Chapter 233 - A Show of Dining

The ancient clock in the living room "dang dang" struck three times, signaling the approach of midnight, Guy Ritchie sighed softly, and then reluctantly removed his eyes from the script. He subconsciously brought the cigarette to his mouth, but found that the cigarette in his hand had already burned out, and finally shook his head helplessly and threw the cigarette into the ashtray.

Guy Ritchie closed the script and moved his body from side to side, which was sitting a little stiffly. His gaze was averted, but his thoughts were still immersed in the story of the script. Lin Mingyang left two major mysteries at the end of the plot: the whereabouts of Sherlock Holmes and the true identity of "Noah".

It has been rumored that Lin Mingyang left Harvard because he lost interest in his coursework, but Guy Ritchie disproves this conclusion. After reading this script, who dares to say that Lin Ming Yang is not interested in psychology? All of Lin Mingyang's plots are set up closely to the audience's psychology, and the arrangement of suspense is such that the audience can constantly be given a strong psychological hint to watch on.

A reasoning-oriented movie script can do this is not easy to know in the film industry booming today, all kinds of best-selling novels have been adapted on the big screen, only reasoning novels have been subjected to people's cold, but the reasoning novels of the twin brother of the suspense novels become the object of film and television adaptation of favor, the most fundamental reason is still and the film's form of expression related.

Movies are generally considered to convey information to the audience through the visual and auditory senses, while the reasoning novels are awkward in that thinking, analyzing, and reasoning are activities that take place at the psychological level of human beings, and novels can use words to express the psychological activities of the characters, compared to the means of expression of the film to show the characters' inner complexity of the psychological activities of the characters appear to be unable to do so.

The most direct way to show the reasoning process in a movie is through the language of the main character. But reasoning is a very complicated process, not a sentence or two can be said clearly, if a movie down, the audience only see a mouth that can not stop talking, such a movie is doomed to failure.

Nowadays in Hollywood is very popular in the high IQ movie is used in another way, with the picture details to imply the logic of reasoning. This approach has been practiced and is considered to be more successful, but the disadvantage is also very obvious, it looks very "laborious".

This is also a common problem of the current high-intelligence movies, the audience must focus their attention when watching the movie, it is likely that they will still be unclear who is who, or which is which, still thinking about the last scene who is with who in the end, the next new climax came, in short, the director is deliberately brought to the audience to the vortex of the brain-twisting, so that the audience's brain can't be idle for a moment, and the eyes have to blink without blinking, in case a toilet back, it's over, some of the later If you go to the toilet and come back, it's over, and you probably won't be able to understand what's going on in the back of the room.

The key to the success or failure of this kind of movie lies in whether the plot can be fascinating, so that the audience can not understand and let the audience to think about the essence of the two sides of a coin, but the effect is very different. The former is likely to be discarded by the people, and the box office will be a disaster; while the latter is likely to be regarded as a classic by the audience, and every detail will be discussed with great interest.

Guy Ritchie's "New Sherlock Holmes" has already achieved such an effect with the script alone, although the plot can still be singled out as unsatisfactory, but the commercial nature of the idea of the subversion of the ultimate indeed.

Guy Ritchie has to admit, though, that such a change to the extreme is kind of fun, and at least the audience will have a sense of novelty while watching the movie. This novelty must first come from the change in the new Mr. Holmes' image and temperament. From the moment he read the script, he was shocked and excited, and Guy Ritchie was eager to see how Lin Ming Yang would play this extreme "transformation".

In people's familiar impression, Sherlock Holmes should be disdainful of exaggeration, in the nature of an observer, he should prefer not to move to "read" the surrounding people and things. Although the Holmes in Lin Mingyang's book is not so much as a winking eye, but the cold humor that comes out occasionally is enough to make the whole audience laugh, and it is hard for people to believe that such a character is the legendary "sleuth".

Such a subversion although some spoof ingredients in it, but other than that, alone on the role of affinity, it is a lot stronger. Because the image of Sherlock Holmes is too deeply rooted in people's hearts, so whether it is in the text, or the past British classic TV series, are trying to shape that meets everyone's imagination sleuth looks like to do the best; the new version of the movie according to the "form of both God and" the old way to go, do not necessarily do better than the predecessor; even if you do as good as the predecessor, that's just picking up the same old ideas, but also the same old things. Even if it is as good as the previous one, it is just picking up what others have said, where is the creativity?

Lin Mingyang is definitely not a person who is willing to stick to the mold: there must be something different. With this kind of mentality, it's not surprising that he wrote such a different kind of Sherlock Holmes. Anyway, for commercial movies, stimulating curiosity is one of the most important techniques to attract money.

While giving the classic character a makeover, Lin Mingyang also changed the way of interpreting the story. As we all know, if Sherlock Holmes detective stripped away the process of deduction and analysis, it would really be putting the cart before the horse.

Lin Mingyang stayed clear enough on this issue, although he was bent on seeking novelty and novelty in the plot, even going so far as to add such trendy elements as traveling and virtual games. But the whole plot performance focus is still in the case of reasoning, just to assist Sophie to solve the case are just a plate of appetizers, and so on "Jack the Ripper" this dish on the table, the whole film to reasoning-based tone of this complete highlights.

Despite the fact that Lin Mingyang has made it clear that he will continue to subvert the film to the end, Lin Mingyang has not gone too far when it comes to the classic stories and classic characters. In fact Guy Ritchie still found quite a lot of classic Holmesian tone in the process of looking back after reading the script.

In particular, the script also gives a lot of details about the hobbies of the eccentric detective. For example, his "geek" qualities, not to take the case when he hides in the dark room to practice shooting, do experiments; for example, he is a "violin control", there is no matter what to drag a violin chaotic strumming; as for the indiscriminate use of cocaine to stimulate the thinking of the "quirky". "As for the cocaine addiction to stimulate thinking, Lin Mingyang did not shy away from it because of the sensitivity of the western society to "drugs", and the performance of Holmes in the plot of certain unthinkable words and deeds is already enough to imply that this buddy is actually a drug addict.

The fact that there are such careful, "respectful" details of the classic setting in an overall marginalized structure is a surprise to Guy Ritchie, and shows that Lin's intention is not to completely subvert the classics.

Although tomorrow is the day of Guy Ritchie and Madonna's divorce case pronouncement, but this night Guy Ritchie lying in bed can not sleep because of the MGM sent this script, he was full of thoughts are the plot of the "New Sherlock Holmes", so much so that he did not sleep all night. When he appeared at the courthouse surrounded by the press the next morning with one red eye, everyone was taken aback.

Guy Ritchie in such a state is very worrying, because previously the court's attitude was clearly in favor of Madonna, so today's verdict is likely to be very unfavorable to Guy Ritchie, and those who are familiar with him are even worried that he will have excessive verbal and behavioral behaviors in the courtroom.

But Guy Ritchie greatly exceeded people's expectations, from the verdict to out of the courtroom, he looked very calm, which and his simmering red eyeballs in stark contrast.

Of course, the media at this time will not consider how Guy Ritchie's mood, they want to be able to attract readers only one news. Guy Ritchie came out of the courtroom, countless recording pens and microphones all stretched out in front of him at once.

"Mr. Guy Ritchie, are you satisfied with the outcome of this verdict?"

"Mr. Guy Ritchie, do you have any plans after your marriage?"


Guy Ritchie this time did not avoid the reporter's questions as usual, in the face of the media he showed very frank: "This divorce negotiation relatively did not cause much pain on both sides. I know what I want and Madonna knows just as well what she wants to keep."

"I was in a bad mood for a while during this period of the divorce. But at the end of the day, I think this divorce decree makes sense. Life would have become unbearable if we had to go through a long lawsuit over both parties' property. It would be wise to end the marriage before things get worse!"

"My work came to a standstill for a while to deal with this and honestly not having a movie was worse than the divorce, I'll get back into the swing of things as soon as I can...and yes, I'm ready!"

Madonna's divorce was all over the media and Guy Ritchie's statement was in the papers the next day. At MGM's headquarters, Eckles saw the coverage in his office.

"This Guy Ritchie is self-aware!" Ecks put down the newspaper in his hand and nodded at his assistant Cord, who brought in coffee for himself.

Cord returned, "I think Guy Ritchie has lost some money this time."

"You're not married yet naturally don't understand, I do think Guy Ritchie is sort of relieved!" Ecks sighed with some emotion, not as good as the marriage hall he realized the benefits of being single.

Cord smiled coyly, Ecks immediately followed by asking, "By the way, Felix guy's phone call got through?"

"Mr. Felix's phone has been in an unanswered state since yesterday, and today his phone has been turned off!"

Hearing this news, Ecks just let out an "Oh", he wasn't worried about Lin Ming Yang, this guy Lin Ming Yang had intermittently disappeared not once or twice, Ecks was usually too lazy to care. Just now, Eckles had something to discuss with Lin Mingyang, and not being able to contact him was a bit of a problem.

No one knew where Lin Mingyang had gone, Eckles could vaguely guess roughly, he just wasn't sure which woman Lin Mingyang was staying with at this time.

After careful consideration and deliberation, Eckers still grabbed the phone on the table, his first thought was Kate Beckinsale, after the phone call he naturally will not directly ask Lin Mingyang is not in, but a sideways "probe" some.

Lin Mingyang is not in Kate's place, Eckles hung up the phone with some disappointment, and then dialed Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie and Blake Flatley's phone a few people have not been able to find Lin Mingyang, his heart began to feel a little anxious, this guy ran to where?


Time retreated to twelve hours ago, Lin Ming Yang on the way home cell phone suddenly rang, the caller showed Scarlett Johansson.

Pressing the answer button of the bluetooth headset, the phone call immediately followed by Scarlett's sweet and greasy voice, with a hint of playful flavor in between, "Didn't think it was me, did you?"

Lin Ming Yang was driving while still not forgetting to flirt with Scarlett, "It was indeed a bit of a surprise...if you're looking for me for something other than a role in that movie!"

As soon as he spoke, Scarlett came on the phone, "I demand a raise in my paycheck!"

Lin Ming Yang laughed, "I know you mustered up the courage and determination to make this call to me, but with all due respect, that's not a smart excuse to make...I mean, you're not that boring!"

Scarlett asked on the other end of the line without a good reason, "And what kind of excuse do you think I should have used to find you?"

Lin Ming Yang thought for a moment, then replied, "For example, inviting me to dinner, I think that's a good excuse...even if you do ask for a raise in your paycheck, it's best to bring it up in person!"

"Why?" Scarlett asked curiously

"I don't think there are many people in Hollywood who can refuse you to your face...I'm no exception!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few moments, and then Scarlett finally mustered up the courage to whisper, "So will you come over to my house tonight?"

The intersection ahead turned red, Lin Ming Yang didn't pay attention for a moment, and when he found out he could only slam on the brakes, accompanied by an ear-splitting noise, the car's tires rubbed a brake mark against the road surface, and the blue sports car came to a halt in front of the intersection.

"Your don't really want to treat me to dinner, do you?"

"What's the problem?" Scarlett heard the surprise in Lin Ming Yang's words, and was instantly a little upset: "If you have other things, then forget it!"

She was just speaking tentatively, but Lin Ming Yang on the other end of the phone was not doing it, seeing the fat meat in his mouth flying away like this, could he not be anxious?

Lin Mingyang hurriedly explained, "Of course I'm free...but I don't know where your home is."

Scarlett told Lin Ming Yang an address and instructed, "This is my private residence in Hollywood, I don't want anyone to know about this place, so it's best to keep a low profile when you come."

Lin Ming Yang hemmed and hawed, "Bringing a bunch of roses shouldn't be considered high profile!"


Scarlett Johansson not only has a perfect appearance, but also knows how to invest, he told Lin Mingyang's residence is one of her investments in Hollywood, this mansion in the mid-levels on the hillside location but not as striking as the Beverly Hills, slope-like terrain was constructed by the designer of the varying platforms, the house's decoration has to be very moody, in addition to luxury is also quite tasteful. In Los Angeles, where land is expensive, the price of such a mansion is naturally astronomical.

Compared with the mansion in front of her, Scarlett today's dress changed from the usual beautiful look, should take the fresh route. She waited at the door early, cowboy dress shirt below the hidden white low-cut dress surprisingly can not wrap her chest round full, bulging attracted infinite reverie.

Long flowing brown hair casually draped behind her, sexy lips with a light lip gloss, this time Scarlett is more like a juicy wild strawberries, rather than a cup of Italian red wine will make people hot.

Lin Mingyang was obviously shocked by the beauty of the beauty in front of him, so much so that he stood there dumbfounded after getting out of the car. His dumbfounded look caused Scarlett Johansson over there to cover her mouth and giggle, "You didn't come here empty-handed, did you?"

After she reminded him, Lin Mingyang remembered the bouquet of roses on the passenger seat, and when the flowers were delivered, Scarlett politely hugged him, and despite the clothes, the amazing elasticity of Scarlett's body still made Lin Mingyang's heart flutter.

Lin Mingyang take advantage of the embrace occasion to take advantage of their own small action naturally was Scarlett noticed, but she just angrily glared at Lin Mingyang, that look charming and charming, but there is a half blame meaning.

Scarlett found a vase in the living room to insert the roses that Lin Ming Yang had brought inside, while she was busy, Lin Ming Yang looked around at the interior of the mansion's home furnishings.

After wandering around the living room, Lin Ming Yang suddenly stopped in his tracks as he smelled a tantalizing scent.

Following the direction that the scent drifted from, Lin Ming Yang unknowingly arrived at the dining room. A sumptuous dinner had already been placed on the table, and two candles were placed there, clearly a candlelight dinner supper.

Scarlett inserted the flowers, but Lin Ming Yang's trace was missing in the living room, she hurriedly looked for it, and when she entered the door she just bumped into Lin Ming Yang looking at the arrangement on the dining table with interest.

"This dinner is really sumptuous..." tsked Lin Ming Yang, then pointed his finger at the two red candles, "Is this for me too?"

Scarlett made a big red face as she hurriedly stepped forward and picked up those two candles and hid them behind her, "These are the ones I used last time, I forgot to put them away just now..."

Lin Ming Yang shook his head helplessly, he had seen another lame excuse.

"But that pair of candles is obviously new..."

The lie was demolished to her face, Scarlett no longer squirming, she put the candles back in place, pulling out a chair to sit down with great generosity, and nodded towards Lin Ming Yang with a hostess-like demeanor.

Lin Mingyang just sat down, Scarlett gave him a piece of steak. But after saying thank you, Lin Ming Yang had no intention of doing anything.

"Why don't you eat...why do you keep looking at me?" Scarlett glared at Lin Ming Yang.

"I don't think enjoying food is at all as fulfilling as admiring a beautiful woman!" Lin Ming Yang shrugged his shoulders in a pretense of seriousness, "Just kidding...I actually feel like something is missing from this candlelight dinner!"