Chapter 249 - Reinforcements from Every Direction

After gulping down a glass of cold beer, Lin Ming Yang felt that his irritable mood on the road had instead become much calmer, the last words that Ecks said to him that day had been ringing in his ears, which made Lin Ming Yang suddenly very afraid to face Kate, afraid to face all those women who had entangled relationships with him.

In order to escape this difficult to choose the reality, he began to put all his energy into the work, about the Warcraft movie adaptation, MGM side is still negotiating with Blizzard on the specific form of cooperation. Leaving aside that engineering huge shooting plan, the first and foremost is naturally the preparatory preparations for Legend of Darkness 2.

A week after the release of "Dragonauts", the North American box office exceeded 200 million U.S. dollars, the simultaneous release of the overseas market is close to 160 million U.S. dollars, relying on the profit share of these two, MGM has basically recouped the cost. Under the influence of this favorable factor, MGM's stock price surged again. With such a favorable momentum, the 130 million dollar shooting budget for Legend of the Dark 2 was approved by the board of directors with little effort.

Such a huge investment is enough to show that Lin Mingyang's attention to the film, "Legend of the Dark" series of films in the first two total investment of less than $ 60 million, the new film's investment on this basis more than doubled, which makes the original support Patrick Tatopoulos as director of the film Eckels can not help but be a little worried about the key to this director's seniority is not enough, and some people are worried that he can not grasp the film's investment is too big. The movie's investment is so large that some people are worried that he will not be able to grasp it.

That's why Lin Mingyang appeared in this bar called "Fire Eater" in Los Angeles, he met with this guest, is the MGM is ready to invite him to join, assisting the director Patrick to achieve a great career of heavyweight role.

Watching Lin Mingyang finish off a stein of beer, Beckman Bertov, who was sitting beside him, looked at him with slight surprise: "I remember during the filming of Wanted, Mr. Felix didn't seem to drink much, I thought..."

"I remember that during the filming of the movie, your English wasn't as fluent as it is now either!" Lin Mingyang shrugged towards Bekmambetov, "Things are always in flux!"

"Yeah, it's been almost a year or so since we filmed Wanted, and after spending so much time in Hollywood, I'm turning into an American as a Russian!" Bekmambetov himself picked up his glass and took a sip, "When I was in Russia, I didn't feel like drinking beer at all, and now I can't even remember how long it's been since I touched vodka!"

Because of the cold weather in Russia, Russians are known for being good drinkers of spirits, and after spending so much time in the United States, it was inevitable that Bekmambetov had some feelings in his heart. Hollywood did provide space for outsiders like him to show their talents, but he couldn't have everything going his way over here. Although Wanted had made Universal Studios a huge profit, the shooting of the sequel had been delayed again and again.

Universal Pictures kept changing excuses, first to shrug off the lack of funds in place, and then the schedules of several leading actors are difficult to coordinate, anyway, Beckman Bertoff waited for more than half a year, there is still no response.

As Lin Mingyang became the chairman of the board of directors of MGM Studios, the most direct effect of this change in status is that it is difficult to see him outside of the films that MGM invests in. Many of the movies with Lin Ming Yang as the main character have been delayed for this reason. On the one hand, his salary has reached a very scary point, not the kind of big movie companies, basically can not afford; on the other hand is that even if you can afford the money, with Lin Ming Yang's status today, may not be willing to continue to play those roles.

Although Bekmambetov was not sure what Lin Mingyang's purpose was for suddenly asking him out, he decided to ask Lin Mingyang himself if he would still be willing to continue to act in the sequel to Wanted.

"Of course!" Lin Ming Yang nodded without hesitation, "As long as the role is exciting enough and the plot is new enough, there's no reason for me to turn down any role!"

Lin Mingyang's words were like a pill that made Beckman Bertov, who was still skeptical before, immediately remove his mental baggage. Despite some dilly-dallying, Universal Pictures had at least recently revealed the idea of preparing for a sequel to Wanted, and in Beckman Bertov's opinion, as long as there was no problem on Lin Mingyang's side, there was no other "hurdle" he couldn't get over. The most important thing is that you can't get past the "hurdles" in other areas.

While happy, Beckman Bertov felt very uninspired by drinking beer, he asked the waiter to bring a bottle of vodka. Bekmambetov wanted to share a drink with Lin Mingyang, but Lin Mingyang shook his head at the spirits in his hand, and he didn't feel spoiled, and poured himself a glass of his own.

"MGM is preparing to make a new movie..." Lin Mingyang was about to explain his intentions, when Bekmambetov interrupted him with a strong smell of alcohol coming out of his nostrils after taking a sip of hard liquor.

Then, with the wine in his mouth, Bekmambetov heatedly asked, "You're not planning to let me be the director of that movie, are you?"

"Unfortunately, we've already decided on the director before, but we're still missing a visual effects director." Lin Mingyang didn't point the words out, but having said that, if Bekmambetov still didn't know exactly what he meant, then one could only say that he was stupid.

Bekmambetov pointed to his nose, "You mean for me to come?"

"During our collaboration on Wanted, your grasp of action scenes and brilliant ideas of genius had once deeply impressed me, and this time I hope you can bring those brilliant ideas to this movie." Lin Mingyang looked at Bekmambetov with a sincere and earnest gaze, "I need your help!"

It had been a long time since he had seen such a look of complete trust in someone else's eyes, Beckmambetov's heart warmed up, and he drained his cup of spirits in one go before slamming the empty cup heavily on the table.

"Just for what you just said, I'll take this job!"


Having gotten Beckman Bertov to assist him, Lin Ming Yang was still a little uneasy. In the existing production lineup of Legend of the Dark 2, director Patrick is good at grasping the style of the picture, while Beckman Bertov specializes in the design of those special effects action scenes, but there are still a lot of details involved in the plot of the film's action, in order to fill in the short board, Lin Ming Yang still needs to find a suitable action director.

With the experience of "Legend of the Night", Lin Mingyang in the search for members of the cast and crew when the first consideration is naturally the first filming of the original team, about the action director he first thought of is Chang De Sheng, that in Hong Kong lost all the money in the racecourse, and then by mistake he and Kate encountered, and finally by John Woo was selected to participate in the filming of the uncle.

Since the filming of "Legend of the Dark", Lin Mingyang has no contact with Chang De Sheng, he went to a phone call to John Woo, originally wanted to inquire about Chang De Sheng's contact information in Hong Kong, but John Woo gave him an address in the United States.

It turned out in the "Legend of the Night" after the shooting, John Woo introduced to Chang De Sheng one after another some Hollywood martial arts work, not to mention that the old boy's stomach is really material, one after another in the circle of Hollywood action director mixed a little bit of not too small fame. With Hollywood set off a new round of kung fu boom, Chang De Sheng also made a fortune, and then simply the family received the United States. To say that Lin Mingyang's luck is not bad, Chang De Sheng has been busy with immigration a while ago, and only recently officially settled down.

Despite the fact that John Woo had left his address on the phone, it took Lin Mingyang some effort to find the apartment where Chang De Sheng's family lived. Compared to the silo they lived in in Hong Kong, this second-hand apartment that Chang De Sheng had bought was definitely much better. Of course, the neighborhood in which the apartment was located was very remote in Los Angeles, at best a notch better than the slums, but in terms of facilities and security, it couldn't be compared to middle-class neighborhoods in the United States.

Lin Ming Yang brought three bodyguards with him when he came over, one of them guarding the elevator entrance, and the remaining two leaning outside the apartment door. The one who opened the door for Lin Ming Yang was a middle-aged woman wrapped in hair curls, her puzzled gaze glanced around at Lin Ming Yang and finally rested on the two tall black bodyguards behind Lin Ming Yang.

"May I ask if this is Mr. Wu Desheng's house?" Afraid that she wouldn't understand English, Lin Mingyang purposely used Chinese.

"Our debts in Hong Kong have all been paid off...what are you?" Chang De Sheng's wife said shivering, probably because Lin Ming Yang's gesture of making this entrance was like those debt collectors back in Hong Kong, for a moment she actually misunderstood Lin Ming Yang's identity.

"Mrs. Chang, right?" Lin Ming Yang somewhat depressed to take off his sunglasses, his face was even replaced with a warm smile, "You probably misunderstood, I'm not here to collect a debt, Mr. Chang and I are old friends, and today I'm specially here to find him to catch up on old times."

"Catch up on old times?" Chang De Sheng's wife tightly guarded the doorway, her eyes staring at the two bodyguards behind Lin Ming Yang, that expression and demeanor clearly meant that she didn't believe Lin Ming Yang's words.

Quite helpless, Lin Mingyang could only instruct the two bodyguards behind him, then smiled at Chang De Sheng's wife, "They wait at the door, it's always okay for me to go in alone, right?"

This expression of his finally made the other party remove a bit of their guard, "You really aren't here to collect a debt?"

Lin Mingyang shrugged, "Didn't you say that all of Mr. Chang's debts have been paid what debt am I still here to collect?"

"You're really here to catch up with our family's mouth?" Chang De Sheng's wife blocked the doorway, with a very imposing manner.

"Mr. Chang is doing martial arts fingers in Hong Kong right?" Lin Mingyang felt for the first time that middle-aged women were so difficult to deal with, "I have a drama in my hands and I want to ask Mr. Chang for help, you should believe me when I say this, right?"