Chapter 270 New Script (Next)

The group of agents who were ordered to chase Bond were fooled by him, and the last guy who was left alone was subdued by his hand, and learning that the other party belonged to MI6, Bond realized the seriousness of the problem.

He contacted his superior, Mrs. M, who lied that it must be a misunderstanding and asked for a meeting with him. Mrs. M's superior asked her to trick Bond back to China to arrest him, but Mrs. M, who knew that Bond was already suspicious, said that it would only scare the snakes, and she made an appointment with Bond to meet him in Greece, where a large number of agents were sent by MI6 to ambush around the place of meeting in advance.

When Bond arrives, Mrs. M does not show up, but he is surrounded by British agents. By virtue of his skill and courage, he was lucky to escape. Bond is determined to clear his name, but he doesn't even know why he is being arrested.

According to common sense, in the face of a state agency's frantic manhunt, Bond's first thing to do is to run for his life, but he did not choose to run, but continue to lurk in Europe. On the other hand, because of the failure of the arrest operation, Mrs. M's superior suspects that she has leaked information to Bond beforehand, and Mrs. M is temporarily suspended and her phone is tapped.

Before she was suspended, Mrs. M told her boss that Bond was the most powerful agent of MI6, he was familiar with the whole operation mode of MI6, and he had all those cards, and MI6 had no idea how many retreats he had left for himself, and Mrs. M claimed that she knew Bond the most, and she was the most sure to be able to catch Bond, and if someone else was in charge of this case, she would not be able to even touch Bond's shadow. If anyone else had been in charge of this, they would not have been able to touch Bond.

Mrs. M's boss did not believe that Bond could fight against the whole state machinery with the strength of one person, and he was personally responsible for arranging the capture of Bond, but the facts proved that every time the operation had obviously pushed Bond into a desperate situation, but every time Bond was able to escape gracefully. If once or twice can be explained by a fluke, but every time it is like this, the head of MI6 only began to pay attention to Mrs. M once, and what he said.

This while evading pursuit, Bond was not idle, based on his knowledge of the organization's operational habits, he counter-tracked an operation planned by MI6. Taking advantage of the opposing party's large number of manpower on the target of the operation, Bond successfully infiltrated into their temporary headquarters, and then smoothly kidnapped Dr. Q.

"...That's where the episode at the beginning of the script came from."

According to the previous story lengths of 007 movies, the plot that Lin Ming Yang had spoken out had already taken up a quarter of the entire story length, thrilling joyrides, intense fights, thrilling gun battles, it could be said that Lin Ming Yang had used all the bridges that could be found in a 007 movie, but the only thing that was slow in coming was the Bond girl, and Ecks was starting to get anxious at this point.

"Felix, I admit that your story has been wonderful so far, but as a tradition of James Bond movies, you seem to have left out the Bond Girl as an integral character... Don't tell me that the one-night stand beauty who covers for Bond at the beginning is the Bond Girl in your story, we need a female with a slightly more character drama character."

"The story has only begun, can you listen patiently?" Lin Ming Yang angrily clasped his hands, "If you interrupt my thoughts again, then the food stays and you people can go first!"

Ecks knew that this wasn't the time to get annoyed with Lin Ming Yang, so he had to hold back for the time being, "Alright, just pretend I didn't say anything just now, you continue!"

"From Dr. Q's mouth, Bond was informed of the cause of his overnight transformation from ace agent to wanted criminal, and faced with this trumped up charge, he was at a loss. As an event with extremely high classified clearance, Dr. Q didn't know much about it, but he told Bond that the whole thing had a great connection with British MI5, and all the evidence about the accusation against him was provided by that side."

In Britain, the full name of MI5 is British Military Intelligence, which was under the British War Office until 1963, and later under the Defense Intelligence Group of the British Ministry of Defense. Each of the Military Intelligence Services under it had a different purpose and was established at different times, and at one point during the Second World War it grew into nineteen subordinate services, all with their own code names. Subsequently, due to occasional overlapping of responsibilities, the various military intelligence services were eventually merged into MI5, MI6 and the UK's National Communications Intelligence Service (NCIS).

MI5, established in October 1909, is responsible for Britain's internal military intelligence, the same as the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) purposes. MI6, also established in October 1909, is responsible for the UK's external military intelligence, the same as the US's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

"Although the division of authority between MI5 and MI6 is clear, but the competition between these two departments has always existed since its inception, which is very clear in the heart of Bond, who was born in MI6, the two departments often pull each other's hair out over something, and even clash when they act privately, and as the ace agent of MI6, the agents of MI5 have not rarely suffered at the hands of Bond. Bond's hands to suffer losses."

"MI5 has always hated Bond, but to put him on the charge of treason and planning terrorist activities, have to put him to death, which is very puzzling to Bond. Everyone usually fights in secret, but they are always affiliated with the British government, and even if they are retaliating, there is no need to go so far."

"Bond realizes that the only way to get to the bottom of this is to return home, and he takes a chance on sneaking back to the UK, despite the fact that MI6 has been pursuing him without pause. He avoided the layers of surveillance and infiltrated Mrs. M's home unnoticed."

"MI6's surveillance on Mrs. M has never been withdrawn, but as the investigation deepened, they did not find any evidence that Mrs. M and Bond were colluding with each other, and with the complete disappearance of Bond after he escaped from the last manhunt, it made MI6 start to loosen its surveillance efforts on Mrs. M. Bond hides in the bathroom of Mrs. M's home, startling Mrs. M, who walks in draped in a bathrobe."

"Bond appears in her own home and Mrs. M immediately guesses his intentions. He did not alert the agents outside the door, but politely entertained Bond like an old friend.Mrs. M told Bond that she had guessed that he would come back, and had advised her superiors to pay attention to surveillance within the UK, but unfortunately the other party did not take it on board, or else Bond would not have been able to sit down and chat with himself in such a relaxed and leisurely manner."

"Although angry at Mrs. M's last design to arrest himself, Bond still desperately wanted to prove his innocence to her, if those charges on his head were really established, he could have avoided far away from his home country, with his ability to escape MI6's pursuit is a piece of cake, he ventured back to the United Kingdom in order to clear his name. "

"His explanation only gained part of Mrs. M's trust, in return, Mrs. M told him a very important clue, about the evidence accusing Bond of the crime, although it is from with MI5, but with a woman named Anne Christine has a great connection, she suggested that Bond can start from the woman's background to start checking. "

Lin Ming Yang spent so much ink in the previous episodes just to draw out this woman named Anne Christina, Ecks was almost certain that this was the Bond girl of Lin Ming Yang's script, although he was quite puzzled by Lin Ming Yang's practice of setting up the female protagonist as Bond's enemy, he only muttered in a low voice and didn't interrupt Lin Ming Yang's train of thought like he did just now.

"What Bond didn't expect was that Anne Cristina, the woman who had made herself guilty of a heinous crime and had made Mrs. M scornful, was actually a very famous social beauty in London's high society, and not only that, but the origins of her origins were also very intriguing. Bond didn't even have to use any special technical means, he directly typed in Anne Christina's name on the Internet, and was able to find her details on all the major websites in the UK."

"Christina was born in the Ukraine and grew up in the city of Volgograd. She studied economics at Moscow's Peoples' Friendship University and eventually earned a master's degree in economics. After graduating from university, Christina became a Russian businesswoman and left Russia in 2000 and has since traveled to several countries around the world before finally settling in London, England."

"While working in the UK, Christina fell in love with a British businessman and eventually married him. After her marriage, Christina started a fashion magazine and ran an online real estate business. Through the Internet, she made many online friends, many of whom are successful entrepreneurs around the world. She often sends her friends lots of photos of her past travels in different countries, showing her colorful life. The netizens remember Christina as a beautiful, noble, stylishly dressed woman with a 'lingerie model's body' who is even famous in the London fashion world."

"Faced with Christina's 'unmistakable' profile, Bond realizes that he may have met a very formidable opponent. He guessed that the other party might be inextricably linked to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service from the fact that Christina used to go to school in Moscow, but what he could think of as a problem, MI5, which was in charge of Britain's domestic intelligence affairs, could surely think of as well, and they must have investigated Christina's background. The fact that Christina has so far been able to throw her weight around in London and even managed to be among the British high society only shows that the British MI5 has not investigated anything from her."

Lin Ming Yang said half a day in one breath, and at this time, he suddenly felt a little thirsty, and Ecks, who was listening mesmerized, cooperated and handed over the juice in his hand.

After saying thank you, Lin Ming Yang unscrewed the lid and tilted his head back to gulp down a large mouthful, continuing, "Although MI6 and MI5 have never been much of a match, Bond is well aware of how terrifying their actual capabilities are, and since even they weren't able to find out a breakthrough from Christina's origins, Bond wasn't so conceited as to think that he would be able to find out anything from it either. He decisively abandons his efforts to find clues from Christina's background and instead begins to stalk the sultry beauty."

"After more than a month of stalking, Bond discovers that Christina frequents the famous Bugis nightclub in West London. Christina had just divorced her husband some time ago, and it seemed normal for her to look for a one-night stand in this kind of high-class nightclubs, which might not be a surprise to others, but Bond happened to know that the Bugis nightclub had a very special background, and that its general manager was the confidant of a certain important member of the British royal family, and that the important member of the royal family often patronized this nightclub. "

"To further confirm his suspicions, Bond forges an identity to blend into this Gibbs nightclub. In his opinion, Christine is a woman who loves to show off, and she will definitely try to show off her beauty, thus attracting the attention of the royal dignitary. But in fact, Christina's behavior in the nightclub was very careful, she carelessly accosted all kinds of people in the nightclub, and did not deliberately show her intention to seduce someone. The desire to catch her was precisely what made her so clever, and it was from a number of follow-ups that Bond discovered something interesting."

"Christina's visits to Gibbs' nightclub were at different times, but each time she was there, the royal dignitary 'happened' to be in the club, and such coincidences were no surprise to a professional agent like Bond, who basically concluded that Christina was trying to get close to the royal family by some means. some means of trying to get close to that royal dignitary."

"At the same time, Bond also finds out that Christina has an unspoken relationship with Sir Sowers, the Minister of MI5. A former British ambassador to the United Nations, Sir Sowers lived in New York, USA, and was known for his love of lavish parties in his private residence. And during the same period of time Christina also lived and lived in New York, USA for some time, and even engaged in the business of online real estate business over there, and often participated in all kinds of high society parties in New York."

"After two years in New York as Ambassador to the United Nations, Sir Sowers was ordered to return to the UK and take his seat as Head of MI5. Christine then returned to England as well and married her ex-husband. In Bond's judgment, Christine must have attended parties hosted by Sowers while she was in the U.S., and more than once, and while it's unclear whether she broke into Sowers' inner social circle or not, it's a virtual certainty that there must be some connection between MI5's possession of all that incriminating information and Christine."

"Once in possession of that information, Bond began to make conscious contact with Christina. As a legendary agent of MI6, Bond's appearance was known to almost no one except some core members, so he could make public appearances in nightclubs without fear. With his handsome appearance and old-fashioned methods of picking up girls, Bond soon hit it off with Christina, and within a few days of getting to know each other, the two tumbled into bed."

"Taking advantage of Christina's shower, Bond secretly searches her room, but with no luck. And at the same time, Christina actually had some suspicions about Bond's identity, and in the latter meeting, she took the initiative to go to where Bond was staying, and after the two had some fish and water sex, Christina likewise took advantage of Bond's shower to probe his room."

"At this point the MI6 vetting of Mrs. M was finally over, and with the backing of the Ministry of Defense, she was reinstated in her official position and regained control of MI6, and she called Bond and asked him to take the initiative to come and see her at HQ, as a last chance to clear him of suspicion."

"In fact the first assignment Mrs. M received upon her return was to execute James Bond, the renegade agent code-named 007, but Mrs. M resisted pressure from her superiors this time and attempted to program for Bond. The superiors agreed to Mrs. M's complaint, but only gave her a month's time in which she had to produce enough evidence to prove Bond's innocence. And the Ministry of Defense granted Mrs. M this temporary immunity on the condition that agent Bond must be under the absolute control of MI6."

"In order to gain Bond's trust, Mrs. M met with Bond alone without any bodyguards, she gave Bond two choices, accept the MoD's condition, Bond must take a new drug invented by Dr. Q, if he doesn't take the antidote within a month, the result will only be death; if he refuses, then Mrs. M can only order Bond's arrest. , and she is fully confident that she will capture Bond before he escapes from British soil."

"Left with no choice, Bond is only able to accept Mrs. M's proposal and follow her back to MI6's headquarters, where he then takes the pills under the supervision of a special Ministry of Defense officer. Re-establishing a relationship of trust, Bond and Mrs. M began to join forces to investigate Christina, because the British domestic counter-espionage affairs are handled by MI5, it is not good to openly overstep the authority of Mrs. M can only secretly support Bond to carry out the investigation."

"This time Bond is no longer alone, behind him there is a strong intelligence network of MI6 for support, there is also a hand of Dr. Q invented a variety of high-tech equipment, in the encounter with Christina, he gradually found out some clues."

"Christina did have contact with Sir Sowers, the head of MI5, but there was no direct evidence that the two had a direct collaborative relationship, rather Christina had an unusual relationship with one of Sir Sowers' men. All the incriminating evidence about Bond came from this core member of MI5."

"And Christina's ability to accurately grasp the itinerary of that royal dignitary is also related to the secret help of that MI6 officer in some big way. After grasping the preliminary evidence, Bond decided to control Christina first, and then slowly ask what he needed from her."

"At this time, Christine also realized that she had received a hint from the acquaintance of MI5 that Bond had sneaked back to England. Suspicious Christina happened to receive a call from Bond at this time, and she decided to use the timing of her appointment with Bond to create the conditions for the MI5 agents to capture Bond."

"The two top agents use the date as an excuse to start a fascinating secret war, and after some hot entanglements in bed, both of them reveal each other's identities to each other. Christine knows her identity is exposed and must kill Bond to silence him, while Bond must apprehend Christine to clear his name. In this way, the original in bed against the death of the lovers turned into a life and death rivalry, the two in the room to start a fierce battle, Bond skillful, originally has unloaded Christina's weapon, just at this time MI5 agents rushed in, Bond was arrested, Christina followed in that old acquaintance's help from the left."

"Over here Mrs. M, who was in MI6, had already obtained evidence from Christina's early activities in the US that she was a Russian agent, and she immediately reported this to the Ministry of Defense, along with a report on the evidence that would prove Bond's innocence. The Ministry of Defense immediately ordered MI5 to release Bond and then to arrest Christina immediately."

"The MI5 agents in charge of escorting Bond received a call from their superiors halfway across the country, and Bond, who had just been their prisoner, was transformed into their temporary charge, and they were tasked with assisting Bond in capturing Christina."

"That head of MI5 has been confirmed to have gone rogue, and under his arrangement, Christina has gotten on a plane to Poland. The British Ministry of Defense called in military aircraft immediately after receiving the news to send Bond to Poland, where Bond ended up intercepting Christina after a huge battle with Russian agents who had arrived to reinforce him."

"The British government announced to the public that Christina had been arrested in the UK, and then the Russian government protested and Christina was repatriated by the British government as part of a spy swap agreement."

Ecks, who had heard the whole story, still had a look on his face that he couldn't get enough of it, "I'd love to know how you came up with this story of a beautiful spy...there's nothing particularly amazing about the structure of this story, but I always feel like this story is true!"

Lin Ming Yang didn't bother to explain this, in fact his story was inspired by the Russian spy case in the latter days, in which a beautiful spy named Anna Chapman became famous worldwide overnight, with her red hair, voluptuous figure, and master's degree in Economics, she could be described as both beautiful and intelligent.

Anna Chapman and her fellow spies infiltrated American society and used their network of connections to steal classified information, during which time they sent a steady stream of U.S. secrets, including nuclear weapons intelligence, to Russia via invisible ink, shortwave radio, Morse code and café WiFi.

The story of Christina is based on Anna Chapman, but in order to fit into the story of James Bond, Lin Mingyang changed the setting of the story to England, and the plot of Christina's attempts to get close to a member of the British royal family is also directly out of Anna Chapman's rumors that she once tried to "seduce" two British princes in a nightclub during her time in England. two British princes in a nightclub during Anna Chapman's time in the UK.