Chapter 252 - In the Name of Art

Because of the timing of the shooting and the cost investment, this Legend of Darkness 2 being filmed in Russia, whether it is the real texture of the action scenes or the entire plot is far more exciting than the one Lin Ming Yang remembers.

In terms of the control of the big scenes, special effects director Bekmambetov once again showed his fire-powered skills. In the play, Kate and Lin Mingyang hitch a ride in a truck to escape. On the rugged mountain road, the essence of the wonderful chase scene in "Wanted" was "copied" by Bekmambetov, and the whole shooting can only be described as tense and exciting, in which many of Kate's actions were accomplished only by using a stunt double.

Compared to "Wanted" in Angelina's courage, this time the hero and heroine with the degree of tacit understanding to be higher, in the film Lin Mingyang is responsible for driving, and Kate is in the high-speed car to make a variety of difficult shooting action. Anyway, Kate's identity in the drama is a vampire assassin, so in the design of the action there is less concern about the "authenticity" of the Beckman Bertov let go to do, and finally came up with a shooting program in the jaw-dropping at the same time, but have to admire his subtle and incomparable imagination.

In addition to the big fiery scenes, Chang De Sheng's action design as the needle in the armature also looks exceptionally colorful. In order to live up to Lin Mingyang's trust, Chang De Sheng this time will be the bottom of the kung fu out, he gave Kate designed action is no longer those simple jumps, over, aerial and other stiff gymnastic movements, in the integration of the actual combat style, eliminating those who only seek aesthetics and not the effect of philistine, Kate's hands in the film looks more and more crisp and clean.

Under Lin Mingyang's authorization, Chang De Sheng consciously reduced Kate's fighting scenes a bit. But but the film vampire bullets can not be endless, the plot whenever the development of the key moment, the male and female protagonists in the hands of the gun always like to run out of bullets, this in the movie a hundred use of the bridge in the "Legend of the Dark 2" naturally can not be exempted.

In this case, Chang De Sheng and arranged for Kate a few hands of amazing flying dagger stunts, this kind of Hong Kong martial arts movies have been shot in the bad skills, but the use of this film in this film is like a stroke of genius, for the film's wonderful color a lot.

In the few times Kate in close combat, Chang De Sheng for her to design the action is basically a fight in the fatal moves, which adds a lot of difficulty for Kate's performance, but the corresponding effect is also gratifying, the first episode of that harsh moves beautiful and cold female vampire image continues to shine in the film.

Lin Mingyang, who has always been a green leaf, is also quite impressive in his action performance in this episode. With the theme of evolution and gradually realized the super power of werewolves, Michael's action in the film is full of combat flavor, swift and concise, a move to defeat the enemy, especially when he used his hands to break the other werewolves' big mouths of the pugilistic action, it is Lin Mingyang in the performance of the performance can be felt that kind of long lost the shock of bravado.

Of course, whether it's special effects or action design, these are the ingredients of a movie, and what really determines the success or failure of a movie is its style and creativity. Director Patrick has done an excellent job in creating a dark and eerie gothic style. Although the night occupies most of the scenes in the film, the dailies are shot with vivid colors and full of layers, and when watching the dailies, you can obviously feel a gorgeous and somewhat decadent old aristocratic atmosphere coming against your face.

In the temporary screening room prepared by the crew, several creators sat side by side and watched the results of this period of filming together. Even though the post-production special effects processing had yet to be added, the effects that the entire movie had presented so far still made Lin Ming Yang feel satisfied.

The dappled light and shadow on the projection screen reflected on the faces of the four people present, reflecting the different expressions of the faces, of which the most nervous belonged to the director Patrick. During the screening of the dailies, he had been peeking at Lin Ming Yang out of the corner of his eye. To be able to successfully rise from special effects director to director, Patrick's ability was certainly important, but the more important factor was luck.

The reason why he was able to become the director of the Legend of the Dark prequel after John Woo was mainly because of the big change in the movie's main cast, and in order to carry on the style of the prequel, Patrick was entrusted with the important task. Unfortunately the prequel ended up being a disaster at the box office, and Patrick originally thought that he would never have another chance to touch the film, not realizing that after MGM bought the series from Lakeview, they still thought of him when it came time to shoot the sequel.

Lin Mingyang and Kate return hand in hand, just the popularity of these two currently in Hollywood is enough to become a guarantee of the film's box office, Patrick knows that good luck can not come to his head again and again, this is a good opportunity to prove themselves, so this time he is in the director's position to appear extra cautious.

The screening room was dimly lit, not enough to see Lin Ming Yang's expression, but the slightly upturned corners of his mouth still clearly conveyed his own attitude. This expression of his made Patrick's heart swell with confidence, and as he straightened his back, he also gained a few more points of confidence in his heart.

After the movie reflection was over, Lin Mingyang left Patrick alone.

Affirmative words Lin Ming Yang had already said before the others left, Patrick instinctively realized that what Lin Ming Yang was going to say to him next was of a private nature, and would most likely be related to that matter.

As expected, Lin Ming Yang came up and opened his mouth very directly and asked, "How are the preparations for that scene going?"

"The shooting scenes have all been set up, and the preparation for the shooting is also very private..." while answering Patrick had been weighing in his mind how to remove Lin Ming Yang's concerns, "Right now it's just the two of us, the photographer and I, but regarding the scale of the shooting, it's up to you and Ms. Kate to decide. both you and Ms. Kate to decide!"

"The camera is taken from the side, put less panoramas, you can have more close-ups." Probably because it was the first time he encountered shooting this kind of footage, Lin Ming Yang was still unsure in his heart despite making some arrangements.

"If possible, the picture should be as aesthetically pleasing as possible..." said Lin Ming Yang, feeling that his addition was very foolish, "Isn't this kind of request very much like shooting a literary movie?"

Patrick was nodding his head in his heart one by one, but on the surface, he was shaking his head vigorously, this was just a small issue that had nothing to do with anything, he didn't want to offend his boss at this sensitive moment.