Chapter 294- Side Strike

In front of Michael Jackson's estate in Barbara, California, Jermaine, who got off first, respectfully made a "please" gesture in front of Lin Mingyang.

Lin Mingyang stepped in, followed by Jermaine, who deliberately slowed down by half a body to show his respect for the visitor. As he walked, he explained the reason why the meeting place was set at Michael Jackson's apartment.

"Mr. Felix, Michael is waiting for us inside...he hasn't been feeling well these past few days, and the doctor warned him not to go out casually, so it's really a bit too much to ask you to make the trip yourself!"

Lin Ming Yang smiled and shrugged his shoulders, stating that it didn't matter. Although MGM was skeptical of Michael Jackson's claim of being sick, and even suspected that it was an excuse for him to shrug it off. Other people's speculations did not shake Lin Ming Yang's inner thoughts, he clearly knew that Michael Jackson's body did have some conditions during this period of time, so he forcefully argued and resolutely decided to personally meet with him at Jackson's apartment.

"The illness on Michael's body was left over from those dance rehearsals in the past, right?"

"Part of it is... "Jermaine hadn't expected Lin Ming Yang to ask so directly about Michael Jackson's condition, and his answer seemed conservative on the subject. It was widely rumored in the media that Michael Jackson had once undergone skin bleaching surgery, and despite the fact that he had once explained this matter positively, there were still many people who misunderstood him, and the media's wanton distortions had exacerbated this demonized image of Michael Jackson in people's minds.

As Michael Jackson's cousin, Jermaine is well aware that Jackson did suffer from vitiligo, which runs in his family, and did not undergo the so-called skin bleaching. The change from black to white was due to a skin pigmentation disorder, a genetic condition that came from his father's side of the family, and Michael's second sister, Latoya, also suffered from vitiligo. Jackson also suffers from the skin disease lupus erythematosus, which not only causes uneven skin color, but also may lead to death of a serious disease, UV exposure will accelerate the deterioration, so this also should be confirmed that he always go out to wrap himself tightly, to avoid exposure to sunlight, out of the house had to wear sunglasses at all times, face masks, umbrellas, because they can not be exposed to sunlight.

Looking at Jermaine's spitting and swallowing appearance, Lin Mingyang felt that Michael Jackson's current physical condition was more serious than he had imagined. His expression became a bit grave: "So does Michael's condition now require some time off?"

Jermaine sighed softly, "All the doctors in charge of the clinic and I hope that Michael will be able to put down the work at hand and receive a comprehensive treatment...but Michael's temperament is very stubborn, he always says that without music and dance in his life, the whole world will collapse, so even when he is sick, he is not willing to put down the work."

"I can understand Michael's obsession with art, but I'm worried about his health..." Lin Ming Yang glanced at Jermaine seemingly unintentionally, the worry in his eyes showing clearly, and he intentionally slowed down his pace, obviously to give Jermaine more "comprehension He deliberately slowed down his pace, obviously to give Jermaine more time to "realize".

Jermaine thought that Lin Mingyang was worried that Michael's physical condition was unable to support this cooperation, and not wanting to miss a good opportunity, he hurriedly explained: "You don't have to worry about this, Michael has a specialized private doctor... according to his diagnosis, Michael's condition is still within the range of medical control... "

Lin Ming Yang suddenly stopped, the smile on his face was strange, first the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, then followed by the corners of his eyes, but his eyes flickered, making it look a bit unfathomable.

"The movie 'Warcraft', originally I was going to make it myself."

Somewhat uncertain, Jermaine could only nod his head stiffly, "I have heard about this before."

"It's a big investment!" Lin Ming Yang gently exhaled and continued, "I did a deep investigation into Michael before I came here...this is something I don't want to hide from you, of course you don't have to feel offended, this is normal procedure, we can't just come and work with the other party without knowing anything about him."

Jermaine nodded in understanding.

"Then for some reason, the movie could only be given to Peter Jackson...the scale of investment and vision of this movie was far beyond anyone's imagination, and Peter Jackson only made one request to me when he agreed to be the director of this movie, that he needed a very influential singer to compose a theme song for the movie. When I thought about it, Michael was the only one who best fit his requirements."

Lin Ming Yang smiled and said, "I would never be so naive as to doubt Michael's creative ability, but his physical condition really worries me, as far as I understand, he has been injecting all types of sedatives frequently in recent times to ease his illness, which is a very dangerous thing to do, especially with that very reliable personal doctor you are referring to, and according to the information that I've gotten. Michael's personal physician's name is Murray, and he's just a community doctor who is not at all qualified as an anesthesiologist to administer medication."

Jermaine was a standard black man, so there wasn't much of a ghastly white expression to be seen on his face, but it was an indisputable fact that his back was stained with cold sweat. Lin Ming Yang's words were spoken in a breezy manner, but they were heartbreaking. Michael Jackson's search for a private doctor without professional medication qualifications was not because the other party's medical skills were so superior, but because the other party was reliable. Jackson's biggest worry is that his condition leaked out, after the media amplification brought all kinds of bad influence, which is preparing for the comeback of Michael is absolutely not allowed.

Of course there is another reason is the long-term use of sedatives side effects is that Michael Jackson now need to inject more than the normal dose of drugs to be able to play a role in the effect, and regular anesthesiologists simply do not dare to give Michael Jackson injected so large a dose, because this thing more than a little bit may bring fatal consequences.

Michael Jackson overdose of sedatives is very secret, know that the total number of people add up to this will not be more than a palm, Jermaine want to break the head also can not guess who leaked the news, in the end, he can only put this problem to one side, focus on dealing with the situation in front of him.

Lin Mingyang openly and honestly will words clearly, this at least shows that he does not have any malicious intent, Jiemei En finally calmed down after several changes in color, he looked at Lin Mingyang, lips moved, but do not know what to say.

"You don't have to worry, I didn't plant anyone around Michael, it's mainly the trustworthy Dr. Murray you mentioned who had no qualms about the sedatives he used, the investigators got a lot of clues from the channels he purchased the drugs from, which is why the above deduction was made!"

Lin Mingyang patted Jermaine and uttered these words that made the other party's heart soar.

"The final recommendation given by my decision-making team was to give up on this collaboration, as they agreed that Michael has become drug addicted...although this cannot be equated with drug addiction, the consequences should be the same. The drugs may have eroded more than just Michael's body and have even affected his unrivaled creative talent, and that's what worries me the most."

Lin Mingyang's words came out, and the little good mood Jermaine had left evaporated, he knew that Lin Mingyang's words were all true, and as Michael Jackson's sidekick, Jackson's current situation was almost similar to Lin Mingyang's judgment, which made the more he thought about it the more fearful he felt in his heart, and in the end he covered his head in pain.

"I know it's dangerous, but I can't dissuade Michael from stopping, as you said, he can't get rid of his dependence on the drug now, all of it makes me feel very worried, but I can't do anything about it."

Lin Ming Yang patted his shoulder: comforting, "I know that most of Michael's frustrations in recent years have had a lot to do with the Sony Records dispute, if Michael is willing to accept my help, I can act as a mediator between him and Sony, of course I'll try my best to fight for Michael's interests...I dare not say, this bit of face Sony is still the best way to fight for Michael...I dare not say, this bit of face Sony is still the best way to fight for him. say, this bit of face Sony will still give."

Jermaine jerked his head up, a look of great joy on his face, "You're really willing to help Michael solve this trouble?"

"Of course I have conditions!" Lin Ming Yang was actually helpless in his heart when he said this, he was perfectly capable of helping Michael Jackson regardless of the reward, but in the Westerners' understanding, there was no free lunch. Giving someone help for no reason would instead cause suspicion. In contrast, Lin Mingyang's offer of "conditional" help is more reassuring to Jermaine.

"You tell me!"

Although Michael Jackson was still waiting in the house, Jermaine was in no hurry to lead Lin Mingyang into the house at this time, and the two of them chatted in the garden corridor first.

"First of all of course Michael has to agree to our cooperation this time."

"As a matter of fact the invitation for you to come over today is that Michael Day is going to discuss with you about the specifics of the movie's theme song, so there's definitely no problem with this matter." Jermaine patted his chest and made a guarantee.

"Secondly, Michael will have to get a new doctor and then recuperate for a good while!"

If Lin Mingyang's first question was still expected by Jermaine, then when his second request was said, Jermaine was instantly dumbfounded and didn't react for half a day.

"The theme song is also part of the movie, and I don't want anything to happen to this movie!" The explanation Lin Mingyang gave seemed far-fetched, but Jermaine had finally heard his good intentions in it.

"If Michael agrees to take some time off to recuperate, then aren't you worried that the movie's production schedule will be affected?" Jermaine asked a very in-your-face question.

Lin Mingyang laughed, and laughed happily, he winked at Jermaine, "The production cycle of this movie has to be at least two years or more, there is an old saying in Eastern China that sharpening the sword is not a good idea, Michael Jackson put down his hands and recuperate for a period of time, maybe he will be able to capture a better creative inspiration!"