Chapter 276 - An International Joke That Cannot Be Withheld

Just when a few girls were gathered in front of the computer screen, chattering and discussing the news above, suddenly there was a darkness behind them, and a head came over from the back without warning, startling a few girls.

Lin Mingyang, who appeared from behind like a ghost, pointed at the girl's laptop, "Can I take a look at this news on your computer?"

"You're Felix?" immediately one of the girls recognized him.

A few girls were about to have a collective shriek, when Lin Ming Yang hurriedly made a quiet gesture towards them, so they didn't shout out.

"Didn't you have a car accident?" The girl who was the first to recognize Lin Mingyang had a quick turn of mind, and she immediately noticed that something was wrong.

"I can assure you that it's not my ghost that appeared in front of you...I'm also wondering why I'm sitting here eating properly, why is it that someone is saying that I've been in a car accident?" Lin Ming Yang cupped his chin, his eyes staring at the news on the screen, the odd feeling in his heart growing stronger.

"Look, the car was crashed into a pile of scrap metal, and it sank into the lake, this is a picture of it when it was just salvaged!" A girl pointed on the screen.

"From the looks of it, this car is my Aston Martin, but how did it get into the lake?" After watching the entire news, instead of figuring out what was going on, Lin Ming Yang had a whole lot of confusion bubbling up in his heart.

He pulled out his cell phone and was about to call director Martin Campbell when he realized that the battery had long since run out in his cell phone, and cursed damnation in his heart before rushing to the waiter standing at that end of the restaurant and snapping his fingers, "Waiter, check out!"

The other party quickly delivered the bill, and Lin Ming Yang gave him the money without looking, "The extra is considered your tip."

Without waiting for the waiter to thank him, he took the lead and stood up and walked out towards the door, Jessica Biel, who was carrying a handbag, hurriedly followed.

"Felix, what the hell is going on?"

By this time, Lin Ming Yang had already reached out and stopped a taxi, he pulled open the back door and made a please gesture towards the inside, "I haven't fully figured out what exactly is going on, I'll tell you more on the way!"

Lin Ming Yang immediately followed after Jessica Biel got into the car, he patted the backrest of the driver's seat before handing the driver a card with the hotel's address written in Italian.

The driver glanced at the address before handing the card back, and after the car started, it sped towards the hotel where the crew was staying.

Looking out of the car window at the passing street scene, Lin Ming Yang said with a depressed expression, "This morning, the Aston Martin used by the crew for filming ran out of the guardrail on the lakeside road outside of the hotel, the driver jumped out early before the car fell into the water, but was seriously injured... For some reason, all the reports on the internet think that the driver is me... ."

Jessica asked with some concern, "So the crew is in disarray now?"

"There shouldn't be anything going on over there at the crew, but something has definitely happened over there in the U.S. My cell phone just so happens to be dead at the moment, and I can't get through to me, so even if it's just a rumor they're going to believe it, and that's what I'm most worried about."


"Who said it was Mr. Felix who was injured?" Martin Campbell, who was surrounded by reporters, increased his tone of voice when he repeated this sentence, "The person who drove that car was one of our stunt men in the crew, it was raining heavily at the time, and he was about to drive to the set, the police initially determined that the car suddenly lost control of the car while driving, swerved, and the brakes didn't work, and the whole car flew out of the road by the lake, and broke into the lake. Fortunately, our stuntman quickly escaped from the car before it was about to break into the lake and was subsequently rescued from the lake by firefighters, but with serious injuries, but is now out of danger."

Looking around at the facetious reporters, he shook his head in dismay before separating the crowd and walking into the hospital, where he was going to visit the injured. And the group of reporters as well stood there frozen, unprecedentedly none of them followed. All of them were thinking, this time the joke is really big!


The first thing Lin Ming Yang did when he rushed back to the hotel was to connect his cell phone to the charger and then turn on the phone, and the boot up immediately prompted more than 50 missed calls, and the various messages added up to a total of more than a hundred.

When things came to this, Lin Ming Yang didn't have the time to reply one by one, he first made a call to his home, and Catherine who received his call directly cried softly on the other end, and it took a lot of effort to appease her mother and convince her that this was a complete misunderstanding.

After explaining the matter clearly to his family, Lin Ming Yang made another call to Ecks. Cord at the airport had just watched Ecks enter the boarding lane, and within a few minutes Ecks walked out from the other side of the lane.

Cord greeted him with a puzzled face, "You forgot something?"

Ecks shook his head, "Refund your ticket, I don't have to rush over there!"

"What?" Cord was thunderstruck and stepped back two steps, "Has Mr. Felix?"

Ecks glared at Cord without any good humor, "That kid never believed in God, he probably died to meet the devil, but he's still alive and well!"

"So Mr. Felix is fine, thank God, I knew Mr. Felix would be able to survive this." Cord was crying a moment ago, but in a flash, he was smiling and almost dancing.

Ecks sneered, "What's there to celebrate, Felix wasn't even in a car accident. Those stupid reporters mistook the person who was in a car accident for him, and they didn't even identify the injured person before posting nonsense, I'll see how they'll end up this time!"

This time it was Cord's turn to be dumbfounded that Lin Ming Yang hadn't been in a car accident, and now he suddenly began to sympathize a little with those reporters who had sent out the wrong article. The impact of this incident was huge, if Lin Ming Yang wanted to seriously pursue the matter, basically all the media outlets that posted this news had already constituted the crime of slander and rumor. It was conceivable that after those reporters came back, it was estimated that many of them would lose their jobs in their hands because of this.


At this time, not only the media in the United States is reporting Felix's car accident, even the media in other countries also follow the trend, at a time the British BBC, French Reuters, the Middle East Al Jazeera, Australian News Broadcasting Corporation, Brazilian television network have broadcast this news in different forms, even China Central Television (CCTV), but also in the evening news of the comprehensive channel in the international time slot broadcast the news.

Female voice: "BJ time 4 o'clock in the morning, in the south of Italy Lake Garda filming movie famous Hollywood actor Felix Lin driving a luxury sports car in the lake on the highway, the body suddenly out of control, breaking along the side of the 20 meters of guardrail, after 8 meters of fall, broke into the lake, sunk into the bottom of the 55-meter-deep lake. It is reported that Felix Lin is now seriously injured and is receiving emergency treatment in hospital."

Male Voice: "We would like to remind our viewers in front of the TV to abide by the traffic regulations and pay attention to safe driving, so as to prevent similar tragedies from happening! Let's watch the next news..."

After the second channel change

Viewer A (male): "..."

Audience B (female), "..."

Sigh ensues, Viewer A, "Do you think what's being said on this news is reliable?"

Viewer B: "Nonsense, is there a truth-telling program on this channel besides foreign news?"

Viewer A: "With the car crashed like this, I'm guessing Felix Lim is a bit up in the air this time, I'm afraid!"

Viewer B, teardrops rolling in his eyes, "Felix is my favorite Hollywood movie star, we'll get a divorce if he dies!"

Audience A looked up to the sky and sighed long and hard, "Chun, let him believe in Chun quickly!"


Separated by a Pacific Ocean, Lin Mingyang of course could not hear the call of a Chinese audience from the soul from the bottom of the heart, at this time he was busy explaining this matter to several confidants. After tossing and turning for more than an hour, Megan who was the last one to get through to Lin Mingyang finally hung up the phone with satisfaction, and hearing the beeping busy sound in the microphone, Lin Mingyang threw his cell phone away, and laid his entire body across the bed.

Newly rushed to the scene of the incident of the journalists originally also regretted to miss a heavy news, but at this time, but secretly glad, if they came earlier, maybe also followed the group of journalists posed a big oolong, after field interviews, there to the hospital often after checking, they finally determined that the injured person is definitely not the previous reports of Lin Mingyang.

This time they are not slow to publish, the major U.S. websites have pulled the original "oolong" news, replaced by the latest reports on the incident. Under strong pressure from MGM, all the major networks publicly clarified the reporting errors in their programs and apologized to the "victim" of the incident, Lin Mingyang.

The media were all like frosted eggplants, hanging their heads in shame and busy trying to recoup the losses caused by the broadcast of the erroneous news, and many newspapers that had already sent their manuscripts to the printing presses pulled back the original manuscripts and revised them, anyway, this night the entire American media industry was flustered by Lin Mingyang's "car accident" incident, and later statistics showed that Later, statistics showed that the American media industry lost more than 200 million dollars because of the broadcast of this erroneous news.

Because of the false news, Lin Mingyang's personal homepage on Faceboook was visited more than 500,000 times that day, and tens of thousands of messages almost burst his e-mail address. After learning that the news was wrong, Lin Mingyang's fans spread the news through various online channels, and "Felix Lin" became a key buzzword on major search engines that day.

In the end, the U.S. stock market was also impacted, MGM's stock price first suppressed and then rose, while the stocks of other news media conglomerates fell across the board. Because of the special character of the story and the wide impact of the incident, the news was later included in the process of influencing the media industry in the United States of America's major events, and even a few years later, there are still scholars in the study of this "strange" case of communication.