Chapter 282 - Coming One After Another

A charming and ambiguous dance with Lin Mingyang on the dance floor not only made Anne Hathaway nod her head and agree to play the female lead in Alice in Wonderland, but also made the Hollywood "jade princess" greatly improve her perception of Lin Mingyang. In Hathaway's mind, although Lin Mingyang still has the false name of "playboy", but has already shaken off the demonized image of the media when he was maliciously injured.

Elegant and serious Lin Mingyang has his own unspeakable male charisma, even Anne Hathaway, such a battle-tested actress, can not help but be attracted to him. The song ended, the dance floor dispersed, Lin Mingyang is no longer as intimate as just now in front of her, Anne Hathaway heart instead gave birth to a kind of inexplicable loss.

Dance a dance time, say long time, to want in such a short period of time to rub out what spark is not realistic, although both sides have a good feeling, but Lin Mingyang at this time in his heart is still thinking in the hotel waiting for their own Julie, in the talk of business can not help but look a little apathetic. Even in the face of such a great beauty as Anne Hathaway, his mind can not help but desert.

After the dance, the two did not immediately separate, Lin Mingyang's two minds are really skillful, chatting for half a day, although his heart has begun to calculate how to get out of leaving, but on the surface of the Anne Hathaway but his humorous talk amused giggle straight happy. Just talked to people about cooperation, Lin Mingyang certainly can not directly withdraw to leave, otherwise it will seem very rude.

Just as he was struggling, Tim Burton, the "thousand-year-old light bulb" appeared at the right time, inserting words and Anne Hathaway chatted. Lin Mingyang said goodbye to Anne Hathaway in style, and his excuse for leaving was also described as leaving space for the director and the lead actor to communicate.

Lin Mingyang circled around the reception site, and after greeting a few acquaintances, he excused himself to go to the restroom and then never returned. Ecks, who stayed until the end, could only awkwardly represent Lin Mingyang and take a photo with the other award winners with the little gold man that symbolized the highest honor for actors.

The media was not surprised by Lin Ming Yang's absence, but the fact that he didn't even take his own trophy with him when he left made people a bit skeptical. At that time, some reporters tried to probe Eckles, trying to get Lin Mingyang's whereabouts.

As usual, Eckers gave a "no comment" answer, and in the face of the reporters' skeptical eyes, he secretly denigrated in his heart: "Who knows which woman's bed he's lying in right now?"


As soon as the call was answered, Eckles on the other end asked, "Where did you go last night?"

Lin Mingyang, who had been prepared for this, didn't bring the phone to his ear after he answered the call, but held it far away in his hand. Waiting for Eckles on the other end of the phone to finish venting his grievances, Lin Ming Yang then calmly asked a question into the phone.

"Is something wrong?"

Ecks was Lin Ming Yang this move "oil and salt" to get completely out of the way, on the phone he also did not bother and Lin Ming Yang circles, very directly said: "About the 'Warcraft' shooting, now have to be postponed again!"

"What!" Lin Ming Yang's voice tone steeply raised, not to mention the phone on the other end of the Ecks was startled by him, even in the side of the sleeping Julie was also woken up, she pulled over the quilt to cover the trembling peaks, half-sitting up, sleepy eyes hazy look at Lin Ming Yang.

Lin Ming Yang shook his head apologetically at her, then pointed his finger at the phone. Julie realized that Lin Ming Yang's expression was a bit odd at this time, and pampered herself by pressing her body up from Lin Ming Yang's back.

Patting Zhu Li's hands that were tightly wrapped around his chest, Lin Ming Yang's emotions that were already a bit out of control slowly calmed down, and after a long time, he then spat out a sentence in a deep voice.

"Reason, I need reason!"

Ecks expected Lin Ming Yang to have a rather violent reaction after hearing this news, but Lin Ming Yang's reaction was also a little too "violent", first shouting, followed by a speechless silence, for a while his thoughts made Ecks feel hard to figure out.

"Seeing that Paramount and Disney have started cooperation with us, Warner can't sit still, and they're ready to release the fourth installment of the Terminator series... You've already left enough suspense in the finale of Terminator 3 for the follow-up story of this film, so Warner wants the plot of the new sequel to still be in your hands. "

"Just screenwriting?" Lin Ming Yang was a bit depressed by all these film contracts that came one after the other, the result of multiple identities was that when he really wanted to do something properly, something else would always run out to intervene and add to the chaos.

Ecks added, "And of course the lead role...Schwarzenegger, who is now the Governor General, is unlikely to continue appearing in the sequel movie, so you'll be the real star of the movie."

There was also a subtext left unsaid in his statement, if Lin Ming Yang didn't play the role, another important character in the movie, Kate, would presumably follow suit and resign, and the entire Terminator series of movies would be faced with the awkward situation of a broken generation in the midst of a chicken-and-egg mess.

Lin Mingyang side did not say anything, Eckles heart also some drums, in order to make his own proposal looks more convincing, he swore on the phone to promise that "Terminator 4" will be the last "queue" of the movie. After this movie is finished, "Warcraft" immediately on the horse to start shooting.

"I'll think about it!" Lin Mingyang did not immediately give a definite answer, but after hearing this, Eckles' heart was greatly determined, generally Lin Mingyang said to think about it, in the end, he basically would not refuse.


At the moment when Eckles and Lin Ming Yang were on the phone, there was one person who was even more anxious than Eckles who was on the phone, and that was Steve, the president of Warner. Having sold Eckles a small favor on the Oscar campaign list, Steve hadn't expected Lin Mingyang to actually take the award. This incident once again proved that all things had to be treated differently when it came to Lin Ming Yang. In addition to the deepening scorn for Lin Ming Yang in his heart, Stephen's mind followed suit.

Although the award is completely rely on Lin Mingyang's own strength, but behind this matter also have their own part of the "credit", to be able to manage such a behemoth as Warner, Steve naturally have a good point. With a keen sense of business, he learned that Lin Mingyang won the news, the first reaction is shocked, the second reaction is to start planning how to maximize their own interests in this matter.

The Batman 2: The Dark Knight, invested by Warner, received a symbolic technical award as a consolation at the Oscars, but Lin Mingyang, who had a high reputation but was not favored by professionals, won the award for his role as the villainous protagonist, the Joker. Warner paid for the movie, Lin Mingyang won the award, and MGM Studios was the only one to win. Although the movie brought Warner a lot of revenue, but the human heart is always greedy to get more, Steve also had high hopes for this movie to both fame and fortune.

After the bankruptcy of this plan, Steve is not discouraged, Lin Mingyang's award will be his personal reputation in Hollywood to a new peak, as long as he appeared in the movie, that is the box office guarantee, and a desire to return to the capital of Steve naturally hit the idea of a long dormant Terminator series on the body.

As a classic series in the history of sci-fi movies, the Terminator series fell into a situation where there was no one to follow in the footsteps of its star, Schwarzenegger, who announced that he was abandoning his role in the movie to become a politician. As the Terminator, Schwarzenegger had done his part, but Warner didn't want to make it easy to give up the cash cow.

At that time, Warner executives were quite prescient, and early on, Lin Mingyang, who had a lot of potential for growth but was not as famous as Schwarzenegger, was tied to the chariot of the Terminator series of movies. The funny thing is that at that time, the media was still enthusiastically discussing whether Lin Ming Yang could take over the baton from Schwarzenegger, but the actual situation is that although the sequel will lose the "Terminator", it will usher in a "savior" whose acting skills and reputation are at the top of the scale, and Lin Ming Yang's status is now the most important. With Lin Ming Yang's status today, he is fully capable of taking on the role of the movie series on his own.

It was no longer difficult to impress Lin Mingyang with a simple paycheck, so Steve had to make up his mind to cooperate with MGM this time. His idea is very simple, in order to let the Terminator series in their own hands to play no income, rather than share with others to dig a greater interest.

For this Steve has planned everything, but the most critical or Lin Mingyang's attitude.