Chapter 239 The Playboy: From Pajamas to Gowns (Next)

Faced with Hefner's unprecedented serious expression and the kind of pleading gesture that flowed from his gaze, Lin Mingyang rubbed his temples hard.

"I admit that your initial idea does fit the positioning of a popular reading book, but the fact is that Playboy has already deviated from that goal in its developmental stage, even if I have the nude women in the magazine draped in a tulle, it may lead to the loss of established readers, and most of the readers who buy Playboy should be coming here for that . ...You've really given me a big problem."

From the early days of Playboy magazine, cartoon pictorial covers with Mr. Bunny were very cute and the images were lighthearted. Starting in the mid-1960s, beautiful women began to sing on the covers and wore less and less clothing on their bodies. From the design point of view and appreciation point of view, PLAYBOY magazine cover is still very watchable, otherwise it would not have made a generation of movie stars like Marilyn Monroe.

The Playboy Group's boldest attempt was to venture into the pornographic film and television market in the 1970s, when the magazine was struggling to survive, the entertainment division of six pornographic television stations, including Playboy, had revenues of nearly $115 million a year, with profits before interest and taxes of $34 million, compared to Playboy's $2.6 million profit. Playboy's earnings of $2.6 million were dwarfed.

Having gotten a taste of his own medicine, Hefner began to expand his erotic empire in a big way, and his own flings became the center of public attention, as well as generating a great deal of controversy. Although moral criticisms of Playboy and Hefner persisted, they paled into insignificance in the face of the lucrative profits.

In the last few years, the directors of the Playboy Group have suddenly realized that the erotic pictures in the magazine are no longer as attractive as they used to be, and that the decline in sales of the magazine corresponds to the increasing competition in the marketplace and the gradual change in people's view of entertainment. In the past, only "Playboy" in the sex magazine market, but now the U.S. market for adult magazines are endless. As a result of the proliferation of such magazines, Americans have lost their appetite for them.

Despite the different situation, Playboy's position in people's minds has not changed over the years, and the term 'Playboy' is basically synonymous with 'erotic - erotic magazine'. If it were young, this would have been the Playboy group's bragging rights, but now, this deep-rooted understanding has become the biggest obstacle to the magazine's transformation.

Heffner also knew that this problem existed, and he stared at Lin Mingyang: "You will definitely have a way to solve this problem...the key thing is whether or not you are willing to accept this cooperation?"

"I can have 100% say at MGM, can you do the same for the Playboy group?" Lin Ming Yang's gaze was fixed on Hefner's face as he spoke, as long as there was a slight movement in his expression, it could not escape his eyes.

Heffner smiled kindly: "I admit that my shareholding in the Playboy Group is not at the point of absolute control, but I single-handedly founded the Playboy magazine and own the trademark 'Playboy' you don't have to worry, as far as our position in our respective companies is concerned, this is the most important thing. respective companies, this is a completely reciprocal conversation."

Although Playboy is synonymous with vulgarity in the eyes of some, no one can deny that it is a flagship of American hip culture. Changing the connotation of this brand was tantamount to influencing the development of American culture in disguise, which was considered a great temptation for Lin Mingyang.

"We can talk first!"

Hefner suddenly felt very funny when he heard the word "we", Lin Mingyang still looked "young" in the eyes of this old fox who had been in the shopping mall for a long time, he had the aura of a superior person but not the awareness of a superior person, obviously he was still a novice in this area. He is still a novice in this area.

As his own high hopes of "successor", Hefner felt the need to give Lin Mingyang a lesson first.

"I know you're eager to discuss the details of this cooperation with me next, but the only thing I want to do right now is to drink a toast with you...don't you think it's so out of place to put all that haggling at the negotiation table on such an occasion?"

Heffner raised his glass with a smile, and Lin Ming Yang couldn't shrug it off, so he could only stiffly drink a toast with him.

Putting down the glass, Hefner continued to enlighten Lin Ming Yang, "As a leader, what you need to do is to decide the future direction of the company's development, just like what we just did, since the intention of cooperation has been determined, the negotiation should naturally be handed over to the people under the hand to complete, what you and I need is just a result, so why bother with the tedious process? "

Hefner that indulgence in wine and color wanton dashing Lin Mingyang estimate is not to learn, but his insights into the management of the company, but let Lin Mingyang carefully pondered a number of. Hefner talked endlessly about his past in the shopping mall and love affairs, while Lin Mingyang quietly acted as a listener. Without realizing it, a bottle of expensive red wine has already seen the ground, Hefner's old face actually reflected a few points flushed, but Lin Mingyang has not yet shown drunkenness.

"Since the two of us have reached a consensus on the issue of cooperation, then next is it possible to go and meet the reporters outside?" Hefner's seemingly drunken, non-drunken, light words caused Lin Mingyang's brows to suddenly tighten.

"It's just the two of us appearing in front of the media together..." a glint of essence flashed in Heffner's drunken eyes, where at this moment he still had half the appearance of being drunk, "You know that Playboy Group's share price has been dropping lately, and I'm hoping to be able to stop the decline of the stock price through this signal of cooperation...Otherwise, perhaps before we can reach a consensus at the negotiation table, the Playboy Group will have already declared bankruptcy!"

Lin Mingyang realized that he had unknowingly fallen into Hefner's well-designed trap, as long as he and Hefner appeared in front of the media together, the Playboy Group's "hot potato" would be transferred to him. Lin Mingyang can even foresee, he is ready to buy "Playboy" once the news spread, for the "Playboy" group's share price will be a great good, not to say stop falling back up, to save the trend should be no problem.

Although it looks as if he was Hefner "calculated" some, but this loss Lin Mingyang ate the heart of the conviction, not to mention, Hefner in front of him to play this hand is really beautiful. First of all, seemingly unintentional words, said the Playboy Group can make up for the lack of Lin Mingyang currently owns the industry, can be said to be induced by the interest; and then began to set aside the interests, and Lin Mingyang in the feelings of the issue of in-depth discussion, although not with their own views convinced Lin Mingyang, but at least still close the distance between the two people, can be said to be moved by love; pointing out the management of the Lin Mingyang in the business world, is to be reasonable; to be a good friend. The realm of business management of Lin Mingyang, is to understand the reasoning; and finally in the case of cooperation to determine the press conference thrown so a hand, forced to force the situation.

In Hefner's elaborate arrangements, Lin Mingyang took over the "Playboy" group has become a foregone conclusion, of course, such a result Lin Mingyang can refuse, but this cooperation is actually beneficial to both sides, Lin Mingyang finally can only be smiling and Hefner appeared together to accept the reporter's interview.

These reporters were invited by Hefner a long time ago, they were not informed of the specific content of the interview in advance, only to be told that Hefner is with an important person to discuss the transfer of the Playboy Group, and about this is expected to "inherit" Hefner erotic empire of the mysterious figure, responsible for the reception of their staff also do not know.

They waited patiently in the pre-arranged room, a flash of more than two hours will pass, Hefner and the mysterious figure in the end can not talk about, this has become the biggest doubt in the minds of all reporters. And this acquirer, who wore a mysterious veil, also became the subject of whispers among the reporters.

Finally the door of the room was pushed open, under the leadership of the staff, this group of journalists along the way simply could not care about visiting Hefner visited the gilded, full of thoughts are "Playboy" that mysterious acquirer.

The moment the answer was revealed was full of drama, Hefner was still wearing the famous silk robe when he was interviewed, but sitting next to him was Lin Mingyang, who had a strange expression in his formal wear. Reporters who were familiar with Hefner's attire were not surprised by it, but the other protagonist of the interview surprised them.

Lin Mingyang's plan to acquire the Playboy Group, this news would definitely be taken as a joke at first glance, but after careful consideration, it seemed like it was quite plausible. Others would think so, and the journalists present were no exception, after a brief moment of dismay, the expressions on their faces were quickly replaced by frenzied excitement, they knew very well what kind of heavy news the next interview would lead to.

Hefner seemed to be in a good mood, and joked with the reporters in a humorous manner right from the start, "I don't think either of us need to introduce ourselves to you, right? Of course today Felix and I are sitting here, not to chat with you all, we will announce an important decision, MGM Studios Group has confirmed that it will start cooperation with Playboy Group, unfortunately the celebratory wine has already been drunk by the two of us, and we can't treat you all to a drink right now...but at night I will organize a grand Party. Everyone is welcome to attend then!"

Reporters had already been prepared beforehand, so when Hefner announced the news, there was no "frying pan" situation, the fastest reaction was a reporter from the Chicago Sun-Times, who ignored Hefner and went straight to Lin Mingyang to ask him a question.

"Mr. Felix, MGM's cooperation with 'Playboy', is this really your personal decision?" The tone of his question still had a tone of Judas disbelief in it.

Having just been put on the spot by Hefner, although Lin Ming Yang had lost, it didn't mean that he wasn't prepared to fight back, and this reporter's question happened to provide Lin Ming Yang with just such an opportunity.

"This is indeed my own decision, but there are two places I need to explain to everyone." Lin Ming Yang stretched out two more slender fingers as he spoke, "The first is the nature of this cooperation, what I'm planning to do is to merge and acquire the Playboy Group through MGM, and this decision is currently just a personal intention of mine, it has yet to pass through the board of directors of MGM."

In the eyes of the reporters across the room, the first half of Lin Mingyang's first point of supplementation was the key, as he illuminated the primary and secondary relationship of this cooperation. Although saying so might make Hefner, who was sitting on the sidelines, feel a little disgraced, but looking at Hefner's appearance as if he didn't have any objections, the journalists in the room were all smart people and easily figured out the joints. As for Lin Mingyang's second half of the sentence, purely his personal pretext, if the acquisition of any accidents, he also good to find a step down, but who does not know, in the MGM has an absolute controlling interest in Lin Mingyang, his personal will basically represents the attitude of the entire MGM.

Lin Ming Yang put away a finger, "If this merger is successful, I will reorganize the entire Playboy Group, the only thing that will remain unchanged will be the Playboy magazine, and Mr. Hefner, if his health allows it, I will continue to hire him as the magazine's editor-in-chief and the company's chief creative officer!"

Lin Ming Yang saying this was very much in line with his usual arrogant style. And in the face of Lin Mingyang's strong counterattack, Hefner could only laugh bitterly in his heart. Ten or twenty years ago, even if someone with the same status and strength as Lin Ming Yang had said such words in front of him, all that would come was Hefner's disdainful ridicule. But now, what he had in his hands was a company that was as old as himself, he could rely on drugs to let his aging body continue to enjoy a life of flirtation, but there was no way to let an aging company regain its former glory.

Hefner always said that he liked to stay with young people because he felt that he could also become young, but there were always exceptions to the rule, and at the moment, sitting with Lin Ming Yang, a standard young man, Hefner felt pressure in his heart even though his face would still be an easy smile.

He used the momentum to force Lin Mingyang to accept cooperation, and Lin Mingyang pushed the boat to use the "momentum" he created, in turn forced him to accept the conditions of cooperation, it is difficult to say who lifted a stone to hit their own feet, whether Lin Mingyang or Hefner, are a willingness to fight a willingness to suffer.

Not to mention that Hefner himself was very clear in his own mind that what Lin Ming Yang said was basically the truth. Even if he now gives Hefner face, in the double hair negotiation table, MGM's representative will not hesitate to put forward such a request. Shopping mall game, on the surface is the negotiation table in front of you to and from the sword, but the table can really control the situation or the strength of the competition.