Chapter 291 - Variations after Blizzard's skipping of tickets

Regardless of how the outside world commented and speculated, the filming of Terminator: Salvation still lasted for almost two months, and after coming out from the crew, Lin Ming Yang was almost impatient to find Ecks to discuss matters regarding the start of the shooting of Warcraft.

In his role in the "Terminator: Savior" during this time, has been Eckles in charge of contact with Blizzard, the two sides, although to determine the general intention of cooperation, but in the film specific shooting program, Blizzard has not yet given a clear reply, and ready to personally serve as the director of the film Lin Mingyang film contracts, has not been off, so that the original plan to shoot the film at the beginning of the year to The movie was originally planned to start shooting at the beginning of the year, but now there is still no news. In the anxious and disappointed mood of the movie fans, the Hollywood media also followed the questioning of the movie.

MGM headquarters staff these days always feel a lingering cloud hanging over their heads, the president of the Eckles these days more and more ugly day by day, usually happy and anger does not change his color, but actually in the regular meeting of executives because of a small matter of anger, scaring the executives to participate in the meeting one by one, as if they were silent. And a staff member beside him was almost fired because he mixed up the order of the inner pages when organizing the documents.

These two things together, so that all the people working in the building have become fearful, usually in the office to discuss a variety of hot topics obviously become a lot less, even if a few people get together, the voice will be very low, will not be like the former as wantonly talk and laugh. Everyone knows that the recent mood of Eckles is very bad, who do not want to touch his bad luck at this time.

Everyone was counting on Lin Mingyang's return to put an end to this "nightmare" of an ordeal, but the president's assistant, Mr. Cord, shook his head at his expectant colleagues after bringing in the twice-brewed coffee. Compared to the anxiety brought about by the hidden worry in the eyes of the employees outside the office, the oppressive atmosphere inside the office was enough to make the onlookers feel like suffocating.

As Eckles' "sidekick", Cord naturally knew the reason for Eckles' bad mood. A movie that the chairman of the board of directors of the MGM company had personally taken part in, and the president had taken great pains to coordinate the movie in the middle, but because of the partner's "jumping the gun", it had fallen into the awkward situation of neither shooting nor not shooting. In the office Lin Mingyang and Eckles are gloomy face, such a situation Koder has never encountered before.

As early as the beginning of the year Lin Mingyang sent over a script, but Blizzard was not satisfied after reading it, and after they put forward the request for a script provided by their side, Lin Mingyang agreed without thinking about it. In the "Terminator: Savior" before the shooting Lin Mingyang urged the other side, the answer is that the script story has been completed most of the way. But when Lin Mingyang "hurriedly" finished the movie shooting, and asked Blizzard again about the progress of the script, he was actually told that because of the disagreement of several creators, the entire script was written halfway through the story was completely messed up... Finally, Blizzard was burnt out by this matter and put the script writing "ball". Blizzard kicked the script writing "ball" back again. A movie script after half a year's time actually no progress, Eckles for this burst of anger, Lin Mingyang's mood naturally not good either.

In this extremely depressing atmosphere, the first to break the silence was still Eckles, "If it wasn't for your obsessive interest in this movie, we could have taken Blizzard to court right now... According to the cooperation treaty we signed, Blizzard's behavior has already constituted a breach of contract, and they are completely wasting our time! time!"

"Even if we win the lawsuit, what can we gain?" Lin Mingyang sighed softly, compared to the huge investment of 500 million dollars, the small amount of compensation for breach of contract that he was able to get from Blizzard was not even worth mentioning. Although the entire shooting plan for Warcraft had not yet been launched and the investment was still at the stage of budget, but to really give up just like that, Lin Ming Yang was still a bit unwilling.

Meet Blizzard such "capricious" partners, this movie even if you can immediately start shooting, I'm afraid that the process is not as easy as Lin Mingyang imagined before. After Blizzard so tossed, his own filming of the movie has been less persistent than in the past.

Eckles earlier those are just words of anger, shooting the film of the wind has been sent out, MGM has now been the media rack in the public opinion on the "fire", this time to announce the withdrawal of the shooting program, not only the company's image in the eyes of the fans will be damaged, but also in the acceptance of the media ridicule and ridicule at the same time will also be the shame of peers, the situation is quite a bit of MGM now, but also the media will be the same, and the media will be the same. MGM is now in a situation of dilemma.

He carefully weighed the stakes, and ultimately felt that continuing the cooperation was the best option. "Although Blizzard's approach has made us very passive, but perhaps this is also a turnaround, at least we have now definitely mastered the writing of the script, and with the script that we have come up with this time, Blizzard's side should have nothing to say!"

Lin Ming Yang nodded, "Let Blizzard send over a few creators who are familiar with the entire background setting of Warcraft's game, and we'll designate a screenwriter, so that they can form a working group and work together to complete the writing of the entire script."

His words made Ecks freeze, "Weren't you always going to write this story yourself, why now..."

"I realized that my own life was like a tightened alarm clock during this period of time, turning non-stop from one moment to the next, and now I suddenly feel a bit tired, let's leave the script writing to someone else!"

Lin Mingyang's mirthful reply caused Ecks' eyebrows to furrow slightly, and he asked with a slightly hesitant tone, "Then the director of this movie?"

"If I'm not doing it anymore, naturally I'll have to find someone to fill in."

Eckles heart thumped, although he had a premonition, but when he really heard such a reply, he still had an indescribable feeling in his heart, but of course more is the worry about the future of this movie.

Seeing that he had a difficult look on his face, how could Lin Ming Yang not be able to guess what was in his mind. "I will personally serve as the film's producer, the 500 million U.S. dollars investment plan will not change, the director's choice we still need to carefully consider ... at least to find a capacity and reputation can be equal to James Cameron to serve as the director of the film, so that our shareholders, collaborators and movie fans have a fair account! A justifiable explanation!"

First, he was a movie star who became famous at a young age, and then he became one of the few powerful figures who could stand at the top of the pyramid of the Hollywood entertainment industry with his big acquisition and successful operation. The superstar and the chairman of the movie company with a superb status that moved the whole world, these two identities overlapped together and bloomed a dazzling light that had completely covered Lin Mingyang's achievements in other aspects, and people would only recall them from a specific memory. People only recall from a specific memory that Lin Mingyang is also an outstanding screenwriter and a young director who has directed several box office hits.

Many people, including Eckles, had habitually overlooked these things, so much so that when Lin Mingyang put forward the idea of making Warcraft and was prepared to direct the movie himself, Eckles had always felt that he was a bit "out of practice". Now Lin Mingyang initiative to give up, on the contrary, let Eckles feel that the loss of this movie he may really be a kind of irreparable regret.

This kind of contradictory ideas make Eckles heart full of confusion, finally he helplessly shrugged his shoulders: "If this is your final decision, I'm responsible for communicating with the other directors, but the director's selection after our discussion will ultimately be determined by you!"


Talent and reputation can be compared with James Cameron, Lin Mingyang on the "Warcraft" director replacement candidate requirements are very direct 99% of Hollywood's directors are excluded, the rest of so a handful of a few, but to make a choice is not an easy thing.

MGM executives in a heated argument will be locked in the choice of Sam Raimi and Peter Jackson, the two big directors, the former as the "Spider-Man" trilogy creator, a series of films to set the box office record is breathtaking; and the latter with the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy has become famous all over the world, although Peter Jackson made a lot of and the original contradicts the problem, but he won the majority of the rings fans love, and therefore won the rings! Although Peter Jackson has made a lot of mistakes, he has won the love of most of the fans of the Lord of the Rings, and thus won the worship of countless movie fans around the world.

Axe's assistant, Corde, brought the company's final decision to Lin Mingyang, who was on vacation in Hawaii, and the director's choice ultimately had to be made by him. The company side of all the people are anxiously waiting for Lin Mingyang's reply, but Lin Mingyang himself on this matter is not at all concerned, still every day on the beach to enjoy the sunshine bath, and then brightly appreciate those swimsuit beauty on the beach, simply like nothing.

Ecks side of the three phone calls a day to urge Cord, he waited in the hotel for three days to no avail, so he had no choice but to harden his heart and knocked on the door of Lin Ming Yang's room on the third night.

As if he knew in advance that Coeur had come back to find himself today, Lin Ming Yang had already made a pot of coffee in advance, such treatment made Coeur a little flattered, fortunately he didn't forget his purpose, after accompanying Lin Ming Yang in the room living room and chatting for a few minutes, he said the reason for his visit with some difficulty.

Lin Ming Yang held his coffee and listened carefully to Coeur's request, in the end he smiled slightly, "Ecks is in such a hurry to have you come over, is it true that the candidate for the movie's screenwriter has already been determined?"

Cord stabilized his nervousness and said in a tone that was as smooth as possible, "The company chose Robert Rodet, the screenwriter of Saving Private Ryan and The Patriot, after discussions, and everyone feels that he is the most suitable candidate."

"You think so?"

Lin Mingyang this seemingly random question is actually stored in the meaning of the test Kode, never received such "attention" Kode heart burst of ecstasy, he knew that this is an opportunity for himself, as long as his answer can make Lin Mingyang satisfied, the side of the Ecks want to promote their own resistance will be reduced by a lot! ...In a flash, Cord consciously sat upright before answering the question.

"Mr. Robert Rodale is very good at portraying film characters with different personalities in a war environment, writing tight and compelling plots, which is exactly what we need, he will bring you an original story, just like a character in the World of Warcraft gradually grows up and embarks on an adventure, many gamers will feel a real emotional resonance in the film. "

Cord was stealing eyes to watch Lin Ming Yang's expression while he was speaking, but when he realized that the trace of a smile at the corner of the other party's mouth had not dissipated, he already knew that his answer should not be bad in Lin Ming Yang's eyes.

"Then in your opinion, which of these two directors should we choose?"

Still secretly glad that he "passed" by Lin Mingyang immediately after the question to ask confused, this thing the company several executives argued several times have no results, their own a small president assistant, in front of Lin Mingyang even if you have ideas can not casually say out, or it will easily leave people the impression of high-minded talk! ...But Lin Mingyang's words have a very clear meaning, is to listen to his ideas, if Kode play tricks, it is difficult to say will cause Lin Mingyang's dissatisfaction.

Kode's stammering performance made Lin Ming Yang slightly dissatisfied in his heart, he frowned, "Listening to your opinion doesn't mean letting you make a decision, don't you have a little bit of your own opinion on this matter?"

Holding back his red face, Cord was so stimulated by Lin Ming Yang's use of words, a wave of courage came out of nowhere in his heart, raising his head to frankly meet Lin Ming Yang's scrutinizing gaze, "I think that director Peter Jackson is going to be a bit more suitable!"

"You're a fan of The Lord of the Rings?"

After forcing out Cord's thoughts, Lin Ming Yang asked a follow-up question seemingly carelessly.

Cord shook his head decisively, "I like the original novel of The Lord of the Rings, but I don't have any special esteem for the movie adaptation, except that it's the fact that director Peter Jackson has for the first time brought the world of Middle-earth, which has only existed in the minds of readers for decades, to the audience in its entirety, and that's something that makes me think that he's pretty good."

Lin Mingyang shrugged noncommittally, "If that's the reason you like this movie, then what you should really be thankful for is the pure beauty and magnificence of New Zealand's fairyland-like natural scenery and Weta Workshop's high-end computer technology, not Jackson himself."

Cord was in full flow by this time, and his analysis was becoming more and more organized.

"The subject of 'The Lord of the Rings' must have been thought of before, but in the end it was only Peter Jackson who turned the idea into reality and it was a huge success, there are certainly accidental factors, but Jackson's own strength can't be ignored. Even outside the aura of "The Lord of the Rings", his adaptation of "King Kong" was commercially successful... "The Lord of the Rings" has already proved Peter Jackson's ability to create a whole new world and to master the shooting of large scenes, and "King Kong", whether it's the raw tearing of the Tyrannosaurus Rex or the scene of punching and kicking the U.S. fighters at the top of the Empire State Building tower, is enough to show that he has a unique gift for the majestical imagination A unique gift for the majestic imagination, all of which constitute reasons for me to recommend him."

Lin Mingyang put down the coffee in his hand and gave Cord a meaningful look, "I think you can go back tomorrow morning."

Kode became nervous again at his words, "But you haven't..."

Lin Ming Yang smiled mysteriously, "Tell Ecks again what you told me today, and your mission will be complete!"