard-style buildings in muted colors, subtle shapes, and different styles, scattered across the flat hills. Downtown there are dozens of dozens of high-rise buildings, freeways and city streets crisscrossed, as dense as a spider's web, accessible in all directions. With about 30% of its total roadway area, Los Angeles is the most highway-rich city in the United States, making it easy to get around. But sometimes, that's not necessarily a good thing.

Lin Mingyang didn't want to be late either, but he was lost. He had initially offered to pick up Alba, mainly because he wasn't very familiar with the roads outside the main city of Los Angeles, and had to get a local to show him the way. After being delayed on the road for more than forty minutes, he finally found the right place.

When they met, Alba naturally didn't have a good face, and only after Lin Mingyang explained the reason did she let go of her resentment.

"So you can get lost too!" Looking at Lin Ming Yang's somewhat wretched expression, she covered her mouth and giggled.

Lin Ming Yang shrugged helplessly, "It's not like I'm a Google map, it's normal to get lost!"

"Did you rent that car?" Alba purposely chose a windowed compartment when she arrived, and she saw that Lin Ming Yang was driving a very ordinary SUV this time.

Lin Ming Yang looked depressed, "That's what I bought, okay!"

"It's not like you to drive this kind of car!" Alba teased, "Even if it's just to cover your tracks, you should buy a better car, at least with an automatic navigation system so you won't get lost!"

"So I'm laying low a bit too much?" Lin Mingyang himself realized this problem.

Alba glared at him without a good look, "What do you think?"

Lin Ming Yang nodded, "Alright, I'll get a new one when I turn around!"

The topic about the car ended there, Lin Ming Yang had already told Alba his intentions on the phone, Sam Raimi wanted the sequel to New Spider-Man to use the original cast, he convinced Lin Ming Yang and then encouraged Lin Ming Yang to do Alba's job.

During the time she was waiting for Lin Ming Yang, Alba herself had seriously considered the issue. Since taking on the role of "New Spider-Man", Alba was favored by many movie producers for her sweet styling style, and she appeared in "Fantastic Four" and "Sin City" one after another, and quickly became a familiar big star.

In the fame and career double harvest at the same time, Alba also began to actively seek their own breakthrough, the traditional commercial films in those "vase" type of role can not meet her requirements. In Alba's opinion, the female lead in the sequel to "The New Spider-Man" does not meet her own requirements, but whether out of professional ethics or emotional inclination, she is not good to refuse.

Alba at this time is very thatched, Lin Mingyang from her eyebrows feel this emotion, carefully pondered, he seems to understand a little.

"You're agonizing over the role?"

Lin Ming Yang was so "understanding", which surprised Alba: "How did you know..."

Alba's reaction proved that she hadn't guessed wrong, which made Lin Ming Yang look a little smug, "Don't forget, I majored in psychology in college, and figuring out what's on other people's minds is my forte."

"What do you think I should do?" Alba looked distressed, "I've just finished acting in Fantastic Four 2, I'm really tired of this kind of roles in this kind of commercial movie where there's only an exterior display and no inner expression."

"This question, you've asked the right person!" Lin Ming Yang put his hands on the table, sat up straight, and looked at Alba with a gleam in his eye, "I'm the screenwriter of this movie, and I'm the most vocal when it comes to roles."

"Whether it's the comics or the movie, Spider-Man is the absolute protagonist, everyone else is just a sidekick..." the script had to be adapted from the comics, and on this issue, Alba wasn't very confident in Lin Ming Yang's adaptation either.

"I'm going to make Spider-Man a normal person in the sequel...I don't mean that his superpowers disappear, but that he will live like a normal person and then encounter the same troubles as normal people. His superpowers can help him fight against evil criminals, but they don't help him with the troubles he encounters in life."

In fact, when creating the script for "New Spider-Man", the story of the sequel was already taking shape in Lin Ming Yang's mind, and after so much time considering and perfecting it, he already understood very well what kind of story he needed. It can be said that "New Spider-Man" has already used the various forms of expression of commercial blockbusters to the extreme To further breakthrough on this basis, the difficulty is very great.

Since the traditional means of expression can no longer break through, Lin Mingyang in the design of the plot, can only be from other aspects of the brain, he this time ready to dig deeper into the connotation of the film. The success of "District 9" gave Lin Mingyang a great revelation. A sci-fi movie about aliens can be turned into a satirical fable, and the story of Spider-Man can also be used to reflect certain social issues. This time, he has set his sights on one of the most popular topics in American TV series - family.

"On the one hand is one's family, on the other hand is one's inescapable responsibility, this kind of role conflict that switches back and forth between the identity of a normal person and that of Spider-Man will become a thread that runs through the whole plot."

"Then the role I play... "Alba was also attracted by Lin Ming Yang's novel idea, but she was most concerned about Lin Ming Yang's positioning of her character.

"In the sequel story, you will become Spider-Man's wife."

Alba asked suspiciously, "From girlfriend to wife, there doesn't seem to be any fundamental difference between the two?"

Lin Ming Yang spread his hands, "But you also have to play the role of a mother at the same time."

"We all have kids now?" Alba sighed before realizing that her wording seemed to easily cause misunderstandings. Luckily, Lin Ming Yang's mind was on the sequel to New Spider-Man at this time, and he didn't notice this "language problem".

In order to cover up, Alba added, "I mean, does this kid have the same superpowers as Spider-Man?"

Lin Mingyang shook his head, "He's nothing but a normal kid!"

Alba patted her chest, "Thank goodness, I think I'm already tired of being Spider-Man's wife, if I have to be the little Spider-Man's mother, then I should really break down!"

"In my very first conception, the child originally inherited Spider-Man's powers, but that arrangement would only make the movie fall into the cliché of commercial movies, and Spider-Man would be a good father and husband if he went on to be a good father and a good husband, and that's what I wanted to get across."

"Spider-Man and I are married, what about Belle?" Alba suddenly thought of something else, "I think I remember Belle was pregnant with a child in the last episode."

"That's the trouble I set up for Spider-Man, Belle had that baby and instead of getting married again, she insisted on raising it alone. Out of the guilt of outing his best friend Harry, Spider-Man took it upon himself to take care of their mother and daughter." Lin Ming Yang glanced at Alba as he said this, "If your husband was secretly taking care of another woman and her child, but neglected to care for you and the child, when you encountered a situation like this, would you feel it was a betrayal?"

Alba thought for a moment, "That depends on whether or not he has developed feelings for that woman, and whether or not the two of them have had any inappropriate relationships."

"If he only went to take care of that mother and daughter out of moral obligation, whether mentally or physically, he didn't cheat on his wife, but you unknowingly saw him and that woman together in an intimate manner, what would you think?"

Alba's curiosity had been thoroughly aroused by Lin Ming Yang's story, she pressed on and said, "Well, don't sell me short, just tell me the whole plot!"

"Peter successfully entered a high-tech bio-company after graduating from college, and with a number of groundbreaking inventions, he quickly made his way to the top of the company. He and Winger get married, and soon after, their child is born. With a successful career and a beautiful family, Peter has always been the envy of those around him, while at the same time he continues his campaign against evil as Spider-Man."

"This peaceful life was eventually broken, Mary returned to the city with the daughter left behind by Harry, and when Peter went to visit them, he found that Harry's daughter, Windsor, suffered from autism in her eyes due to the lack of fatherly love since she was a little girl, and Mary was having a hard time making ends meet on her own to support the two of them. Kind Peter decided to help the mother and daughter, but was afraid to cause misunderstanding of his own wife, so has been quietly action."

"Peter missed his own son Mark's swimming competition in order to accompany Windsor to the amusement park; he spent the time he spent shopping with his wife helping Mary organize the yard. Peter thought he was having a full and interesting time, but ignored the feelings of his wife and son."

"While Windsor's autism has improved significantly, Peter's communication with his son is in trouble. Because Mark bragged to his buddies that his father was Spider-Man but was ridiculed by everyone, he wants Peter to perform for his buddies to prove that he is not a shameful liar. But Peter sees no point in such performances of a vanity nature, and Mark is ostracized by his pals for the incident, and the relationship between father and son becomes very much the worse for wear."

"To make matters worse, the wife, Winger, also notices Peter's abnormality and suspicion begins to creep into her mind. One night during a thunderstorm, the power suddenly went out at Mary's house, and Windsor was so frightened that she refused to go to bed, and Mary had to ask Peter for help."

"Peter lied about something at the office when he left the house, but Winger, who was already suspicious, followed secretly. Peter quickly finds the fault in the circuit and after fixing it he puts Windsor back to bed. When he left Peter in the doorway to comfort Mary a few words, but the other can not help but jump into his arms, this scene was just seen by Wenger, she misunderstood the relationship between Peter and Mary. No matter how Peter explained, she insisted on divorcing Peter and moved out of the house with Mark."