Chapter 271 - The Ball Watching Fiasco (Previous)

After the completion of the script of "007: The Phantom of the Opera", Lin Ming Yang finally ended his "rotten life" in the apartment, and the image of his scruffy beard was gone, and the handsome and dashing Felix Lin was back in the public eye.

007 series of films are ready to push a new film of the wind has long been issued, until the completion of the script, MGM announced that the new film Bond will be played by Lin Mingyang. As soon as the news broke, fans of the James Bond series immediately fell into a state of unprecedented frenzy, the film "James Bond: The Phantom of the Opera" received more attention than any of Lin Ming Yang's previous films, and the follow-up reports about the film on major portals were able to attract a large number of hits every day.

The abandonment of Daniel Craig sent a clear signal to moviegoers that the traditional route of Bond's "handsome man" in James Bond movies would be carried forward by Lin Ming Yang. The media once again witnessed Lin Mingyang's unrivaled influence in Hollywood, and even those who never paid attention to James Bond movies began to take a keen interest in the series because of Lin Mingyang.

For such a popular subject, the Hollywood media is naturally "relentless pursuit", interview Lin Mingyang, reporters will turn their attention to the candidate has not yet been determined by the Bond girl. Various websites have launched polls and all kinds of rumors are coming out. All female movie stars who have worked with Lin Mingyang have become candidates for the Bond Girl.

Rumors were flying around, but MGM refused to let up until Eva Longoria, the star of "Desperate Housewives", let her mouth slip in an interview, and the media realized that the situation was not what they had imagined at all. Eva Longoria confessed that she is not a Bond girl, but will play a role in the new 007 movie.

At the same time, she also exposed herself to the role of the drama is not much, but in the movie and Bond's relationship is very ambiguous, this statement naturally caused the media's infinite reverie, a media reporter directly asked Eva movie whether there will be her and Lin Mingyang do - love plot, Eva is very bold to say that she is very much looking forward to that kind of drama happened in the story, it is just a pity that that should be the work of the Bond girl.

Eva's revelation once again pushed the choice of the Bond Girl into the limelight, and MGM's spokesperson had to come out and say that the plot of the movie is still under wraps, and the choice of the Bond Girl has not yet been determined.

"Thank you for your interest in the movie, but at the moment the media has clearly misled everyone, I have seen the voting nominations on those sites and the actresses on them are basically out of our consideration... We are still considering the choice of the Bond girl, and we will certainly let you know as soon as the role is finalized! " Eckles in the subsequent interview with reporters a hammer, the media is clamoring all kinds of rumors finally calmed down.

Just at this time, Hollywood's entertainment industry exposed another heavy news: the singing heaven Justin and actress Jessica Biel peacefully broke up. Justin and Jessica Biel have been dating for a year and a half, and their relationship has been well received by the outside world, but the rumors of their separation have intensified since the beginning of this year. But some time ago Justin was accused of going behind his girlfriend's back and hitting on his friend Rihanna, who he has worked with many times. It was later reported that Justin and Rihanna had been hitting it off in New York City and had been seeing each other for the past few weeks. Those in the know even let slip that "Justin is so into Rihanna that it was only a matter of time before he dumped his girlfriend."

The showbiz world is a common thing, Justin and Bell dating during the rumors of many breakup news, but the two still did not separate, at first we do not think, until the filming in Canada Justin was photographed in the car with a mysterious brunette beauty to the nightclub, and then also a special car to send, which is the rumors of his relationship with Jessica after the crisis, the first time to be photographed with other female friends This is the first time he has been photographed with other female friends since the rumors of his relationship crisis with Jessica.

The news has fueled rumors of a breakup between the two, and finally the two's agents have come forward to acknowledge the news, saying that Justin and Jessica Biel remain friends after their breakup, and that the two will continue to maintain their friendship and respect for each other.

After Ecks hurriedly rushed into Lin Ming Yang's office and loudly announced the news to him, Lin Ming Yang glanced at him without any good reason.

"As the president of MGM, could it be that all you care about every day is this messy news?"

"Occasionally I keep a copy of the newly released Playboy under my desk... "Ecks hemmed and hawed, "After work, this is what I use to relax!"

Lin Ming Yang closed his laptop, "Next time you can put Playboy on your desk with a straight face, no one will have any objections to this, because this magazine is originally an MGM property...but I can't figure out why you're so obsessed with Justin and Jessica Biel's breakup, your gossip fire is also a little too strong..." he said. You're too much of a gossiper, aren't you?"

Ecks winked at Lin Ming Yang, "I'm not interested in Justin, but Jessica Biel I have to pay attention to, she's one of the key alternatives for the Bond girl, this is something we discussed before..."

Lin Ming Yang interrupted Ecks very directly, "I've already written the script, other than acting, the rest of this movie has nothing to do with me!"

Lin Ming Yang desperately wanted to disassociate himself from this matter, but Ecks didn't care about that, "Originally I wasn't completely sure that I could convince Jessica Biel to be your Bond Girl, and now that there's been a falling out between her and Justin, I'm very worried that she'll reject it, so..."

Before he finished his sentence, Lin Ming Yang had already guessed what he was thinking, "You want me to convince Jessica Biel?"

"As a matter of fact having you step in can best reflect our sincerity, not to mention that it's not like you and Jessica Biel don't know each other, when filming The New Spider-Man, I heard that it was you who helped her out in the beginning and in the end she got the second female lead in the movie, so it's now the right time for her to return the favor to you."

Lin Ming Yang couldn't find a reason to refuse, so he just had to digress first: "Do you think that the role of Christina has to be played by Jessica Biel?"

Ecks made a face like he was all ears, "Is there a better candidate in your mind?"

Lin Ming Yang clasped his hands, a look of indecision on his face. To be honest at this time for him to find Jessica Biel, he didn't even know what kind of reason to ask the other party out.

The relationship between Bond and Christina in the script was subtle, both were enemies but also sexual partners who could satisfy each other from the physical to the spiritual, such a relationship contained mortal danger but also exuded mesmerizing sentimentality. The relationship between Bond and Christina in the drama determines that the scale of the movie's performance will be very large, and whether Jessica Biel can accept it or not, Lin Mingyang himself has no bottom at all in his heart.

Seeing Lin Ming Yang's difficulty, Ecks mysteriously pulled out two tickets from his pocket, "On the 26th of this month, the Lakers host the Spurs, Jessica Biel loves to watch the NBA games, the position of these two of mine is the front row, you ask her out in the name of watching the game, I'm sure she won't refuse!"


Jessica Biel was very surprised when she received Lin Ming Yang's call, at this time the Hollywood media was still buzzing about her breakup with Justin. Even Justin, also in the powerful public opinion under the offensive chose to temporarily avoid the wind, after restoring the single after going out to pick up nightclubs to get girls the momentum has a great convergence. At this time, Jessica Biel knew that if she and Lin Mingyang appeared in public, she would definitely be discovered by the sharp-eyed media, and then some hype, maybe what unbelievable rumors will pop up, Biel has had enough of the media for this period of time.

If it was someone else, Jessica Biel would have refused without hesitation, but the one who invited her was Lin Mingyang. Leaving aside the other party's status in Hollywood, the two had always had a good friendship in private, and Jessica Biel certainly wouldn't forget the selfless help Lin Ming Yang had given her when she was casting for The New Spider-Man.

After hesitation, Jessica Biel still decided to go to this difficult to refuse the invitation, since she has decided to make a clean break with Justin, Jessica Biel has been prepared to face all the bad situations.

Although it is to go to the game, but Jessica Biel in the dress code can be a little sloppy, light yellow trench coat with beige silk skirt, coiled hair bun and both sides of the curly bun, her sexy elegance to the extreme, coupled with a number of exquisite make-up, Jessica Biel in the mirror, to their own today's dress is very satisfied, put on sunglasses, which is to carry the bag to go out.

And at this time has waited at the door of the Staples Arena Lin Mingyang in order to avoid the entrance of the crowd, looking for a relatively hidden place, after standing, he finally had the opportunity to close to measure up the appearance of this alternative lonely Lakers home court.

Staples Arena is located in downtown Los Angeles, next to the famous Figueroa Street. There is the most famous business district in Los Angeles, tall office buildings in the street, which also makes the short Staples looks so lonely and alternative; and face the south side of the low-rise buildings, extremely modern Staples is too high-profile. In short, Staples in Los Angeles is like an outsider who is out of place in its surroundings.

At the main entrance to the arena stands the "Magic" Johnson, the "Voice of the Lakers" Cheick Hearn, hockey superstar Wayne Gretzky, the "King of Boxing" De La Hoya, and the "Godfather of the Lakers". "Godfather of the Lakers" Jerry West's bronze statue. The most important of these statues is that of Magic Johnson, who dribbles in front like the guardian of Staples.

Lakers fans will unconsciously slow down when they pass by these statues, and the occasional chatter will drift into Lin Mingyang's ears along with the breeze, and those topics about basketball will make him feel a trance in his heart. If he didn't give up playing in high school, he might have made a name for himself in the NBA, and his life would have been a completely different experience from what it is now.

Just as Lin Ming Yang was lamenting, he suddenly glanced at an acquaintance out of the corner of his eye.