Chapter 293 - Hello, Michael

"Given the scale of investment in this movie, Peter Jackson's request is not excessive, but this candidate..." Eckles paced back and forth in his office with his hands clasped in his arms while Lin Mingyang "borrowed" his computer to battle the bosses in the game, which had almost become a regular part of the conversation between the two. Eckles was pacing back and forth in his office with his hands clasped, while Lin Mingyang was "borrowing" his computer to battle the boss in the game, which had almost become a regular part of the conversation between the two men, and even Cord, the assistant who had brought in the coffee, wasn't surprised by it.

Coeur in the door pushed in when vaguely heard Lin Mingyang and the content of the conversation Eckes, but he walked into the office, Eckes but stopped talking, originally curious to hear more inside information Coeur only had to leave angry, he closed the door intentionally half a beat slower, and finally from the mouth of the Eckes vaguely heard the name of a person.

"Michael Jackson?" Upon hearing this familiar name, Cord's heart suddenly trembled, followed by an uncontrollable excitement.

Since the release of the "Wannabe" album in 2001, Michael Jackson hadn't released any new creative albums. Although the album "The Million Dollar Man" had extremely high production standards and topped the Billboard TOP 200 chart upon its release, due to the shrinking of the record market in the new century, coupled with the conflict with Sony, the lack of publicity for the new album, and the fact that the entire album only had 2 music videos filmed, "The Million Dollar Man" sold 2 million copies in the United States, and 12 million copies globally. While the numbers were impressive, they seemed underwhelming compared to Michael's previous albums. For several years after that, Michael Jackson did not have any interviews for new songs, stating that as a longtime fan of MJ, this is something that Cord has always deeply regretted.

At first hearing that Ecks was interested in inviting Michael to produce the theme song for Warcraft, Cord couldn't help but perk up his ears to hear more as he froze. Just at this time, Lin Mingyang, who had been concentrating on playing the game, suddenly raised his head and glanced this way, and Cord, who was preparing to close the doorway with his ears sideways, just happened to meet his gaze.

Lin Mingyang's seemingly casual glance, but the Kode scared a lot, knowing that he had been discovered, he was terrified to cover the door and leave, his heart began to constantly for the gains and losses of this eavesdropping exposure and up and down drums. Originally thought that Eckles will call himself in to reprimand a meal, but I did not expect the office half a day did not have any reaction. Kode heart although still hanging a stone, but finally a sigh of relief, it seems that Lin Mingyang did not demolish his "tricks", but recalled just now and Lin Mingyang looked at the expression in his eyes for a moment, Kode still read out a few points of caution.

Coder outside the office, Lin Mingyang inside the office also pressed pause the game. When Ecks mentioned Michael Jackson, the expression on Lin Ming Yang's face became very strange, only at that time Ecks was so focused on talking to himself that he didn't notice Lin Ming Yang's abnormality.

"When it comes to musical and dancing talent, there are probably not many people in this world who can compare to Michael Jackson..."

Ecks' words came to an abrupt end as Lin Ming Yang asked a question that made him nearly collapse.

"Ecks, what's the date today?"

The incomparably serious and earnest expression was paired with such a shitty and retarded question, which caused Ecks to return with some tears and laughter, saying:

"May 27th."

Lin Mingyang suddenly let out a long breath of relief, "Thank god, it should still be in time!"

Ecks looked at Lin Ming Yang with a face full of puzzlement, "What's too late...can you tell me what's going on first?"

"This ah... "Lin Ming Yang snorted with a strange expression, "I mean it's just the right time to go to Michael Jackson, I heard that he's in the middle of preparing his latest album right now, if we go late, I guess he won't have the time. "

This self-justifying front was made up by Lin Ming Yang on the spot, the skeptical Ecks reluctantly believed him, but his next concerns about the negative rumors about Michael Jackson, Lin Ming Yang didn't listen to a word of it, he was now full of thoughts about how to save the most outstanding musical genius in history.

According to the memory of his previous life, Michael Jackson's life clock will be unexpectedly stopped after a month, this shocking news to the whole world let hundreds of millions of fans heartbroken tears, but also left the pop music session irreparable regret.

After the rebirth of all kinds of stars, these so-called celebrities in the eyes of Lin Mingyang are just a person's name, the stars are no longer high up, the famous director of the big names on their own respect, once upon a time, Lin Mingyang heart has long been no star this concept. For these people, Lin Mingyang heart may still be able to maintain a few points of humble self-possession, but there has been no days of that kind of fanatical reverence, only Michael Jackson is an exception.

Michael Jackson has given the world so much - magical and glamorous songs and dances, fraternal and kind relief, while he has been misunderstood and framed by the world for a long time, only because of jealousy of his achievements, only because of deep-rooted racism.

"Felix?" paused Ecks, once again realizing that Lin Mingyang had wandered off, his tone already carrying a vague note of dissatisfaction.

Lin Ming Yang scratched his head, "Uh...sorry I just remembered something important so I got a bit lost in thought, where were you just talking about?"

Ecks shrugged helplessly, "Just now I asked you when you were going to find Michael Jackson?"

"The sooner the better..." replied Lin Ming Yang almost without thinking, "Preferably now!"

"Now?" Ecks' eyes widened, looking at Lin Ming Yang with a flurry of incredulity, "Is there a need to be in such a hurry?"

"I have my considerations, this matter must be done as soon as possible!" Lin Ming Yang nodded with a serious expression, his tone carrying a decisive flavor.

"According to the normal procedure, we have to contact his agent first to make sure he's interested in this matter, and only then will we arrange a meeting next..."

Lin Mingyang waved his hand, somewhat eagerly interrupting Ecks.

"It's too slow, I want to meet Michael Jackson in the shortest possible time, I'm sure you'll have a way!"

Ecks' mouth twitched, he didn't really understand why Lin Ming Yang would suddenly come up with such a strange request, but seeing his determined eyes, Ecks could only temporarily dismiss the idea of dissuading him. In recent years, the news of Michael Jackson's illness had been constantly rumored in the media, and it might be harder than heaven for regular people to see him, but in Lin Mingyang's place, this matter was not difficult, what really made Ecks puzzled was the unusual importance that Lin Mingyang had attached to this matter, which had made the whole thing reveal a few puzzlingly fishy points.


Similarly puzzled Michael Jackson and his agent cousin Jermaine, although on the phone the head of MGM had already explained the intentions of Lin Mingyang, but this sudden appointment still made Michael a bit unprepared.

"If I'm being approached to write a song for a movie, the person coming should be the director of the could Felix Lin think of coming over himself?" Michael Jackson's pale and frightening face made a puzzled expression, in his realization, Lin Ming Yang was now the chairman of the high and mighty film company, there was no need for these things to come personally. Just like Michael Jackson and Sony Records had worked together for so many years, the number of times he had actually met with the chairman of Sony Records was pitifully small. Don't look at Michael Jackson in the outside world scenery, can be said to be in the entertainment circle of the reigning figure, but compared with Lin Mingyang, he lost not fame but substantial position.

The position of the two sides is not at all on the same level, even if it is to show sincerity, send a company's real power figure over can, Lin Mingyang personally, but let Michael Jackson feel a little "too much enthusiasm", the heart will inevitably have other ideas.

"Whether it's his character or his family history, Felix Lin definitely describes himself as an outlier in Hollywood...perhaps he just had a whim and wanted to get to know you." Jermaine racked his brain to come up with such a barely justifiable reason.

"A whim?" Michael Jackson smacked the meaning of the word carefully, slowly and finally tasting something, "So you think Felix Lin is a capricious person?"

Jermaine shrugged, "In fact, many of the things he did were very capricious in the eyes of the onlookers, the only difference is that many capricious guys ended up tasting the bitter fruits of failure, while Felix Lin always managed to have the last laugh, so he became the most special one, and also just proved that 'only paranoia can be successful! '!"

Michael Jackson slightly inclined his head, his eyebrows knitted, "According to you, this time, not only should I agree to meet with him, but I should also accept the other party's invitation?"

"Felix Lin's expectations for the 'Warcraft' movie are very high, having Peter Jackson as the movie's director hasn't even been able to satisfy his appetite, following that, he invited you to create the theme song... His ambition like this might be a good opportunity for you to regroup!"

Jermaine's simple analysis made Michael Jackson's eyes light up, over the years he was passionate about charity, many people thought that this was a reaction to his fading away from the stage, but in fact Michael Jackson did not put out a new album for such a long time, the main reason is still the deteriorating relationship with Sony Records. Michael Jackson to make a new record, but Sony has been dragging him back, the two sides have argued many times in either explicit or implicit occasions, and there is only one step away from tearing the face off.

Michael Jackson wants and Sony records in the separation, behind a strong figure to give him the necessary support, now Lin Mingyang is really a good choice.

Looking at Michael Jackson's eyes from confusion to determination, Jermaine knew that he had been convinced by himself, just as he was waiting for Michael Jackson to make a final decision, the other party suddenly planted on the sofa, his body curled up together, and began to tremble uncontrollably.

Jermaine took one look at this situation and knew that it was Michael having an attack, he stood up in a hurry and yelled at his assistant at the door.

"Quick, go get Dr. Murray!"