Chapter 277 - The Nomination Controversy

This car accident not only scrapped Bond's beloved car, but also became the beginning of the continuous accidents during the filming of this movie, the third day after the car accident, when the crew was filming a car chase scene, there was another car accident, and a stuntman was seriously injured and was rushed to the hospital.

The following two days of filming went well, and when the car chase scene was almost done, another major accident happened again. Still on the same road as the last accident, the Aston Martin was involved in a fierce car chase with the villain's car. Two stuntmen were driving the Alfa Romeo 159s, the car of the villain of the movie, when it slammed into a truck on the side of the road, and then crashed into the guard wall of the road by the lake. One of the stuntmen, a Greek national, suffered a severe skull fracture and was immediately taken by helicopter to the church hospital in the suburban town of Wilona, while the other stuntman, Bruno Verdirosi, also suffered serious injuries.

Neither director Martin Campbell nor Lin Ming Yang, who plays Bond, were present at the time, as this was only the second unit of the crew's filming assignment. There were two identical villain cars on the road, one of which was a prop car with a dummy model inside, and the other was the car with the two stuntmen in it, and the prop car ran into the stunt car and caused the crash.

Half a month after the film started, in Italy less than ten days of shooting time, there have been four stuntmen seriously injured in the hospital. In order to shoot a high-intensity parkour chase scene on the roof of a small town in Siena, Italy, the crew had to replace all the tiles on the roof of the town, and specially reinforced the roof to prevent the actors from stepping on the roof during the performance.

Also for safety reasons, the film Bond and Christina from the D3C aircraft fall in the footage was also changed in a wind tunnel called Bsbyflight shooting, the wind tunnel can simulate people from 10,000 feet in the air free fall feeling, without the need to really jump out of the plane.

Perhaps the headache-inducing safety issues made director Martin Campbell much more cautious, even his filming style was conservative. In the script, Lin Mingyang and Jessica's rivalry scene is a large scale, but the actual shooting process, the two ambiguous flirting suggestive passages are quite a lot, but the real naked relative bed scene is cut to a miserable. Fortunately, in the name of movie art, Lin Mingyang rightfully took advantage of Jessica Bell a lot of "cheap", the relationship between the two is also considered to be further.

007: The Phantom of the Opera used more locations than any other James Bond movie, with six countries, including the United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Panama, Chile and Mexico. In Colón, Panama, the hesitant weather was so hot and humid that the crew had over 1,000 bottles of drinking water per day.

In order to shoot the explosion scene in the climax of the movie, the special effects team carried out more than 50 explosions in the famous James Bond studio in a week's time. And in order to achieve the ideal shooting effect, the film in the shooting, for practice, testing and actual shooting of the ammunition more than 100,000 rounds, with the director Martin Campbell words, shoot the film, they use up the arms equivalent to a small-scale conflict war.

While Lin Mingyang is fighting a bloody battle in the "rain of bullets", a war without smoke is also brewing in the United States across the ocean. Although Hollywood is not having a good time under the plague of the economic crisis, everyone is still looking forward to the upcoming 81st Oscars. The major movie studios have long been fighting for the nominated seats.

MGM in 08 years on the movie market can be said to be brilliant, 2 box office broken 1 billion dollars of blockbusters, plus a few small and medium cost of the film also has a good harvest, MGM in the U.S. economic crisis outbreak of the poor environment, a great top of the peaks, overlooking the mountains of the king of the momentum. Unfortunately, MGM's success in the commercial movie market could not cover up the shortcomings of MGM's artistic movie shooting.

Lin Mingyang's work as a screenwriter and director was temporarily put aside due to his successive leading roles in a number of films. After being blown away by the amazing special effects technology in James Cameron's Avatar, Lin Mingyang began to plan the filming of the movie version of Warcraft, but his fascination with the use of technology made it difficult for him to make a move in the field of traditional art films in a short period of time.

Eckles was worried about this, MGM had at least monopolized the Oscars for nearly a decade, and after the monopoly was broken, every year the films produced would more or less be nominated and win awards. Since in the commercial movie market is already in the scenery, Eckles originally did not expect MGM Studios to be able to Oscars in any eye-catching performance. But in the end, if it didn't even get a nomination, it would inevitably be laughed at by its peers.

To put it bluntly, this is a face problem, Eckles will be in the hands of qualified to participate in the selection of the film are reported, so the mud, do not seek awards, fishing for a nomination can make him satisfied.

The more worried about this, the more people want to give him more trouble at this time, when he learned that in Warner's "good" operation, in the "Dark Knight" in the role of the Joker Lin Mingyang was only included in the Best Supporting Actor, he suppressed in the heart of the anger finally erupted.

Eckles put the phone directly to the president of Warner Steve, the other party answered the phone, he splits the face of the other party counted down a pass, knowing that the reason for the loss of Steve only coyly listen, until Eckles scolded enough, he was very polite to explain up.

"We included Mr. Felix in the Supporting Actor nomination in order to avoid the hotly contested Best Actor nomination, so that the chances of winning the award at the end would be greater..."

"Put it in 5 years ago, Felix and I would have thanked you for such an arrangement, but now Felix represents the image of the entire MGM company, we can accept a Best Actor nomination that has failed, but we will never accept a Best Supporting Actor that has won the award...I can say this without any exaggeration, Felix's performance in the The Dark Knight", his fully matured acting and unique personal style has shown the character of the Joker's heart completely, this crazy character's shining completely overshadowed the number one protagonist, Batman, the film was able to take such a high box office, Felix's influence in the fan base played a very important role, what Warner's has done is deeply regrettable, and it will seriously damage both of our companies' business. It will seriously jeopardize the possibility of further cooperation between our two companies in the future!"

Perhaps feeling that such a statement was just painless for Steve, Eckles followed up with an emphatic addition, "With my knowledge of Felix, if you put his role in the Best Supporting Actor category, I can't guarantee that he won't do anything out of the ordinary on the awards ceremony floor...Felix It's just a stab in the dark that he can handle, but you won't necessarily be able to stomach it."

From taking a stand to threatening cooperation, Ecks' attitude finally made Steve realize the seriousness of the matter. Can sit on the position of Warner's president, Steve naturally understand the stakes, MGM in the hands of Lin Mingyang strong rise, first Hugh Hefner will be the entire "Playboy" group "upside down", followed by the media mogul Lei Shidong at all costs will be the entire Viacom Group and MGM tied up together, these two are long-standing These two are both experienced old foxes in the shopping mall, their vision has always been poisonous, and they certainly won't bet heavily on Lin Ming Yang for no reason at all.

Hollywood's future industrial pattern will go, it is anyone's guess, but MGM Studios is about to enter a new golden age, which basically reached a consensus in the industry. Before the monopoly competition pattern did not appear big changes, Hollywood major movie companies this benign competition and cooperation state will continue.

Lin Mingyang's initial rise in Disney's TV movies, and MGM's current president was once a Disney executive, the two sides naturally have a good basis for cooperation. Although MGM merged with DreamWorks' animation division in an attempt to take a piece of Disney's bowl in the animated film market, the two sides are only competitors and will not be enemies in a life-and-death struggle.

And Universal, 20th Century Fox, Sony, several film companies, also and Lin Mingyang have different degrees of cooperation, Warner in these years because of the strength of the expansion, has been vaguely threatened by the other film companies, if in this kind of small matter with MGM tearing face, several other film companies to join forces, Warner will fall into isolation.

Such a result was certainly not what Stephen was willing to see, and he made a snap decision to agree to Eckles' request to revise the entry list, and Lin Mingyang's name was eventually put into the running for Best Actor.

When the Oscar organizing committee finally announced the list of nominees for the award, Lin Ming Yang's name unsurprisingly occupied one of the five nominations for Best Actor, with the other finalists being Charlie Jenkins, the star of The Uninvited Guest, Sean Penn of The Legend of Mick, Brad Pitt of The Return of the Aged and Mickey Rourke from The Wrestler.

"No matter how terrific and subversive the other nominees are, Felix Lim's performance in The Dark Knight can truly be described as divine, and no matter how strong the opposition is, he always comes out on top. This is something I think everyone who has seen The Dark Knight will share with me!"

When answering reporters' questions, Oscar Organizing Committee Chairman Sid Ganis gave Lin Mingyang very high praise when answering reporters' questions about the nomination list, and at the end he didn't forget to flirt with humor, "I know that a news misunderstanding about Felix stirred up the whole of Hollywood some time ago, but this time I can tell you all very responsibly that this time I can responsibly tell you this time, we are absolutely not mistaken when his name appears on the list of nominations announced!"