Chapter 299 - Mi Shuai's Trouble

In a certain apartment building in downtown Los Angeles, a man with a round inch hair was tightly squeezing a newspaper and throwing a tantrum.

"I'm going to press charges against these guys, they actually followed me!"

The man's angry roar resounded throughout the room, but strangely, the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa across from him didn't react in any way. When the inch-haired man had finished venting his grievances in his heart, this middle-aged man then slowly spoke, "Maybe you should thank these paparazzi reporters, if they hadn't made your name appear in the newspapers so often, maybe you would have long been forgotten by the audience!"

The inch-haired man named Miller snapped out of it, then looked at his manager with an incredulous look, "Sucre, don't tell me that you did all of this!"

He slammed the newspaper hard in front of his manager, "You deliberately leaked my schedule to those paparazzi, and had them follow and secretly film me... all of this was just to raise my popularity?"

Sucre nodded with an indifferent expression, admitting all of this unapologetically in front of Miller.

"That's right, I did all of this...but don't be in a hurry to get angry first, you should first reflect on what you've done this year?"

Sulek gave a salty look at Miller who was holding back his anger, "After Prison Break, you are being forgotten by the audience. In Hollywood, as long as you don't appear in the media's attention for a month, it means you've become an over-the-top star. I know that a reputation made on gossip hype isn't reliable, but it's the only way for the audience to remember you at the moment."

Miller, who had been furious and looked like a volcano erupting just a moment ago, completely lost his temper after listening to Sucre's words, and he clutched his head like a child who had made a mistake, sitting down on the sofa in a disheveled and powerless manner.

"When I graduated from Princeton, all my friends wanted to go to law school or work on Wall Street. So they thought I was crazy, and my parents worried about me. They couldn't figure out why a dang Princeton grad would want to go to Hollywood to run the show. The truth is I just had to break in and didn't want to be like everyone else!"

"The decision to want to be an actor was complicated and challenging for me. Because like I said before so many people try and fail, it took me 10 years to be able to act for a living, there were times when I wondered if I was going to fail, times when no one believed in me but me. It was some challenging but also feel frustrating years and at the same time I didn't want to do anything else, there was no plan B, there was no other career that really interested me and I really had no choice but to stick it out until I made it."

Sucre looked at Miller with some sympathy, having heard Miller was a low-key but friendly guy before he became his agent.Before he shot to fame in 2005 with Prison Break, Miller had simmered in the entertainment industry for 10 years, six of which were spent just doing behind-the-scenes work, jobs that included helping his bosses feed the fish, or manning a copy machine. When Miller finally found the courage to pursue his dream of acting, he was met with more than 500 rejections and a few forgettable roles. He's tasted what it's like to wake up at 3 a.m. and ask himself how he's going to pay the rent this month, and he's also known the fear of not being recognized by anyone but his own inner demons.

"I suddenly feel now that Prison Break could be a trap. It's like a gilded cage with a lot of extras, but I've been playing a character on this show for four years, and most of the people in the world who know me would equate me with Schofield, and one day this TV show will end, and one day I won't be playing Schofield anymore. I'll need to re-cultivate the audience and recreate myself, I can think it's going to be a challenge and I've been looking forward to breaking free of this prison, but reality tells me it's very difficult!"

This was the first time that Miller spilled out his innermost feelings so unreservedly in front of his agent, and after saying this he looked up sharply with confused and anxious eyes at Sucre, "What do you think, what should I do?"

"General TV roles obviously can't satisfy the requirements for you to complete your self-breakthrough, so what you should seriously consider at this time is how to transform into a movie actor, which is the real ladder of success for Hollywood actors... With your current fame, as long as it's properly operated, the likelihood of being spotted by a big-name director will be very high, but starring in a movie is different from a TV series, you have to be mentally prepared for everything to go to zero before you can do it."

Sucre said so in fact the comforting component is mostly, in fact he does not have too much certainty to help Miller to be among the mainstream core level of the Hollywood movie circle. In Hollywood, the two industries of television and film are inextricably linked, but at the same time, the two fields are clearly defined, from the television field to become famous, and then smoothly enter the field of film for some young newcomers is indeed a shortcut to success, but for the 37-year-old Miller, he used 10 years of perseverance to wait for the "Prison Break", do you still want to spend 10 years to wait for a chance to make a name for himself in the movie industry?

Don't look at the current Miller because of the "Prison Break" hit and red all over the world, but his real position in Hollywood is a bit awkward, obviously there is a kind of high not low helplessness. If Miller were to "settle" for a general movie, he would not want to do so, and those blockbuster directors would not be able to come to him casually.

"Let me think about it!" Miller sighed helplessly, he hugged the cushion with one hand and grabbed the TV remote control from the sofa with the other. Bored, he could only use dramas to pass the time now.

Every time the conversation ended, Miller would react the same way, and Sucre would usually choose to leave at this time, the only exception was today when Sucre had just walked to the door when the cell phone in his pants pocket suddenly rang.

He had to fold back into the living room and smiled slightly apologetically at Miller, "Sorry to borrow your balcony."

Leaning back on the sofa, Miller makes a be my guest gesture before his attention returns to the TV screen once again. Sucre quickly walks into the balcony of the apartment and pulls out his cell phone, only to find an unfamiliar number displayed on the screen.

After a moment's hesitation, he decisively pressed the answer button, and a gentle voice soon came from the phone, "Excuse me, is this Mr. Sucre?"

Sucre could swear that he absolutely did not recognize the owner of this voice, which caused the puzzled expression on his face to intensify. Just as he froze, the other party repeated the question he had just asked while on the phone again

"That's right, this is Sucre, may I ask who you are..."

"Thank goodness, this time I finally didn't make another wrong call!" The other party obviously let out a sigh of relief, and followed up with, "Mr. Sucre, I'm sorry to say that before I can inform you of the cause of the matter, I first have to make sure of one thing...are you still continuing to act as Mr. Wentworth Miller's agent at the moment?"

"Of course, you didn't get the wrong number!" Sucre grunted softly from his nostrils as a way to show the slight dissatisfaction in his heart; the other party had called without even knowing who he was, and such behavior was indeed a bit presumptuous.

But soon his resentment with the other party's "self-reporting" and disappear, the other party is actually the assistant president of MGM, such a head hard to Sukhrai bluffed, how can he not figure out, in the Hollywood film and television circle of the famous MGM will suddenly find the door, could it be? ...

Thousands of thoughts flashed quickly in Sucre's mind, a bold and exciting idea suddenly jumped into his mind.

"Hello... Mr. Sucre, are you listening to my call?" Sucre's once again going off on a tangent made the Cord on the other end of the phone feel slightly dissatisfied, and even though he controlled his demeanor well, there was still a hint of emotion caught in his tone.

Returning to his senses, Sucre secretly called out his bad luck, he stabilized his mind and busily answered, "I am indeed Agent Miller, may I ask what's the matter with you?"

"Our company is preparing to make a new movie, and there is a role in it that is very suitable for Mr. Miller...that's right, it's the male lead in a movie, and Mr. Ecks would like to meet with you and Mr. Miller, to discuss matters of cooperation in specific...yes, you heard it correctly, our company's chairman Mr. Felix will most likely come over to meet you in person at that time as well, as he is the director of this film."

Corde spoke the contents of Ecks' orders over the phone in a continuous stream, and while he spoke eloquently on this side as if he was memorizing a book, Sucre on the other end was a bit dumbfounded. He was still struggling with how to help Miller enter the Hollywood movie circle, and MGM immediately threw in an olive branch.

MGM president personally, can be said to have given enough face to Miller; and Felix Lin this super cow actually want to personally serve as a director, in his capacity as chairman of the MGM, the film's investment naturally will not be sloppy ... ... This one after another news to let Sucre have a kind of body fell into the clouds and fog feeling, happiness came so suddenly, but let him have a kind of unreal trance feeling.

In the face of such a great temptation, Sucre finally held back the strong urge to agree with the other party, the heart is very bottomless asked: "Miller's recent schedule may have some trouble, but it should be able to squeeze out the time ... before meeting with Mr. Eckles, we are not able to know what kind of a movie that is? "

He pretended to shrug it off, but his final tryst revealed the eagerness in his heart, fortunately, Cord on the other end of the phone didn't think much in this direction, Ecks just made him responsible for getting in touch with Miller's agent, and Sucre didn't reject it, so his task was accomplished.

"I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not too sure about the more specifics of this film, as the film doesn't even have a confirmed script yet...but we definitely don't mean to joke around with you, but Mr. Felix has a saying that I'd like you to pass on to Mr. Miller...his exact words are 'If you're stuck in prison and can't find your way out, I can offer you a chance to break out!'"