Chapter 238 The Playboy: From Pajamas to Gowns (above)

At the end of Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, USA, in the Wawanabi Hills, where Elvis Presley once lived, loomed a Gothic-style Playboy palace. It sits on six acres of land with a huge swimming pool, man-made grottoes, a large aviary and a zoo. The palace is owned by Hugh Hefner, the creator of the Playboy empire.

With Playboy distributed in 20 countries, the rabbit's head one of the world's most expensive trademarks, and Playboy clubs all over the world, Hugh Hefner's wealth is best reflected in this Playboy mansion.

In this luxurious palace with the atmosphere of the 1970s, parrots, hornbills and peacocks are kept in the garden. Greeting Lin Mingyang at the door is Hugh Hefner's current girlfriend, a beautiful blonde model from the United Kingdom, Christelle Harris.

According to Hefner's instructions, this sweet-looking, sexy beauty first took Lin Mingyang around the garden, but unfortunately along the way, Lin Mingyang neither showed any interest in those animals kept by Hefner, but also Harris deliberately "scratching her head" to ignore, which made the lead Harris greatly disappointed.

"Mr. Felix, I majored in psychology in college, just like you, can't we find anything in common?" When the tour was about to end, Harris stopped with an aggravated stomach and glared angrily at Lin Mingyang.

"I did major in psychology at Harvard, but unfortunately I dropped out halfway through!" Lin Ming Yang shrugged his shoulders with a disinterested expression on his face.

"Actually, I didn't finish college either." Finally striking up a conversation with Lin Ming Yang, Harris was instantly happy in his heart, "I've been acting as an amateur model while I was in college, and a few months ago a group of beautiful women and I were invited to participate in a party held by Heffner in this mansion..."

Harris seems to be having a good time recounting his acquaintance with Hefner: "Hefner invited me to stay and spend the weekend with him, and I said yes right away. Then I dropped out of school and packed up and moved here."

The corner of Lin Ming Yang's mouth smiled slightly, revealing an odd curve, "Do you feel pressure when you fall in love with a man 60 years older than you?"

"No, I feel happy staying with Hefner!" Harris emphasized that she is in no way marrying Hefner to covet his massive £27 million fortune, so she has signed a prenuptial agreement.

Lin Ming Yang looked at Harris very seriously, "I have always believed that the basis of a relationship is to know each other mutually, and since you feel that you really like Mr. Heffner, and since you have studied psychology, you must know his mind very well...can you tell me quietly what Mr. Heffner really wants?"

"That's a question you'd better save for yourself and ask him!"

Harris suddenly became very formal on this issue, Lin Ming Yang felt that he couldn't ask anything from her either, so he simply shook his head, "Then we don't need to hang around here, just take me to see Mr. Heffner directly!"


Heffner, who was in the living room specifically to greet Lin Mingyang, was wearing a scarlet robe and holding a glass of red wine in his hand. For the topic that might be talked about next, Heffner dressed like this seemed very informal, but during the meeting Lin Ming Yang just shrugged his shoulders, not caring about it.

Heffner in front of Lin Ming Yang's face, without avoiding or flashing, kissed Harris on the face, and then touched the other party's arse fiercely, before he retracted his hand lovingly, and then looked at Lin Ming Yang and said, "This villa as well as the entire garden is designed according to my personal preferences, Mr. Felix, what do you think? "

Knowing that there was something very important to talk about between Hefner and Lin Mingyang, Harris was very sensible and exited the room after some intimacy with Hefner, and at this moment there were only two people left in the living room, Hefner and Lin Mingyang.

"Whether it's those animals you keep in your garden or that beautiful female companion of yours, they all lack an aura about them... No matter how gorgeous the cage is, staying inside for a long time will turn them into a dead thing with no aura, because they have no freedom!" Lin Ming Yang bristled, "Maybe only people who are lonely inside would like this lonely option."

"You're the first person to think that I'm lonely...whether I agree with you or not, just based on your comment, we should drink a toast!"

Hefner raised the glass in his hand, but Lin Ming Yang shook his head, "Can this drink wait until later?"

"Young man, it seems you can't wait!" Hefner laughed, "You must be curious as to why I suddenly extended an invitation to you..."

"I never give interviews to magazines like Playboy...I think you've asked me here because it should have something to do with some of the troubles that the Playboy Group has been experiencing lately." Although it was just a guess, Lin Ming Yang's tone at this time seemed certain.

"Well, that's really the main purpose of my inviting you here, but before we talk about that, I'm going to tell you something interesting." Hefner gently shook the wine glass in his hand, "A while ago I had a guy come here who showed me a list, the names listed on this list were almost all of Hollywood's current popular female movie stars, and that guy thinks that all of these female stars have a very close relationship with you."

"So you believe it?" Lin Mingyang's gaze suddenly became bitingly cold, and although it was only a slight frown, the morose chill that he unintentionally revealed still caused the atmosphere in the living room to become tense.

"I gave him a sum of money and told him to get lost!" Lin Mingyang's reaction was all seen by Hefner, he secretly nodded his head, from behind Lin Mingyang's unusually calm expression, Hefner sensed a superior's aura of murderous determination, he felt that he hadn't looked away.

"This point cannot be an inevitable factor in our cooperation!" Lin Mingyang's attitude of not explaining or hiding it clearly conveyed to Heffner that he was not threatened by this.

"I have no intention of seeing this matter as a bargaining chip for our cooperation!" Hefner looked at Lin Mingyang with a burning gaze, "This is just a token of my sincerity, or a meet-and-greet gift."

Lin Mingyang's gaze gradually softened, if Hefner insisted on making a big deal out of this matter, the next situation that would arise might be manageable by Lin Mingyang, but a lot of trouble would definitely be inevitable.

"As a token of appreciation, I'd love to hear what kind of reasons you plan to use to convince me!"

"The Playboy Group is indeed in quite a bit of trouble, our operations have been continuously losing money, even if I can ignore this, the other shareholders won't just sit back and watch the stock price continue to fall like it is now, so finding a suitable buyer has become the most urgent need of the board of directors at the moment...all the other shareholders need is a multi gold buyer to make up for their losses, while what I'm looking for is a qualified successor who can breathe new life into the entire company, rather than letting the company droop into old age like me."

Despite being over 80 years old, Hefner, who still lives a life of taking one or two Viagra pills a day, embracing three or four beautiful women in his arms, shuttling among celebrities, and enjoying a casual life as he pleases, has always refused to admit in front of the media that he has already aged, but for the future of the entire Playboy Group, he has really been out of his depth, and it is not possible not to give in to his old age.

"Why me?"

The same question, Lin Ming Yang also asked Ecks, but the other party did not give an answer, because he was not Hefner.

"If I were sitting here today in a suit like you, perhaps I would tell you that the merger and acquisition of the Playboy Group will further diversify the direction of your name's industry in the future, and will also be able to gain access to wider channels of communication other than the internet...Unfortunately, I haven't been dressed in a formal suit for many years and had such a formal Talking with a person in formal clothes for many years, the robe should be more suitable for me, so I will not talk to you on the negotiation table those boring reasons, we can be more relaxed, just like chatting. What others see in you may be wealth, fame or even talent, but none of those are the reasons I chose you."

Looking at Lin Ming Yang's slightly puzzled expression, Hefner smiled slightly, "Many people spend the first half of their lives chasing fame and fortune, and spend the second half of their lives claiming to loathe it, while I, on the other hand, wouldn't be willing to exchange my life with anyone. I think you and I are in the same category, for that simple reason."

Without waiting for Lin Ming Yang to react, Heffner snatched the first words, "Don't you rush to deny it first, perhaps after listening to the following words, you might agree with me."

This time, Lin Ming Yang didn't immediately retort, but made a gesture of please.

"At least in terms of our attitudes towards aliens, I have quite a bit in common with you!" Heffner smiled heatedly at Lin Ming Yang, that expression clearly somewhat unkind: "Flirtatious but not nasty, that's how I rate myself, I've slept with many women, but I'm not promiscuous. In fact, I'm a loyal person, but to a group of female companions."

"Then I may have to let you down... "Lin Ming Yang shook his head decisively this time, he obviously hadn't yet reached the realm like Hefner, where he could date many women at the same time and then not have an ounce of psychological burden.

"So you still have illusions about marriage?" Heffner gave Lin Ming a slightly regretful look, "My first sexual experience was with my first wife, Millie, and I think we first had sex after we had been intimate for two years. It wasn't an anomaly at the time. It's like high school kids can talk about sex with impunity these days. I had always kept my wife's honor, but then she told me that she had had affairs before. This was the biggest blow I have ever suffered in my life. My wife actually had more sexual experience than I did. After that, I always felt like there was another guy in our bed."

"Marriage suits some people, but not others. I have been married twice before and have been very faithful to my wife. But I must admit that being married was not the most energetic and wonderful time of my life. Soon, when the romance and passion fizzled out, I discovered the sadness of marriage."

Lin Mingyang offers a different perspective: "I think family represents more of a responsibility."

Heffner smiled noncommittally, "So you think I'm an irresponsible person? My wife and children are all living a decent life now, and I have a good relationship with all of will always only be interested in beautiful women in their 20s, it's nature and has nothing to do with nature. I think I would be a more responsible person compared to those guys who stay in their marriages but cheat on their wives. And when it comes to responsibility, I think a man has to be responsible for himself first... It's obvious that you don't feel anything anymore, but you still have to come up with a pale reason to lie to yourself... Isn't that just asking for trouble?"

On this issue Lin Mingyang was indeed distressed, but his distress was different from what Heffner had said.

As if reading his mind, Heffner continued, "There was a time when I tried to maintain relationships with seven women at the same time. This gave me a bad reputation, and it also brought conflict because the girls didn't all get along. So I decided to downsize and ended up with three very special beauties. As disgusting as this may seem to conservative Americans, I consider it a real relationship."

"Perhaps your female companion would be willing to accept such a relationship, but... "Lin Ming Yang eventually shook his head, the individual women he knew with him were all high-minded, they would stay with Lin Ming Yang out of pure affection, but there was certainly no one who was willing to share the same husband with someone else.

"My biggest dream when I was young was to pursue Marilyn Monroe, even though I didn't know her, I bought the cemetery next to her. It made me feel romantic...and you don't even have to buy the graves next to your favorite actresses like I did, because they're lying right next to your pillow, within reach!"

Hefner's dreamy voice echoed in Lin Ming Yang's ears, it was hard for him to say whether he liked the guy in front of him or not, but he had to admit that Hefner's words did have a few truths.

Finally Lin Ming Yang coughed twice, he was reminding Heffner that the chat had already deviated from the initial topic.

"Alright, let's go back to the topic just now!" Heffner somewhat uninterestedly stopped the previous discussion, "I said a lot just now, but in fact, what I want to know the most is still what do you think of the magazine Playboy?"

Lin Ming Yang replied without any flirtation, "Many men like this magazine in their hearts, but they rarely admit it on their lips, and most readers are unable to put it on their desktop in a big way, which is the biggest drawback that restricts the development of this magazine. A recent study says that people are having sex more frequently during the economic crisis, which drives sales of sex-related products, and the surge in condom sales is a clear example, but I don't know if that will help Playboy's sales."

A look of reminiscence appeared on Hefner's face, "We liked to adulterate cocktails and snacks and enjoy them together, play some melancholy tunes on the record player, and then have a woman come in and quietly discuss Picasso, Nietzsche, jazz, and sex. That's what I said when I started Playboy. Later, people said I was a stallion, a 'male object' who pleased women like Marilyn Monroe. It's hard for anyone to believe that I was ever still that serious... That goal is still clear today, so I need a leader who can help Playboy shed its vulgar trappings and get people to really embrace it!"


I woke up the day before yesterday with a sore throat, then followed it up with a fever, spent half a day in the hospital yesterday, came back really not in the least bit of shape, went back to the hospital today, and well, not explaining too much. Today is one shift, tomorrow should be able to normal two shifts (finally dare not say too full words)

Are there any bounced checks? Yes!

Will there be any more breaks in the future? I don't know, but I'll try my best to make sure.

Will this book be eunuchized? Absolutely not!