Chapter 232 - Lifting the Mist of History

Guy Ritchie at this time is busy for his and Madonna's divorce case, MGM sent over the script he did not even look at a glance on the hand thrown into the drawer, if not for the MGM side of the importance of this matter, a few times urged, he almost forgot about this matter.

On the first night of the divorce judgment, sitting alone on the sofa in the living room, Guy Ritchie finally remembered the script, originally he just wanted to casually flip through it, but he didn't expect to be deeply attracted by the story Lin Ming Yang had made up very soon.

When it comes to Sherlock Holmes, the image that pops up in most people's minds is mostly a plaid striped deerstalker hat, tall and thin, pale, holding a pipe, playing with his cane, two wise puffs of light smoke coming out of his slender hawkish nose, and those eyes that are sharper than a falcon's let all the evils have nothing to hide from them... Gay Ritchie went to read the script written by Lin Ming Yang with exactly this kind of imagination, but he found himself deeply attracted by the story that Lin Ming Yang had made up. The script was written by Lin Mingyang, but he realized that his suspicions had been completely turned upside down.

Rescued at sea, Sherlock Holmes reluctantly accepts the fact that he has come to the United States more than 100 years later, and comes to the United States with an inexplicable identity. In the face of the New York skyscrapers and a variety of "strange" modern things, Holmes in the beginning made a lot of jokes.

Kind-hearted prosecutor Sophie took in the homeless Holmes, and Holmes has always insisted on his own identity also makes Sophie quite helpless. She wondered if Holmes had suffered brain damage during the shipwreck to the point of delirium, but after taking Holmes to several hospitals, the doctors' diagnosis proved that Holmes's brain had not suffered any damage, and their attributed Holmes's symptoms to severe hypochondria.

In Sophie for Holmes brain "problem" things around the time, Holmes himself also into the confusion, he has just learned to use the Internet to search the history of London, England nearly two hundred years of almanacs, he found that he is familiar with those who have survived the London, in the history of no trace at all. traces of it.

Holmes, who is good at analyzing and reasoning, was completely confused in this matter, and he found that he and his past life did not exist in history at all, while in the Conan Doyle's novels that Sophie specially bought back, he saw people and things that he was familiar with, and he began to doubt that he really came from the world of novels?

Just as Holmes is obsessing over where his identity belongs, Sophie has a big problem at work. She is responsible for investigating a mysterious murder case, and the murderer is very cunning, the scene of the crime did not leave any useful traces, Sophie and her colleagues used all kinds of detection means, but still did not sort out any clues.

Holmes found Sophie off work very late in the past few days, and came back after the temper has become very grumpy, he deduced that Sophie may have encountered some kind of trouble. Although there is no problem of his own has not been clarified, but Holmes still side-stepped to inquire about Sophie's difficult things.

Hearing that it was a difficult murder, Holmes was immediately interested. Unable to resist his bitter pleas, Sophie had to briefly introduce him to the basic circumstances of the murder. In fact, Sophie simply do not believe that even modern high-tech detection technology can not see any cracks in the case, Holmes this brain "problem" guy can find anything from it.

Unfortunately, she was wrong, with unparalleled reasoning ability of Holmes really from some subtle places to find the murderer's crime revealed the cracks, his subtle and accurate analysis and speculation on the scene of the crime makes Sophie impressed by him.

Sophie made an exception and took Holmes into the scene of the crime, Holmes held a magnifying glass, hanging pipe to look at the scene of the action by Sophie's colleagues is very much a shame, but Holmes did not Sophie disappointed, he was ignored from some of the clues that people missed to find the key to solving the case, and then smoothly deduced the whole case, and assisted Sophie to obtain the evidence, and then no one has thought of the The criminal was brought to justice.

Meticulous and superb logical thinking eventually overcame the high-tech means of solving the case, behind the breathtaking plot is the ingenious and skillful arrangement of the writer. The plot is just a beginning, but Guy Ritchie has turned it over three times before and after, and only then did he have a detailed understanding of the mysterious murders that Holmes solved.

One had to admit that Lin Mingyang's ability to make up stories had reached a peak. Coming up with puzzles and decryptions, the pinpointing of deductive details and the restoration of the truth, as well as the extensive knowledge of physics and chemistry involved, all constituted the essential and wonderful elements of this highly intelligent movie script. The kind of extractive reasoning that gives you the urge to watch and then read on, and that's what Guy Ritchie feels like at this point.

He couldn't wait to turn the pages of the later chapters of the script, and if the plot continued to develop like this, it might be another masterpiece of suspense comparable to The Da Vinci Code, but at this time Lin Ming Yang suddenly made a turn of the pen, and brought the entire development of the story into a completely new and unknown state.

With the assistance of Sherlock Holmes, Sophie solves many difficult cases one after another. In the cooperation of Sophie slowly found that Holmes is not like he imagined that kind of reading detective novels "obsessed" psychiatric patients, his meticulous thinking and rigorous logical judgment are not like a person suffering from severe hypochondria can have.

However, Sophie still can not accept Holmes "absurd" origin, and Holmes also under her influence, slowly began to adapt to modern life, just as they began to try to each other into each other's world, an invitation to take them on a new adventure.

A Japanese company invents "The Lair", a simulation game that will change the values of the world's gaming industry. This virtual game, created with the highest modern technology, is the launch of an immersive game in which players ride in a cocoon-shaped chamber and challenge themselves to a computer-simulated re-creation of a historical event in a state of pseudo-sleep.

This Japanese game public claimed that the interview of this game will change the course of the entire human civilization, they held a powerful conference in Tokyo, the world's various grassroots celebrities have been invited by the invitation letter, and as a U.S. criminal investigative community celebrity, Sophie also received an invitation to go to participate in the publication of this by the world's attention. She and Holmes two accidentally became the lucky audience, invited to become the first batch of this game feelers.

Just as Holmes and Sophie and the other 50 lucky spectators enter the game pod, something unexpected happens. Taro Miyamoto, the developer and head of the game, is murdered at the conference venue. At the same time as this murder, an artificial intelligence calling itself "Noah" breaks into the Lair's computer system and cuts off all the channels to the outside world for the 50 gamers in the virtual world, and then announces to all the people in the real world that the game is going to be played in a game that will resolve historical events in the future. Then, he announces to everyone in the real world that in this game of solving historical events, as long as one person can survive to the end, he will be considered the winner. However, if no one survives to the end, everyone participating in the game will be killed.

As the game spirals out of control, Holmes and Sophie are transported to a dark and foggy London of 100 years ago, and are shocked to discover that the game is set in a time that Holmes knows all too well from Conan Doyle's novels.

When he enters the game, Holmes is lying on a boat at his Baker Street residence. At first Holmes thought he had a dream, he dreamed that he had returned to 100 years ago, when he had flying iron birds in the sky, the train no longer smoke, and even to see a play do not have to go to the theater, but to a glowing screen can be. In that dream he also meets a woman named Sophie and he helps her solve a lot of tough cases.

Holmes opened his eyes, but found his assistant Watson turned into Sophie, he realized that he did not dream, all this is just a virtual game. He realizes that he is not dreaming and that all this is just a virtual game. They do not know what is happening in reality because the appearance of "Noah" has blocked their contact with the outside world.

Holmes and Sophie did not trigger the game mission at first, back to their own world, Holmes enthusiastically to Sophie as a guide, take her to visit the 19th century Conan Doyle's fog London.

However, when trouble finally arrives in the form of a horrific murder in London, Scotland Yard Detective Inspector Rex remembers his "old friend" Holmes in a desperate attempt to find a way out.

It's a series of murders, the first of which took place just over a month ago, when the original victim was found dead in Whitechapel in the East End of London, a middle-aged prostitute named Martha Tabernacle, who had been stabbed thirty-nine times, nine of them across the throat. Half a month later, another prostitute, Mary Nicholas, aged 43, was found dead in the tenement area near Whitechapel.

Not only had her face been beaten into bruises and some of her incisors dislodged, but she had also been slashed twice in the neck. But the most brutal part was that her abdomen had been cut open, her intestines dragged out, and her *** had been severely poked and prodded with a sharp blade. As homicides are rare in the church's neighborhood, these two cases caused panic among local residents. After investigating the scene, the police had no idea what to do and had to put more plainclothes detectives on patrol in the area, while local residents organized patrols to maintain law and order.

Unexpectedly, the murderer did not stop there, and eight days later, an elderly carter living at 29 Hambourneen Street found the body of a woman, 47-year-old prostitute Annie Chapman, in the back fence of his cheaply rented apartment. Her throat had been slit in the same manner as the previous victim, and she had been gruesomely disemboweled, her intestines being thrown over her right shoulder, and part of her uterus and abdominal flesh cut away by the murderer. There were visible strangulation marks on her neck and she was said to have called for help before her death, but no attention was drawn to her.

In a little over a month's time, three people were killed one after another, all with the identity of prostitutes, and the killer's assassin's methods were extremely brutal, so even though Sophie was accustomed to seeing all kinds of murder scenarios, she couldn't help but feel a flutter in her stomach while listening to Rex's description of the case.

Holmes after listening to the description of the case quickly came up with a number of characteristics of the suspect: from the criminal murder method, he must have considerable knowledge of anatomy. And considering that the environment was outdoors, basically without any lighting, and the criminal had to be alert at all times around the situation, the extreme tension of the time to complete the crime, you can be sure that the other party is a skillful with a knife.

The fact that all three victims were injured by knives from left to right suggests that the offender was most likely not left-handed, or skillful in using knives with both hands. This speculation indirectly indicates that the criminal is likely to be an experienced doctor or anatomist. Based on the offender's goals, Holmes also concludes that the other party has a low social presence, is unobtrusive, and may be sexually impaired.

After listening to his analysis, Rex fell into a deep thought, obviously he has found some clues to solve the case from Holmes' judgment, but Holmes deduced only some vague characteristics, to find the real criminals in the vast sea of London is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Sophie, on the other hand, discovered from Holmes's reasoning a fact that surprised her exceptionally, they encountered this case, and the most notorious killer in European and American culture "Jack the Ripper" murder experience is the same. Sophie keenly realized that the game for them to set the level is likely to solve the "Jack the Ripper" murder case.

Sophie tells Holmes about her discovery and predicts Jack the Ripper's next move. As luck would have it, the Central News Agency soon receives a letter written in red ink with fingerprints and signed "Jack the Ripper". In the letter, Jack the Ripper teasingly identified himself as the killer of prostitutes and claimed that he would continue to kill more prostitutes before being arrested.

The incident confirms Sophie's judgment, but her mood becomes very low as a result. "Jack the Ripper" is one of the most famous headless cases in history, "Jack the Ripper" in the period of the crime, many public letters to provoke, but never fell into the net of justice. Its bold criminal behavior, by the media repeatedly rendered and caused panic in the British society at that time. Although the period of the crime has been up to a hundred years ago, the study of the case of books and related research is also increasing. However, due to the lack of evidence, who the murderer is is the word of each, no convergence, thus making the case even more confusing.

Even if she can grasp the next plan of action of "Jack the Ripper" in advance, Sophie is not sure that she can catch the other side. Because the crime is mainly concentrated in the East London neighborhood of Whitechapel. At that time, this is the famous London immigrant distribution center, tens of thousands of immigrants from Russia and Eastern Europe settled here. Due to the meager income, this place has long become a hotbed of poverty and crime, with homeless hooligans and soliciting prostitutes roaming the streets.

Although Scotland Yard established a citywide patrol network in 1829, a weak police force could not keep up with the tens of thousands of prostitutes who frequented the East End every night. With no camera surveillance, no fingerprinting, and no DNA identification, Sophie has no confidence in solving the case.

Most importantly, the game designers don't know the true identity of Jack the Ripper, which greatly increases the uncertainty of the murderer, and it's not easy to find the murderer from the mists of history.

Holmes does not want Sophie to give up, he took out the two in reality for the first time to cooperate to solve the case, high-tech detection technology in many cases does not necessarily have to be more than the individual's logical reasoning to be useful, and Holmes for his own ability to this very confident.

According to Sophie's understanding of the whole case, they advance in the "Jack the Ripper" next target was killed in the place of ambush. 44-year-old Swedish prostitute Elisabeth Stead indeed encountered criminals attack, has been ambushed around the police swarmed, easily subdued the criminals.

"Jack the Ripper" was so easily caught, Sophie always felt that there is something wrong with this matter, Holmes also noticed this problem, the criminal who fell into the net is definitely not the real killer they want to catch.

It occurs to Holmes and Sophie at the same time that this is most likely a ploy by the criminals to turn the tables on them, and just as a large police force arrived at the scene of the Elizabeth Stead crime, at around 1:45 a.m., Katharine Addams, a 46-year-old prostitute, was found sprawled out in Bishop's Square. In addition to having her throat similarly slit and disemboweled, with her intestines flung into her right breast, she had also had part of her uterus and kidneys taken from her.

Holmes realizes that Jack the Ripper is far more cunning than they thought, and according to Sophie's knowledge of the Jack the Ripper case, the killer will kill one more person and then disappear forever, which means they only have one more chance left. In other words, they only have one chance left.

In view of the failure of the last action, Holmes became cautious this time, he let Sophie will be the whole "Jack the Ripper" case of all the clues listed out, on the basis of which he carried out a thorough and rigorous reasoning, and finally found the murderer's trajectory of the crime.

After a meticulous plan, a big net of arrest in the East End of London quietly unfolded, they used the "snake out of the hole" method to catch the killer is ready to kill, and then exhausted the efforts of the other side subdued.

Holmes and Sophie thought they had finally caught the real Jack the Ripper, but the next day Scotland Yard received a report that a Dorset Street landlord had asked his assistant to collect six weeks' unpaid rent from Mary Kelly's room, only to find the 25-year-old prostitute dead in her bed through the window: she was completely naked, with strangulation marks on her neck, chest and abdomen. She was naked, with strangulation marks on her neck, her breasts and abdomen cut open, and her face with her ears, nose and rump cut off.

Two misses in a row make Holmes begin to doubt his own ability, and he even feels that in this virtual game, he is not the omnipotent great detective Holmes at all.

Sophie a sentence: "If Holmes did not appear, you are our Holmes. There's no case you can't handle." Rekindled the fighting spirit of Holmes, he locked himself in his room for three whole days and three nights without closing his eyes, and finally deduced the real murderer, and the other party at this time is preparing to take the train to leave London.

In the process of capture, in order to save the lives of other passengers on the train, Holmes decided to die with "Jack the Ripper", as long as Sophie is still alive, they won the computer. Sophie, however, feels that Holmes does not need to sacrifice himself, as the lives in the game are virtual, and the lives of the passengers are nothing more than a bunch of cold data in reality.

Holmes insists that the lives in the game are equally worthy of respect, and he resolutely jumps off the train. The virtual game passes, Sophie from the game cabin to wake up, the other gamers have also come out of the game cabin, only Holmes into the game cabin did not have any reaction.

Sophie opens the pod with the help of the staff, but finds it empty, and the mysterious program "Noah" reappears, claiming that he is the murderer of Taro Miyamoto, and that by defeating him in the game, Sophie has gained the qualification to challenge him in reality.

Sophie instinctively realized that the disappearance of Sherlock Holmes and the mysterious "Noah" has a great connection, she firmly believe that she is not alone in the fight, Holmes must be in an unknown place to fight side by side with her, so Sophie resolutely accepts the other side of the challenge.