Chapter 303 - Victoria's Secret

"Dazzling sports cars, tense and exciting races, and a mesmerizing male lead, putting these together, it wouldn't be difficult to replicate the success of The Fast and the Furious...but your script gives me a feeling that it's much more than that...the whole story intersperses affection, friendship and love, and I underestimated your ambition from the very beginning ...In fact, I should have guessed that, how could a proud guy like you go and repeat someone else's old ways?"

Ecks gently closed the script in his hand, and let out a long sigh of relief in his heart, Lin Ming Yang came up with a script that onlookers basically couldn't find anything too hard.

To Ecks' compliments, Lin Ming Yang had never been much of a fan, he waved his hand and said very directly, "Since you've finished reading the entire script, if you have any questions, just say it!"

Lin Ming Yang had made his words clear, so there was no need for Ecks to hide them, "There's a question that's been on my mind for a long time that I haven't been able to find an answer to, who exactly are you going to cast as the female lead in the movie this time?"

"I thought you would first ask about the direction of the plot after the story's ending, I didn't realize that you actually cared about this!" Lin Ming Yang shook his head with a feigned sigh, an expression of regret on his face.

"With your guy's exhausting personality, the script for the sequel is simply a no-show... Since that's the case, do you think I still have to ask that kind of boring question that obviously doesn't have any answers?"

Ecks' rhetorical question caused the expression on Lin Ming Yang's face to visibly stiffen for a moment, and he hemmed and hawed, sort of acquiescing to Ecks' statement.

"So you can tell me who that mysterious heroine is now, right?"

Lin Ming Yang just smiled, his words were on his lips but he temporarily changed his mind, "You can guess!"

Ecks held his hand and covered his chin to think about it, and Lin Mingyang has "unclear" relationship with a few actresses have been excluded one by one, commanding their own women in the camera to go and other men flirting ambiguous, even if it is shrouded in the sacred glory of the art of cinema, but still can not change the fact that this hat green oil. Ecks never felt that this guy Lin Mingyang was noble enough to give his life for art, so he could never tolerate such things happening under his nose.

Excluding these actresses and then consider the candidates for the role, Eckles suddenly found that the choice of options suddenly narrowed, Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox, the two sexy superstars before and after the two have been considered Lin Ming Yang's private collection, and whether it is the Oscar-winning actress Charlize Theron, who is a famous model, or Scarlett Johansson, who has a body of meatballs, has obviously also been classified into the Lin Ming Yang's personal The territory ... think about it, Eckles dismayed to find that it seems that the "good food" are taken up by Lin Mingyang, the rest is either too old or too young, a time he could not find a suitable candidate.

Looking at Eckles' uncertain expression, Lin Ming Yang secretly shook his head in his heart. From the very beginning, Eckles' thinking had been preconceived into a fixed pattern, and he was used to filtering from Hollywood actresses who had already become famous, which naturally resulted in him falling headlong into a dead end.

Eckles scratching his head also could not make a clue, this head waited a little impatient Lin Mingyang knocked his fingers on the desk, and urged: "Dawdling is not your style, spent so long, should think of a suitable candidate, right?"

Ecks shrugged helplessly and finally chose to give up. Lin Mingyang stood up, half of his body propped on the back of the chair, looking at Ecks with an inscrutable expression, "Want to know the answer?"

Ecks gave him a cross look without a good mood, "Are you prepared to wait until after the movie is released before announcing the answer?"

"That's not true!" Lin Ming Yang stood up straight, spreading both his hands out, and said with a hefty bad smile, "Actually, I haven't found a suitable candidate right now..."

"You..." Ecks touched his eyes, the expression on his face really wanting to swallow Lin Ming Yang in one bite.

"Alright, what I just said was the truth, but I definitely didn't mean to trick you!" Rushing before Ecks' anger erupted, Lin Ming Yang hurriedly waved his hand and said with a mysterious expression, "I know of a place where I can definitely find a suitable candidate... how about it, are you interested in going with me?"

Ecks was suddenly on guard, he always felt that Lin Ming Yang's invitation was not kind, but he couldn't help the curiosity in his heart. The most detestable thing was that no matter how much Ecks pressed, Lin Ming Yang just refused to reveal more details. After a fierce mental struggle, Eckles finally decided to compromise.

"I suggest that you'd better bring your own lady with you when you go, that's a bit of advice I'd give you, a married man!" Lin Mingyang said mysteriously in the end, which made Ecks increasingly puzzled.


Compared to Lin Ming Yang's scandalous "playboy", Eckles was definitely considered a Hollywood imitation husband. Since she married him, Martha quit her job as a school principal and changed from a strong career woman to a housewife who focuses on raising her children. Her strength has obviously shifted from the realm of work to family life, as evidenced by Ecks' habit of insisting on coming home for dinner every day, the guy has been eaten to death by Martha.

Although there is the suspicion of "strict wife", but Eckles and Martha married a few years, the two have been living a happy family life, the only regret is that Martha has not been able to conceive a child. Lin Mingyang was curious and inquired about this matter from the side. Eckels told him with certainty that he and his wife do not have any "problem", but why the delay in the "quiet", this problem even the doctor can not say a reason, this matter once let Eckels is very depressed.

Martha's usual dress has been very low-key, and this time in order to go to the appointment with Eckles, she deliberately put on a usually rarely worn white lace dress, with light makeup, the whole WanYuYu elegant and no loss of sexy sweet. Even Lin Ming Yang, who had watched over all kinds of extremely beautiful women, couldn't help but faintly freeze when he suddenly encountered this kind of little freshness, and his eyes couldn't help but glance towards the other party a little more.

Lin Ming Yang's movements were extremely stealthy, even Masha, who was talking to him face to face, didn't notice this detail, but Ecks, who was standing on the sidelines, actually noticed it. He coughed twice very nonchalantly, and then glared at Lin Mingyang fiercely, looking like a lion on the African savannah demonstrating to his competitors, his face expression clearly warning Lin Mingyang that this was his territory, and that no one else was allowed to get involved!

Martha looked at her husband, her eyes full of doubt. And Lin Ming Yang, who knew exactly what was going on, just smiled sarcastically, trying to make an expression of indifference on his face, but in his heart, he was cursing Eckles for being petty. He was only looking at her with aesthetic appreciation, but he didn't have anything against her, why did he have to react so strongly?

"This dress of yours today is beautiful!"

Ignoring Ecks' knife-like gaze, Lin Mingyang delivered a compliment that immediately coaxed Masha into a smile, and along with it, she didn't bother to look deeper into the reason for her husband's sudden change in demeanor just now.

"Ecks was right, you really have a knack for coaxing women!"

Lin Ming Yang instantly blushed at his words, "I should interpret that as a compliment... or a sarcastic remark!"

Masha playfully winked at Lin Ming Yang, "What do you think?"

Lin Ming Yang shrugged helplessly, "Then let's call it a compliment!"

If it were Ecks, he would have spoken out sarcastically about Lin Ming Yang's cheekiness, but Masha wasn't as direct as he was, she changed her approach and asked in a very subtle way, "As far as I can remember, it seems like you're never short of beautiful female companions around you, but how come you're the only one who's here today?"

"Well..." as Lin Ming Yang spoke, he intentionally stammered, and his eyes flicked towards Ecks from time to time. In short, he looked like he had something to hide but was in a difficult situation.

The clever Martha immediately read the hints in Lin Ming Yang's expression and movements, she turned her head towards Ecks and smiled gently, "Honey, I seem to have forgotten the lipstick in my wallet in the car, can you go and get it for me?"

Ecks was busy agreeing on his lips, but he was a bit dilly-dallying in his movements, and before he left, he didn't forget to glare at Lin Ming Yang, as if he wanted to warn him not to have any unprofessional thoughts.

After Ecks walked away, Martha nodded at Lin Mingyang, "Now you can always say it, right?"

"With my relationship with Ecks, there would have been no need to hide's just that this matter is a bit related to that place we're going to today, and generally men aren't too willing to bring their girlfriends or wives to such an event, as it might cause some unnecessary misunderstandings...with my understanding of Ecks's understanding, if he knows the truth, he will never and agree to go with me, I asked him to bring you along, in fact, I don't want to cause any misunderstandings between you two, you understand what I mean?"

Lin Mingyang explained with great effort, the key was that he didn't touch on the essence of the problem at all, and Masha was also listening to the clouds.

"What exactly do you want to say to me?"

Lin Mingyang hesitated for half a day before he said in a broken voice, "Actually, this time... we're going to attend a new product launch for women's underwear!"

"What!" Masha covered her mouth in surprise and looked at Lin Ming Yang with a face full of incredulity.

"Don't look at me with such a look, and don't rush to judge this matter, we're going to a very famous women's lingerie brand's new product launch, and to what extent is it famous... I'll make a very presumptuous guess, it's very likely that you're the user of this lingerie brand!"

"You're talking about Victoria's Secret... "Martha immediately guessed the brand that Lin Ming Yang was referring to in his words, but her words also came to an abrupt end because Martha saying this was also tantamount to admitting in disguise that she was using this brand of lingerie, which made her very embarrassed.

Lin Ming Yang cleverly skipped over this topic and said with a frank and uplifting expression, "Actually, I'm not interested in women's underwear...I'm just here to see people!"