Chapter 286 - The Next Lucas (Next)

With the check issued by Lin Ming Yang, Lisa easily solved the dilemma faced by Baruth, but instead, Baruth, who was standing on the sidelines, was a bit puzzled. He could clearly remember that when he visited Winston, Winston's family represented by Lisa could not be called polite to him at all, and that she would actually come out to help him solve his dilemma at this point in time was simply unimaginable to Baruth.

Look at Lisa in the check filled in the amount of arrears of room charges Baruth, the fat landlord immediately lost and Baruth "skin" interest, she wore slippers scuffing back to the apartment, which is to rush back to continue to watch her soap opera.

"Doesn't she walk and squirm like a fat pig?" Baruth, who had nonchalantly made up his landlady in order to get a word in edgewise with Lisa, thought he was making a humorous analogy, only to be greeted by Lisa's icy stare.

"I don't really care what she looks like, but the way you just plopped down on the street is beyond me."

Baruth's face was greatly embarrassed, he rubbed his hands for a while not knowing what to say, and finally could only babble, "Mr. Winston must have sent you here, one day I will definitely pay him a personal visit to thank him!"

Lisa sniffed and suddenly her face changed drastically, this guy didn't even know the news of his own father's death, which made her heart's disdain for Baruth grow stronger and stronger, and even showed a look of disgust in her expression when she was speaking.

"Then you go to hell!"

Baruth's jaw dropped as he watched Lisa spew out such a harsh sentence, he didn't even know what he had done to annoy the other party, he just instinctively felt that something was wrong.

"Why should I die if I'm alive and well?"

Lisa glared at him viciously, her mouth gritted her teeth and said word by word, "Because then you can see my father!"

"What!" Baruth fell back a few steps as if struck by lightning, looking at Lisa's slightly red eyes, he suddenly clutched his head in pain, "You mean Mr. Winston died?"

Lisa sneered, "Isn't that funny, my father specifically mentioned you in his will, but you didn't even know about his death, Baruth, you're a fucking asshole!"

Once upon a time, even if Baruth had a weak character, he would have retaliated with a couple of words when he heard such insults, but this time he was as if he had lost his soul, standing dumbfounded, his head lowered, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

Lisa now simply do not want to talk to him more, but in the way of her father's will, she still pressed the disgust in her heart, said to Baruth: "My father recommended you to a big Hollywood man in his will, just now that money is that man to help you out, he is now in that car by the side of the road, the opportunity has been given to you, what to do you look after yourself! "

After saying all this, Lisa went straight back to the car without looking back, Kate noticed that she didn't look right, and patted her shoulder as if she was comforting.

"Lisa, did that guy piss you off?"

"I can't believe he didn't even know about my father's death, and my dad actually..." here, Lisa's voice had choked a little.

"That's too much!" Kate began to fight for Lisa, and along with that, the little sympathy she had for Baruth was thrown out the window.

"I think I should have made the right decision just now...this Baruth has disappointed me, let's go!" Lin Ming Yang started the car, and Baruth, who was frozen on the side of the road, suddenly snapped out of it, he rushed to the side of the body, slapping the window violently while opening his mouth wide and gesturing something with his hands.

Lin Ming Yang helplessly lowered the car window, Baruth obviously froze when he saw him, and had the same reaction when he saw Kate, but his gaze didn't linger too long on the two, and quickly turned to Lisa.

"I'm sorry about that, I've been so busy this time of year presenting those model studies of mine to a variety of crews that I've been going out very early in the morning and not coming back until the evening, so I've basically had no time to read the news or the papers... I'm sorry to hear of Mr. Winston's departure, and I'd like to visit the gravesite where he's laid to rest, if that's all right. He still has a few books and some things still left with me and I will send them back tomorrow. It's really hard for me, I should have known the news sooner!"

Baruth lowered his head with a pained expression, and by observing his eye movements, Lin Mingyang, who was familiar with applied psychology, could basically determine that he wasn't putting on an act, and along with that, his outlook on the man improved a bit.

After saying these words, Baruth turned around and left without looking back, without the slightest idea of taking the opportunity to strike up a conversation with Lin Ming Yang. Perhaps someone like him, who behaved ridiculously on the outside, had his own reserve and pride on the inside.

"Mr. Baruth, please wait!" Lin Mingyang, who had made up his mind, suddenly called out to the other party.

Seeing Baruth turn his head with a bewildered expression, Lin Ming Yang smiled faintly, "You were so focused on talking to Ms. Lisa just now that it seems like you left out the words that you should be thanking me for."

"I'll find a way to return that money to you as soon as possible!" When facing Lin Ming Yang, Baruth did not have the slightest bit of the condescending currying favor that he had just given to the landlord, not to mention the intention to go along with Lin Ming Yang's wishes to climb up the ladder, such a reaction made Lin Ming Yang's heart evaluate him on another level.

"You know my identity!" Lin Ming Yang tapped his fingers on the edge of the car window irregularly, and said seemingly carelessly, "Although I'm not an absolute businessman, I'll never do a money-losing deal... According to my judgment, it's basically impossible for you to pay back the rent I'm paying on your behalf within a short period of time, unless you've suddenly hit the jackpot or are just going to rob a bank. I don't mean to look down on you in any way when I say this, I'm just reminding you that you are are not able to give me a more reliable promise than that flimsy reply just now?"

Baruth did not expect that the chairman of the board of directors of MGM would actually "force a debt" on himself in such a way, to be honest, whether Baruth could pay back the money owed to Lin Mingyang, even his own heart did not have a clue. Just said so just to fill their own fragile pride, but Lin Mingyang with this "cruel" way, raw layer of thin paper to break.

"What do you want me to do?" Baruth stood there blankly, his eyes filled with doubt.

"What can you do for me?" Lin Mingyang's rhetorical question was also interesting.

The cornered Baruth began to give up on himself, "I'm just a special effects artist who makes models, perhaps I'm not even worthy of such a title, as you saw just now, my work is just a pile of garbage in the eyes of others."

"Even if it's garbage, it's still just a misplaced resource...although I haven't seen your work with my own eyes, Mr. Winston's vision should always be good, he recommended you to me in his will, and I have just such a film on my hands that needs someone like you."

Lin Ming Yang was observing Baruth's expression as he spoke, and when he saw the other party's eyes gradually glowing, he then secretly nodded in his heart.

"Have you ever been a director?"

An abrupt question let Baruth froze there, his heart has not yet had time to ponder Lin Ming Yang what this means, he already shook his head, he did not say is to do the director, that is, the experience of working in the crew is also pitifully small, usually do more than is to do miscellaneous manual labor, if it is not Winston appreciated his talent, perhaps he has now long been obliterated in the crowd, talent was reality to grind to a clean sweep.

Of course, choose to adhere to the dream and the reality of the road is exceptionally bumpy, Baruth today's downfall is precisely to be attributed to his false persistence, and just when he was about to hold out, suddenly someone opened a window for him, like a drowning person suddenly grabbed a life preserver, which is not firmly grasped the reason.

"Well, I admit that many successful directors haven't actually studied film properly, you're a blank sheet of paper right now, but I can give you a said you'd soar, but hopefully you're just a little bit of Lucas!"

Saying that, Lin Ming Yang pulled out a stack of bound scripts from a folder on the seat next to him and handed it to Baruth, who was still staring out the window.

"This is the script for my new movie, you have three days, read the script and then bring your shooting program to me at MGM."

"But... "Baruth accepted the script with some hesitation, rolling his sore throat for a moment before finally holding back from voicing his concerns.

Lin Ming Yang put on his sunglasses then started the car, before he left he stuck his head out of the window and rushed at Baruth and said loudly, "A word of advice, looking for you to direct, I don't expect you to be able to bring me much of a surprise in terms of plot construction and thematic sublimation, you just need to play to your own strengths and do a good job with the sensory formality of this movie . ...I think you should understand what I mean!"

Watching the car speeding away into the intersection, Baruth's hand holding the script slowly clenched, the title of Terminator 4: Salvation on the cover looking particularly harsh in the sunlight.

Baruth had never dreamed that such an opportunity would fall into his lap, and he had even less thought that he would actually come close to losing it. At this moment in his heart, in addition to excitement, more is to the late Winston's gratitude, in fact, this is also a teacher and friend of the old man, after the death of him to leave such a rich "heritage".

At the same time when Baruth was standing on the side of the road in a daze, his fat landlady rushed out from the apartment concierge in a flurry of wind and fire, and she changed her ferocious attitude towards Baruth from the past, and asked in a rare warm and soft voice: "The person who talked to you in the car just now looks a little bit familiar, and he wouldn't be Felix Lin, would he?"

Baruth looked at his landlord somewhat strangely, "Don't you know him?"

"It really is Felix Lim!" After the landlady let out a scream of "Oh", her fat and heavy palm slapped on Baruth's shoulder, "I didn't see it before, so you're a real character in Hollywood, actually able to talk to Felix Lin!"

Her tone was full of envy and jealousy, but Baruth bristled, "Being able to talk to Felix Lin doesn't necessarily mean that you're some kind of extraordinary person, at least I'm not at the moment... But these days will soon come to an end, and then I'll let everyone remember my name!" He gripped the script in his hand as if it were hope for the future.

The fat landlord, in a rare moment of not being sarcastic to Baruth, joked, "If you do have that day, when you're still living in this apartment, I'll collect your mail for free!"