Chapter 256 - A Surprise for You

With a "pop" sound, a photo frame was smashed hard on the ground, and in the spilled frame and broken glass, Lin Mingyang's handsome face could be seen, and of course, next to it, there was a girl with a sweet smile.

Look at the picture frame fell to pieces, you can imagine that the owner came to that is to make hard to smash down when the heart is how angry.

Megan huffed and puffed lying on the bed, tears flashing in her eyes, this period of time because of Lin Mingyang's sake, her mood can be described as bad to the extreme. When she thought of those reports on the internet, she had the feeling of being torn apart in her heart.

Even though Megan knew that those catchy things in the newspaper couldn't be taken seriously, she still couldn't help but think that way in her heart. Right now, when she closed her eyes, all she could think about was Lin Ming Yang making out with another woman. These imaginary images haunted Megan like a nightmare, and out of a woman's sharp intuitive judgment, she always felt that these images could be true.

Lin Ming Yang had always been surrounded by scandal after his rise to fame over the years, but Megan had never felt so intensely uneasy as she did this time. In her heart, she knew very well how attractive Lin Ming Yang's charming charisma was to women, he was like a magnet, unconsciously able to firmly suck a woman's heart, not to mention that he was so excellent...

Megan clutched her head in pain, the more she thought about it, the more anxiety grew in her heart. In the past when Lin Ming Yang had rumors about other women she had her doubts, but every time she was able to find enough reasons to convince herself that it was nothing more than gossip, but this time the situation was different.

In the many and Lin Ming Yang "affair" actress, Kate is and he worked with the most times a, from "Cinderella's glass phone" to "Terminator", from the "Legend of the Dark" series to the "Dragon Squad", Lin Ming Yang and Kate acting times add up to a total of five times more than, and as Lin Ming Yang from high school since the beginning of dating first love! s girlfriend, Megan has only played on-screen couples with Lin Ming Yang in the Follies trilogy and Transformers so far.

Despite only being together less than Kate, Megan still had some taste in her heart, and all those rumors in the media weren't too reliable, but one thing was for sure, in Legends of the Dark 2, Lin Mingyang and Kate had a large-scale bed scene.

What if the two really touched sparks?

During this period of time Megan had been mulling over this issue in her mind over and over again, she was very much like calling Lin Ming Yang, but her inner pride made her refuse to bow down so easily, and this matter was bottled up in her heart, making her feel very irritated.

The cell phone on the nightstand buzzed and vibrated, Megan took a look at that other person's number and just pressed the phone down. In the past two days Lin Ming Yang had been calling her over and over again, but she had gritted her teeth and didn't answer any of them.

Cell phone text messages, e-mail, Internet chat, Lin Mingyang used all the methods to get in touch with Megan, but Megan just did not move. She knew that Lin Mingyang would definitely use "flowery language" to coax herself, thinking that this time can not be so easily forgiven this guy, first dry him a few days before.

The mood how can not be happy Megan to the bathroom to take a shower, came back to see the cell phone on the additional 3 missed calls, all are Lin Mingyang called, know that I will not answer his phone, or so persistent.

Picking up the photo from the broken frame, Lin Mingyang in the Firefox uniform was holding the trophy in one hand and wrapping his arm around Megan. At that time his face was still able to see a trace of childish youthfulness, but the smile that was as warm and genial as the winter sun had always been as bright. Megan looked up at the photo in fascination, as if she had gone back to that exciting night of winning the championship in her high school days, the night when she first strolled through the campus holding hands with Lin Mingyang.

The buzzing sound of her cell phone vibrating interrupted her thoughts, and Megan carefully put the photo away. Somewhat hesitantly picking up the phone, Megan jabbed her chin with her finger, mentally debating whether or not to answer Lin Ming Yang's call, and only after she unintentionally glanced towards the phone screen did she realize that the call turned out not to be from Lin Ming Yang.

With a face full of suspicion, Megan picked up the phone, "Mr. Michael, what can I do for you?"

"Thank god, you finally answered the phone." Only an exclamation from Michael Bay could be heard on the other end of the phone, "If you don't answer the phone again, I should personally pay a visit!"

Listening to Michael Bay's tone, he seemed to be very concerned about his appearance, which made Megan suddenly sexually think of a possibility, "It's him who asked you to make this call to me, right?"

"Him?" Michael Bay on the other end of the phone froze, "Who is he you're talking about?"

The puzzled expression on Megan's face became more and more intense, she felt that Michael Bay wasn't lying, so it was her who became a bit vain, "Then you..."

"Oh, I know, that he you're talking about must be Felix," after pondering for a moment, Michael Bay came to a sudden realization, "You guessed right, this matter I want to talk to you about is indeed related to Felix..."

Megan's little nature snapped, "I don't want to hear anything about him right now!"

"But this is important!" Michael Bay's voice on the phone suddenly became serious, "DreamWorks has already confirmed to cooperate with MGM to make Transformers 2, and Felix has agreed to continue to star as the male lead in the movie...Regarding the female lead, I hope you can seriously reconsider, and if you're really sure that you won't be playing the role, I'll only regretfully have to go and look for a new female lead."

On the other end of the phone, Megan bit her lip and hesitated, on the one hand, she was still holding a lot of anger in her heart towards Lin Ming Yang, but on the other hand, she didn't want to give up this opportunity to someone else. The role in the movie was secondary, Megan didn't want more women around Lin Ming Yang, not even in the movie.

Michael Bay didn't hang up the phone, obviously asking Megan to think about it and give him an answer. Just as Megan was uncertain, a conversation between Michael Bay and someone else came faintly over the phone.

"Mr. Michael, I've got all the information you asked for on these actresses..." the other man's voice came to an abrupt end, and Megan's mind naturally had an image of Michael Bay covering the phone with his hand in a silencing gesture towards the caller.

Megan's mind screamed damn, she didn't realize that Michael Bay was letting himself make the decision on this side, but on the other side, he was already working on finding a new leading lady candidate, and she was going to make him work for nothing.

Determined, Megan said without hesitation, "Mr. Michael, for that role I can star!"

Michael Bay's tone carried a trace of hard-to-conceal surprise, "Have you really thought about it?"

"Of course, it's a good role, I don't have any reason to refuse!" At the thought of Michael Bay eating craps on the other end of the microphone, Megan suddenly felt relieved.

"We'd better be able to meet and have a good talk!" Perhaps unable to figure out what kind of drugs Megan was selling, Michael Bay felt it was safer to meet.

"No problem!" After agreeing on a time and place, Megan hung up the phone with a smile.

"Women's thoughts are really capricious." Michael Bay said emotionally as he put down the phone, this was of course not meant for his assistant who was standing in front of his desk in a daze, because there was another person sitting in his office at this time.

"Things are going well, everything is going as you expected, she said yes!" Michael Bay shrugged, "I've already made the appointment for you, the rest is up to you!"


It was a simple meeting, Michael Bay actually sent a car over, at first Megan didn't even realize the oddity of the matter, she touched up her make-up in the car, and only when she put away her dressing box did she realize that there was something wrong with it, how did the car look like it was going to the airport.

Megan patted the driver's seat and asked with a puzzled face, "Where are we going?"

"The airport!" That driver's answer was unobtrusive.

"What are we doing there?" Megan felt an inexplicable pang of panic in her heart, she suddenly thought of the hijackings that were so common in the movies, and then started slapping the window of the car violently, "Stop the car right now!"

Strangely enough that driver actually did as he was told, the car slowly pulled over and stopped, and Megan, who was a little more settled in her heart, reached out to pull on the door, only to find that it wouldn't open at all. At this time that driver helplessly turned his head, smiled at Megan: "Miss Megan, you did not get into the wrong car, this is not a robbery, to the airport is Mr. Michael Bay ordered down, he said you will naturally understand when you arrive!"

Megan this time finally completely calm down, although this matter through a stream of bizarre, but she instinctively feel that the other party does not have malicious intent, had to nod her head, acquiesced to this fact.

While the car was speeding towards the airport, Megan made a call to Michael Bay, wanting to confirm this matter.

"You'll understand when you get to the airport!" Michael Bay on the other end of the phone casually said before hanging up, his inexplicable attitude exasperated Megan so much that she directly felt like slamming the phone in her hand.

The car didn't stop directly when it arrived at the airport, but drove directly into the tarmac through an access port. The red carpet that greeted the VIPs was spread all the way to the entrance of the elevator parked at the airport runway, and the brilliant lighting shone through, creating an Oscars-like debut atmosphere.

From the appearance of this private jet Megan could judge the luxury of its interior, what surprised her even more was that at the door of the cabin stood a guy with blue roses in his hands, the bright smile on his face at this time in Megan's eyes actually had a dreamy feeling.

The guy holding the roses was none other than Lin Ming Yang!