Chapter 300: I Like Your Straightforwardness

Looking at the slowly closing elevator door, Sucre finally straightened his attire against the alloy door of the elevator room, then took a deep breath and turned his head to Miller, who was standing beside him and also appeared to be a little nervous, and said: ''I know that today's opportunity is very valuable to you, but we mustn't agree to the other party casually . ...Since it is the other party who has taken the initiative to propose cooperation, you must be calm and collected, so that I can fight for more benefits for you when the contract is signed."

Miller even tensed up tightly, his expression mechanically nodded, it was obvious that he was very nervous right now, while Sucre wasn't any better there, he actually didn't have a bottom in his heart when he said these words. Sucre knew very well that this time with MGM, his side was in a very passive position. Especially Lin Mingyang's last words for Cord to convey, completely broke down Miller's current situation, which was the same as the other party was very clear about your weaknesses, while you had no more chips in your hand, the difficulty of wanting to bargain further with the other party could be imagined.

The elevator display floor number finally stopped at the position of 8, the elevator door slowly opened, the beautiful female employee in charge of the reception desk in the office area rushed to the two people with a slight smile, "Two gentlemen, this is the core office area of the MGM studio headquarters, may I ask if you have an appointment?"

Sucre handed over his business card, and the other party said, "Please wait a moment!" After that, he lowered his head and typed in the visitor's name on the quick computer, and soon found out the relevant appointment information.

The guest who could be personally received by President Eckles should not be small, the female employee in charge of the reception desk looked up, but this Sucre in front of her looked very strange, but the Miller next to him was recognized by her after taking a closer look. If it was any other company's employee, in the case of no one else, she would probably pull the male lead of Prison Break to ask for an autograph, but the surprise in the eyes of this female employee was only a flash, her expression then returned to normal, she returned the business card to Sucre, and politely said: "Please wait a moment, Assistant Cord will be here soon, and he will take you to see Mr. Eckles. "

From the beginning to the end, she did not peep at Miller standing beside Sucre, this moment she showed good professionalism so that Miller, who was already used to being watched by the eyes of others, instead appeared a little uncomfortable, fortunately, Cord's timely appearance eased his embarrassment of being treated as air.

Cord led the two of them into the office area, and many of the employees recognized Miller, but their reaction was the same as the receptionist, who immediately shifted her attention to her own work at hand after a brief moment of curiosity.

Miller's heart is a little depressed, while Sucre is secretly surprised, from the quality of these ordinary employees, you can see that the MGM company has become a super-class company's soft power, so it seems that the rise of MGM in Hollywood in the past few years does not want to look so simple on the surface.

Of course at the same time in the emotion, Sucre on this cooperation negotiation also has more worry, can the management of the company to such a high level, the president of the strong Eckles can be imagined, and then think about his back there is an even more powerful Lin Mingyang, Sucre suddenly feel some headaches.

But the more fear in his heart, the more unlucky things will come to his door, on the way to the office of Eckles, Cod told Sukhrai a news that made him even more "sad".

"Mr. Felix usually seldom comes to the company, but today you guys are really lucky, he just happens to be in Mr. Ecks' office."

The smile on Sucre's face suddenly became a little forced, but it was Miller, who was walking beside him, who heard Lin Ming Yang's name and suddenly had a strange gleam in his eyes. Lin Ming Yang had asked someone to pass on that sentence, which obviously spoke to Miller's heart, so he now eagerly wanted to know what kind of "jailbreak" opportunity Lin Ming Yang would provide for him.

In this head office, Lin Mingyang still unceremoniously occupied the position that originally belonged to Eckles, and the real owner of the office, Eckles, could only sit on a sofa. Miller and Sucre with very different thoughts walked in, Lin Mingyang's fingers are still rhythmically tapping the keyboard, he really in the game is in full swing, get up to meet the work naturally fell on the shoulders of Eckles.

After some pleasantries, the host and guest took their seats, and at this time Lin Ming Yang also finally put down the game in his hands, and began to carefully survey the actor who had taken the world by storm due to Prison Break.

Sitting on the sofa, Miller's hands were clasped, and his expression looked a bit formal, which was obviously not the style of a big star, but since he liked the American writer Toni Morrison's saying that "the definition belongs to the one who defines, not to the one who is defined", he shouldn't care about how to be a big star. But then again, based on previous impressions, when Lin Mingyang first saw Miller wearing a white top and dark blue jeans, he suddenly had some doubts in his heart, and in his eyes Miller's figure was constantly overlapping with that of Barack ****, who had just become the first black president in U.S. history.

On second thought, Miller and **** had quite a bit more in common. They both have a dad as black as asphalt and a mom as white as milk; ****'s family has been described as a mini-United Nations, while Miller is of eight African, Jamaican, British, German, French, Syrian, Lebanese, and Dutch ancestry, and of course a big factor in Miller's ability to be courted by millions of people on TV shows, rather than choosing to run for President of the United States, may be because his skin color is much closer to that of white people and has a handsome face that **** has never possessed.

According to Lin Mingyang's understanding, Miller's childhood was a little more peaceful than ***, graduated from Yale, his parents were lawyers and teachers, and he was strictly disciplined from a young age, while his peers listened to Mike Jackson's cassettes while doing their homework, while he was allowed to listen to pure music with no lyrics at most. His parents wanted him to pursue a career as a doctor, lawyer, or in finance, which was the first choice of his Princeton college classmates after graduation, but he, like ***, was willing to take risks for his dreams, so Lin Mingyang guessed that he'd vote for *** in the general election, and that his parents would cast their ballots for a conservative Republican.

Of course Lin Ming Yang was just making some mischievous speculations in his mind, he would never mention such a question in front of Miller. In fact, the remaining three people in the office have been waiting for him to open his mouth to speak, some people have even begun to vaguely anxious in their hearts, but Lin Mingyang's side is half a day no movement, holding his hands in a bystander's posture, looks like there is not the slightest intention to insert into this conversation.

The main body does not speak, this side of the Eckers can only hard to Miller and Sucre briefly introduced to the shooting concept of the new film, when I heard that this is an action movie about racing, Miller's eyes became more and more obvious hot glint, he was left in his head at this time only a voice, in the constant encouragement of the other party to agree to the requirements of him to take the role. As for the description of the danger of taking on Rieks to perform the role, it was simply not within Miller's consideration.

After some intense thought struggle, Miller finally made up his mind, and in the elevator Sukhrai's instructions had long been left behind.

"Mr. Ecks, I'm willing to play the role!"

Sucre looked at Miller with a surprised expression, Miller's sudden statement completely disrupted his original plan, while a hint of a smile emerged on Eckles' face. Of course, Miller's "rashness" didn't let him get carried away, out of caution, Eckles also asked a special question.

"Mr. Miller, have you really thought about it?"

Sucre gently poked Miller with his elbow and whispered a reminder, "Miller, we haven't read the script yet..."

This little action of his was seen by Ecks, but he just smiled and didn't say anything, instead, Miller was a bit annoyed, he turned his head and looked solemnly at his agent.

"Sucre, you should stop talking, I've already decided on this matter!"

Miller's tone was decisive, which made Sucre laugh bitterly but could not say anything else.

Ecks shrugged regretfully at Sucre, and then glanced towards Lin Ming Yang's side, with a rather self-satisfied look on his face, an expression as if he was telling Lin Ming Yang, "See, without your script, I still managed to get the male lead!"

"Snap! Snap! Snap!" a burst of crisp applause rang out without warning, and the one who applauded was none other than Lin Ming Yang, who hadn't said a word before. When he did so, everyone in the office looked straight over.

Lin Ming Yang put down his hand, the corner of his mouth hooked into an intriguing smile, "Mr. Miller, do you know why I'm looking for you to be the male lead in this movie?"

Miller shook his head blankly, and the smile on Lin Ming Yang's face intensified, "As a movie with a racing theme, I needed a cool and individual male lead, and the main reason why I initially chose you was because of the super high popularity that you had amassed in Prison Break...a role like this is never said to be for someone specifically customized, so no one is irreplaceable in this drama...I'd like to congratulate you first of all, even if you had shown that little bit of hesitation today, I wouldn't have hesitated to consider replacing you, and you've earned yourself this opportunity with your forthrightness. You have not let me down, and I will likewise not let you down!"

The further back he listened , the more wonderful the expression on Miller's face became, while Sucre was a moment of fear.

If Miller really listened to his arrangement of "staying put", the biggest possibility was to be eliminated from the game. This lesson let Sucre suddenly understand a truth, in front of the absolute strength, his little "want to escape" strategy is simply unbearable.

What is called strong, turn your hand into a cloud, turn your hand into rain, a word to decide the fate of others, this is called strong!