Chapter 283 - The Savior

Eckles told Steve that Lin Mingyang was "ready" to agree to star in Terminator 4, and the over-excited Warner president even suggested on the phone that the two of them could have a toast to that. Eckles chatted with him for a few minutes, and just after he put down the phone, his assistant, Cord, hurriedly barged into the office without even knocking on the door.

"Sir, I'm so sorry!" Cord swallowed hard and rushed to explain before Ecks could get angry, "This incident happened so suddenly that I felt the need to inform you immediately...Mr. Stan Winston passed away at home half an hour ago!"

Ecks' face turned pale and frighteningly white, he stood up suddenly, leaned forward and stared morosely at his assistant, "Is this your news true?"

Cord nodded his head very hard, "A thousand percent true, his family has already sent out an obituary through the media."

There was a long silence as Ecks crumpled back into his seat, his expression heavy and regretful as he waved his hand, "You immediately send a letter of condolence to Mr. Winston's family in Felix's and my name, and another in MGM's name...Felix and I would like to see this old friend off if we can! "

After Cord left, Eckles once again grabbed the phone on his desk ...


After Lin Mingyang hung up the phone, he looked preoccupied, Julie did not continue to be "naughty", she very meekly rested her head on Lin Mingyang's chest, the powerful heartbeat inside her chest made her feel a burst of unprecedented solidity. And Lin Mingyang reached out to caress Julie's hair bun, the heart suddenly felt a lot easier.

Unfortunately, this warm and affectionate nap was soon interrupted by another incoming call from Eckles, Lin Mingyang frowned, and Julie nuzzled at him in dissatisfaction, and both of them were a little depressed by Eckles's "lack of interest".

After the phone rang for half a day, Lin Ming Yang still had no choice but to pick up the phone. This time the call time is very short, Julie sitting on the edge of the bed has just put on the bra and bottoms, dress has not yet had time to put on the body, turn around when Lin Ming Yang hand cupped the phone, sitting on the bed, not a word.

"Your Mr. Agent backtracked again?" Even though Ecks was now the president of MGM and had publicly announced that he would no longer be Lin Ming Yang's agent, Angelina Jolie still liked to call him that.

"The situation is worse than that!" Lin Ming Yang held his head in some pain, "Stan Winston passed away!"

"You're talking about that special effects master?" Towards front stage actor stars like Julie, the names of many behind the scenes movie workers were indistinguishable, in fact most people never paid attention to names that would only appear in the credits at the end of the movie. Stan Winston was a well-known name in the field of special effects for film and television, so Julie always had some recollection of him.

Winston was a leading figure in the Hollywood video world, and he helped shape some of the most groundbreaking characters in modern Hollywood films. These include the Alien Queen in Alien, the killer robots in Terminator and Terminator 2, the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, and many more. Before leaving this world, Winston's most recent film was MGM's Iron Man, which featured Lin Ming Yang in a cool suit of battle armor by Stan Winston.

In the field of make-up, Winston co-created Edward Scissorhands with Tim Burton, and Johnny Depp's portrayal of the withdrawn and eccentric Scissorhands left a deep impression, as well as the unforgettable portrayal of the misbehaving Penguin starring Danny DeVito in Batman Returns.

"I'm very sorry about Mr. Winston's departure, but..." said Julie, who could see Lin Mingyang's low mood at this moment and was puzzled.

Lin Ming Yang sighed quietly, "To be precise, Winston and I have worked together a few times, but we don't really know each other very well, it's just that his departure made me think of a few things."

Of course for Stan Winston, what Lin Mingyang valued most was that he made traditional modeling special effects never go out of fashion. In this era where computerized special effects fill the screen and dominate everything, his departure is all the more heavy.

Coming to open the room's floor-to-ceiling curtains and looking at the gloomy sky in the distance, Lin Mingyang exhaled a long breath of turbid air.

"Despite not knowing him very well, I should go see him off."


Half-white beard, robust figure, wearing a gray suit and silk tie, the attire was the same as usual, except that Stan Winston had already closed his eyes forever and was lying quietly inside the coffin. After eight years of fighting the disease, the Hollywood special effects master finally passed away.

This evening, located in the south of Los Angeles, St. Candon's Cemetery ushered in a number of mourners dressed in black, including Spielberg, James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jon Favreau and many other celebrities in the film industry, attended this low-key and solemn funeral, Lin Mingyang and Eckles also rushed to the scene from the headquarters of the MGM to bid farewell to the remains of this former collaborator.

"Everything he did carried our dreams and condensed the imagination of each of us. His starting point for accomplishing this dream started with pencils and clay until the computer age, and he dedicated his life to our ideals, so he lived a wonderful life."

The sorrowful eulogy was read out from Spielberg's mouth, filling the entire funeral scene with a solemn and somber atmosphere. The people present went forward in turn to lay flowers on the body. After the burial, all the busy James Cameron and Spielberg are in a hurry to leave, walking after them Lin Mingyang, Eckles and his entourage was waiting in the periphery of the press blocked a square. Fortunately, the director of "Iron Man" Jon with them, in his "cover", Lin Mingyang and Eckles smoothly avoided the reporters.

"Whether it's out of courtesy or practical necessity, you should have mentioned Terminator 4 to Schwarzenegger at the funeral, the governor of California should have shown his face in this kind of influential movie, maybe once the fans are happy, he'll win a lot of political votes for himself." Eckles grumbled as he got in the car.

Lin Mingyang clasped his hands and leaned his head back on the comfortable leather seat and began to close his eyes. Only after Ecks finished his chattering did he then slowly returned, "According to you, it's a shame that I'm not running for President of the United States."

"Well, out of respect for the deceased, I take back what I just said!" Hearing the faint hint of sarcasm in Lin Ming Yang's tone, Ecks also felt that he was a bit too hasty, it seemed that the one who wanted to rush into contact with Schwarzenegger right now should be Warner President Steve.

"Weinstein's death touched me a lot, do you know why that is?" Lin Mingyang ventured out immediately afterward.

"I know that he was an outstanding behind-the-scenes movie producer who portrayed many classic screen images..." said Ecks as if he was memorizing lines, and Lin Ming Yang raised his head helplessly, opening his eyes and glaring at him. Ecks looked like he had been suddenly strangled, and his words that had just been rambling came to a screeching halt.

"It was Winston who portrayed the Terminator T-800 on screen back then, and the vast majority of the special effects shots in Terminator 1 relied on the model. Even in Terminator 2, the liquid robot, which is a milestone in CG effects technology, was still heavily utilized as a physical model in the filming of the movie. But wait until Terminator 3, CG technology has completely replaced the model, the actor only needs to hold up a humanoid prop, through the computer conversion will be able to copy the real person, prop makeup technology is gradually declining, Winston's departure is considered to be a complete declaration of the end of that era!" Lin Ming Yang looked at Ecks with a burning gaze, "This is what I really feel sorry for!"

"So you're preparing to replace Schwarzenegger with computer effects and 'copy' his face directly into the movie?" Ecks finally heard the deeper meaning in Lin Ming Yang's words.

Lin Ming Yang nodded, the corner of his mouth lifting into a smirking expression, "If our Mr. Governor agrees and you can't give up this Terminator complex, the current computer CG technology can fully support this idea."

"So in your plot conception, will the Terminator T-850 appear?" Ecks finally asked the most crucial question.

"Terminator 4: Salvation takes place in 2018, the year after the Final Judgment occurs, the year John Connor is killed by a robot, and the robot T-800, played by Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2, is still in development. In this world, 'Skynet' captures humans and uses them as 'lab rats' for research on how to destroy the human will to you remember the last episode, when John Connor jumped into the time rift in the crater, and he traveled to that time dimension just at the moment when his own self in this time was killed by a robot. And 14 years later, John Connor's girlfriend Kate sends the transformed chip T-800 through time travel to a time dimension in the past, where he's tasked with bringing the Saviors back to this time dimension."

Lin Mingyang opened his mouth with the concept of a space-time dimension, and Ecks listened as if he were in a cloud, and in the end, he only understood a general meaning.

Ecks' puzzled expression was directly ignored by Lin Ming Yang, regardless of the protests of the other party's eyes, Lin Ming Yang continued to speak eloquently, "John Connor from the past was transported to a ruin by a space-time rift, in the process of looking for a way out, he came across a few humans being chased by robots, and he crookedly shot the pursuing robots, saving these several survivors. saving the few survivors."

"In the conversation he learned about the current state of human existence, after the outbreak of the Final Judgment, Skynet attacked the entire human race with nuclear bombs, those who survived took up arms and formed a resistance army, and in order to eliminate these resistance forces, Skynet created countless robots, both sides started a fierce battle on Earth, the human race, under the leadership of John Connor, the leader of the resistance army, has already achieved a a stage victory, when Skynet is still powerful, it is developing even more powerful robots to completely eliminate the human will to resist."

"Hearing others describe 'himself' in this way, John Connor was still a bit turned around for a while, it was obvious that the humans had an almost blind trust in 'himself' who served as the leader of the Resistance Army, while John Connor was in the midst of a According to the T-850 before he came here, the 'self' in this space-time dimension had been killed by the robots, but from the actual situation he learned, the 'self' in this space-time dimension seemed to be alive, and the same person from different space-time dimensions had met each other. What happens when the same person from a different space-time dimension meets, it makes John Connor simply not dare to imagine."

"He didn't know that the self in this space-time dimension was actually dead, but the Resistance had tightly sealed off the news in order to stabilize people's minds. And the afflicted John Connor over here followed this group of survivors to a human settlement under the protection of the Resistance. In order to prevent robots from mixing in, each human settlement has a high-security barrier on the outside, guarded by resistance fighters."

"While inspecting through the barrier, one of the upper level officers in the resistance found John Connor, he couldn't believe his eyes because he knew that John Connor was dead, but another living John Connor appeared in front of him and looked even younger than before. After making sure that he hadn't recognized the wrong person, he quickly reported the news to the temporary headquarters of the Resistance, and the person in charge here was John Connor's girlfriend, Kate."

"Learning that her boyfriend, who had witnessed the entire cremation process, had returned from the dead, Kate also felt in her heart that this matter was very strange, and she led the top brass of the Resistance Army to rush to that human settlement, and under the leadership of the officer who reported the news, she found John Connor."

"Everyone froze at the sight of John Connor, their close comrade and leader who died in battle actually appeared alive again in front of them, which made all of them feel hard to accept. Those who were vigilant had already begun to speculate whether the John Connor in front of them was an impostor copied by Skynet through cloning technology."

"And John Connor once again saw his beloved girlfriend, the other party has become much more mature, although John Connor is clear that the Kate in front of him is no longer the Kate he is familiar with, but the deep buried feelings in his heart still let him overlap the two Kate's identity together. Kate appeared, so that he could not help but kiss each other."

"In the very first moment, Kate also 'mistook' John Connor for her boyfriend, but after being kissed by the other person, she suddenly came to the realization that the guy in front of her, who looked exactly like her boyfriend but was of unknown origin, was definitely not her boyfriend. She easily overpowered John Connor with the most common fighting techniques in the military, and John Connor's unbeatability made her more and more certain in her mind that she had met an impostor."

"John Connor then learns that his 'self' in this time dimension has died in battle, and he struggles to explain the whole thing to everyone. He tells Kate that in 14 years she will use time travel technology to send a T-850 robot to some time dimension in the past and then bring herself here. He appeared here to fulfill the dead John Connor's unfinished mission of leading humanity to defeat Skynet once and for all."

"At first everyone couldn't accept the idea that John Connor was from the past, but the man standing before them was indeed John Connor, a dozen years younger, of that Kate was quite certain. John Connor couldn't find any evidence to back up his claim, and the resistance couldn't find any cracks in John Connor. In the end, at Kate's insistence, the group decided to believe John Connor because the Human Resistance really needed an influential leader right now."

"In order to make John Connor truly carry the mission of the savior, the resistance army internal began to carry out devilish special training for this new 'leader', in which John Connor suffered enough, under the double pressure of the distrust of the people around him and the high-intensity and high-risk training, John Connor suddenly lost confidence in the future lost confidence, and the whole person became demoralized."

"His performance disappointed Kate and some of the resistance army executives who had high hopes for him, just when they were about to give up on their training program for John Connor, the robots launched a wave of attacks on humans, and in the war John Connor witnessed his own companions being killed by the robots, and the grueling battles caused him to grow up quickly and decide to take up his righteous his own mission."

"After the battle, John Connor began to be accepted by the people around him, and through his hard training he gained the trust of more people, and everyone began to feel that the John Connor who had led them into battle had returned to them. And in this way at the same time, the love between John Connor and Kate also quietly grows, the two were supposed to be the identity of the lovers finally come back together again."

"At this time, Skynet's secret development of the robot T-800 finally succeeded, John Connor and once in his childhood to save their own, and even to a certain extent to make up for the lack of father's love regret of the robot meet again, this time the meeting of the two in different space and time, but they have already been an enemy, not a friend. Because of the nostalgia complex, John Connor could not kill the T-800 in front of him, and the power of the T-800 is also out of everyone's expectation, in this encounter, John Connor himself was almost killed by the T-800, and because of his hesitation, the peer comrades in order to cover his evacuation, all killed."

"The self-blaming John Connor was encouraged by his girlfriend Kate to regain his spirit, and under his elaborate design, the T-800 finally fell under the Resistance's guns, and the base where Skynet secretly produced the T-800 was also successfully blown up by the Resistance. In the end the Resistance repaired the T-800 and replaced the chip in it, and John Connor decided to seal him away, and in the battle with Skynet, if he wasn't able to witness the final victory, then send this T-800 back to the past time dimension to find a new savior for mankind!"