Chapter 212 - The Filming Here Is Quiet

Lin Qingxia eventually gave a positive answer as to whether or not she would act as the White-Haired Demoness in King of Kung Fu, but she had one precondition: she could not announce her participation beforehand, and after the filming of the movie was completed, she would not attend any promotional activities. As long as Lin Mingyang agreed to this condition, then she would play this role.

Lin Mingyang felt that this request was not excessive and naturally agreed to it, but Jackie Chan, who was originally thinking of using the news of Lin Qingxia's comeback to make a big publicity push for the movie, was a bit disappointed.

The movie held a low-key opening ceremony in Hengdian, Zhejiang Province, China, with all the main cast present, but the sharp-eyed media found that the producers announced five candidates for the lead roles, but the scene only came to Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Zac Efron, and Liu Yifei, the four main actors, and after a reporter brought up the issue, the mysterious absent star became the focus of media attention.

But no matter how the reporters inquired, the crew up and down the mouth is very tight, was asked urgently, Jackie Chan can only laughingly told reporters: "that comes a lot, I will not tell you her name now, this is a big suspense of the film, when the screening of the time we naturally know, I'm sure this is a very big surprise."

Lin Mingyang did not accept any interviews with reporters at all during the opening conference, and although King of Kung Fu was announced to be filmed in Hengdian, after the opening conference was over, he left his large group of people in Hengdian as a cover, and secretly took a pair of people to Xianju, Zhejiang Province, himself.

He was rushing to the Jingxing Rock in Xianju this time, and it was already nighttime when he arrived at the scenic spot, and after the car went up the mountain road, it was surprising that he needed to take an elevator to the top of the mountain, which was quite a novelty for Lin Mingyang and the members of the filming team. Because of the fatigue of the journey, after arriving at the hotel at the top of the mountain, everyone had no interest in enjoying the landscape and fell asleep.

Probably because he had slept too much when he flew over from the United States with jet lag, Lin Mingyang slept until he woke up in the middle of the night, and after that, he had no desire to sleep any more, so he simply climbed out of the bed and went to the top of the mountain to take pictures with his camera on his back. Jingxing Rock is an imposing boulder, such as a giant ship anchored here. People have always been impressed by the majesty and grandeur of Jingxing Rock, and because of its altitude of more than 740 meters, every full-moon night, at the top of the mountain, looking at the moon, is an excellent enjoyment.

Watch the moon from the pavilion at the tip of the cliffs on three sides of the wall. As the top of Jingxing Rock is often cloudy, the air density at the top is denser than the surrounding area, and the top of the mountain is like having an invisible convex lens. When the weather is favorable, the moon seen here can be twice as big as usual, and even the craters on the surface of the moon are clearly visible!

Unfortunately, the weather was not favorable, Lin Mingyang went to the light clouds covered the moon, but the stars overhead shining brightly, not able to see the "Jingxingwangmu" scenic. Lin Mingyang took a few pictures in the feeling tasteless, and finally returned to the hotel with a camera on his back resentfully.

Probably out of the activities, Lin Mingyang went back to sleep again, woke up when it was eight o'clock in the morning, when the weather has cleared up, they live in the hotel is located on the top of the hill, down can clearly see the village of Xia Tangxia, next to the neighboring village is the East Village, there are also ancient houses. In the center of Xia Tangxia Village are all ancient houses of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and all around the village are new houses, with a very clear pattern.

When Jet Li filmed Huo Yuanjia, the location was near here, and he recommended this place to Lin Mingyang during this shooting, Lin Mingyang had been here before, he only saw a distant view then, he felt that the mountains over here had layers and layers of mountains, it had a very Chinese painting mood, and the film's first shooting location was chosen here.

Not far away from the hillside of that small mansion is for the film shooting specially built, careful people may find that the rustic mansion is actually Jet Li's movie "Huo Yuanjia" in the cabin where he was rescued, this time the shooting Lin Mingyang just the layout of the room and the outside slightly changed, the play hero Jason woke up lying in the bed, once "Huo Yuanjia" in Jet Li also lay.

The most filming team came together with the assistant director Tony came to ask Lin Ming Yang when to start, is in the corridor with a great view Lin Ming Yang but shook his head, "Tony, you let everyone get ready, we are going down the mountain today, the equipment are placed in the room, bring their own personal belongings can be!"

Tony froze, then asked with some hesitation, "We're not shooting today?"

Lin Ming Yang shrugged, "Everyone rarely comes to China, so let's wander around the village under the mountain today, just think of it as a trip over here!"

From the very beginning of the unassuming crew, to now hold a lot of power of speech of the assistant director, Tony from the beginning to the point of participation in every movie directed by Lin Ming Yang, in the crew he is considered to be and Lin Ming Yang cooperation the longest people, for Lin Ming Yang "shooting while playing" style he has seen strange.

Tony notified the crew of the news, and they were all very excited. It was the first time for most of them to come to China, and everything around them was new to them, so they were all very positive about the opportunity to visit.

The filming team visited the small mountain village that can be seen from the hotel at the top of the hill. Following the road beside the stream into the village, the layout of the ancient village still exists, the villagers are very hospitable and warm, the appearance of a group of blonde foreigners in the area also attracted a lot of curiosity of the village name. These ancient dwellings are made up of numerous courtyards linked to one another, in which it is like walking into a big maze.

Under the guidance of the tour guide, the staff of the filming team could not get lost. This tour route should be carefully planned by the locals, in the tour route, will not feel there is a sudden appearance of new houses, where there is an incongruity of the new house will be used to block the line of sight of the tourists with the ancient wall, and often from this old house through another old house, can be completely immersed in the ancient atmosphere.

Everyone else was busy taking pictures and taking photos, except Zac Efron who looked distracted, he rarely spoke in the group and had a preoccupied look on his face.

"Zach?" Lin Mingyang waved at him and called him to him.

"Mr. you have any orders?" For Lin Ming Yang, who was only a year older than himself, Zack had a heartfelt admiration and respect, in fact, it wasn't just him, everyone else in the crew would naturally ignore Lin Ming Yang's age. When Lin Ming Yang slightly lowered his stature to communicate with others, the other person would have a feeling of being flattered.

Lin Ming Yang was still a little uncomfortable with Zac Efron's respectful attitude, he waved his hand, "Tell you what, just call me Felix!"

"Felix..." Zac Efron always felt a bit awkward to be called that, he was very clear about the gap between himself and Lin Ming Yang, to let him and those big movie stars like Lin Ming Yang "brother and brother", it was still a bit difficult for him. It's still a bit difficult for him to be called "brother" with Lin Ming Yang like those big movie stars.

"Alright, then you can call it whatever you like!" Lin Ming Yang shrugged his shoulders helplessly, no longer forcing him, "I see that you don't seem to be too focused today, did you encounter any problems?"

Zac Efron shook his head vigorously, "Nothing...I'm fine."

Lin Ming Yang frowned as he stared into Zac Efron's eyes, realizing that the other party's gaze clearly held some evasive connotations. "Lying in front of someone who majored in psychology, your acting skills aren't on point right now!"

Zac Efron blushed, he lowered his head somewhat coyly and said in embarrassment, "Actually... I'm worried that I can't play this role well!"

The movie hadn't even started shooting yet, and Zac Efron had such thoughts, which made Lin Ming Yang feel puzzled: "Why would you think that?"

Zac Efron replied in a small voice, "I'm worried that I won't be able to act well in those action scenes, after all, I've never been exposed to this type of acting before."

The worry he showed made Lin Ming Yang realize that he had been so focused on the preparations for the film during this time that he had neglected to communicate with the actors. Jackie Chan and Jet Li were both veteran actors, but Zac Efron was still a rookie when it came to coping with this kind of blockbuster filming, and a lot of things needed Lin Ming Yang's don't guidance.

"Actually it's not as difficult as you think, to put it bluntly that's a fighting technique, it's just that a lot of movies exaggerate that technique...I mean, didn't you ever fight as a kid?"

Zac Efron shook his head honestly, and Lin Ming Yang froze, "Never?"

Zac Efron nodded, Lin Ming Yang smiled with a stiff expression, "Well, that means that you and the character in the movie have similar personalities, maybe the filming of this movie can make you a little braver."

"Then what should I do?" Zac Efron stared at Lin Ming Yang, his eyes full of desire.

Lin Ming Yang patted him on the shoulder, "I'll tell you exactly what you should do during the shooting, and the action director will also be around to teach you. Right now you just need to relax and try to put on your most natural performance when the time comes!"


The first scene filmed in Xianju was Jason being transported to the ancient Chinese mythological world by the golden rod in his dream, and he woke up lying on the bed of a farmer's house. The vast mountains and rivers, with waves of rice undulating, are very green and pristine, and Jason is awestruck by the beauty before him. However, there is no peace under the mountains; the lapdogs of the Jade Border Warlord are fishing for the people and have begun to hunt Jason down. As a result, Jackie Chan's character, Lui Yim, appears and saves Jason again - using Drunken Fist.

Zac Efron soon realizes that his earlier concerns were completely unfounded, as he is not the one who does most of the action in this movie, but rather Jackie Chan and Jet Li, and it's the two of them that the audience wants to see. Yuen Wo Ping was very attentive in designing these fights, especially the drunken fist scene, which fully utilizes Jackie Chan's kung fu moves.

Jackie Chan takes Jason to a teahouse and tells the latter about the origin of the baton - it was the Monkey King's Golden Hoop Cudgel, which fell to Middle-earth when the monkey was tricked into turning into a stone after a spiteful Jade Frontier War God made a bad move after the Great Peach Festival. Therefore, Monkey needed the Golden Rod to regain his free body. There is a prophecy that a mysterious messenger will pass through a "door without a door" and return the Golden Cudgel to its owner.

The scene is shot back in Hengdian, and just as Jackie tells Jason about the origin of the Golden Rod, the minions of the Jade Warrior God come charging back in. What follows is a fight that features many of Jackie's signature moves, and he even uses Jason as a weapon, hitting and controlling Jason's limbs to strike the enemy...all in true back-to-basics Jackie Chan style action.

The shooting of this scene is to let Zac Efron ate a lot of pain, the body was pulled and tugged a toss, but in the shooting out of the effect is very good, hard work is not in vain. The film's leading lady Liu Yifei also made her official debut in this scene, she played the Golden Swallow is to a dancer's identity debut, with her help, the three killed out of the siege.

Where the shooting of kung fu scenes was concerned, Lin Mingyang showed a high degree of trust in Yuan Heping, who completely delegated the power of directing to the other party, and stood on the side himself to learn with an open mind.

The three of them start traveling in pairs, ready to rescue Sun Monkey. However, Lu Yan, played by Jackie Chan, doesn't seem to be a fan of Jason's mission. Golden Swallow tells Jason that Lu Yan is actually the legendary "Drunken Immortal", a very powerful top master. Jason then starts pestering Lu Yan to learn kung fu.

At this time, the Jade War God also knows that the Golden Stick has reappeared on earth, so he sends the "White-Haired Witch" to hunt them down. When Jason enters the dream world again, he finds himself alone. Before he can figure out what's going on, a mysterious white-robed monk suddenly appears and tries to snatch the golden rod from Jason's hand, and the two of them start a chase in the bamboo forest.

The scene of the shooting place transferred to the port township of Anji County, Zhejiang Province, where the large bamboo sea scenic area known as "China bamboo look Zhejiang, Zhejiang bamboo look Anji, Anji bamboo look port" reputation, the entire scenic area by the mountains and the water, elegant and elegant, bamboo even the mountain, the mountain even the bamboo, full of verdure, vast stretches of the large moso bamboo towering and spectacular.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" in the top of the bamboo battle is filmed here, come once Yuan Woo-ping is fond of this place, the plot of the bamboo forest chase bridge just suitable for this side of the shooting, so he recommended to Lin Mingyang.

In the attitude of paying homage to Chinese kung fu movies, "The King of Kung Fu" is full of funny imitations, since he has already "copied" "Huo Yuanjia", Lin Mingyang naturally does not mind "imitating" Ang Lee's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". The location was decided.

Jason, Lv Yan and Golden Swallow tracked the mysterious monk to a temple, then the filming of the movie has entered the climax, Jet Li and Jackie Chan in the temple to start the peak of the showdown, Lin Mingyang in order to shoot the film spent a lot of effort, the two kung fu superstars naturally did not let him down, coupled with Yuen Woo-ping dug out of the mind of the design of the martial arts, the two men from the eaves of the roof until the courtyard, the action scenes are compact Lin Mingyang, the two men from the eaves of the house to the yard, and the action scenes are very compact, Lin Mingyang, the two men from the eaves of the house to the courtyard, the action scenes are very compact. The action scenes are as tight as Lin Mingyang has ever seen.

Sometimes grab the stick, and sometimes the stick to fight, shrinking head, arm twisting, aerial, flying kicks, all kinds of action dazzling people, Jet Li's board has the eye on Jackie Chan's flexibility, a positive and a strange nature is a fight a equal.

In order to design this action, Yuan Woo-ping can be said to have exhausted the effort, this scene than Lin Mingyang memory of the scene to be a lot more exciting, but in order to take care of the face of the two kung fu superstars, to avoid after the release of the film, the audience argued about who is more powerful, Yuan Woo-ping in the design of the action of the time can only be unbiased, Jackie Chan hit Jet Li with a punch, Jet Li has to return his leg, the two men in the fight is to alternately occupy the upper hand, and finally ended in a tie! The two are alternately dominant in the fight, and finally ended in a tie.

At the end of the fight, the golden rod fell into the hands of Jason, when Jackie played Lui Yan to the silent monks to explain this kid is the messenger, Jet Li looked up and down a bit, said a very funny line: "He is the messenger? He's not even fucking Chinese!" And then they both fell down laughing themselves.

This line was temporarily added by Lin Mingyang, if the previous kung fu scene was to take care of the Chinese audience, then this Hollywood style humor was to bring the film closer to the western audience. Lin Mingyang's positioning of "King of Kung Fu" is to satisfy the Chinese audience and at the same time earn money from the American audience.

Jet Li naturally became Jason's second master. His kung fu is completely different from Lu Yan's style of "beating up a falling dog", everywhere reflects a kind of Zen, very peaceful, not heavy counterattacks, but the balance of the natural way, let nature take its course. Zac Efron's "hard training" during this period of time has not been in vain, all the actions in the shooting were done by himself, even Yuan Woo-ping thinks that this kid is very talented in kung fu performance.

In the last martial arts scene before the battle, Lin Qingxia played the "White-haired Witch" finally appeared, after thirteen years, reappeared in front of the camera Lin Qingxia, the performance can only be used to describe the word stunning. The role of the White-Haired Witch, under her interpretation, is both bizarre and brutal, but also extremely sexy.

The hotel where Brigitte Lin and Jason meet is called the Dragon Inn, and the construction inside is the same as Tsui Hark's New Dragon Inn set, with very obvious traces of imitation. And in the arrangement of this drama, Lin Mingyang also put a lot of effort.

He arranged a shocking appearance for Lin Qingxia. The four of them, Jason, Lu Yan, Silent Monk and Golden Swallow, were discussing countermeasures at the four-sided table when the wine cups and tea marigolds on the table suddenly shook. The thunderous sound of horses' hooves came from far and near, shaking the ground with a rumble. Lin Qingxia, who was wearing a bright red makeup, led a large group of black-armored iron horsemen and roared in, strangled her horse in front of the inn, flew down, and then walked into the inn with her head held high. The look of disdain on her face and her fiery red attire would make people involuntarily think of the Oriental Undefeatable of the year.

Jackie Chan pressed Jason to the bottom of the table, the other people are lowered, Lin Qingxia under a black armored knight took out Jason's portrait to go up to interrogate, Jackie Chan with his best jokes and the other side of the ha-ha, the other side were originally fooled by him, but unfortunately an inadvertent break so that Lin Qingxia found Jason's existence, she was a whip cracked Jason hiding square table, and then one against four, the real climax of the film! The real climax of the movie begins.