Chapter 255 - Megan's Little Twist

In Ecks' office, Lin Ming Yang finally realized the reason why Lei Shi Dong had left in such a hurry.

Spielberg and Jeffrey Carsonberg, two of the DreamWorks triumvirate, had suddenly announced that they were leaving Paramount and were planning to set up a brand new DreamWorks with the help of an entertainment company in India, while the distribution of DreamWorks' movies was ready to be handed over to Universal Pictures.

Lei Shi Dong before he was still on the plane and Lin Mingyang discussing the "Transformers 2" shooting plan, in the twinkling of an eye Spielberg announced that DreamWorks and Viacom's Paramount officially separated. This news was hotly debated on major news portals in the first hour, and Lin Mingyang did not expect the speculation on the airplane to become reality so quickly, except that the speed of the development of things far exceeded his imagination.

"DreamWorks many of the copyrights of the movie are under the name of Spielberg, while Jeffrey Carsonberg is leading the animation studio under DreamWorks, once these two people are gone, Paramount's hands of DreamWorks has become a veritable shell, Lei Shidong will be so quick to find you, should also be forced to do so, but from today's situation, Spielberg in advance and didn't get through to him, otherwise he wouldn't have been so leisurely to take a dip with you on the airplane." After synthesizing various news, Ecks came to this conclusion.

"How the Viacom Group handles this issue internally has nothing to do with us, but it's clear that this matter will accelerate the process of Lei Shi Dong's cooperation with us!" Lin Mingyang rested his leg on Ecks' desk, half of his body reclined on the seat, and his mind was rapidly calculating the impact of this matter.

Ecks leaned against his desk with his hands clasped, "You think Lei Shi Dong will accept your conditions?"

Lin Ming Yang said confidently, "I've never felt that my opening offer was outrageous, if Lei Shi Dong's vision is long enough, he should realize that it's a very good deal."

Eckles shrugged noncommittally, "In my opinion, this matter has a 50/50 chance of both success and failure. Now that Spielberg caught Lei Shi Dong off guard, it will take some time for Viacom to make adjustments...and our top priority is how to profit from this now!"

A hint of doubt flashed in Lin Mingyang's eyes, "You mean to convince Spielberg to lean on us?"

Ecks nodded, then spoke out the plan, "DreamWorks will definitely have to start another business after separating from Paramount, but with the current economic situation, it's unlikely that they'll be able to go it alone, so the best option is to find another strong company to cooperate with. At this time by you to step forward to move a little, may be able to this big director in the bag, the least can also be Jeffrey Kassenberg pulled into our camp!"

Lin Ming Yang shook his head, "Intuition tells me that Spielberg will not accept our good intentions!"

Despite having an instinctive scorn for Lin Ming Yang's tried and true intuition, Ecks still needed a reason that made sense.

Lin Mingyang said mysteriously, "Because I'm the Chairman of the Board of Directors of MGM Studios."

Ecks asked in disbelief, "Is there any necessary connection between this and the topic we were just talking about?"

"But don't forget that I'm also a director, this identity determines that there can be cooperation between Spielberg and I, but we definitely can't become the kind of close partners with related interests and solidarity... Spielberg is a target that I've always aspired to surpass, and if he suddenly becomes my subordinate, not only am I twisted, but I guess it would be hard for him to accept it as well! accept it!"

Receiving such an explanation, Ecks grunted unhappily, "In the end, it's still your vanity!"

Lin Ming Yang shrugged, "I don't have a problem with you understanding it this way, but I'm not the only one with vanity, even if I can let go of it, I don't think anyone else can... But I'm very interested in Jeffrey Kassenberg and his animation design team... If he can join MGM, it will make up for our shortcomings in the animation market and the high-quality animation sources in his hands will also be of great interest to us! hands on quality animation sources is also what we need!"

Compared to Spielberg's "bread and butter", Jeffrey Kassenberg, one of the DreamWorks triumvirate, is relatively less popular. Eckles from Lin Mingyang words smacked the flavor is: Spielberg is just a dispensable role, but on the contrary, Jeffrey Carsonberg has become Lin Mingyang's goal.

Ecks laughed: "Good, so you're planning to poach Spielberg!"

"Putting aside the external environment and business management factors, DreamWorks' failure also seems to be determined by the three founders' very different temperaments and different directions of focus. Can you imagine what it would be like for these three different temperaments to have a regular breakfast meeting together? Spielberg is clearly an idealist, while Jeffrey Carsonberg is an unabashed do-gooder, and as for David Geffen, who is openly gay and has always given the impression of gentleness and simplicity, it's hard to say that this was a perfect team, or at least that it was missing some key success factors!"

Lin Mingyang threw out the ideas from an article he had read in his latter days, and Ecks immediately brightened up.

"So you already have enough certainty to convince Jeffrey Kassenberg."

Lin Mingyang winked wryly at Ecks, "The truth is that I haven't even met him face to face, so where does certainty come in?"

Ecks, who was drinking water, choked at once.


The media began to report at length on the news of the split between DreamWorks and Paramount, and both eyes, inside and outside of the ring, were watching for updates on this side of the story. The industry's concern is the impact of this matter on the pattern of the entire Hollywood film industry, while ordinary movie fans are more concerned about the DreamWorks hand those have been included in the shooting plan, but has not yet been put into the shooting of the film, which includes this period of time the much-anticipated film "Transformers 2".

Unless director Michael Bay and producer Spielberg is ready to change the starring role, or how the filming of this movie is impossible to bypass MGM alone, in the DreamWorks has not found a suitable home before, through the cooperation with MGM to complete the filming of this movie for both sides is a good choice.

Lin Mingyang thought that Spielberg was busy dealing with his own "transfer" matters, "Transformers 2" shooting will be put towards the back, I did not expect him to come back to the next day, the film director Michael Bay came to the door.

From the urgent expression on the other side's face when we met, Lin Mingyang can basically conclude that Spielberg, who did not personally appear, should be more anxious than him at this time.

Lin Mingyang poured a cup of cold water, wearing a top baseball cap Michael Bay did not polite, end up gulping a few mouths to pour down. At the end of the day, he also licked his lips, looking very enjoyable.

"Want another cup?"

Michael Bay hurriedly waved his hand, "I rushed too much on the road, so I'm a bit thirsty...but one cup is enough!"

Lin Mingyang propped his hand up and sat on his desk, casually asking, "When can we start shooting Transformers 2?"

"Originally it was intended to start next month, but something has come up..." Michael Bay looked at Lin Ming Yang with a difficult expression, "DreamWorks may not be able to afford to invest in filming this movie right now."

Lin Ming Yang twisted his head to look out the window and muttered to himself, "For this movie, the fans have been waiting for a long time...we can't delay it any longer."

Michael Bay helplessly explained, "Mr. Spielberg and I both think so, but the current situation is clear to you, we are in a difficult situation."

Lin Mingyang was silent for a moment, "The funding for the filming can come from MGM..."

"That's great!" Michael Bay couldn't help but clap his hands in praise, he came in waiting for these words from Lin Ming Yang. "If you're willing to fund it, the film's worldwide distribution rights will all be given to MGM Studios, this was promised to me by Spielberg himself when mine came in."

"What about the copyright?"

"DreamWorks can use the copyright discount to participate in the shooting of this movie, within three years all of the movie's copyright proceeds eucalyptus proportionate share, after three years the copyright belongs to DreamWorks!" Michael Bay came when Spielberg explained very clearly, he merely relayed the original words.

"I can accept all of the previous conditions, but I have to add one more, in the future, no matter which movie company DreamWorks chooses to form an alliance of interest with in the future, when the series of films to shoot a sequel to the film must be left for MGM Studios to leave a seat for a collaborator!" Lin Mingyang's request wasn't too much, Michael Bay and Spielberg made a phone call, and the other side was very quick to agree.

"It's settled!" Lin Ming Yang clapped his hands, then jumped down from his desk, "To celebrate working together again, let's go to the cafe downstairs for a drink?"

"Wait!" Michael Bay raised his hand to stop Lin Ming Yang, "I just suddenly remembered something, since you're willing to continue as the male lead in this movie, then Megan must also continue to star, am I right?"

Lin Ming Yang waved his hand with disinterest, he thought it was a big deal, "That's for sure!"

"The problem is that she seems to be in a mood lately, I called her yesterday, but she declined my invitation... "Michael Bay glanced at Lin Ming Yang, "I guess it's most likely related to your recent scandal!"

Lin Ming Yang froze there with a face full of consternation, no wonder he had been texting with Megan for the past two days and there had been no response from there, dare I say it was a case of jealousy.

Michael Bay does not care Lin Ming Yang face embarrassed and difficult expression, "The film script I have prepared, this time the characterization will be more three-dimensional, and you and Megan's emotional part will be very interesting, with all due respect, Megan in this film has become a symbol, her sexy seductive body and fierce mechanical diamond is to support the male audience to watch movies I know it seems a little inappropriate to talk about your girlfriend, but Megan is essential to this movie, and you're going to have to get her back, no matter what it takes!"