Chapter 209 - Doing What You Know You Cannot Do

Lin Mingyang's trip to Hong Kong was originally a low-key private meeting, but Jackie Chan felt that it was not easy for him to come to Hong Kong, so it was a good time to promote King of Kung Fu.

Jackie Chan's assistant "let the cat out of the bag" during an interview with a reporter, and the news of Lin Ming Yang's visit to Hong Kong was brought to the attention of the Hong Kong media in advance. After all, Hong Kong is an internationalized metropolis, and there are a lot of people who pay attention to Hollywood entertainment. Once the news was released, it attracted a lot of attention, a large part of which are Lin Mingyang's movie fans.

Under the media's constant interviews and questions, Jackie Chan finally confirmed the matter himself, he himself did not tell the media when Lin Mingyang came over, but soon the media was informed of Lin Mingyang's schedule to Hong Kong from other channels.

Originally thought that after arriving in Hong Kong, a press conference would be enough, Lin Mingyang did not want too much to show his face, but as soon as he got off the plane, he realized that a large number of fans had already gathered outside the airport, many of whom had rushed over from overseas, while many local fans had already waited over here early in the morning.

As soon as Lin Ming Yang appeared, fans and reporters swarmed up, and several strong black bodyguards hurriedly surrounded Lin Ming Yang. Signing autographs and shaking hands, Lin Ming Yang used both hands, but he was still busy. Airport security personnel quickly arrived at the scene, with their assistance, the situation on this side has just stabilized, but the back end again made a scene.

In order to show his sincerity, Jackie Chan personally came over to receive the airplane, and his appearance caused another commotion. It was hard to break free from the crowd, and Lin Ming Yang, who was sitting in a special car, took a long breath of relief.

Sitting opposite him, Jackie Chan joked, "I've never even seen this kind of formation when I was back in Hong Kong, it seems that in the hearts of Hong Kong movie fans and media, you are more popular than even me... We Hong Kong people are very passionate, aren't we!"

Lin Ming Yang shrugged helplessly and said, "This kind of enthusiasm, I've already felt it once before!"

Jackie Chan laughed, "Then you should come over more often when you have the chance in the future, you're of Chinese descent, and this is also considered half of your hometown. I'll take you around some other day, Hong Kong is a great place!"

Lin Ming Yang nodded, but he didn't come to visit the mountains this time, after casually chatting with Jackie Chan, he asked somewhat eagerly, "When can I meet with Ms. Lin Qingxia?"

Jackie Chan looked embarrassed, seeing Lin Ming Yang's burning gaze staring straight at him, he simply told the truth, "This matter is mainly my mistake, when I recommended the candidate at that time, I shouldn't have recommended her to you... Recently, I've asked my acquaintances to try to find out her thoughts from the side, and she rejected it very directly!"

This result Lin Ming Yang was in deep thought, seeing that he was a bit disappointed, Jackie Chan quickly said, "Actually, we're considering a different person to play the role, apart from her, there are quite a few suitable actors on the Hong Kong side, why don't I take their information for you to have a look?"

Lin Ming Yang shook his head decisively, "I know the possibility of convincing the other party is very low, but since I'm here, if I give up without even meeting them, that's not my style."

Seeing his resolute attitude, Cheng Long sighed helplessly, "Alright, I'll arrange this matter as soon as possible."

"Let's also put the press conference back a bit...if we can convince her, then we can directly announce this matter at the press conference, if we fail, then we can just put out the new candidate."


In less than half a day after Lin Ming Yang checked into the hotel, there were more than 10 calls from the General Office side, all from reporters who wanted to interview him.

In the end, Lin Mingyang directly told the attendant at the main desk that he wouldn't see anyone. After that no one called again, Lin Mingyang had just laid down on his bed to prepare for jet lag when his cell phone, which was pressed under his pillow, suddenly rang.

After seeing clearly who was calling, Lin Mingyang suddenly lost all sleepiness. He sat cross-legged on the bed, and when he answered the phone, he wondered in his heart that it was early morning in the United States at this time of the day, and how Kate would suddenly want to get up and give him a call.

"Surprised, right?" The phone came from Kate with some lazy soft voice, Lin Ming Yang could not help but stare, although he and Kate often talk on the phone, but it seems to have not met for a long time, hearing this voice, Lin Ming Yang heart suddenly produced a strong desire to meet with Kate's impulse.

"Felix, are you listening?" Not seeing a response for half a day, Kate on the other end of the phone couldn't help but feel a bit puzzled.

Returning to his senses, Lin Ming Yang hemmed and hawed, "Miss me?"

Hearing this familiar emphasis, Kate's mouth floated up with a hint of a smile, for this kind of verbal "flirting" from Lin Ming Yang, she had long been accustomed to it.

"You went to Hong Kong?"

Lin Ming Yang was greatly surprised by this, "The news traveled so fast, I only got off the plane at noon, and now there's already a report in the US?"

"Listen for yourself!" Kate pointed the earpiece of her cell phone at the TV.

On the phone Lin Mingyang heard that it was actually in Cantonese, which made him more and more curious in his heart. Unfortunately, the news segment was broadcast so fast that Lin Mingyang didn't understand the meaning at all, and could only judge from the vague few words that the news was presumably related to his appearance at the Hong Kong International Airport at noon today.

Lin Ming Yang curiously asked, "Did you understand what this news said?"

"Couldn't understand...but I saw you appear on the screen!" Kate replied honestly.

Lin Ming Yang then asked, "So you couldn't sleep so you got up in the middle of the night to watch TV?"

Kate giggled, "No ah, it's half a day here for me too, it's still early for bedtime!"

"Impossible ah, the US should be now..." said Lin Ming Yang, looking at the time, then a possibility suddenly came to his mind, "You're in Hong Kong too?"

Kate muttered and said playfully, "You can come, can't I?"

"I...didn't mean that!" Lin Ming Yang was a little incoherent in his speech under his excitement, "What I want to ask is, how did you get here?"

"I'm the spokesperson for the Esprit clothing brand, and they're holding a summer clothing launch over here in Hong I came over!"

"Great!" Lin Mingyang slapped his thighs and said excitedly, "How long will you be staying here?"

"I arrived yesterday, and the whole event is only three days!"

"That's so!" Learning that Kate would only be staying for such a short period of time, Lin Mingyang couldn't hide his disappointment in his tone.

Sensing Lin Mingyang's low mood, Kate quickly asked, "Are you going to stay here for a long time?"

"I'm not sure, maybe for a while... You know that I've been planning a new movie recently, and the main reason I came to Hong Kong was to ask an actress who has been off the air for many years to play an important role in my movie... This actress is very famous in Asia, and she was married to a Hong Kong tycoon and hasn't accepted any director's invitation since then...I don't know if I can convince her this time."

In Kate's eyes, Lin Ming Yang was never confident in what he wanted to do, he had never shown such worry about a matter, it seemed like he had really encountered a problem this time. Kate didn't know what she could do to help him, so she could only say comfortingly, "I think you'll be able to succeed."

The strong concern in Kate's words warmed Lin Ming Yang's heart, and he smiled openly, "Let's not talk about this topic, did you call me and want to ask me to have dinner with you?"

"Who said I want to have dinner with you?" Kate's pretty face reddened and quenched a bite lightly, "I don't want to stay with you, this big pervert!"

"Really?" Lin Mingyang sighed with feigned regret, "Originally I was planning to invite you to a candlelight dinner together, but it seems I'll have to ask someone else out!"

Kate fiercely threatened, "If you ask someone else out, I'll never talk to you again!"

"Then I'll only ask you out in the future, is that okay?" Lin Ming Yang coaxed Kate twice, but in his heart, he was still playing the small plan of asking Kate out to meet him. Seeing that the other party wouldn't fall for the dinner date, Lin Ming Yang came up with another method.

"Then let's go out for a stroll together at night, Hong Kong is very lively at night!"

But this proposal was also rejected by Kate, this time Lin Mingyang is considered to be "exhausted", although the phone, Kate can still imagine Lin Mingyang at this time to eat crappy expression, but she did not want to continue to "tease" Lin Mingyang's intention.

"There's a reception at Esprit tonight, let's go together!"

Lin Ming Yang deliberately hesitated, "But people didn't even invite me..."

At this time, Kate got "angry" over there, she huffed and held the phone, saying, "They invited me, can't I bring a male companion?"

After agreeing to Kate, although he no longer had the desire to continue sleeping, Lin Ming Yang was still prepared to lie in bed for a while longer. But it wasn't long before his cell phone rang again. Pulling it out, the call was still from Kate.

"My big beautiful girl, what's wrong again?" Although Lin Ming Yang said this, there wasn't the slightest bit of impatience in his voice, in fact he was bored and couldn't wait for Kate to chat with him for a while longer at this time.

Kate asked over the phone, "I forgot just now, did you come to Hong Kong with a fitted dress?"

Lin Ming Yang had a cold sweat: "Seems like no!"

Kate seemed to have expected this result, she frowned softly on the other end of the phone, "You lazy guy, you don't even go out without a dress, you're a big star in Hollywood come out now, we'll go buy it together"

Lin Ming Yang asked curiously, "You didn't bring any either?"

An actress like Kate, how could she go out without clothes, she said in a bad mood, "It's to help you buy ok!"

After making an appointment, Kate hung up the phone. Lin Mingyang sat up from the bed and his mind began to calculate how he was going to go out. Pulling open the floor-to-ceiling curtains in the living room and glancing downwards, there was still a group of fans outside the hotel who hadn't left, and not far away, quite a few reporters were also squatting and waiting over there, so it definitely wouldn't be possible to just walk straight out like this.

Just as Lin Mingyang was at a loss, someone suddenly knocked on the door "bang bang bang".

Lin Ming Yang's heart surged with a trace of doubt, "Could it be that there are reporters in the hotel mixed in?"

When he opened the door, he gave a wary look outside and realized that the person knocking on the door was a courier boy.

Lin Ming Yang's gaze swept suspiciously over the other's face, "It seems like no one would send my courier here, did you get the wrong person?"

The courier delivery lad's eyes flickered for a moment before he asked in mock surprise, "Aren't you Mr. Wang Fusheng?"

Lin Mingyang suddenly felt somewhat as if he was, as the other party was obviously acting. He patted the other party on the shoulder, "From the moment I opened the door, you've been staring at me, which means you know me. You said you were a courier, but you weren't holding anything in your hands at all, so you were deliberately looking for the wrong door, am I right?"

Just as Lin Ming Yang was speaking, several of his bodyguards had already walked out from the next room. Seeing that his trick had been demolished by Lin Ming Yang, the delivery boy hurriedly explained, "I'm not a reporter... I'm really a delivery boy, but it's not like I'm here to deliver today..."

Several of the bodyguards leaned over at this time, as long as Lin Mingyang nodded his head, they would immediately drive this guy of suspicious origin away, but Lin Mingyang shook his head, signaling them not to get busy first.

The courier lad explained in Mandarin mixed with Cantonese for half a day, and did he even pop up with a sentence or two in English, well at least he finally let Lin Ming Yang understand what he meant. The young man was indeed a courier, but he was also an avid fan of Lin Ming Yang. Today it just so happened that he had an express delivery for one of the residents of the hotel where Lin Ming Yang was staying, and after the hotel receptionist confirmed it, he let him in.

After the express delivery to the hands of the resident, the young man did not rush to leave, but with the idea of chance to knock open a few rooms, I did not expect to let him really let it happen.

In order to prove his identity, he even took out his work permit, and Lin Mingyang only casually glanced at it before returning it to him. Since he was his own fan, Lin Mingyang of course changed into a pleasant attitude, again giving him an autograph and agreeing to take a picture with him, making this young man somewhat flattered.

This young man was not ungreedy, after getting Lin Ming Yang's autograph for the photo, he was ready to leave, but Lin Ming Yang called him back.

The lad was full of doubts as Lin Mingyang's eyes looked up and down on his body, finally Lin Mingyang spoke, "This outfit of yours..."

"These are our work clothes...why are you asking?" The young man looked at Lin Mingyang in confusion.

Lin Ming Yang, however, asked without thinking, "The hat too?"

The lad nodded.

Lin Mingyang asked again, "Is this the only set of clothes you wear when you work?"

The young man was completely confused by Lin Ming Yang, "The company issued us several sets of these clothes, so we can change them every day."

Lin Mingyang suddenly grabbed the young man's hand, "Will you sell this outfit to me?"

"But I don't have any other clothes with me..." the young man looked at Lin Ming Yang with difficulty, the subtext was that the clothes were given to Lin Ming Yang, could he go out naked himself?

"You don't need to worry about this, we can just change!" Lin Ming Yang couldn't help but pull the lad closer to his room.

Under the dumbfounded gaze of several bodyguards, the door of the room closed with a bang.