Chapter 292 - Magical New Zealand Humpty Dumpty

In Lin Ming Yang's impression, Peter Jackson was a marvelous tubby man from New Zealand. With a height of less than 1 meter 7, he not only possessed magical talent, but his weight had also reached a shamefully magical level. So much so that many people still believe that Peter Jackson's magical talent comes from his magical weight.

Such a statement was naturally not believable, but Lin Mingyang's impression of this great director had always remained in the past with that fat beard, so when Eckles placed a recent photo of Peter Jackson in front of Lin Mingyang, he couldn't help but freeze. The middle-aged man with a thin body and haggard face on the photo was not a bit different from the Peter Jackson in his impression.

Lin Ming Yang returned from his vacation in Hawaii, and just stepped into his own home in front of him, followed closely by Ecks, who came to his door with a copy of the latest information about Peter Jackson.

"How did he become like this now?"

Ecks stared at Lin Ming Yang like he was looking at an alien for half a day, and only after half a day did he stifle a sentence, "When was the last time you saw Peter Jackson?"

"It seems like it was at the Oscars in '04, we met once..." Lin Ming Yang inclined his head, a look of reminiscence surfacing on his face, "It seems like after that, we never met again."

Ecks' face had a look of good expectation as he followed up with a question, "And then you never paid attention to any information about him either?"

Lin Ming Yang nodded rightfully, and muttered in his heart, "He's not a beautiful woman, why should I pay attention to him every day?"

"After The Lord of the Rings, he remade a new version of King Kong, you should always know about this, right?" Even Ecks felt that his question was a silly one, but he had to ask it.

Lin Mingyang finally didn't act like a "white boy" this time, he had naturally seen the movie where the gorilla fights with the Tyrannosaurus Rex, picks up beautiful women, and jerks off, but what did this have to do with Peter Jackson's weight?

"After making that movie, Peter Jackson lost 80 pounds in one fell swoop, and if he had lost any more portions, it would have been the same as losing an entire American girl trying to lose much so that a reporter had to ask him before asking a question about King Kong at the premiere of that movie 'How does your current weight affect your life'...I suggest you should really pay serious attention to the news in's a good thing I'm here today or you'd be in for a joke when you meet with him tomorrow!"

"I didn't realize that being a director had this function...wait, what do you mean by meeting?" Ecks' serious expression made Lin Ming Yang somewhat unresponsive for a moment, "You've already made an appointment with Peter Jackson to meet tomorrow?"

"It's not me, it's you!" Ecks said without a trace of anger, "As the producer of this movie, such an important thing as making an appointment to meet the director is of course something that you should personally that we can show our sincerity."

"Sincerity?" Lin Ming Yang hummed softly, "What else do you think is more sincere for a movie than an investment of 500 million dollars?"


"Half a billion dollars?" Even though he had already heard some rumors before, Peter Jackson, who was sitting across from him, froze when Lin Mingyang said this figure himself.

Peter Jackson even had some difficulty imagining what kind of concept it was to invest 500 million dollars in making a movie, the Lord of the Rings trilogy and King Kong together totaled just over 500 million dollars. This figure in front of any Hollywood director, will make people smack their lips. And heard that this money in the 300 million dollars is Lin Mingyang out of pocket, Peter Jackson brain only one idea, sitting across from his own this young man is absolutely too much money no place to spend, so will make such a person "egg pain" decision.

"Mr. Jackson thinks that this amount of money isn't enough?" Lin Mingyang's next question gave Peter Jackson a feeling of near madness, could it be that he felt that it wasn't enough, and that he was prepared to add to it?

After Lin Ming Yang said this, Peter Jackson's eyes became complicated as he looked at him, once upon a time, when he himself swept 11 trophies at the Oscars with the dominance of the Return of the King, Lin Ming Yang was still just a potential rising star that he was bullish about.

It is to do up Lin Mingyang shooting "District 9", Peter Jackson to him "hard to plug" the past an assistant director, Peter Jackson is only Lin Mingyang as a talented new generation of directors. Although he did not realize that Lin Mingyang in the same position, but at that time he more or less can be a bit of senior self-possession and pride.

To this day, Lin Mingyang's achievements in the movie may still be difficult to say beyond Peter Jackson, but Lin Mingyang hand control of Hollywood film one of the six giants of the MGM studios, in the whole of Hollywood influence, Peter Jackson has been difficult to look forward to its back. Once the advantage and the feeling of superiority has now disappeared, the only thing left is the envy of this young man's rocket-like rise experience, plus a little scorn.

Facing Lin Ming Yang's inquiring gaze, Peter Jackson hastily suppressed the feelings in his heart and waved his hand, saying, "No, no... to make a movie, this kind of investment is already enough!"

Peter Jackson recently made several movies are often hundreds of millions of big productions, but to be honest every time the budget in hand is tight, a lot of wonderful ideas had to give up, and now suddenly heard that he can control such a large amount of money, where in his heart there is no reason not to be satisfied.

Seeing this globally renowned director's restrained expression, a hint of imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of Lin Ming Yang's mouth, he shook his head: ''You can't jump to conclusions now, taking out half a billion dollars, what we want to harvest is naturally not an ordinary movie... I heard that your special effects studio is also involved in director James Cameron's new film production, I think you're in the right place. The production of the new movie, I think you should have a certain understanding of that movie as well, put it to you this way, I hope you can use this money to make a work that is not inferior to Avatar!"

What kind of effect James Cameron's special effects achieved in that movie, outside speculation was rife, and Peter Jackson was considered one of the few knowledgeable people who had a macro understanding of the movie, and naturally knew more about this issue than others. Precisely because of the number in his heart, when Lin Mingyang made this request, he felt that things were not as simple as he thought.

According to Peter Jackson's own estimation, James Cameron's final investment in the filming of Avatar should not have exceeded 500 million dollars, compared to Pandora's Planet, Warcraft, a game with a heavy magical epic feeling needs to show a more complex and diverse world, the entire movie has to be completed on the basis of special effects, but also to achieve the visual effects of Avatar, you can imagine how this is a You can imagine what a costly and time-consuming project this is.

For his own just "big", Peter Jackson suddenly felt a burst of regret, the movie to meet Lin Mingyang's requirements, I'm afraid that the investment of 500 million dollars is really not enough. Thinking of this, Peter Jackson only felt a dry mouth, thinking that Lin Mingyang this kid is still generous, not in this matter to him under the hood, or this time really have to "plant" in.

Learned from this experience, in the next conversation, Peter Jackson became cautious up, but whether it is 500 million dollars of investment or "Warcraft" this magical movie theme, for him are fatal attraction. The more calm and restrained he was on the surface, the hotter the desire in his heart became.

Lin Mingyang was not in a hurry and did his best to pick up irrelevant topics. Lin Mingyang calm, this side of Peter Jackson finally anxious, although the film's vast and difficult degree is beyond his previous expectations, but such an opportunity in front of the eyes, how can Peter Jackson miss.

After several attempts, Peter Jackson finally agreed to be the director of the movie. After reaching a verbal consensus with Lin Ming Yang, Peter Jackson immediately began to "Warcraft" director's identity, this lightning speed into the state of Lin Ming Yang really some surprise.

"Although the script of the movie has not yet been created, but regarding the issue of the candidates for the roles, does the investor side already have an approximate position?" Peter Jackson seems to be naive rubbing his hands, but his eyes are clearly transparent cunning light, which he is in the vain to seek Lin Mingyang's advice, is clearly reaching out to the producer to ask for power.

Lin Mingyang glanced at Peter Jackson, the fat man shooting movies like to use Australian actors is also considered a major feature of his directing style. In films like The Lord of the Rings and Warcraft, which were supported by a grand worldview and special effects, the role of individual characters was not as important as in other genres. Films like these tend to cast lesser-known actors.

The biggest advantage of this is that it saves the producers a lot of money on paying star actors, but it's the lucky ones who get picked up who really benefit. This kind of large-scale production of the film for them is absolutely a great opportunity, can be said to be in the film industry in the end of the shortcut to success, Peter Jackson "fat water does not flow outside the field of others" this little heart did not hide from Lin Mingyang.

In addition to the huge amount of pay, to make Peter Jackson to do his best to complete the filming of the movie, you have to give him some "sweet". Lin Mingyang originally did not want to intervene too much in the shooting of the film, this kind of favor he naturally will not be stingy.

"The choice of actors is of course decided by the director, in this regard we absolutely believe in Mr. Peter's vision!"

Lin Mingyang's words were like a tranquilizer pill, allowing the stone hanging in Peter Jackson's heart to finally fall to the ground. Beasts of the earth" this movie from the beginning of the year on the Hollywood media uploaded boisterous, Peter Jackson at that time on the film showed great interest, but unfortunately at that time this movie basically belongs to Lin Mingyang's "personal belongings", even if it is Peter Jackson also only greedy for the part.

But who had not thought, "Warcraft" in the preparatory process actually a series of twists and turns, and finally Lin Mingyang even put his own imperative to get the director's position to let out. When he received the invitation from MGM, Peter Jackson also had a burst of joy, but this conversation with Lin Mingyang, but let him have a more accurate and clear understanding of the difficulty of shooting the entire film.

Warcraft is definitely a high challenge, high return movie, although agreed to be the director of the film, but Peter Jackson heart still some muttering. Lin Mingyang's strong in Hollywood is well known, in his still just an actor, has made a squeeze away from the director of the "feat", and now their own director's position is Lin Mingyang let out, and he now serves as the film's producer, the relationship between the two sides can be a little difficult to locate.

For other producers, Peter Jackson with his own reputation can be subdued each other, in and out of the theater is absolutely his say. But when it comes to Lin Mingyang, Peter Jackson has no idea. Although Lin Mingyang showed a gesture of full trust, but his identity is too special, the filming of the movie, he only need to slightly intervene, will make Peter Jackson's situation become very embarrassing.

Out of this concern, Peter Jackson played a trick, he intentionally used the role of the right to decide on the attribution of the candidate to test Lin Mingyang's attitude, even if Lin Mingyang's reaction to the slightest hesitation, will shake his determination to serve as the director of the film.

Lin Mingyang's unthinking nod of assent successfully eliminated the last trace of concern in Peter Jackson's mind, and for this costly blockbuster movie, Peter Jackson immediately showed an impulse to give it a try. Originally can end the conversation, Lin Mingyang hard to be pulled by him, asked this and that stayed for half an hour.

Peter Jackson this sometimes cunning deep, sometimes naive and childlike performance let Lin Mingyang some tears and laughter, previously did not find, this Peter Jackson nagging up really quite annoying, which more and more firmly Lin Mingyang in the movie to do the "shaking hands of the cupboard" of the mind.

There is Peter Jackson this god in control of the whole situation, Lin Mingyang heart has this intention is not wrong. General things do not need him to step in, Peter Jackson himself can handle. Of course, Lin Mingyang this kind of mentality is not good to show directly, so in the end of this meeting before the conversation, Lin Mingyang asked Peter Jackson whether there are any other requirements.

He was originally just asking routinely, but he didn't expect Peter Jackson to really give him a hard time.

"The movie needs a unique theme song, and the singer has to be famous and appealing enough globally... Since we're making a superb movie, this theme song must also be sung by a superb singing superstar, so that it can live up to its name!"