Chapter 210 - An Unexpected Encounter

Lin Mingyang and the courier boy changed clothes and lowered the brim of his hat when he went out, so the fans and reporters waiting outside the hotel didn't recognize him. Delivery people can be seen everywhere in life, everyone has been accustomed to this kind of role, no one noticed the delivery guy's weirdness.

A little girl on the roadside curiously pulled her mother, milky voice asked: "Mom, why that delivery uncle will take a taxi, they are not all riding a motorcycle?"

"It could be that his motorcycle broke down and he was in a hurry to deliver the courier to the customer, and if he didn't deliver it on time, his boss would dock his paycheck." Mother squatted down and patiently explained.

The little girl pointed with her hand, "But why is that uncle riding the delivery motorcycle again?"

The little girl's mother watched as the guy her daughter was pointing to rode his motorcycle past her, "This ..."

The girl's small hand clapped, "I know, just now that taxi uncle grabbed the clothes of the uncle who delivered the courier, and then this one rode a motorcycle to chase him!"

The mother asked curiously, "Then how did you think of it?"

The little girl tilted her head, "Because that's how the movies play out!"


When Lin Mingyang took a taxi to the agreed location, Kate was already waiting there. Lin Mingyang deliberately waved around in front of her, finally catching Kate's attention.

Kate felt that the guy who was always hanging around in front of her looked familiar, then tentatively shouted, "Felix?"

Lin Mingyang raised the brim of his hat too high, made a "shh" gesture at the surprised Kate, and then walked into a nearby clothing store. A few minutes later, he changed his outfit and appeared in front of Kate, with an extra pair of sunglasses on his face.

Lin Mingyang was about to leave while holding Kate's hand, but the staff of the clothing store behind him hurriedly chased him out.

He ran to Lin Ming Yang out of breath, with a paper bag in his hand, "Sir, you left the clothes you changed into!"

Lin Ming Yang was so focused on paying the bill just now that he forgot about it, but he didn't say that he was reaching out to pick up the bag of clothes, instead he smiled politely at the staff member, "I borrowed these clothes from a friend, would you please help me send them back to him at this address?" As he said that, he touched his pants bag, which only contained a bank card, and the understanding Kate beside him hurriedly took out a Hong Kong dollar with a face value of 1,000 dollars from her own money clip and handed it over.

Smiling at Kate with a blush, Lin Ming Yang turned his hand and handed that $1,000 Hong Kong dollar bill to the clothing store staff as a tip.

Lin Ming Yang's outfit cost nearly 80,000 Hong Kong dollars, but when he swiped his credit card just now, he didn't even look at the bill before hastily signing on it, and then he took out such a large amount of tip, the staff of the clothing store knew that he had met a gold master today, and he nodded his head in agreement with whatever the other party said now.

Lin Ming Yang did not have a pen and paper in hand, the staff of the clothing store brought his own pen, he wrote down the address Lin Ming Yang said on the palm of his hand and promised to definitely send the clothes back.

After thanking him, Lin Mingyang and Kate then turned to leave.

All the reporters in Hong Kong thought that Lin Ming Yang was staying in the hotel at this time, no one would have thought that he would be on the streets of Hong Kong at this time with Kate with their fingers clasped tightly together, leisurely strolling around as if they were a couple.

Kate personally helped Lin Mingyang pick out a dress to wear to the reception, after payment, Lin Mingyang let the shopkeeper help him send the dress directly back to the hotel, while he himself and Kate found a cafe to sit for a moment. Because Kate had a fashion endorsement event before the reception, the two had to part ways for a while.

When Lin Mingyang returned to the hotel, the fans waiting over here had basically dispersed, leaving only those reporters who were still squatting and waiting. Without a second thought, Lin Ming Yang was surrounded by them.

And Kate "date" return, Lin Mingyang at this time the mood is good, so exceptionally answered a few reporters' questions.

"This time you came to Hong Kong, in addition to the publicity for the King of Kung Fu, is there another purpose?" The reporters seemed to have heard something, and their questions were meant to be meaningful.

"I know that there are a lot of fun places in Hong Kong, so I came here to travel by the way!" Lin Mingyang joked, trying to change the topic, but these Hong Kong reporters didn't fall for it, they still clung on to the question and wouldn't give up until they dug something substantial out of Lin Mingyang's mouth.

"We heard that there is still an important role in the movie 'King of Kung Fu' that has not yet been finalized, is your visit to Hong Kong related to this matter?"

Lin Ming Yang's heart was like a mirror, if it wasn't for someone leaking it, how could these reporters be so sure of the purpose of his visit to Hong Kong. What made him feel helpless was that the rumor was probably deliberately released from Jackie Chan's side.

"I can only say that that is also one of the purposes of my coming to Hong Kong this time, but let's not go guessing, I think that in these recent days, the candidate for that role will be finalized, and then we will have a special press conference to inform everyone about this." Lin Ming Yang's answer was still somewhat evasive.

Such a result might not satisfy the reporters, someone then asked, "It is said that that role will invite a very famous actress in Hong Kong to take up the role, can you reveal the specific candidate in advance?"

"There's no clear candidate for this role yet, if you have any more good suggestions, I'd like to hear them!" Lin Ming Yang pushed the question back to the reporter, it was obvious that he didn't have the idea of listening to the other party's opinion, he quickened his pace and walked into the hotel, while the reporters were all blocked by the hotel's security guards.


In the evening Lin Ming Yang and Kate arrived at the hotel where this reception was held in a special car sent over by Esprit. This reception is also considered to be a Hong Kong fashion industry celebrity party, and is a private nature, can come to participate in the local fashion industry are stars or well-known designers, and heard the reporters were far away from the outside.

The appearance of Lin Mingyang and Kate made a lot of people attending the cocktail party stare blankly. Kate is the international brand spokesperson of Esprit, the organizer of the cocktail party, and everyone knows her, while Lin Mingyang, not to mention, people who know a little bit about Hollywood entertainment know this big star who is in the limelight. As soon as the two appeared, they became the center of attention of the entire reception.

King of Kung Fu, which was being prepared for filming, had been publicized in Hong Kong with a lot of hype, although the outside world did not know the inside story of this cooperation, but to be able to bring Jackie Chan and Jet Li, the two international kung fu superstars, to work together in the same movie, such a stroke and boldness in the entire Chinese film industry is unique. There had been many people who had tried to do this, but none of them had succeeded, and now that Lin Mingyang had done it, everyone was sure to look at him differently.

"Mr. Felix, let me introduce you, this is Mr. Ting Li Yuan, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong Esprit Global Holdings Limited..." the person in charge of receiving Lin Mingyang and Kate was the PR manager of Hong Kong Esprit, and after leading Lin Mingyang and Kate around the reception, he happened to be at the doorway and met his boss.

Lin Mingyang didn't react at first, he just smiled at the other party, but when his eyes skimmed over the side of this Chairman of the Board of Directors of Esprit, he froze at once, his entire body motionless, staying there like a stone statue.

"This is our Chairman Inter's wife, Ms. Brigitte Lin, she was also a resounding big star in our Chinese film industry in the past." That PR manager was concerned with the introduction and didn't notice the strangeness of Lin Ming Yang's expression, but Kate who was intimately holding Lin Ming Yang's arm noticed the oddity on his face.

On the opposite side of the criminal Li Yuan and Mrs. Lin Qingxia were also confused, both sides were meeting for the first time, Lin Mingyang's reaction at this time was indeed a bit exaggerated.

Kate gently pinched Lin Ming Yang with the hand she was holding, Lin Ming Yang then came back to his senses, he immediately realized that he had just lost his temper, and then apologetically explained: "I loved watching Hong Kong kung fu movies when I was a kid, and at that time, my favorite actress was Ms. Lin, and now that I have seen the real person... I really don't know how to express my inner excitement, it's a great pleasure for me. the excitement inside me, this is such a surprise to me!"

Lin Qingxia smiled slightly and said humbly, "Mr. Felix has won two Oscars at such a young age, it really puts me to shame when you say that."

"I'm not intentionally complimenting you, but I really enjoyed watching your movies when I was young, it's a pity that you haven't made any new works since you got married, it's a shame that I can't see your performances anymore!" Lin Ming Yang shook his head somewhat contently and sighed softly.

"But I got the true love that belongs to me, I think that for a woman, no matter how successful she is in her career, the ultimate destination is still the family." Lin Qingxia snuggled beside the criminal Li Yuan, full of happiness, said.

Criminal Li Yuan smiled faintly towards his wife, he knew that he basically couldn't insert any words in those topics that Lin Ming Yang and Lin Qingxia wanted to talk about, so he generously gave up the space for communication and went to the reception to socialize by himself.

Kate did not leave, Lin Mingyang and Lin Qingxia talked in Chinese, she stayed only to accompany Lin Mingyang.

After her husband left, Lin Qingxia looked at Lin Mingyang with some curiosity, "Mr. Felix, I can see that you should be a frank person, I would like to know if today's encounter was really a coincidence?"

Lin Ming Yang was stunned, then he realized what Lin Qingxia meant, he met the other party's skeptical eyes with a frank gaze.

"Ms. Lin asking this, I'm sure that Big Brother Jackie Chan has already contacted you, but I can assure you that today was definitely an accident, if I was able to meet you today, why would I bother asking Big Brother Jackie Chan to ask you out?"

Lin Qingxia had already believed Lin Mingyang's statement, but there was still a question in her mind.

"I've already clearly told Jackie Chan that I have no intention of wanting to make a comeback lately, but you still insisted that I meet you, why is that?"

"It might have something to do with the stubbornness in my own character!" Lin Ming Yang shrugged, "I've always believed that true success is when you do what others think you can't do. Even if it's not possible, I still want to try!"