Chapter 287- Baruth's Robot Army

Since making it to Ecks' office, Lin Ming Yang's eyes followed his back and forth pacing figure, one moment towards the left, one moment towards the right, swaying like a pendulum for half a day. By the time Ecks reminded his footsteps, Lin Mingyang was already lying on his desk with a drowsy expression on his face.

"Without having been a director or even having served in a crew management position, what's the difference between someone like this and going out on the street and finding a random person?" Ecks looked at Lin Ming Yang with a depressed expression, he rather wished that the answer he wanted had been written directly on the other party's face.

Lin Ming Yang sat up full of concern and stretched while yawning, "I heard that he models well, and I'm just saying that I'll let him try, if it doesn't work out we can still replace him!"

"What if he passes your test?" Ecks looked at Lin Ming Yang with an eager face, "Are you really prepared to hand over a blockbuster with an investment of close to 200 million dollars to a guy who doesn't know anything? Will the Warner side accept it if you do that?"

Facing Eckles' questioning, Lin Ming Yang said without haste, "As long as he can come up with a plan that satisfies me, then he can make a satisfactory movie... What you just said is seriously questioning my ability, and your conception is not right... Could it be that Spielberg, Cameron, and the like were born with cameras in their arms? In this business, anyone who hasn't will have a first time."

Eckles remained a bit hesitant, "But Warner's got to give them a piece of their mind!"

Lin Mingyang said uncaringly, "The box office after the movie's release is the best way to say it, just shut them up until then!"

Ecks shook his head, "The Warner side won't accept it without any justifiable reason!"

"If the box office of this movie ends up exceeding Terminator 3, then the profit sharing ratio we signed with Warner before remains the same, if the movie's box office is lower than its predecessor, the portion of the proceeds that belongs to me will just be given to Warner!"

At first glance, Ecks thought that Lin Ming Yang was speaking in anger, but after carefully pondering over it like this, he felt that things were not as simple as he thought. In the past, in order to reassure movie investors, Lin Mingyang hadn't done this kind of trick of giving away his interests. Facts have proved that all the movies he favored, in this kind of "gambling" type of game, he has never lost. This can be said to be a kind of extremely inflated arrogance, can also be said to be a kind of excellent strength.

Eckles sighed softly, "You're so optimistic about that so-and-so guy?"

Lin Mingyang instantly corrected, "His name is Baruth!"

Before Ecks had a chance to memorize the name, the landline phone in his office rang, and his office assistant, Cord, told him that a man named Baruth wanted to make an appointment to meet Lin Ming Yang.

"Baruth?" Ecks finally remembered the name, he shrugged towards Lin Ming Yang after he put down the phone, "The man you're waiting for is here, are you going to talk to him here, or are you going to go somewhere else and return the office to me so I can get back to work."

"This was originally even your office, but your next job is not to stay here, but to join me in the conference room to meet this Mr. Baruth." Lin Mingyang helped Ecks close the laptop on his desk, then pulled him outside without saying a word.

Ecks said the ugly words on the way, "You have to think carefully about calling me up, if I don't see that Baruth in a good light, I'll definitely bring up questions that will make it difficult for him, I don't care if he can't get off the stage at that time."

Lin Ming Yang heatedly smiled at Ecks, "If he can't even handle you, then he definitely won't be able to get past me either!"


Walking into the conference room, the look of Baruth standing up in a panic with a big broken bag on his back really "thundered" to Eckles, if not for Lin Mingyang's introduction, he would definitely think that the person standing in front of him was a city tramp.

On the other hand, despite the fact that he had not closed his eyes for two days and two nights and had come up with a set of movie shooting plans that he thought was very good, he stood up in a hurry when he saw Lin Mingyang and a strange middle-aged man walk in, and felt that the middle-aged man swept around him with a very different kind of gaze, which made him feel uncomfortable all over his body.

After Lin Ming Yang's introduction, Baruth figured out Ecks' identity this time. Lin Ming Yang's former manager, the current president of MGM, whichever of these two identities, was qualified enough to stand here and gaze at himself with a very contemptuous gaze.

When shaking hands, Baruth clearly felt the coldness of Eckles' attitude towards him, although the inferiority complex in his heart surged up again and again, when he constantly encouraged himself in his heart, if he couldn't even withstand this little contempt, all the efforts he had made for today would become meaningless to speak of.

Baruth himself feel, as an onlooker Lin Mingyang of course also know clearly the attitude of Eckers, he did not point out this problem, because he wanted to use Eckers "intentionally difficult" to test the toughness of Baruth. If he can overcome this unfavorable factor, at least it can prove that he is mentally capable of the director's work.

Lin Mingyang and Eckles sat down on the left hand side of the conference table, while Baruth stood next to the carrying board on the right hand side and began to present his shooting program.

"As far as the plot is concerned, I think Mr. Felix's script this time can only be considered moderate, but for a commercial movie, this kind of storyline is already considered superior..."

Even though Baruth was mentally prepared to be constantly picked on by Ecks, he had just opened his mouth to say a few words when he let Ecks catch him with a question that directly interrupted his statement.

"Since you feel that Felix's script can only be considered moderate, what are your good suggestions for revisions?"

Being interrupted just like that naturally made Baruth feel a little bit upset in his heart, but on the surface he still pretended to be indifferent and replied, "Your question is exactly what I'm going to bring up for explanation next, it could be that Mr. Felix intended to start a new Terminator trilogy through the story of Terminator 4, with the story being placed in the future, and the focus of the thematic expression being moved from the Robots back to the protagonist John Connor, but the protagonist being hunted by robots has become the most classic bridge in the Terminator series of movies, and I suggest that in order to have a good segue to the previous movies, this time there should also be a robot killer arranged in the film."

"Robots chasing John Connor and John Connor leading the resistance to fight the robots are both wars between humans and robots, do you think there is any essential difference between the two?"

There was an unforgiving flavor in Ecks' words, and Baruth's reply became more and more subdued.

"One is an individual performance, the other is a group chase, I think both should be shown in the movie, only to show the difference from the previous episode and the attitude of innovation, the war should be more than a single fight."

Unable to pick any faults in the general direction, Eckles began to work on the details, "John Connor has been staying at the Resistance base, how are the robots going to assassinate him?"

Baruth had expected to be asked this question when he arrived, only that was when he thought the one asking the question would be Lin Mingyang.

"In the first three Terminator movies, the robotic killers were portrayed as humanoid, and it was only when the final showdown entered a white-hot stage that they would shed their surface disguises and turn into robots of steel and iron. Mr. Schwarzenegger's most classic look as the T-800 is half human face and half machine, so I think that the robots in the Terminator movie series, especially those advanced ones, should all have humanoid looks, so that it would not be surprising for them to blend into the human settlements protected by the resistance with human appearances!"

"Do you think there's a need for robots to disguise themselves as humans when humans are already at war with them?" Ecks asked without any sarcasm.

Baruth leveled his gaze and looked at Ecks with a serious face, "If we consider the realistic logic of the movie, the point you mentioned is indeed problematic, but for the Terminator series of movies, such insistence is necessary... If we just shoot a war between robots and humans, the Terminator movies in front of the Transformers series is simply child's play, do you expect audiences to be interested in our side of the 'little fight' after the visual bombardment of a movie like Transformers?"

There was a silence in the conference room, Ecks was trapped by Baruth's rhetorical question and for a while just frowned in thought, but it was Lin Ming Yang who smilingly applauded Baruth's rather imposing rhetorical question a few times just now.

His applause indirectly announced the result of this short "fight" between Eckles and Baruth. Fell to the disadvantage of Eckles also did not continue to blame each other, without his interruption, Baruth finally very smooth to finish his own for the film shooting the whole set of programs.

Lin Mingyang finally asked only one question.

"What kind of special effects technology are you going to use in this movie to represent the humanoid robots you're talking about?"

"Basic simulation models plus high-end CGI effects synthesized, but if possible, I'd like to do some high simulation models, this kind of filmed effect will have more texture than direct computer effects!" Baruth unzipped the zipper of that broken bag of his, lifted it towards the outside and shook it with force, clattering a pair of well-made suggested miniature robot models piled up horizontally in front of Lin Ming Yang and Ecks.

"You made all of these in just two days?" Ecks' mouth grew in surprise, and the way he looked at Baruth again had become vastly different. He had to admit that in terms of recognizing and employing people, he ultimately did not have Lin Ming Yang's bold and unrestrained vigor, if it were him, without this contact today, he would never dare to use such a "wild" origin as Baruth.