Chapter 250 - Ready

Just as Chang Desheng's wife stopped Lin Mingyang outside the door for some questioning, her little daughter happened to pass by the foyer, she inadvertently glanced towards the door, then she heard her let out a scream, startling Lin Mingyang and Chang Desheng's wife who were standing in the doorway together.

"You dead girl, seeing ghosts in the middle of the day, what's the point of screaming blindly when there's nothing else to do, scaring the old lady!" Chang De Sheng's wife turned her head and found her daughter standing there dumbfounded, patted her chest, scolded and reprimanded her, and then yelled at her as if she was giving orders, "What are you still standing there for, hurry up and teach your old man to get out of the toilet, he must be hiding behind my back to smoke again, turn around and see how I'll clean him up! ...Hey, you dead girl, I haven't finished my words, what are you running for?"

Chang De Sheng's daughter turned around and slipped out of sight, this head of her mom can only stare dryly, while over there she has already run to the door of the toilet in a hurry, bang bang knock up the door.

"Dad, come out quickly!"

Toilet door opened a crack, Chang De Sheng's head from the inside poked out, saw that his daughter did not stand behind his wife, he took a long breath, and then glared at his daughter as if he was complaining.

"Dead girl, your mom and did not come to check the number, you knock so anxious for what, internal emergency this home does not have a toilet it, why and your old man to fight this one?"

Toilet through a large smell of smoke, Chang De Sheng's daughter pinched her nose in front of the fan in front of the fan, see Chang De Sheng ready to close the door, she was in a hurry to press the toilet door.

"Yo, you this girl piece when also learn to play hooligan, your old dad my pants can not yet mention it?"

Chang De Sheng deliberately teased her, after blankly glancing at him, his daughter busily said, "Felix...Felix came to our house, now at the door, stopped by my mom!"

Chang De Sheng looked at his daughter in confusion, "Which Felix, I know several Felix, there are 3 living in our building alone!"

His daughter stomped her foot in anger, "I'm talking about Felix Lin, that big Hollywood star!"

"What did you say?" Chang De Sheng's eyes widened, "Felix Lin came to see me and then was stopped by your mom?"

He said while lifting up his pants, hastily extinguishing his cigarette and rushing out of the toilet with only a slipper on his foot, "This loser old bitch, stopping no one but the God of Fortune outside!"


"Mr. Felix, I'm so sorry just now!" Chang De Sheng's wife was busy making tea for Lin Ming Yang, he himself himself stood behind Lin Ming Yang with an apologetic face, rubbing his hands nervously while carefully weighing his words.

"Old Chang, are you still gambling now?" Lin Mingyang didn't rush to take his seat, but instead surveyed the living room of Chang De Sheng's house with interest.

Chang De Sheng shook his head with some sighs, "Ever since the last time I met you and Ms. Kate at the racecourse, I've cleaned up my act and swore never to gamble again."

Lin Mingyang's eyes were attracted by a few picture frames on the cabinet, but his mouth chatted with Chang De Sheng, "Director Wu told me that you moved your entire family to the United is it, are you still used to living over here?"

"I don't really care, a few children can also adapt, but my wife can't speak English, she can only stay at home all day, do some housework, this family now relies on me to support...hey, compared to in Hong Kong, I think now life at least has a hope, I didn't think to move over here to encounter the financial crisis, it's not a good life! "

Chang De Sheng rambled a lot, Lin Ming Yang although a sentence without a sentence listening, but at least from it to figure out a flavor, this old Chang in the United States of America life is not as he previously imagined that like.

"All Chinese, really any difficulties can come to MGM to find me!"

Chang De Sheng busy nodding, then saw his hand in the pocket of his coat fumbled for a while, from which he pulled out a business card, respectfully handed to Lin Ming Yang in front of: "I'm going to pull a team over here, to do a movie action design a kind of work ... you are now the big boss of MGM, and in the future I also hope to be able to take a few orders from your hands, mix a good meal! You're a big boss at MGM now.

Lin Mingyang took the business card and confidently looked at it, realizing that Chang De Sheng's name actually had an English name underneath it, called Jason.

Seeing the smile at the corner of his mouth, Chang De Sheng explained, "This name was chosen by my son, he said it was called "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

Lin Mingyang nodded, "The reasoning is right, but I still think it's more intimate to call you old Chang!"

Chang De Sheng said with a smile on the side, "That's right, with my half-assed English, I won't make a fool of myself in front of you!"

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the door to the second room at the end of the living room was half-open, and a head poked out from it, and when Lin Mingyang looked this way, the other person whooshed and shrunk his head back.

Lin Ming Yang couldn't help but smile, "Is that your daughter?"

"The little girl just arrived over here and is a bit shy..."

"I forgot to bring a gift this time, I'll send her a Barbie doll later." Lin Ming Yang's words had just fallen, when he heard a rattle coming from that house, it was probably the little girl who heard his words, and was stealing joy all by herself at this time.

"This child..." Chang De Sheng shook his head helplessly, then followed Lin Ming Yang and sat down.

"Old Chang ah, this time I actually just mainly want to ask you if you're free lately, I have a movie on my hands and the position of action director is still missing." Lin Ming Yang asked tentatively, he wanted to see what kind of reaction Chang De Sheng would have.

"That depends on what kind of movie you're shooting, honestly I can't do action direction for war movies or sci-fi movies."

If Chang De Sheng had made a big deal out of it at the beginning, Lin Ming Yang would have been a little skeptical instead, he was so direct in picking his words apart, but it was right up Lin Ming Yang's alley.

"Don't worry, it's an action movie!" Lin Ming Yang nodded with satisfaction, "You've been in contact with that movie before, you shouldn't have any problems doing it now!"

Chang De Sheng was also a resourceful person, Lin Ming Yang gently pointed and he immediately understood, "The Legend of Darkness is getting a sequel?"

"Compared to the last time, this will be a much larger scale of investment, the crew is basically the original cast from before, and the director you should also recognize, is the special effects director Patrick from the previous cast."

Because of the nature of the work, Chang De Sheng and Patrick often contact, tacit understanding dare not say, in cooperation together should be no problem.

"I am the supervisor of this movie, at that time, if there is any problem that Patrick can't solve, you can come to me directly!"

Lin Mingyang said this, and Chang De Sheng's mind's misgivings were allayed. In a Hollywood crew, the director was definitely the biggest, but there was also a producer placed on top. The producer directly represents the investor's opinion and attitude, and when it comes to major problems, the director has to discuss the matter with the producer.

Even Hollywood's first-class director, taking into account Lin Mingyang's current status, when cooperating with him will also be courteous, not to mention the director of Patrick's reputation. Lin Mingyang's promise had already given Chang De Sheng the greatest trust and support.


Two days later, the first preparatory meeting for Legend of the Dark 2 was held at MGM headquarters.

In the conference room, the three people who arrived first sat there and looked at each other, Chang De Sheng and director Patri had worked together before, but it is not familiar, when they met, they just nodded to each other, which is considered to be a greeting. And Bekmambetov simply bored there alone to read the script, and did not talk to other people.

Chang De Sheng touched his pocket, originally intended to pull out a pack of cigarettes, but looked at the other two people, as if they did not want to smoke the intention, simply put the cigarette back.

Lin Mingyang walked into the conference room at the beat of the hour, the three early arrivals were holding onto their seats and ready to stand up, but Lin Mingyang pressed his hand, signaling that they didn't need to be polite.

After he sat down, the secretary of the conference room gently closed the door, "There are just four of us in today's seminar, Patrick and Lao Chang have worked together before, as for the one sitting on my left, it's the new Russian filmmaker Mr. Bekmambetov, in Wanted I had a pleasant cooperation with him, and this time I've invited him here to be mainly responsible for the special effects design of the movie scenes. design."

After introducing the identities of the several people in turn, Lin Ming Yang pointed to the pile of information he had brought with him, "I've already seen this filming plan drawn up by Mr. Patrick, and now everyone has a copy of it in their hands as well...let's all talk about our opinions on this plan."

The program was proposed by Patrick, and Lin Ming Yang was now asking for the opinions of Bekmambetov and Chang De Sheng, while Chang De Sheng was responsible for the detailed aspects of the action design, and he actually couldn't offer any opinions on this macro shooting program. Lin Mingyang asked this question, mainly because he wanted to hear Beckman Bertov's opinion.

"Although this film has always been shot in Eastern Europe, but this time there are more locations in the plot, I suggest changing the film's shooting location to Russia... I'm more familiar with that side, and the various arrangements for scene scheduling in the film's shooting will be easier to realize."

After Bekmambetov finished speaking, Lin Mingyang's gaze immediately turned to director Patrick's side.

Patrick said with some hesitation, "I need to have abandoned mines and ancient castles as backgrounds for filming..."

"Both of those are available on the Russian side, and there are also some decommissioned military bases in that neighborhood that I can convince the administrators to open up to the crew as well!"

After getting an affirmative answer from Bekmambetov, Patrick nodded his head, which was considered a solution to place the filming location in Russia.

"And then there's this!" Lin Ming Yang pulled out a photo from the folder, then stood up and stuck it on the carrying board in front of him, "Regarding this first generation werewolf's design, I feel the need to make further modifications, I want it to be styled in a way that will differentiate it from the other werewolves, and to look even more powerful... this time, we need a stronger villain , so that it can serve the purpose of attracting the audience!"