Chapter 298- Drift Dream

When Emmerich walked out of the office, his steps were no longer as heavy as before, and his face was also replaced with a glowing expression. Today's encounters had given Emmerich a feeling of being in a dream, first the unexpected meeting with Lin Ming Yang, and then the other party directly offered a sky-high production budget of 200 million dollars, which made Emmerich want to immediately roll up his sleeves and do something big.

Emmerich in a good mood even walking feel a little light, as if stepping on the clouds in general, he apparently has not come back to God from that kind of dream-like feeling, so that in the elevator entrance encountered the MGM President Eckles, he actually did not have any reaction.

Emmerich is still immersed in his own world, but Eckles face is a little bit unable to hang on, especially accompanied by the Emmerich side of the staff face of the strange expression is letting him a little as if in the back.

Eckles coughed heavily, "dumbfounded" Emmerich finally came back to his senses, and found that the original appointment to meet with their own hosts are standing in front of him, he was also a little panicked.

"Mr. Ecks...why are you here?"

Such a reaction caused Ecks to be taken aback, and he looked Emmerich up and down with a very strange look before he then said with a bitter smile, "If I don't appear here, then where do you think I should appear?"

Emmerich froze at his words, he knew that he had spoken out of turn in a moment of excitement, and had obviously caused the other party to have a misunderstanding.

In desperation he had no choice but to raise the great god Lin Ming Yang, "Just now Mr. Felix told me that you went to deal with a very tricky job, so..." just when Emmerich didn't know what to say, the elevator dinged and stopped steadily at this floor, he deliberately lifted his wrist to look at his watch, then looked at Ecks with an apologetic face, "Mr. Ecks, that...I think I have to go!"

The slowly closing elevator door blocked out Emmerich's reddened face as well as the expression of urgency on his face, Ecks only found it a little funny, but at the same time, there was some curiosity, what exactly did Lin Ming Yang say to this guy that actually made a big director lose his temper like that?


"I gave him 200 million dollars to realize the dream of destroying the Earth!"

In the president's office where the host and guest had changed places, Lin Ming Yang lazily gave his answer.

"200 million dollars?" After experiencing such ultra-high cost blockbusters as Avatar and Warcraft, Ecks was no longer as sensitive as he once was to what should have been an astronomical amount of production funding, but of course, for a disaster movie, such a sum of money still made his heart gasp in a small way.

Lin Mingyang shrugged his shoulders, anyway, this time is the Sony company out of the big head, spend other people's money, he naturally will not be soft, not to mention that this time the slaughter or Sony Pictures such a big fat sheep.

"Then Sony is at a bit of a disadvantage this time!" Ecks said sighing, but his face was a gloating expression.

"That movie I recommended you to see was okay, right?" Lin Mingyang suddenly changed the topic, fortunately, Ecks had gotten used to this extreme jumping habit of his mind.

He nodded, "It's not as exciting as the first one, but overall it's not bad, the two main actors from the first one are all here, the plot is tight and shocking... Also the female lead is quite good looking!"

Originally agreed to meet with Emmerich is Eckles, but Lin Mingyang temporary intention, want to meet the director, in order to find a "reasonable and appropriate" reason to send Eckles away, he gave Eckles half a day off, along with a Fast and Furious 4 movie tickets.

The movie is indeed very good, but what makes Eckles feel puzzled is that Lin Mingyang let him go to see this movie, I'm afraid the purpose is not just to "get rid of" himself so simple.

"What about Fast and Furious 3?" Lin Ming Yang asked without thinking, but Eckles had picked up some different flavors from it. This movie extended the "Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift" Chinese director Lin At-Bin, but the cast is the original cast, the characters and plot are perfectly inherited from the "Fast and Furious 2". Skip Tokyo Drift, and the Fast and the Furious can be considered a proper sequel to the series.

In the whole "Fast and Furious" series of movies, investors want to rely on the inertia of the first episode to continue to make money, but the sequel is often difficult to succeed is also a strange circle of the movie industry, "Fast and Furious 3" is precisely the product of this desire to speed, but can not be achieved, the sharp drop in investment, the shortening of the production cycle and the script of the single thin so that this speed and passion as a selling point of the movie is neither speed and difficult to find the passion. The crude script has always been the dead center of action movies, the producers put a lot of money into the special effects and action scenes, but refused to take the trouble to conceptualize the script, so the film did not cause too much reaction when it was released like the other sequels.

The Fast and the Furious 4" obviously learned the lessons of the last episode, although the same belongs to a series, but the plot of the two films on the two films basically do not match, and even the actors are very different, the only common point left is the director Lin At-Bin... Eckles flashed through the brain of several kinds of speculation, and finally put his attention to Lin At-Bin's special identity of the director of Chinese descent.

"You are interested in Lin Ya Bin?" After a few times of inferring and verifying, Ecks' question already had a few moments of certainty in its tone.

Unexpectedly to Ecks, the answer he had deduced with full confidence was actually rejected by Lin Mingyang.

"The director hasn't changed, but why is there such a big difference in the feeling that the two movies bring to the audience?" Lin Ming Yang stood up, gently stretched his back, then looked at Ecks with unblinking eyes, "This is what I really want to ask you!"

Ecks wiggled his fingers and analyzed one by one, "The actors aren't big enough, the plot is lacking...the flying car drifting stunt is indeed appealing, but the story setting is chosen in Japan, which is a bit off from the mainstream Hollywood audience's least from the effects of the fourth episode's launch, the failure of the third episode is obvious."

"If I wanted to make an action movie about airplane stunt drifting, in a style similar to The Fast and the Furious, set in the United States, what do you think?" After a big detour, Lin Ming Yang finally stated the true intentions in his mind.

This idea was so sudden that Ecks didn't know how to answer for a while, but fortunately Lin Ming Yang didn't rush to ask questions, which allowed Ecks to finally have a little cushion of time to think.

"Japan is an island country with many mountainous curves, from this point of view, Lin At-Bin's choice of filming location for Fast and Furious 3 in Japan is not wrong, most of the highways in the United States are straight and smooth, the choice of filming location will be difficult!"

Ecks didn't dismiss Lin Ming Yang's idea, but rather questioned it from an actual filming perspective, and while he was speaking, he was observing Lin Ming Yang's reaction. Ecks realized that Lin Ming Yang didn't look like he was improvising, it was obvious that this idea had been popping up in his head for some time.

"When I went on vacation to Hawaii some time ago, I once spent some time on the northern coast of Maui, where there's a highway that's regarded as one of the most scenic in the world."

Ecks responded at once, "You mean the Hana Highway?"

Generally speaking, the straightest route between two points would be a straight line, but highways were rarely straight, and even when they were, some of them were designed to be boring as hell. The fact that highways usually go over mountains and through densely populated areas, as well as factors such as the environment and cost, make engineers around the world rack their brains to design the most efficient routes possible. And the results of their efforts are truly remarkable and commendable.

One such road is the Hana Highway, described by Eckels as a 52-mile long road with about 600 curves, crossing 54 bridges, and mostly one-way. Because of the high cost of tunneling the coastal highway, the Hana Highway is winding and narrow, but the scenery along the highway is so beautiful that although it takes four hours to traverse the highway, travelers will never be bored on the way.

Lin Mingyang's idea of filming drifting stunts on the Hana Highway was indeed bold, but Eckles also had to admit that the proposal was very tempting, riding on the scenic Hawaiian beach road was a lot more exciting than winding around corners on the gloomy mountain roads in Japan.

"Speaking of famous curvy highways, some sections of the United States are actually much more famous than Japan's mountain roads. In addition to Hawaii's Hana Highway, the Nine Curve Flower Street in San Francisco, California, and the Capulin Volcano Highway in New Mexico are all good places to shoot curvy drifts... Especially the Capulin Volcano Highway, although the entire journey is only 2 miles, but the road surface is very narrow and twisty. The road is so narrow and twisty that if a bus breaks down on the road, the entire traffic comes to a standstill. With the exception of the sharp S-turns, the vast majority of the road has no guardrails and the entire road has a 6% grade - these roads were tailor-made for my idea!"

Lin Ming Yang introduced these highways as if they were his own, and even Eckles was impressed by this filming idea of his, and finally he shrugged his shoulders, "Well, I admit that your filming idea has been geographically perfectly suited to the tastes of the Hollywood audience, and the flying car stunt of the ramp drifting is flashy enough, but in order to achieve the success of something like The Fast and the Furious, we need to have the likes of Van -Diesel, Paul Walker and other big name actors..."

Speaking here, Eckles intentionally or unintentionally glanced towards Lin Mingyang's side, according to common sense since the idea of shooting this movie was put forward by Lin Mingyang, he himself should have a very strong desire to be the lead actor, but Eckles found that this time Lin Mingyang did not seem to have the slightest intention to move.

"Maybe I'll have a cameo role in the movie, but I've already made other arrangements for the lead role!"