Chapter 211 - Playing Missing

"I'm well aware of my current position, the name Lin Qingxia may still have some influence in the Chinese region, but in the overseas region, my name doesn't have the same appeal as Jackie Chan or Jet Li. I can still understand when Chinese directors are persistent in inviting me to star in this movie, why are you, as a Hollywood director, so interested in me?" Because Lin Mingyang was a "foreigner", out of courtesy, Lin Qingxia did not reject him immediately.

Lin Mingyang didn't answer right away, but just looked at Lin Qingxia. At this moment, the most attractive thing on Lin Mingyang's face was his calm watery gaze, Lin Qingxia had a feeling that this gaze seemed to be more powerful than a thousand words.

After half a second of silence, Lin Ming Yang finally spoke, "If I say that I'm doing this as a tribute to the Hong Kong kung fu movies of the 90's, do you believe me?"

The gaze in Lin Qingxia's eyes flickered as if it could penetrate one's soul, and Lin Mingyang met it with a frank expression. It was a bit of a big statement coming from another person, but coming from Lin Mingyang, it had a power that people had to believe.

Lin Ming Yang wasn't talking big, he had the vigor and the ability to do so. From the plot setting to the arrangement of the action, Lin Mingyang was practicing such a concept all the time.

Because Jackie Chan and Jet Li are both iconic figures of Hong Kong's 90's kung fu movies, Lin Mingyang has arranged a peak showdown for them in the movie, a full 20 minutes of pure fighting including all forms of fighting.

The identities of the key characters in the movie are that of a monk, a down-and-out showman, and a songstress, all of which are among the most common and storytelling characters in Hong Kong cinema. Jackie Chan's first appearance is a set of drunken boxing, humor and dashing faction are still there; Jet Li chases a foreign boy in the bamboo forest, reminiscent of the cool bamboo background of Hu Jinquan. Imitation traces of the most heavy is the drama of the Shaolin Temple thirteen stick monks arrangement, when Jet Li is "Shaolin Temple" fame, Lin Mingyang "copy" over, tribute to the meaning of self-evident.

The only regret is that Jackie Chan and Jet Li in the play PK can only be regarded as a kind of sparring, the audience can see in this duel between the two in the past movie in many classic action reappearance, but Lin Mingyang thought about it, always feel that the script is missing a little something.

In the end, it was Yuen Wo Ping's words that woke him up. Commenting on the script, Mr. Yuen said, "It's good, but there's no blood." The implication is that a kung fu movie is always incomplete without the kind of fights that involve life and death.

To make up for this, we need to increase the weight of the villains in the drama. Lin Mingyang did not mind arranging Jackie Chan and Jet Li, one to play the good guy and the other the bad guy, but the audience certainly did not agree. In fact, both Jackie Chan and Jet Li had never appeared as villains in their movies. Jackie Chan and Jet Li could have a fight over a misunderstanding, but in a drama where they become life and death rivals, it would be a challenge to assign who would play the good guy and who would play the bad guy.

To act opposite two international kung fu superstars without losing the upper hand, there is no one but Lin Qingxia in the Chinese movie industry. Since her, there has never been a second beauty in the Chinese acting circle who can freely roam between the poles of yin and yang. She is the most beautiful woman when she wears women's clothes, and the most handsome man when she wears men's clothes.

Only Brigitte Lin can make a "villain" in people's habit of Dongfang Bubo, played by Jet Li played the "warrior" Linghu Chong. The image of that sideways looking out of the corner of the eye has become a glittering symbol in the light and shadow that people can remember.

Under the gaze of Lin Mingyang's sincere gaze, Lin Qingxia can only use a faint smile to cover up her inner conflict, she is now very difficult, have to admit that she was Lin Mingyang said some heart, but she has already accustomed to their own this kind of husband and wife to teach their daughter's quiet life, the entertainment industry of the rights and wrongs, she already do not want to have to get involved in.

During the time they were talking, Criminal Li Yuan, who was at the cocktail party over there, looked this way at least four or five times. Although he was at the cocktail party, his heart was in his wife. Although he was at the cocktail party, his heart was on his wife. The matter of Jackie Chan inviting Lin Qingxia to come out was also known to Criminal Li Yuan.

As a matter of fact, Criminal Li Yuan didn't want his wife to be out in the open, so he was instinctively resistant to this matter. The scene of Lin Mingyang pleading and Lin Qingxia hesitating was naturally interpreted in his eyes as Lin Mingyang pressing on, and Lin Qingxia being in a dilemma.

Seeing such a scene, Criminal Li Yuan no longer had any intention of continuing to socialize with others at the reception, he took another glass of wine from the waiter's tray and then walked over this way.

Then giving Lin Ming Yang the opportunity to toast, he asked with a feigned curiosity: ''What are you guys talking about? I watched you guys over there as if you were having a heated discussion."

Lin Ming Yang shrugged his shoulders and explained, "I want to ask Ms. Lin to play a role... I might have been too eager, so I might have been a bit emotional when I spoke!"

Criminal Li Yuan stared at Lin Ming Yang with wide eyes, very "surprised", and said, "Mr. Felix, it's been 13 years since my wife launched her career in the film and television industry, you should know this."

"I've read a lot of opinion polls about the mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and among the female artists that people consider to be the most successful, Mrs. Lin's ranked number one position and has yet to be surpassed. I believe that data doesn't lie, and this shows that the audience hasn't forgotten Ms. Lin."

Lin Mingyang this time is obviously "prepared", he came up with the data has a good, speechless criminal Li Yuan some anxious, "She now has three children at home need to take care of, and I think I have the ability to provide for the family, do not need their wives to go to the hard work of filming. "

"I think that when an actor reaches Ms. Lin's level, remuneration has actually become a secondary need." Lin Ming Yang said without haste, "I know that Mr. Criminal is a successful man in the business world, but you shouldn't underestimate the profession of an actor either. I myself came from an actor's background, and if I were to measure a person's worth by material wealth alone, I don't seem to be any worse than you!"

This was already a very modest and polite statement from Lin Mingyang, according to the ranking of the world's billionaires released by Forbes last year: there were a total of five hundred and eighty-seven billionaires with wealth of one billion dollars or more, of which Xing Li Yuan, with eighteen billion dollars, was ranked at the three hundred and eleventh position. And Lin Mingyang, as the shareholder behind Facebook and YouTube, ranked 36th with $10.8 billion, which makes Lin Mingyang the world's youngest billionaire in terms of pure capital worth.

Since Li Yuan had already lost to Lin Mingyang on the topic of "money", he simply avoided the topic: "Since money is not the most important thing, what does Mr. Felix think is the most important thing?"

"I think whether it's in Hollywood or Hong Kong, the paycheck is a reflection of an actor's value, and from that perspective, money is definitely important. But in Hollywood I have encountered such things, some actors are willing to pay their own money to complete the shooting of footage that the funding does not allow; some actors are willing to reduce their own pay so that the film can be presented to the audience in a more refined sub-look, if money is the most important, then their behavior does not make sense to explain. So I prefer to believe that for an actor, the role is the most important thing!"

Lin Qingxia chose to remain silent during the most heated argument between these two men, but at this time, she opened her mouth and asked, "So what kind of role has Mr. Felix prepared for me this time?"

"I know I don't have the 'ghost talent' like Director Tsui Hark, so I can only do some 'poor' imitation." Lin Mingyang fell back on modesty, "Since this movie is under the banner of paying homage to Hong Kong kung fu movies, the role I prepared for you is naturally a blend of the many classic images you've portrayed on screen before. As long as the audience can find the imprints of the past in this character, I think the characterization has been a success!"

It could be seen that Lin Qingxia was quite interested in this "summarized" role, but due to her husband's face, she could not agree to Lin Mingyang so easily, so she had to deliberately "make things difficult" for him.

"But I heard that this role is a complete villain."

Lin Qingxia was referring to the common problem of Hollywood commercial movies, a single plot leads to overly facetious characters, either good or bad, of course, the western audience's appreciation habits are not too easy to accept the kind of Chinese movies that are both good and evil complex character positioning.

"The character's antagonism is only reflected in her opposition to several positive characters in the drama, and I don't think the audience will look at any of the characters in the drama with a moral commentary."

Worried that this explanation wasn't enough, Lin Mingyang added, "I think this character is somewhat similar to the 'Oriental Undefeatable' that you've acted in, only it's a bit more facetious, and doesn't show as much complicated."

At this moment, Criminal Li Yuan, who hadn't said anything, suddenly popped up with a sentence, "But that's still a supporting role, isn't it?"

"Mr. Criminal thinks I would run from the United States to Hong Kong for an unimportant supporting role?" Lin Ming Yang laughed, "To see whether a character is important or not, the most intuitive criterion to judge is to look at his opponent. This character will be fighting one against two in the drama, meeting and battling two international kung fu superstars, Jackie Chan and Jet Li, do you think such a character will be an insignificant supporting role in the movie?"

Lin Qingxia smiled without saying anything, after being a couple for so many years, Criminal Li Yuan naturally could see her change of heart. Since his wife has already been moved, criminal Li Yuan also does not intend to continue to be the "villain", but he is still skeptical about this matter.

Lin Qingxia has more than ten years have not made a movie, and she was born in the same year Jackie Chan more than fifty years old can still jump on the screen, but Lin Qingxia is a woman, after all, and is still the mother of two children, in the physical and energy can not be compared with the former, shoot this movie she can not eat, this is the most concerned about the criminal Li Yuan.

In order to dispel his doubts, Lin Mingyang explained: "The actual fighting part of this film is mainly placed on the duel between Jackie Chan and Jet Li, and Ms. Lin's role in addition to close-up shots, because the action is difficult, in addition to the computer special effects synthesis, the shooting, most of the action is done by stunt doubles, the difficulty of the performance is not very great. "

Criminal Li Yuan was still a bit uneasy, at this time Lin Qingxia stood out with a smile on her face, "Don't worry, I think Mr. Felix is trustworthy, since he has said so, then there will definitely not be any problems during the shooting. Besides, I haven't even promised people yet, let's go back and discuss this matter before making a decision!"

Lin Qingxia found a step for Criminal Li Yuan, who naturally didn't say anything else. This side of Lin Mingyang despite the heart is very anxious, but on the surface did not express opposition to Lin Qingxia's decision. This matter was thus temporarily "shelved".


According to the relationship between Lin Mingyang and Kate is already very close, other people would have already had that kind of relationship, but they have always maintained that kind of "pure" male and female relationship. Kate had her own ideas, and Lin Mingyang wasn't willing to force himself.

Kate's body is also quite hot, but with her, Lin Mingyang does not have that kind of particularly strong lust impulse, the heart is more a kind of solid and quiet feeling. After the reception, Lin Mingyang did not return to his hotel, but went to Kate's place. A night to this known as the first beauty of England in the arms of the special thing, Lin Mingyang hand cheap accounted for a lot, but the kind of relationship between the two did not have a substantial breakthrough.

The next day when he woke up, Lin Ming Yang turned on the TV, and while watching the morning news accidentally found a powerful news related to himself.

"Hollywood superstar Felix Lin, who arrived in Hong Kong at noon yesterday, has mysteriously 'disappeared', and the reporter who has been squatting and waiting outside the hotel says that Felix Lin did not return to the hotel last night. His whereabouts are a mystery, and a well-informed insider claims that Felix Lim secretly met with an important figure in the Chinese movie industry last night. The head of Jackie Chan's film company, which is responsible for arranging Felix's trip to Hong Kong, did not give a positive response to this news, while Jackie Chan's agent's phone has been left unanswered. For the latest development of this matter, our entertainment news will continue to pay attention."

Seeing this news, Lin Mingyang remembered that was pressed under the pillow of the cell phone, pulled out a look, it turned out that the phone has been dead, their own people are not in the hotel, the phone is turned off, so the disappearance of no reason, I really do not know Jackie Chan should be anxious to what kind of situation.

Cell phone charger was placed in the original hotel by Lin Mingyang, good thing his cell phone and Kate with the same brand, the charger can be used interchangeably. Lin Mingyang hurriedly asked Kate to find the charger, turn on the power, open the phone is a long series of missed calls. In the front were all from Jackie Chan, and in the back it became Eckles, it seems that Jackie Chan couldn't get through to Lin Ming Yang and called Eckles again.

Lin Ming Yang asked Kate to help him make the call to Eckles, while he himself dialed Jackie Chan's number. As soon as the call connected, Jackie Chan's anxious voice came from the other end, "Ah Ming, where are you, nothing happened, right?"

"I'm at a friend's place!" Lin Ming Yang was a little embarrassed and scratched his head, "The phone ran out of battery last night, I put it under my pillow and didn't pay attention, causing you to worry about me!"

"You bastard!" Jackie Chan heatedly laughed a few times on the other end of the phone, his tone carrying a few unspoken implications. He didn't blame Lin Ming Yang too much for his "carelessness", instead he reminded him, "Now all the reporters in Hong Kong are staring at you... I'll have a car pick you up when you come back, we'll go back to the hotel together, and tell the public that you went to my place last night. "

"Now?" Lin Ming Yang asked with some hesitation, he had just promised Kate that he would send her to the airport, it was not good to go back on his words.

"Is it inconvenient?" The understanding Jackie Chan heard the subtext of Lin Ming Yang's words, and his tone had a bit more of a "teasing" flavor.

Lin Ming Yang and Kate's relationship had already been known to Jackie Chan during the filming of The Baby Project, so he didn't have anything to hide, "Kate has an endorsement activity in Hong Kong...I'm with her now, she's leaving today, I have to see her off!"

"The media side of Hong Kong can be watching you right now, so it's better to be cautious." Jackie Chan thought for a moment and said, "Tell you what, I'll come over in my car to pick you two up and drop Kate off at the airport. You guys can just say your goodbyes in the car, the airport is crowded, so you shouldn't show your face so as not to cause unnecessary suspicion!"

At the appointed time and place, Jackie was late.

Other people had to take the initiative to apologize when they were late, but as soon as Lin Mingyang and Kate got into the car, Jackie complained.

"Ah Ming, you've kept me in the dark!"

Lin Ming Yang had a bewildered look on his face, he still didn't know what was going on, and he was being scolded by Jackie Chan.

"Didn't you already know about me and Kate?"

Seeing that Lin Ming Yang didn't look like he was pretending to be confused, Jackie Chan was also a little strange in his heart. "I'm not referring to the matter of you and Kate staying together last night, I mean Lin Qingxia, you and her have already met?"

"So it's this!" Lin Ming Yang came to a realization, he told Jackie Chan the whole story, "At that time, I wasn't prepared, I didn't even think that the clothing Kate was endorsing was a brand owned by Lin Qingxia's husband's company... She called you, so she agreed?"

This explanation, Jackie Chan realized that he misunderstood Lin Ming Yang, he quickly explained: "She did not say it explicitly on the phone, she just said that she was looking for a few old friends from the past to come out and get together... On the phone when she talked about you, she showed that kind of very appreciative attitude, I've known her for such a long time, and I've never heard her praising a person so much. "

Jackie Chan's statement didn't solve the biggest suspense in Lin Ming Yang's mind, so instead he asked somewhat eagerly, "So is Ms. Lin going to say yes or no?"

Seeing Lin Ming Yang's anxious look, Jackie laughed, "Don't worry, with my understanding of her, this matter is in all probability a done deal!"