Chapter 281 - Princess Anne

The last Oscars because of the impact of the Hollywood writers strike, Vanity Fair magazine announced the cancellation of the Oscar night celebrity cocktail party sponsorship, this year Vanity Fair magazine in order to make up for last year's "absence" of the embarrassment of the whole cocktail party held an unprecedented grand, participating in the awards ceremony and the winners of the awards were all invited, even some Hollywood stars did not show up at the awards ceremony also received invitations. Even some Hollywood stars who did not show up at the awards ceremony received invitations.

As the newest movie star, Lin Mingyang is one of those guests who must attend the reception, while Angelina Jolie has limited interest in such activities, and she went back to the hotel by herself after the awards ceremony.

In Jolie's seductive electric eye charm, Lin Mingyang's brain almost could not hold the impulse to leave with her, but fortunately in the end rationality overcame the impulse. Before parting, Lin Mingyang gave Julie a meaningful hint with his eyes, and Julie looked back at him with a charming look and twisted to leave.

Looked at her voluptuous back disappeared in the car door, recalled the two in the restroom crazy staged ridiculous things, Lin Mingyang throat can not help but roll a little, in swallowing saliva at the same time not yet finished smacking his lips, Zhu Li sexy rich flesh let him have a kind of difficult to extricate themselves from the feeling.

Just when Lin Mingyang was distracted, cold suddenly reached out a hand behind him and gently patted on his shoulder.

"What are you looking at?"

Ecks' appearance made Lin Ming Yang quite surprised, "Why are you here?"

"Aren't you asking knowingly?" Ecks raised the invitation in his hand and looked at Lin Ming Yang with a puzzled expression.

"I was so happy after I won the award that I forgot about it!" Lin Ming Yang made a haphazard excuse to pass it off, "Then let's go in!"

Ecks, however, wasn't going to let it go so easily, he clasped his hands and cupped his chin, "I always felt that there was a back figure on the car that left just now that was familiar..."

"You'll meet more familiar people at the reception!" Lin Ming Yang glared at Ecks without any good reason, and in his heart, he despised his gossipy mentality.

Ecks still had that smirking expression, "I can hear it, your tone is very unfriendly today...are you complaining that I interrupted your date with someone, or are you blaming me for not coming to personally be there tonight to witness you winning another award?"

Lin Ming Yang weighed the trophy in his hand, "This is something you can have if you like it!"

Ecks waved his hand hastily, "I can accept anything else you give me, you'd better keep this for yourself!"

Lin Ming Yang once again proposed, "This plaything is quite troublesome to hold in your hands, should we go in first and store this thing, then find a place to sit down and have a drink?"

"Do you think we'll have a chance to talk alone after we go in?" Ecks shook his head, "You're the center of attention tonight, I don't know how many people inside are waiting to send their compliments, and I don't know how many actresses are going to make secret eyes at you."

"If it's really as horrible as you say, I'd simply walk away!"

Lin Ming Yang raised his foot and was ready to walk away when he finished speaking, and Ecks hurriedly pulled him back.

"Why have you become so impatient today, I was just joking..."

"You have something you want to say to me?" Lin Ming Yang finally asked the key.

Ecks said with a face full of relief, "I was originally going to come to the site to watch this award ceremony, but unfortunately Tim Burton approached me while I was here... we talked for more than two hours in a cafe, so I was absent..."

"Sorry to interrupt!" Lin Ming Yang gestured a 'stop' with both hands, "You said Tim Burton was looking for you, surely he wouldn't have wasted two hours or so talking to you about a bunch of irrelevant stuff, the content of your conversation is what I'm concerned about!"

"He wants to make a new movie, similar to the adult fairy tale movie kind of feeling, the plot is adapted from the real call story 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland', about the story of Alice's return to Wonderland when she was 19 years old, he described the whole plot idea to me, and I think that this movie is more suitable for the young audience of 15-25 years old, because in the hands of geeky Tim Burton, this The movie may be childishly cheerful, but it's very adult at heart, a 'coming-of-age' story...a 'coming-of-age' story outside of the traditional talkie story, which I think is Tim Burton's greatest achievement in dramatic storytelling. Burton's greatest success in dramatic storytelling. It makes the movie less confined to children's films and slightly more adult, perfect for all ages. So 'grown-up' doesn't mean that the film isn't suitable for children; in fact, as Tim Burton envisioned it, the film's sparkling visuals and magical fairyland creatures will bring endless joy to little ones, making it perfect for the whole family to enjoy."

After listening to Ecks' narration, Lin Ming Yang asked only one question after thinking for a moment, "Where is Tim Burton in person now?"

"Your reaction is exactly the same as what Tim Burton guessed, he also received an invitation to the Vanity Fair reception..."

Ecks was interrupted by Lin Mingyang before he could finish his sentence.

"He's in there?" Lin Mingyang shoved his little gold man into Ecks' arms, "You keep it for me for a while, I'll come and get it from you later!" After the words were said, he hurriedly stepped into the venue, leaving Ecks standing there dumbfounded, the Oscar trophy in his hand brilliant under the night lights.


This reception gathered most of the Hollywood celebrities and superstars, Lin Mingyang from the waiter's tray took a cup of red wine, all the way to the acquaintances are encountered quite a lot, the cup of wine has also drunk down most of the wine, but the "target" did not appear.

In accordance with Uncle Tim's usual style of modeling, to find him in the crowded scene of the cocktail party "alien" should be a very easy thing, but Lin Mingyang in the cocktail party turned around, the hand has changed a cup of wine, only in a corner to see the messy "bird's nest! The "Bird's Nest". To Lin Mingyang's surprise, Uncle Tim was not standing there alone this time.

Anne Hathaway, who lost her crown to the queen of the movie at tonight's awards ceremony, was chatting with Tim Burton with a sweet smile on her face, and Lin Mingyang observed for a while, and realized that the two of them didn't accidentally run into each other casually chatting, so he had to walk up with a stiff upper lip.

"Sorry to interrupt!" His sudden insertion interrupted Tim Burton's hand-waving eloquent conversation, one could imagine Uncle Ti's depressed mood, he was about to turn his head over to reprimand some ungrateful fellow, when he saw that it was Lin Ming Yang who came, his originally prepared complaint was stuck in his throat.

Tim Burton's dramatic change in expression made Anne Hathaway, who was standing opposite him, snort out a laugh, but fortunately she was more ladylike and covered her mouth with her hand in time, but even so, Uncle Tee's face was still a bit untenable.

Lin Mingyang didn't have the time to pay attention to Tim Burton's expression at this time, he was completely attracted by the radiant smile that had naturally blossomed in Anne Hathaway just now. Skin as sheep's fat white jade is generally tender and smooth, bright and charming smile is not lacking in elegant and upright temperament, and even a little bit of naughty and cute, known as "Julia Roberts and Audrey Hepburn" complex of Anne Hathaway that moment of flavor show, so that Lin Mingyang, the "old hand in the flower room "also do not feel some slightly stunned.

Anne Hathaway soon noticed Lin Mingyang some reckless expression, her cheeks slightly red, beautiful big eyes blinked at Lin Mingyang, this clear hints to Lin Mingyang instantly come to his senses, he realized that he was out of order, and then slightly apologetic towards Hathaway smiled.

"Felix, we were just talking about you..." the reactive Tim Burton realized that he had been automatically ignored by the pair in front of him, and was indignant in his heart.

"I hope Mr. Tim Burton didn't say anything bad about me!" Lin Mingyang elegantly took over, "Miss Anne, I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation, but I have something very important to talk to Mr. Tim Burton about right now, so I'd like to 'borrow' him from you for a few minutes first, and when I return him later, I'd very much like to be able to have a dance with you in order to make up for the apology in my heart!"

Handsome face with a sincere and humble smile, originally a very far-fetched and even ridiculous reason from Lin Ming Yang's mouth became a grand explanation, from Hathaway's two charming dimples rising from the corners of her mouth, she had already completely "fallen", this scene to see Tim Burton dumbfounded, in his heart, he had to admire! Lin Mingyang's unbeatable means of picking up girls.

"Felix is right, he and I are indeed going to discuss a very important matter, but later when I come back you must not dance with him, this guy is definitely unsettled!" Tim Burton's reminder on his way out made Hathaway guffaw, Lin Ming Yang on the sidelines just shrugged helplessly and didn't argue.

Anne Hathaway nodded at the two men, an elegant turn curling away, Lin Ming Yang secretly praised in his heart, his eyes staring straight at the other party's back, but his mouth wanted Tim Burton to ask: "You're going to let her play that role?"

Uncle Ti looked at Lin Ming Yang with a surprised expression, "You know all about it?"

Lin Ming Yang said without a trace of humor, "Ecks told me everything about your conversation, otherwise what do you think I came to you in such a hurry for?"

"I think she's a good candidate for the White Queen."

"White Queen?" Lin Ming Yang muttered in a noncommittal whisper under his breath, obviously he had a different opinion, "We'll talk about the role later, first tell me why you suddenly thought of making such a fairy tale adaptation?"

"Obviously Alice in Wonderland is really a deep calling story that has been part of many people's childhood memories. The story has been adapted many times, and for those past adaptations, I think they've had their good and bad moments, but on the whole, they've all simply followed the original novel to the letter and carefully adapted it."

Tim Burton paused slightly, then continued, "I can understand the original intent of these works, after all, the original is so deeply rooted that any little bit of possible adaptation by the creators would result in a verbal attack from the audience. So I wanted to make a movie that told this classic fairy tale from a different perspective. The original fairy tale is familiar to all of us, and I wanted to explore what it would be like for Alice to grow up with the readers and return to our society from that marvelous world, growing up and even forgetting her wonderful past. When she goes back again, what will happen and what changes will occur? That's what this movie is about."


As for the whole storyline in Uncle Tee's imagination, even though Lin Mingyang was reluctant to use the word "weak" to describe it, unfortunately the story was really very simple, with no complex characters who were both good and evil, no peaks and valleys, no surprising twist ending, and even less entangled character relationships.

His exchange with Tim Burton took less than ten minutes to reach a consensus, and with Lin Mingyang nodding his head in agreement, it was a foregone conclusion that MGM would finance the movie. However, the two still had some disagreements over the casting of the characters in the drama.

Alice in Wonderland" will mark the seventh collaboration between Tim Burton and Johnny Depp since "Edward Scissorhands", and the role of the "Mad Hatter" in the movie gives Depp the opportunity to create another bizarre character. The role of "Mad Hatter" gave Depp the opportunity to create another spooky character. As an old partner, Tim Burton also showed absolute trust in Depp.

"He's able to switch between his ego and this odd character with ease, and play crazy, alternative, wacky characters like no one else can like Depp. He has his own way of making his characters funny, crazy and melancholic, he's definitely one of the best male actors in the world, and he's always more adventurous than the rest... Of course you're also a guy who doesn't want to be left alone, and it's a shame that your acting style doesn't really fit in with this movie, or I should really consider a role for you as well... Of course, if you don't mind, you can voice the animated characters in the movie!"

"I probably don't have the time these days... "Lin Ming Yang hesitated for a moment before finally rejecting this very tempting suggestion.

Lin Mingyang naturally had no problem with Johnny Depp playing the role of the Mad Hatter, but according to Tim Burton's thinking, he was going to let his wife Helena play the role of the Red Queen, the capricious ruler of the underground world in the movie. The Red Queen is the most important role in the movie. In the plot, the Red Queen does not use justice and fairness to inform the country, cutting off the head is her solution to everything.

"My wife is a brave actress, she is not afraid of this devilish role, and the best part is that she can play the devil with a doll-like feeling, a child will be afraid of the role, but will never be frightened by her."

Burton's arrangement Lin Mingyang did not have any objection, but on the matter of Anne Hathaway in the "White Queen", Lin Mingyang expressed his different views.

"From the appearance, Hathaway rich affinity temperament can make this color tone cold film more a touch of warm color, the drama of Alice seems to be cold and indifferent appearance, but in the heart did not stop a moment of boundless imagination, such a contrast between the appearance and character of the setup instead of making the role more tension, Hathaway can be at this age to get the Oscar nomination for best actress recognition, I think she can very easily be a good actress, but she can be a very good actress. recognition at this age, I think she can handle the role with ease. Although I don't have a lot of experience with her, she's definitely one of those actors with an old-school demeanor, and you can see it all in her eyes."

Letting Anne Hathaway play Alice, this idea of Lin Ming Yang's did greatly exceed Tim Burton's expectations, he seriously considered the feasibility of this idea and finally accepted Lin Ming Yang's proposal, but he had one condition.

"I was just thinking about how to go about convincing Hathaway, and now since you're the one who recommended her, the job of convincing her to star in the movie is yours!" Uncle Tee very irresponsibly patted Lin Ming Yang's shoulder, he looked like he had shaken off a heavy burden, and a smug expression appeared on his face.


"All the characters and plots are like a large handful of chocolate beans sprinkled on a black-and-white chessboard, colorful but clear and distinct. So in a sense, this movie has a simple plot, a single narrative thread, and may even be a bit lowbrow for those who often watch literary and drama movies, but I have a different opinion..." holding Anne Hathaway's beautiful back with his hand, and viewing the elegant beauty's soft white snowy skin that could be broken by the flick of a finger from a close distance, Lin Ming Yang said Lin Ming Yang couldn't help but feel a little bit distracted as he spoke.

Gently frowning Hathaway's face has its own set of loveable expression, the beginning of the dance floor to listen to Lin Mingyang on the introduction of the movie, her heart also some drums. Hathaway did not refuse Lin Mingyang's request to dance together, but this does not mean that she will easily accept the role of Alice. Only one step away from being an Oscar winner, she had always been cautious about her role choices. Because there was still a twist in Lin Ming Yang's words, Hathaway was not in a hurry to refuse.

Seeing the hesitation and indecision in the eyes of the beauty in front of her, Lin Ming Yang could only gather his thoughts and focus on dealing with the current situation.

"Many contemporary moviegoers are too accustomed to novel-like modern narratives, used to finding metaphysical meanings and revelatory value judgments in complex and entangled stories, and enjoying plots full of contradictions and conflicts, as well as hidden references to countless possibilities behind them...But some movies are 'original stories', extremely difficult to understand.... original story', an extremely simple, original, typological motif. This is the case with folk tales or legends, whose ideas cannot reach the complexity and depth of Borges' novels, but are by no means shallow or uncontagious. If you enjoy this movie purely as a fairy tale, you'll find that simple and boring can perhaps be turned into something wonderful."

Anne Hathaway gazed at Lin Ming Yang with a pair of wonderful eyes, "Is this movie really as good as you say?"

It was estimated that even the purest of believers did not have such a pious expression on Lin Ming Yang's face at this time, "In front of a beautiful woman, I never lie!"