Chapter 269 - New Script (Previous)

Although Lin Mingyang's value is considered to be one of the top tycoons in the United States, he has not purchased a large mansion for himself, in addition to the collection of supercars, which is a relatively luxurious hobby, his life is actually not very different from the normal American middle class. In the eyes of outsiders, private airplanes, yachts and other expensive luxury goods do not seem to have anything to do with him, but as one of the few people who really know him, Eckles has never thought that Lin Mingyang is a money-saving master, because his "luxury" is very difficult for ordinary people to imagine.

During this period of time, MGM's executives have been arguing about the budget for the filming of "Warcraft" in various meetings and conferences. After the merger and acquisition of the Playboy Group and the former DreamWorks Animation, MGM and the Viacom Group carried out an equity swap in a cooperative manner. Although the absolute controlling power of MGM was still in Lin Mingyang's hands, the opinions of other shareholders could not be ignored. Argument after argument, 500 million dollars of filming budget was reduced to 300 million dollars, this is the result or Eckles in the board of directors to fight to get.

These days Lin Mingyang has been at home behind closed doors to write the script, after learning the news on the phone, he just gently "Oh" a response surprisingly flat, which makes Eckles confused, he is really worried about the 200 million dollar investment gap, to Lin Mingyang's character will not be "goodbye". "He was really worried about the 200 million dollar investment gap.

There are some things that Eckles could not say on the phone, he was ready to talk to Lin Mingyang. After this request on the phone, Lin Mingyang nonchalantly on the phone to him a dense shopping list. He was too lazy to go out himself, so he just let Ecks help him buy these things and bring them over.

Looking at the two large shopping bags stuffed with all kinds of food, Ecks could completely imagine Lin Mingyang's life without leaving the house. Lin Mingyang now lives in an apartment or his 18th birthday when Eckles gave him an adult gift, door locks Lin Mingyang has never changed, Eckles has a key in his hand.

Open the door, the air does not have the musty smell that Eckles imagined before, the room is not as messy as he thought, if it is not the door of the two stuffed full of garbage cans to prove that the owner of the room has not left the house for a long time, Eckles should really want to doubt their previous judgment is not a problem.

The answer was soon revealed, as if he had heard the rattling at the door, Lin Ming rushed out of the room, sunburnt and wearing a pair of beach pants. Scruffy stubble densely covered his face, and his pair of gleaming eyes contrasted sharply with his vicissitudes.

Seeing that it was Ecks, an expression of disappointment flowed undisguised in Lin Ming Yang's eyes, and a mouth that didn't hold back actually muttered in a low voice, "Shit, I thought it was a pizza delivery."

The two were separated by half of the living room, Ecks didn't hear his complaint, but the change of expression on Lin Ming Yang's face didn't escape Ecks' eyes, looking at his boss's reluctance, Ecks threw the two big bags of food towards the sofa without any good reason, "I've come all the way here to give you food, what's wrong with not welcoming it?"

As soon as Lin Ming Yang saw the food, his stomach grumbled indisputably, he quickly stepped forward, grabbed a bag of toast and started to wolf it down, it looked like he hadn't eaten for a few days, a scene even Ecks couldn't stand to watch.

"You slow down and eat!" He unscrewed a carton of milk and handed it over to Lin Ming Yang.

"We agreed on 500 million dollars, if you take a tougher attitude, who on the board would dare to say no?" Lin Mingyang ate what Ecks brought while still complaining about what Ecks wasn't.

"The voice of opposition in the board of directors is too big, if you forcefully suppress it, the entire company's management system will be in chaos..." Ecks explained a couple of sentences, suddenly feeling that there was no need to be talking about this with Lin Ming Yang, "It's useless to talk about this now, if you want to make up for this two billion dollars to make up for the gap, I can instead go and look for other movie studios to see if they're willing to fund it together."

"No need, I'll pay for this money myself!" Lin Mingyang spoke out of turn, which startled Ecks.

"You're not kidding me!"

Lin Ming Yang looked at Ecks seriously, "Why would I joke with you?"

Ecks' eyes widened, "Bill Gates' mansion is just over 50 million dollars, you're making a movie to pad yourself with 200 million dollars, do I think you're crazy?"

Lin Ming Yang stuffed the entire toast into his stomach and downed another carton of milk, his face still looking unfulfilled. "The big house that Bill Gates built for himself cost 50 million dollars, but now if he wants to put that house out for sale, he definitely can't sell it for 50 million dollars, I'm different from him, he that's consumption, and I'm investing, the 200 million dollars that can be brought to me now in the future can bring me at least one times more, standing on this point of view, I think that you should praise me right. "

Ecks nodded helplessly, "Even if you have a point, but personally taking out 200 million dollars, don't you think that this is a bit too extravagant?"

"Yes?" Lin Ming Yang shrugged indifferently, "I don't think so."

The problem that originally gave Eckles a big headache was actually solved in such a way, while jaw-dropping, Eckles didn't forget the real purpose of his trip, about the script of the new James Bond movie.

"I'm going to talk to you about this!" Lin Mingyang was chewing on a sausage in his mouth, and his hand was still busy pointing at another bag of food, "Pass me that can of chips again, will you?"

"These are junk food, you'd better eat less of them." Ecks warned kindly, then the conversation changed, "So the script is already written by you?"

"You're too insincere with such concern, aren't you?" Lin Mingyang suddenly popped out a sentence, infuriating Ecks.

He didn't wait for him to snap, but Lin Ming Yang waved his hand, "Alright, I'm not going to joke with you, the script isn't finished yet, but I've already conceptualized the rough storyline!"

Lin Ming Yang swallowed all the food in his mouth, then unscrewed a bottle of fruit and gulped it down, burped with satisfaction, and then began to talk eloquently.

"The story opens with our Bond racing down a lakeside highway in a luxury sports car, with several oncoming cars in hot pursuit. Both sides engage in an intense and powerful car chase..."

It's hard to say anything bad about a beginning like that Eckles, but it didn't give him that immediate feeling either. He doesn't know who the group chasing Bond is, and isn't prepared to really care, because he knows all those people are just acting as targets for Bond. This tactic was common in past James Bond movies, where the bad guys were always just there for the ride.

"Wrong!" Lin Mingyang decisively interrupted Ecks' speculation, "All of these people should accurately be considered the good guys, as they are all Mrs. M's henchmen."

"One of their own chasing after one of their own?" After he said that, Ecks began to feel as if the story was somewhat interesting.

Lin Mingyang explained further, "Because Bond kidnapped Dr. Q and then stuffed him in the trunk of his own car, those people who were chasing him were actually trying to rescue Dr. Q."

"Don't tell me Bond went rogue!" A possibility suddenly occurred to Echolls, but even he thought the idea was ridiculous.

"Please don't doubt Mr. Bond's loyalty, although an agent's loyalty is often compromised at certain times, he has not betrayed the organization. The reason why British MI6 is after him is because he is suspected of being involved in a major transnational terrorist activity, and the evidence provided by the other side is so overwhelming that Mrs. M had to kill her beloved general!"

"Bond was framed?"

Lin Ming Yang nodded, "That car chase scene was just a prelude, he dragged Dr. Q out of the trunk and the episode came to an end." Dr. Q's appearance was just the first hole Lin Ming Yang dug in the plot.

"The real plot of the movie begins two weeks after Bond kidnaps Dr. Q. The flamboyant Bond is flirting with his new acquaintance, a mature woman, in a bar in Spain..."

"A Bond girl so soon!" Eckles interrupted Lin Ming Yang in quite a surprise, "I think this one-night stand role is perfect for Eva Longoria, if it's you playing Bond, she should be looking forward to taking on the role!"

In response to Eckles' interruption, Lin Ming Yang was disgruntled in his heart, "As the president of MGM, I think your taste needs to be improved, since when did you start enjoying watching boring soap operas like 'Desperate Housewives'?"

Ecks gave Lin Ming Yang an aggrieved look, "I don't really watch it much, but my wife loves this drama..."

"So every night you have to watch it with her?" Lin Ming Yang looked at Ecks rather sympathetically, "A married man's life is actually so miserable, looks like I made the right choice!"

Ecks highly recommended, "Putting aside that TV series, I think Eva Longoria is really good, her sexiness can't be beat, she's perfect as a one night stand for Bond!"

"You'd better save that for the director!" Lin Ming Yang didn't want to waste time with Ecks on this issue, "Bond walked out of the bar with the beautiful woman he seduced, and on the way to his hotel room, he had already noticed that someone was following him, but he still did what he did and flirted with that beautiful woman."

"Paralyze your opponent and then lure him out?"

"Brilliant!" Lin Mingyang pointed a heavy finger at Ecks, "The group of agents who followed him to the hotel watched Bond impatiently rush into the room with his heart in his hands, holding the beauty in his hands, and then quietly formed an encirclement. When they heard ragged panting and tantalizing moans coming from the room, they suddenly broke down the door."

"The beautiful woman Bond had brought with him posed in an incredibly provocative Pose as she lay on the bed in the bedroom, as if she had known that she would be rushing in with such a group of ferocious and uninvited guests, and there was not a hint of concern in her demeanor at all. In fact, Bond hadn't done that with her, and all those misunderstandings had been caused by a disk that was being broadcast in the living room. The agents who had been ordered to come had searched the room but found no trace of Bond. He just disappeared alive from sight."