Chapter 251 Kate's Troubles

The sparkling Moskva River flowed silently through the middle of the city like a blue ribbon; the spires of the Kremlin and the huge golden domes of the congregational churches glittered in the sunlight; old and modern buildings were visible in the shadows of the birch trees, and this was Moscow.

As one of the most famous squares in the world, Moscow's Red Square has a unique ground, all paved with striped stones, ancient and sacred. On the west side of the Red Square are Lenin's Tomb and the Kremlin's Red Wall and three towers. On the upper level of Lenin's Tomb, a podium was built. Whenever there is an important ceremony, the leaders stand on Lenin's Tomb to observe and command.

In the crowded square, a pair of young men and women wearing sunglasses mingled with the crowd, the two dressed particularly conspicuous, but if someone looks closely, it is expected to cover their mouths in surprise. Hollywood two popular stars in Moscow Red Square as a couple strolling, this matter spread out is expected to be another sensational news in the entertainment industry.

From Sharapova to Kournikova, never only heard of Russian tennis beauties often appearing on the streets of New York in the U.S., but very few Hollywood stars went to Moscow's Red Square to spread out, and if a reporter captured a photo of Lin Mingyang and Kate Beckinsale staying together, it is estimated that it will make a lot of people's jaws drop in amazement.

Fortunately, when he came out Lin Mingyang resisted the urge to carry a professional video camera from the crew, and instead just brought a portable DV, and all the way he willingly acted as a photographer, recording Kate's knitted brows and smile during this excursion.

There were certainly advantages and disadvantages to doing this, Lin Ming Yang was obsessed with filming, so from the very beginning his eyes never left the DV's pick-up window, and every time he spoke, he was observing Kate's expression through the DV's lens, and Kate had to stand in the center of the camera like a live host every time she talked to him.

"There was always a question in the back of my mind, are the origins of vampires and werewolves really as they are written in the script?" This doubt has been mulled over by Kate since the crew set foot on Russian soil. Some time ago, the crew was filming in the Far East region of Russia, and this question had never come to her to remember to ask, and taking advantage of the gap between the crew's return to Russia for a break, she and Lin Ming Yang went on an outing in company, and just happened to remember this matter, so she opened her mouth to ask about it.

"There are no vampires or werewolves in this world at all, so those so-called origins are just as much a figment of people's imagination as the script." Lin Ming Yang's hand held up the DV and did not mean to put it down, "But the story of vampires and werewolves has a long history, the view held in this script is just one of them, according to legend, in the ancient century in Europe, a terrible plague broke out on the continent, people died in droves, and a young man in the village by the name of Covinus saw such a tragic situation, and in order to survive from the plague, went through the study of the origin of life himself and received some kind of revelation, and later he was the only one who survived."

"There were 3 descendants of Corvinus, unfortunately one of the 3 was bitten by a bat that had been infected with the virus, the other was bitten by a wolf that had been infected with the virus, and only one survived intact as a human form, and two of his brothers mutated as a result of contracting the virus, and one became the progenitor of the vampire, and the other became the progenitor of the werewolf, and from then on, werewolves and vampires became in Europe Since then werewolves and vampires have been spreading in Europe."

Kate nodded in realization, "So the prototype of Alexander in the script is that Corvinus?"

"Regarding the origins of vampires and werewolves, the kind of argument we just mentioned claims to belong to a more recent point of view, and the explanation of viral mutation, which still seems to have a bit of scientific basis, is not something the ancients could have imagined. Standing on the religious point of view, there is a traditional view that the archetype of the vampire is Judas. After Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 silver coins, he regretted it so much that he hanged himself at sunset. But God did not forgive him for betraying his son and made him an immortal but eternally lonely vampire after his death to punish him for his sin of betrayal."

Kate frowned gently, the chutzpah still hidden despite the sunglasses, "So which viewpoint do you think is more valid?"

"There's never any reasoning with God!" The corner of Lin Ming Yang's mouth hooked up into a mocking-like smile, "I've never insisted that whether it's vampires or werewolves, they're all romantic imaginings penned by the literati. The mystery of medieval religion, and the romantic imagination of the Renaissance were skillfully combined together, and the result is the vampire we see today."

"It has been said that Romantic literature is the literature of the night, for these works are always filled with imagery of the moon; horror literature is the art of the late night, and the reader can only truly experience the thrill in the dead of night. For human beings, the psychology of horror is formed in evolution, something deeply rooted in the blood. In that sense, no one can escape horror, especially when he is immature."

After saying that Lin Ming Yang finally moved the DV in his hand that he had been lifting and refusing to put down out of his line of sight, Kate gave him a look of displeasure, "You're finally willing to put this thing down!"

Lin Ming Yang shrugged, "Because this thing is out of battery!"


Early the next morning, the rain was still falling sparsely, the other members of the crew were still asleep, while Lin Ming Yang and Kate who had quietly gotten up were already on their way to the town of Sergeyev, a suburb of Moscow. The car sped through the countryside on the highway, a chic farmhouse, villas, hidden in the rolling woods, a playful idyllic scenery. The guide on the car said that many Russians buy cabins here, vacation here on holidays, those cabins are surrounded by flowers and plants, just like the fairy tale of the forest hut.

The beautiful scenery outside the window attracted the attention of most of the travelers, while Kate, who was sitting in the back row with Lin Mingyang, looked a little distracted at this time.

Lin Ming Yang tenderly sidled his head and asked softly in Kate's ear, "You have something on your mind?"

Kate nodded, but did not speak.

Lin Ming Yang saw through her preoccupation with a glance, "Still thinking about the movie shoot?"

"I always feel that for this shoot, I have a lot less action scenes compared to the previous one..." regarding this issue, Kate had approached the director before, but the other party just told her that it was necessary for the plot.

Kate knew that such a change was at least approved by Lin Ming Yang if not out of some kind of authorization from him.

After several years, Kate, as the main character, was still wrapped in leather and sexy in the movie, but the reduction in action scenes made her worried that doing so would affect the quality of the entire movie.

In the history of cinema, the werewolf and vampire as the protagonist of the film is endless, the audience is also over the years rarely fine these two classic Western horror image of aesthetic fatigue. Therefore, three years ago, the success of the "Legend of the Night", never werewolves and vampires on the screen to kill the plasma and broken limbs piled up, and rely on the gothic spooky cultural elements of the packaging, to the cold ruthless action scenes, werewolves and vampires version of the "Romeo and Juliet" of the emotional core of the number of the fusion of this dish of delicious chowder.

A small change may affect the performance of the whole movie, Kate does not want Lin Mingyang to take care of himself and leave words for others, yesterday in the red field mentioned the topic of vampires, she was originally like to lead up to the topic, but Lin Mingyang that time gags let her have no way to speak.

Last night she thought about it all night, and finally decided to clarify things with Lin Mingyang today.

"Regarding the handling of your action scene, it's true that I had Patrick make adjustments... As for your worries they are completely unnecessary, you should know that in the last scene you have a lot of action scenes at all, Chang De Sheng has designed a set of actions tailored to you, and by the time the performance is done you'll realize that it's not a small difficulty to complete the filming! " Lin Mingyang said this to comfort the majority of the ingredients, which made instead made Kate feel overly happy.

Seeing that the expression of doubt on her face didn't completely dissipate, Lin Ming Yang realized that his explanation might really be a bit lacking in persuasiveness, so he changed his statement.

"Between me and you, who shoots a better action scene?"

Kate said without hesitation, "Of course it's you!"

Lin Ming Yang heatedly smiled, "So yeah, the problem is relative... your action scenes in this movie have been reduced a bit, and accordingly I've had a bit more opportunity to perform... our big beauty Kate shouldn't be worried that your limelight has been stolen by me, right?"

Of course Kate didn't think so, "But..."

"I admit I do have a selfish desire to take care of you by doing this...but it's more of a complementary strength. You should be able to sense that while your action sequences have become fewer, the amount of time you spend using your weapons and guns has increased accordingly. Leave such unskilled things as fighting to me, you only need to put on a cold and charming pose and magnificently kill your opponents in seconds!"

Lin Mingyang freed his hand that was holding up his camera towards the car window to take a picture, and gently patted Kate's shoulder, "Actually, this is very much in line with the racial setting of the vampire werewolves in the plot. Simple and rough, good at fighting are the characteristics of werewolves; relatively speaking the image of vampires should be elegant and gorgeous, and since the story takes place in modern times, gunfighting is an indispensable part of the movie. In the movie, both werewolves and vampires have invented bullets to restrain each other, and in order to make these settings not fall through, your performance is very important."

"If only those bullets could destroy the final enemy." Kate beamed, seemingly with some regret.

Lin Mingyang gently scraped his finger on Kate's highly arched nose, "If the big villain had been taken care of by you with a single bullet, and there was no more beautiful women fighting monsters, I think the male audience in the movie theater would have protested en masse... knowing that the majority of them could have come here for you!"