Chapter 275: Car Accident

If the shape of Italy's land was a pair of fashionable boots, then Lake Garda was the laces on top - curved, thin and long hanging down to the bottom. As the largest and cleanest lake in Italy. Located in the north of Italy, with its location on the map between Venice and Milan, Lake Garda is nestled in the southern foothills of the Alps, and is a popular and attractive tourist destination that developed after World War II.

With its mild climate and unique water temperatures, sunny beaches and small well-equipped harbors, palm trees and oleanders, olive groves and grapevines, Lake Garda is like a sea set between the Po River Plain and the Alps, combining Mediterranean glamour, mountain charms, and unspoiled nature, and naturally has become the most visited lake.

The opening car chase scene of the movie "James Bond: The Phantom of the Opera" was arranged to be filmed here. In addition to the beautiful scenery, there is a lakeside highway road with a winding road surface and a number of tunnels in between, which makes the effect of the car chase scene filmed here very exciting.

007 movie in Garda Lake scenes, equal to indirectly in the local tourism promotion, the local government in Italy in order to give the crew shooting to provide convenience, the daytime blocked the entire mountain road, only at night to release.

The first two days of filming went smoothly, but a sudden downpour of rain interrupted the crew's normal filming. The rain lasted for two whole days, and only on the third day did it slowly slow down, and on the morning of that day, at the entrance of the hotel where the crew stayed, a reporter saw Bond's iconic ride from the last movie - the black "Aston Martin DBS" slowly driving out of the hotel and disappearing into the misty landscape. The black Aston Martin DBS, the iconic ride of Bond in the last movie, slowly drove out of the hotel and disappeared in the rain.

According to the reporter beforehand from the crew was informed that there is no shooting plan today, and this "Aston Martin" is the only car that can be used as a shooting, from the upper part of the "Casino Royale" to the "Phantom of the Opera", which has been following the crew to England, Panama, intelligence, Mexico and other places to participate in the car scene. In the absence of filming, the identity of the person who can casually drive this prop car out is certainly not simple.

The news wanted to grow wings like, soon spread in the hotel's press circle, because it was raining, witnessed the "Aston Martin DBS" drove out of the hotel reporter did not see who was sitting in the car. However, after some discussion, the reporters agreed that the person driving the car should be Lin Mingyang. He was the only one in the crew who could sneak out in the car without alerting the others.

The rainy day was a good time to avoid people's ears, Lin Ming Yang drove out at this time, surely he was going to do the kind of thing that made the reporters very curious, but they were not allowed to know, the rain that had not yet shown signs of stopping outside blocked the reporters' curiosity, but there was one thing they did agree on, Lin Ming Yang had already driven out of the hotel.

Just when the reporters were discussing enthusiastically, suddenly there was a loud crash in the distance, through the heavy rain screen is still incredibly clear, standing in the hotel lobby of all the journalists were quiet, probably over three or four seconds, followed by the sound of heavy objects falling into the water. The crowd's heart was tight, rainy day slippery road, is it a car accident?

Associated with just drove out of Lin Mingyang, reporters are from their peers in the eyes of the worry, some people are already ready to brave the rain to check the situation, there are also reporters immediately informed the situation of the crew stayed in the hotel staff, the other party learned of the news also looked a little panicked, just busy on the phone to the director Martin Campbell.

When the reporter felt the scene of the incident in the rain, the surrounding area has been pulled up by the police cordon. Road by the side of the lake, the guardrail broke open more than 20 meters of mouth, looks like there should be a car crashed through the guardrail, and finally fell into the lake.

Parked on the side of the road in the big trucks are working with the lake salvage boat operations, a look at this situation is in the salvage vehicles fell into the lake. The scene has been heavily blocked by the local police, a number of reporters tried to approach the interview were rejected.

After many efforts to no avail, the reporters had to wait patiently on the side, watching the crane and salvage boat bit by bit to the bottom of the lake will be sunk in the car dragged up. About ten minutes later, someone in the crowd shouted, "It's out, it's out!"

The reporters present all turned their heads to look, by the crane cable a little dragged out of the water is the previous from the hotel to drive out of the "Aston Martin DBS", but now this sports car up and down the potholes, the door on both sides is twisted out of shape, and even the white guardrail are inserted into the body of the car. The whole car has been ruined to the point that it can no longer be ruined.

Practice cars have become this way, not to mention the people sitting inside, but the strange thing is often not from the cockpit dragged out the body of the victim, the unknown reporter to the side of the eyewitnesses to inquire only to know, driving the young man in the car is about to break into the lake before the car quickly escaped from the car, and then rescued by firefighters from the lake, has long since been taken to the hospital.

When reporters asked about the man's injuries, the eyewitness was exaggerated, "After being rescued from the shore, he lost a lot of blood, the ambulance came when his entire body has been unconscious, was carried on the car by a few police officers."

A reporter pulled a photo out of his pocket, "Are you sure the injured one is him?"

"Isn't that Felix Lin, the big Hollywood star?" The eyewitness covered his mouth in surprise.

The reporter emphasized with a heavier tone, "You should know that Felix Lim is filming here, right? You carefully confirm that the car that crashed is the one that Bond drove in the last James Bond movie, and we suspect that the one who was injured is Felix Lin!"

"I'm not sure...the man had brownish-black hair, was about 70 inches tall, and his face wasn't clearly seen." The information that eyewitness was able to provide was limited, but those were enough for the reporters who already had preconceived notions. There were quite a few black-haired male movie stars in Hollywood, the most famous of which were none other than Keanu Reeves and Lin Ming Yang, and combined with all the previous judgments, the reporters had already determined that the one who was injured was Lin Ming Yang on their way to the hospital.

Many of their press releases had been rushed out on the way, and were quickly transmitted to the backstage of their respective media websites through the wireless network. Lin Ming Yang smiled as he drove out afterward. Immediately a news story about Hollywood superstar Felix Lin being seriously injured in a car accident at a filming location in Italy quickly spread through the internet.

Have to lament the spreading speed of this kind of major news news, the car accident occurred at 9:00 am local time, the fastest reporter's news upload is at 10:00 pm, this time in the United States is exactly evening, after eating dinner people are not watching TV, is in the room on the Internet. Almost an hour later, the news of Lin Ming Yang's car accident while filming had already spread throughout the American media.

Ecks, who had just returned home and was having dinner with his wife, suddenly received a call from his assistant, Cord, and upon hearing the news of Lin Ming Yang's accident, he immediately pushed away his dinner plate and stood up, his voice becoming very scary, "Is the news on the internet reliable? You, I'll get in touch with the crew immediately. You now immediately arrange a plane ticket to Milan for me, preferably a flight that can take off tonight!"

After hanging up the phone, Ecks didn't have any pause and directly called the director Martin Campbell. He originally thought that this call would be harder to get through, and in his heart, he was ready to wait anxiously, but he didn't expect the call to connect after only two rings.

Unfortunately, what came from the other end of the phone was a cacophony of life, Martin Campbell was presumably surrounded by a meal of reporters in the middle, answering the phone also had to open his voice to yell: "Mr. Eckles, I'm in a mess over here, wait for me to deal with this side of the matter will return to the phone to you!"

Eckes has not yet spoken, the other party has hung up the phone, so angry that he had a kind of phone to drop the impulse. Luckily his wife, Martha, hurriedly pulled him back, hearing that Lin Ming Yang was in trouble, she also had a worried look on her face.

"Maybe Felix isn't hurt badly, try calling him now?"

His wife's reminder made Ecks snapped back to his senses, while shouting out loud, he immediately dialed Lin Ming Yang's cell phone number, and the call prompted the other party to turn off the phone. Ecks was struck by lightning, a heart immediately sank to the bottom.


Italy this end, heard the news rushed to the hospital of Martin Campbell has not been clear about the situation was surrounded by a large number of reporters, in the splitting of a wave of questions, he was full of depressed look at the side of the reporter, his mouth only popped out a sentence.

"Who said it was Mr. Felix who was injured?"

Meanwhile, Lin Mingyang, who was sitting in a lakeshore grilled fish restaurant with Jessica Biel, sipping sweet wine and enjoying the very imaginative fish cooking on the shores of Lake Garda, suddenly and inexplicably sneezed more than ten times in a row, causing everyone around him to look at him with strange eyes.

Lin Mingyang wiped his nose vigorously with a napkin, and Jessica Biel, who was sitting across from him, asked with concern, "Did I put too much pepper in?"

Lin Ming Yang shook his head, although his heart was a little strange, but did not take this "accident" too seriously, there was a girl at the neighboring table who was using her laptop to access the Internet wirelessly, because she had been using English when talking with her companions, and with a strong American accent, so Lin Ming Yang judged that she should be an American who had traveled to this side of the country.

Lin Mingyang had just finished sneezing, and the people around him were preparing to reverie their hands to continue savoring the delicious food on their plates, when that girl suddenly yelled loudly from her partner next to her:

"Felix Lin had a car accident, right in Lake Garda!"

The fish that Lin Mingyang had just swallowed into the mouth of his throat almost didn't choke him, Jessica Bale also looked at the girl at the neighboring table with a puzzled face, she couldn't be joking with her companion, could she?