Chapter 284 - Winston's Big and Little Daughters

In an unassuming café booth in Los Angeles, Lin Ming Yang was colorfully narrating the entire storyline of Terminator 4 to Kate Beckinsale. Compared to the outline of the story that he had described to Eckles in the car after attending Tan Winston's funeral last time, this time Lin Ming Yang was describing to Kate the complete storyline that he had already conceptualized, and it had taken him the time to finish three cups of coffee to finish the story.

Kate was listening very attentively on the opposite side of the room, for the eyelashes that glistened with a fascinating luster in the shimmering light, the light smoky makeup wrapped around a pair of clear and moving eyes, and the radiance in her eyes followed the ups and downs of the storyline with a different color. Especially that little nose, in her slightly nuzzle when she looked unusually delicate and lovely.

Vermilion lips lightly opened, Kate's beautiful face revealed a puzzled look, "Since you've even thought of the script, why did you delay giving Warner's side a reply?"

Lin Mingyang deliberately winked at her, "What do you think?"

Kate hugged her hands and thought, "Hmm..." and immediately had an answer in her mind, "Warner's side must have done something that didn't satisfy you enough, so you did it on purpose!"

Lin Ming Yang proudly snapped his fingers and said smilingly, "My Kate is the smartest!"

Kate, whose cheeks burned slightly, glared at him petulantly, then said without any concern, "I think that any grievances you have could have been brought up directly to them...dragging out a melodrama like this always makes you feel like a naughty child."

Lin Ming Yang shrugged his shoulders noncommittally, "The production of this movie is dominated by Warner, and MGM's role is just a slightly higher status collaborator, to make their side anxious to actively come to me, so that my ideas and opinions can dominate!"

Kate asked jokingly, "Mr. Eckles said every time he saw me that you have been seriously 'poisoned' by Mr. Cameron, and now all you think about all day long is the filming of 'Warcraft', aren't you anxious to drag on like this?"

Lin Ming Yang bristled, "No matter how much I rush the schedule, this time I'm still being walked on by Cameron...after Avatar is released, those guys complaining about my haste will definitely regret that they would have such an idea in the first place."

Looking at Lin Ming Yang's glib expression, the doubts in Kate's heart grew stronger: "I'm curious, what exactly did Warner mess with you?"

Lin Mingyang suddenly brought his face in front of Kate, his gaze staring straight into her eyes. Kate was flustered for a moment, and could only use the action of looking down and drinking coffee to avoid Lin Mingyang's gaze.

Her performance made Lin Ming Yang more and more certain of the judgment in his heart, "Before we met, Ecks must have looked for you!"

"Mr. Ecks pleaded with me for help, so..." Kate lowered her head like a child who had done something wrong, her look was very endearing.

Lin Ming Yang's face that was expressionless one moment suddenly blossomed into a smile as bright as the sun in the next, "I don't have any problem with that, but I'll just have to commission you to be the messenger in the middle of this!"

Kate raised her head suddenly, her eyes watery as she looked at Lin Ming Yang, "Mr. Ecks asked me to hide it from you... aren't you angry at all?"

Lin Ming Yang pretended to hesitate in thought for a moment, followed by a deliberately stern face, "Angry...then how do you think you should make it up to me?"

Knowing that she had been fooled, Kate glared at him with shame and annoyance, and Lin Ming Yang, who had a happy face, gave up the idea of continuing to tease her, and became serious: "Warner appointed the director of this movie without consulting with me beforehand, and I think that guy is going to mess up this movie."

Kate frowned softly, "The director they're looking at is..."

"Joseph McGinty Nitcher, or McG as you may know him better!"

The long list of names in front of her really didn't ring a bell in Kate's mind, but Lin Mingyang's immediate addition reminded her.

"You're talking about the director of the movie Breaking Bad?"

Lin Ming Yang nodded and said, "Even you only remember him as the director of a certain movie, so it's obvious that he really doesn't have much of a reputation in Hollywood... I may be a bit unfair in saying this, but he really isn't my ideal choice of director for this script. Just as mankind is on the verge of destruction because of its over-reliance on Skynet, McG is on thin ice because of his over-reliance on CG. If he were to direct this movie, he would have escalated the luxury of the Charlie's Angels 2 series and turned it into 'a Michael Bay movie that is the underground of Escape from Clone Island'... I don't want to see the movie get screwed up by a guy who doesn't know what he's talking about! inexplicable guy screwing it up!"


"Somehow?" After Warner president Steve was informed of Lin Ming Yang's comments on his chosen director from Eckles, a gush of indignation surged in his heart, it seemed that in Hollywood's most inexplicable guy, Lin Ming Yang called the second, and no one dared to be the first, right?

"Felix said so to me personally." The reply that came from the other end of the phone was full of helplessness, it was evident that Ecks also had some headaches with this matter. After Kate was informed of what happened from Lin Ming Yang, she made a call to Ecks in front of Lin Ming Yang. After Ecks figured out Lin Ming Yang's intentions, he immediately got on the phone with Steve, which led to that scene before.

"I know that Nitcher has some glitches, but his directing ability is there for all to see..." said Steve as he couldn't help but feel a little weak, after Breaking Bad 2, action plus explosions entertainment blockbusters were no longer able to satisfy McG's appetite, so he followed it up with a movie called We Are Marshall.

The movie, starring Matthew McConaughey in the lead role, tells the story of what happens on the football team within Marshall University. Despite the initial buzz, the movie was not well received, and McG didn't gain any more attention or recognition for the movie, as fans still refer to him as "the director of Breaking Bad."

Worst of all, it wasn't just the guy's lack of fame, but McG's own personality was seen as eccentric by many, with the press calling him "the elusive oddball". Often swearing and mouthing off like a reckless teenager, he's quickly confused by his streetwise persona when talking to people who think of him as a high-powered movie director.

In terms of personality, both McG and Lin Mingyang are a bit blunt, but Lin Mingyang's style of doing things is independent and special, but his personality is not as neurotic as McG's. The key is that Lin Mingyang has the capital to not care about the media's cynicism, no matter how the gossip is speculated all over the place, there are still countless fans who love him to death, and McG can't be comparable to Lin Mingyang in this respect.

Steve of course will not for a not famous director and Lin Mingyang deadlock, they also ambitious want to use "Terminator 4" to start a new trilogy, and Lin Mingyang is the key to the success of this plan. Without Schwarzenegger, the last trump card in the hands of the Terminator series was Lin Ming Yang, and for the sake of longer-term interests, the one who finally compromised and conceded was naturally still Warner: "Since Mr. Felix isn't satisfied with Nitcher, he should always give a preferred replacement, right?"

"This Felix did not say, I'll ask him again to see." The tone of Ecks on the phone who had gotten the better of him made Steve feel the urge to smash the phone, but the situation forced him to be strong, in the face of Lin Ming Yang's attitude of not being hard and not being soft, there was no way for the Warner Company represented by Steve to do anything other than agree to change the director.

Thinking of Lin Mingyang's temper, Steve simply will be the director of the issue directly to MGM, anyway, we are tied to a boat, this is to let Lin Mingyang own "headache" to go!


Kate and Lin Mingyang in the cafe sat for more than half an hour, before leaving Lin Mingyang finally received a text message from Eckles.

After reading it, he smiled slightly and then raised his cell phone at Kate: "It's done!"

Kate, who had already stood up with her bag, nodded knowingly, and while she put on her sunglasses she asked, "Where are we going next?"

Lin Mingyang followed and put on his sunglasses as well, before leaving the house he said mysteriously, "To meet Winston's daughter, she'll take us to meet a very interesting guy!"

Kate suddenly stopped in her tracks and looked at Lin Ming Yang with a grim expression, "Winston's daughter?"

Lin Mingyang felt something was wrong when he saw Kate's expression, and when he thought of his image as a playboy in the eyes of the media, he immediately came to a sudden realization, and hurriedly explained, "Mr. Winston's daughter is already a mother of two, and she found something in her father's will that was related to me, and she took the initiative to talk to me about it. She took the initiative to contact me and said that she wanted to meet with me... The general situation should be that Mr. Winston is on his deathbed and is ready to recommend a successor to me, but the other party I don't know, so Mr. Winston's daughter is ready to act as a go-between, and she asked me to meet with her today, and it just so happens that you are also free, so you can go together." he immediately dawned on him! "

Kate's mind was broken by Lin Ming Yang's bite, suddenly her face turned red, and she quenched softly, "Who wants to go with you!"

"Wasn't someone just now asking me where I was going next..." it was rare to see Kate in such such a little girl posture, Lin Ming Yang laughed and purposely put his face in front of her, "Could it be that my ears heard it wrong?"

Kate looked at him with a face full of shyness and annoyance, in a hurry she actually didn't know what to say.

Lin Mingyang looked at Kate's "stifled" look, suddenly there was a trace of joy in his heart that the prank had succeeded, he shook his head and asked himself: "Could it be that you suddenly have something to do... Then I'd better go by myself, I heard that Mr. Winston also has a young daughter, and this time she will come with her sister, at the funeral, I'll be there. I heard that Mr. Winston also has a young daughter, this time will come with her sister, at the funeral I remember there was such a beautiful woman, just that kind of atmosphere is not very suitable to go up to talk to, this time, well..."

Kate stomped her foot anxiously, "What are you talking about! Who said I don't have time, just go, who's afraid of who!"

Lin Ming Yang snapped his fingers again, "OK, then we'll leave now!"