Chapter 248 - The Scale Is A Little Big

"Lakeview is quite sensible!" Lin Ming Yang picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip, "Anyway, an agreement has been reached with Blizzard, the preparations for the movie version of Warcraft can be put off for a while, and starring in Legends of the Darkness, Kate and I have no problem on our side... I just don't know if director John Woo can find the time on his end, it seems like he's back in the country for this period of time. "

"Then do you think it's possible to change the director?" Ecks knew that Lin Ming Yang and John Woo had a good personal relationship, so his tone seemed cautious when he made this suggestion.

In normal times, Lin Ming Yang should not have considered Ecks' suggestion, but during this time, John Woo did return to China, and if Lin Ming Yang did not remember wrongly, he should be filming Red Cliff, and in the near future he should not have the time to take on a new movie, and after taking into account these realities, Lin Ming Yang's heart couldn't help but be a little shaken.

"You have a suitable candidate for director?"

Lin Ming Yang asked this, instantly making Ecks' mind come alive, "Patrick Tatopoulos, he was the special effects director in Legend of the Dark Nights, and in Legend of the Dark Nights of the Wolves Revisited, he was directly promoted to director, on top of that, the special effects scenes of 10,000 Years Before History, and I Am Legend also came from him. In terms of his familiarity with the movie and his basic skills, there should be no problem. Having him continue as the director of the movie will at least make the whole movie's style tend to be unified."

Seeing that Lin Ming Yang didn't say anything, Eckles knew that his words had played a role, and he continued, "Nowadays, most of the Hollywood cult style movies are busy showing off their color palette, playing hard to get, and looking cool; they look like they have a lot of artistic flavor, but they're actually boring and tedious. The Legend of the Dark series can make the cult style in the movie has a magical power, I am afraid the reason is that it in rendering the dark atmosphere and shaping the bloody scenes, never forget the importance of the plot. Plot is the life of a movie, and only a story can make the audience truly sit down at ease without the urge to turn off the disc player... and how to use plot to attract the audience has always been what you do best!"

"We can put aside the matter about the director for now." Lin Mingyang put down his coffee, then reached out to Ecks, "Bring it!"

This inexplicable move made Ecks a bit puzzled: "What do you want?"

"The script!" Lin Ming Yang gave him a look of displeasure, "Don't tell me you didn't bring that with you when you came!"

Ecks' eyes widened in surprise, "How did you know that Lakeview had already written the script?"

"Didn't you just say that? Lakeview changed the script on the fly because of Kate's resignation, which means the original script they had already written at that point!"

According to Lin Ming Yang's deduction, Lakeview had to adjust the order in which the scripts were filmed because of Kate's resignation, and the original third episode became the second episode, while the real Legend of Darkness 2 script that he remembered should still be in Lakeview's hands. Since Lakeview wanted to transfer the entire series to MGM, that script was already in Eckles' hands.

"It's true that the script is in my hands, but..." said Ecks with some difficulty as he glanced at Kate beside Lin Ming Yang, a look of desire on his face.

As smart as Kate, she could naturally see the dissimilarity in Ecks' expression, and unable to speak to Lin Ming Yang, she jumped the gun and asked, "Is there anything wrong with the content of the script?"

"That...there's a section in the plot that has a rather large scale!" Even though Ecks' statement was already very subtle, Kate, who took the initiative to ask, couldn't help but have two blushes on her cheeks.

During Ecks' introduction, Lin Mingyang and Kate basically figured out the general plot of the script. The story picks up where the previous episode left off, with the blood of the werewolf captive accidentally awakening the sleeping Markus, and from the werewolf's memories, Markus learns of the existence of Mike, a half-breed. Serena and Mike continue their escapades, and strangely enough, many snippets of her childhood linger in Serena's memory without her realizing what it means. Markus finally finds Serena and learns from her memories the location of the dungeon where William, the father of the brother-werewolves, is being held. But there is no key to unlock the dungeon.

Serena and Mike find Markos' father, the great Corvinus. Corvinus did not explain anything to the duo in order to protect his two sons. At that moment, Markos arrived and beat Mike to death. and took the key to the dungeon from his father, killing him himself. Corvinus realizes the gravity of the situation before he dies and sends his men after Markos in a helicopter carrying Serena and an unconscious Mike. Markos opens the dungeon and releases the wild and hard to find William. It is at this point that he realizes that he can't control William at all.

Serena locks Markos in the dungeon and fights William to the death with the crowd. One by one, the soldiers were killed by William and turned into werewolves, at which time Markus also broke free from the dungeon. Mike, who had been unconscious for a long time, finally woke up and immediately participated in the battle. Mike's ability is fully realized as he kills William. Teaming up with Serena, he kills Markos, and Serena is seriously injured. It was all over, and peace was restored to the world.

After Ecks reminded him of this, Lin Ming Yang then remembered that there was indeed that one passionate scene in the memorized Legend of the Dark 2. After experiencing the "jealousy" with Len Wiseman, Lin Mingyang once again recalled that scene, and was finally able to realize Wiseman's conflicting feelings when he shot the scene. Standing in this position, Lin Mingyang has never been a qualified director's self-consciousness, in his place, certainly will not let other men naked on his beloved woman's body, even if this is in the name of art movie shooting.

Maybe Wiseman really hard-hearted, in order to commercial movie sequel "more naked" purpose, even the wife's nakedness are to be wide open, dew to dew, bed scene to bed scene, in retrospect, Lin Mingyang from the one-minute-long unnecessary nudity in the camera, can be completely peeped into the contradictory heart of the Wiseman: he very much want to rely on the camera to earn enough! Box office, but on the contrary, the female lead is his own wife, so and especially want to cover up to maintain the exclusive right to be a husband, as a result of that shot Bei Mei Mei's body beauty is beautiful, but the male protagonist's action is a bit funny, and even look more pitiful.

Erotic scenes in Hollywood movies are not as generous and natural as those in European movies, and if the director makes a mess of it, it will look even more unorthodox. The audience's eyes with the camera in the navel area of Xiaobei Mei Mei lingering and sigh "the two treasures of women's body in fact is the waist and hips," when the poor hero had to endure because of the deliberate arching of the body caused by the waist and hip pain.

Through the later generations of a cadre of "color friends" meticulous analysis, and finally on this beautiful bed scene to reach the only conclusion is: from the position on the analysis, the male protagonist with the thighs.

Eckles and Kate probably could not have imagined that a large-scale plot design, actually able to make Lin Mingyang associated with so many things.

"Felix? "Kate's soft cry pulled Lin Mingyang back from his solitary conjecture, as he had just wandered off with a strange expression, and combined with the mortifying plotline that Ecks had just described, it immediately made Kate suspicious in her mind.

"What were you thinking about just now?"

Under the gaze of Kate's pair of marvelous eyes that were clear as water, Lin Mingyang's mouth moved, but in the end, he didn't say anything. He suddenly realized that it was difficult for him to even try to lie in front of her, and in the end, he had to give an honest explanation, "If the male lead of the movie was someone else, I would never allow such a plot to appear... but in my place, as long as you don't mind, we can actually try it out!"

He spoke so blatantly in front of Ecks, Kate immediately made a big red face, not waiting for Lin Ming Yang to finish his sentence, she quenched softly, "Big pervert, can you not tease people like this?"

The always cool and elegant Kate actually revealed such a little girl posture, which made the Ecks who were "watching the show" froze with their mouths wide open, their eyes blinking and unable to say anything.

Lin Mingyang looked at Kate with conviction: "In the name of art, I swear, I'm serious!"

Kate's delicate cheeks gave Lin Mingyang the urge to hug and kiss her hard, but considering that there was still the light bulb of Ecks present, he ultimately didn't make this out of the ordinary move.

Kate felt that she couldn't stay any longer, and seeing that the coffee in the cups in front of Lin Ming Yang and Ecks had already reached the bottom, she excused herself to go make some coffee, stood up and fled the living room in a flying manner.

After Kate left, Ecks asked very abruptly, "Can you be sure you're serious?"

Lin Mingyang looked at him in disbelief, "I've already made my words clear just now, is there still a need to doubt this?"

Ecks' expression suddenly became serious as he said in a deep voice, "I'm not referring to the script, but the relationship between you and Kate!"

Lin Ming Yang solemnly returned and said, "As long as she is willing, I can marry her anytime!"

The corner of Ecks' mouth revealed a wry look, "What about your other women?"

Lin Ming Yang leaned back on the sofa, both heads covering his head in pain, "I don't know! Each of them gives me a different feeling."

"So you don't know which one you should choose?"

"That's where most of my pain and confusion lies...but for Kate, I feel the most special!" Lin Ming Yang tilted his head and let out a heavy sigh, "Almost every other woman I know has had sex with me... only Kate..."

"The harder it is to get something the easier it is to cherish, in this regard, Kate is much smarter than the other women you know!" Ecks reached out and patted Lin Mingyang's knee, and now he didn't know if he should envy Lin Mingyang's sexual bliss or pity him for his pain. "A word of advice, end this messy relationship as early as possible, dragging it out like this isn't fair to Kate and the women who love you dearly, and you'll be burdened with an increasingly heavy psychological burden...if you still honor your inner morals, sooner or later you'll break down one day!"