Chapter 302 Deadly Bend (below)

Because of Jim, Leo ends up leaving the repair shop while he has to find a new job to support himself. Introduced by an acquaintance, Leo applies for a position as a driver. Originally, Leo wanted to continue to live an ordinary life, but he never expected that the person who hired him was actually a famous model in the fashion industry, and his job was actually the driver and bodyguard of the famous fashion model, Alisa. Because the salary offered by Alisa was not low, Leo reluctantly took the job.

Alyssa body hot, and looks sexy and sweet, and thus also doubled the attention of the media, but all normal men, the eyes will always be unconsciously concerned about her hot body, but the new bodyguard Leo is familiar with her beauty blind, and even she deliberately in the back seat to pose some provocative want to tease each other, the results are to fail, which makes her slightly discouraged, at the same time, to Leo is but This made her slightly discouraged, but at the same time, she became more and more interested in Rio.

By chance, Alisa finally got a glimpse of some of Leo's secrets. During a fashion show, Alisa had a verbal confrontation with a model on the same stage, and the two of them attracted a large number of reporters when they were blaming each other. The chaotic scene and crowded crowd made Alisa unable to leave comfortably, and when she was at a loss, Leo, a competent bodyguard, appeared at the right time, and squeezed away the reporters who were watching and taking pictures, like a guardian god to protect Alisa to get on the car smoothly.

Unfortunately, it didn't end there, as the paparazzi who smelled the "fishy odor" drove after Alyssa's car. In the face of these persistent stalkers, Leo once again performed his magnificent car skills. He told Alisa in the back seat to hold on to the hand guards, and the car accelerated, drifting from side to side on the busy city streets, leaving the paparazzi behind without a trace in just a few minutes.

To Leo's surprise, Alisa was not thrown dizzy by his series of body drifting maneuvers, but instead exclaimed in this exciting wild ride. She strongly requested Leo to take her to go for a ride, but Leo refused to do anything, let her plead a hundred times, even at the expense of the temptation of beauty, but did not let Leo heart. In desperation, Alisa took out a stack of U.S. currency, she just knew that Leo was short of money, as a bargaining chip, Leo reluctantly agreed to take her to the highway "for a ride".

Alyssa specially bought a sports car with superior performance, and then spent a large sum of money for Leo to modify the car, and since then, in addition to transporting Alyssa to attend various activities every day, Leo had an additional job, which was to take Alyssa to go for a ride. Alyssa enjoys the thrill of speeding, while Leo gets back the feeling he once had on the race track when he grips the steering wheel, and the two of them get what they want, and their understanding of each other deepens.

Alisa's slow approach in life makes Leo finally open his heart, he Alisa each other's past experiences, including how his brother died in a race error, how he taught Jim to become a driver; and Alisa also told Leo his own experience of fame and all the hardships behind her runway glory... The two young people's hearts began to slowly approach each other, and love began to grow between them. The two young people's hearts begin to grow closer and they fall in love with each other.

With an enviable model girlfriend, Leo's life slowly began to become rich and colorful, just as Eliza is ready to give up their careers, and Leo's double date, life once again and Leo opened a not so small joke.

Jim finally meets a formidable opponent in a race, and the other party humiliates him severely after winning the race, and puts out harsh words to make Jim get out of the ranks of underground racers forever.

Underground racing world is practiced is the law of the jungle, the weak is the strongest, the winner is the king is subversive unbreakable reason, Jim in the encounter after this painful defeat was around the people stepped on the feet, and not willing to finally thought of Leo, he this time this time to realize, at first Leo gave him the guidance training is how also useful.

But when he returned to the repair shop to look for Leo, but found that Leo has resigned early to leave, when the introduction of Leo's new job that person has long been out of work here, Jim looking for Leo's hope was cut off. Just when Jim was feeling desperate, a scandal in the newspaper about the famous model Alyssa attracted his attention.

Jim realizes that Alisa's rumored boyfriend is Leo, whom he has been looking for for a long time. Overjoyed, Jim immediately rushes to Leo's city and finally gets in touch with him after a lot of hard work.

After learning Jim's intention, Leo decisively refused his request. No matter how hard Jim begged, Leo was no longer willing to teach him any racing skills, and finally Jim left in disappointment. Rio was a little reluctant in his heart, but he was convinced that he had not done anything wrong.

Alyssa got a rare vacation, she was going to go to Australia with Leo, but at this time, a shocking news came to Leo: Jim became a vegetable!

It turns out that after being rejected by Leo, Jim is not willing to, he once again asked to fight the opponent, wanting to make a clean break, but unfortunately before the game he was hit hard by the opponent, the game is impatient, in the corner drifting when the accident, although to retrieve a life, but the end than death.

Learning the news Leo doubly blamed himself, Alyssa's comfort has not been able to soothe his apologies to Jim, after a fierce struggle of ideas, Leo decided to return to the underground race, for Jim to teach him a lesson that makes him become a vegetable arrogant driver.

In the face of Leo's challenge, the driver who had humiliated Jim several times would not refuse, and in the race, Leo used his excellent driving skills to humiliate his opponent. Before the race, Leo made a huge bet with the driver, and in the end, he gave his winnings to Jim's family, which was also an explanation to his friend.

Leo became famous, and videos of him riding were spreading like wildfire on the internet, but Leo himself had no plans to return to racing, he just wanted to stay with his beloved one and live a peaceful life.

But as fate would have it, Leo's magnificent victory in the tournament led to the discovery of a guy who had been looking for him for a long time and had ulterior motives. This Englishman named Sam finds Leo and tries to convince him to return to the game, but Leo's determined attitude is a constant obstacle to him.

After some careful research, Sam finally finds Leo's weakness, and he threatens the safety of Leo's girlfriend, Alyssa, and finally forces Leo to agree to fight for him.

Sam placed heavy bets on the race, and the unassuming Leo was the least favored of the drivers, with the highest odds. In the race, Leo's miraculous driving skills make him the darkest horse in the race by a wide margin, while Sam becomes the biggest winner of the bet, winning enough money to spend half his life.

After the race, Sam keeps his promise and stops interfering with Leo's life, but one thing leads to another, and many of the rich people who participated in that race bet are very depressed, and under their investigation, Leo's past identity finally surfaces, and all sorts of troubles ensue.

Once on the race track by Leo's brother Mark steadily suppressed, and finally because of Mark's mistakes and accidentally won the race Allens is Leo's old rival in Europe, although Mark's death and Allens is not directly related to the Allens, but Leo's girlfriend was stolen by the Allens is an indisputable fact. After hearing about Leo's reappearance in the ring, Aarons jumped at the chance to plan a match with Leo, and then beat Leo once and for all.

Aarons thought that Leo would accept his challenge without hesitation, but in fact he was rejected by Leo. No matter how hard he tried, Leo was determined to make a clean break from underground racing.

In desperation, Aarons reveals to Leo that there is another reason for Mark's death. Someone had tampered with Mark's car before the race, and who that person is will only tell Leo the truth after he wins against Aarons.

In order to find out the truth of his brother's death, Leo decided to fight with Aarons, the two in Hawaii's Hana Highway launched a fierce chase, the two are equal to the technology, the race went on for most of the race, although the two alternately lead, but did not get a decisive advantage, the race in the last section of the road became more and more thrilling and intense ... Finally, Leo by virtue of the calm judgment and Leo won the lead with his calm judgment and steady play, while Irons had the same accident as Leo's brother Mark on the final corner.

Leo risked his life to drag Aarons out of the car that was about to explode, but Aarons, who was seriously injured, was not able to tell the mastermind behind the accident, and the same accident happened again, and it was obvious that Aarons himself had been victimized by that person.

Leo eventually wins the race, but he finds himself in the middle of a huge conspiracy. From the accidental death of his brother Mark to the strange death of Aarons, the net is slowly tightening and the truth is becoming more and more confusing.

After attending Irons' funeral, Leo sits alone on a park bench in deep thought, realizing that he has become uncontrollably confused about the future, and it is at this time that he is approached by an FBI agent named Rook.


The screenplay titled "Deadly Curve" written by Ming Yang Lin ends abruptly here, with the mystery implied in the story's ending leaving plenty of suspense for the sequel.

The first time to see the script, Miller is very glad that his original "risky" decision, see the script story hero Leo, almost tailor-made for him, even the character personality and he has a few similar, Lin Ming Yang's original commitment, finally in this role to make Miller convinced.